• Touhou - the Gensokyo Dalek invasion

    Chapter 18 - The Daleks diverson

    (Music changes to - R&S Miko's in time ~ Earth god desert/ DJtheS)Download

    *At the top of youkai mountain, all has been well. Suwako had been using her powers to heal the severed mountain foot with her earthly magic, or at least of what she could do, she stopped to rest.*

    Suwako= Those horrible Daleks. This foot of the mountain is going to take much more to repair than I thought.

    Kanako= I hope Sanae found John in time? I hope she can keep John safe.

    Suwako= But isn't Sanae suppoed to be here with us? She IS our shrine maiden afterall and she's got her duities...

    Kanako= I sent her to aid John, so she is practically performing her duities.

    *Allongside the 2 gods, there was the 3 gods who live at the foot of the mountain, Hina Kagiyama and the Aki sisters, Shizuha and Minoriko. They were talking about the progress the senitels of Gensokyo plus the 4 travelers hence John and the girls have been.*

    Hina= I wonder how that John guy is lately?

    Shizuha= Our foot of the mountain is begining to heal.

    Minoriko= Our house is trashed too. But I think we can manage if those travelers help us defeat the culprits who did this to our sacred mountain.

    Suwako= Im going to take a break. These Daleks and their immoral ways. Never we can forgive for what they did, but we need to do whatever we can to maintain our peace.

    Kanako= .......

    Hina= What is it Lady Kanako? Is there something wrong?

    Kanako= I feel the sky..... the air from the sunny fields has been feeling sour lately.

    Suwako= I feel it too. The fell touch of the earth of the sunny fields. Something's not right.

    Shizuha= Do you mean those talking tin pepperpots haven't been all beaten yet?

    Suwako= John says there terrible and very persistant.

    (Music changes to - Stage 5~ Wickedness/ R Type Delta)Download

    Kanako= I can see it from here. Take a look over that horrizon. The sunny fields,..... this is horrible......

    Suwako= Isn't that Yuuka Kazumi's terrotory? Why is it so dark?

    Shizuha= I knew it. This isn't over is it?

    Hina= This is a curse not even im able to control. Why do these metal things continue to do this to our world?

    Minoriko= They must still be after our lands power. There just going to keep trying no matter how many times they loose. Why do they do this to us? We done nothing wrong to them!

    Suwako= Their evil space creatures. Just like what John said. And their called the "Daleks" and they will continue to take our sacred power no matter what.

    Kanako= I see something comming! It looks like a big shrine on a blimp...... and it's heading right for us.

    Hina= I don't feel any presense of those horrible Dalek things..... it feels more like ..... It's John! It's him. It's alright.

    *Suddenly, the airship hovered above the Moriya shrine and John was seen on his broom and Sanae was behind him and greets the mountain gods.*

    Sanae= Im back my masters, and I bring dredful news. Those Dalek creatures are still on the loose. They attacked the village of Tohno and captured the youkai, Yuuka Kazumi. John battled her, but she was controlled by a devise they made. And now they created another verson of their evil cloud machines.

    Kanako= What!?

    Suwako= The sunny fields were getting bitter. I could feel the cries of the earth as they .....

    Kanako= And the winds began to feel sour. I knew something else was going to go wrong.

    John= Those Daleks are trying something new. They built a miasma generator which repells magic, including danmaku. They had THIS put on Yuuka!

    *John pulls the slave crown from his bag and shows it to the group.*

    Hina= What is that thing? Looks like a thing you see out of a comic book.

    Minoriko= It's another machine by those horrible things that ripped apart the foot of our mountain.

    Shizuha= Those horrible creatures!

    John= There getting more unpredictable. I need each and every one of you to stay allert. They seem to be after youkai now. But I still would watch your backs just incase. I couldn't find Yukari or Reimu.

    Suwako= So the Hakurei girl or Yukari haven't came back to you?

    Hina= Perhaps we can find another friend who can help John out. How about Nitori? She loves machines and of the sort.

    Kanako= Perfect idea. I will summon her straight away.

    John= Exelent. Hows the tengu reporters been lately?

    Kanako= Aya had been out and hasn't come back either. I haven't seen Hatate either. And I know Momiji's still back at the human village with that Keinie teacher. The tengu village had been in a rather uproar lately now. Their upset about the changes of the small area near the Sanzu river. One of them said that they spotted a hooded figure talking to those Dalek creatures and there was a large metalic object, what you descrbed as another of those miasma generators.

    John= They have another hideout, and as soon as I can find it, I can get some answers. Untill then, I can't figure out how to destroy those miasma generators. I just hope Yukari or Reimu didn't end up like Yuuka.

    Suwako= It may be possible. Who knows.

    John= Im also here to recruit more people for the crew. I need some Tengu, Oni, and Kappa.

    Kanako= Well, you came to the right place for that. They can lend you a hand for crew. They will not turn you down after hearing your stories.

    John= I also recruited a few humans too. I hope they are comfortable with that. I also have youkai and fairy crewmen on board too.

    Kanako= I will continue to support you whenever I can. Take your airship and go to the tengu village and see Lord Tenma in person. Since Aya and Hatate are both absent, according to that contract she made with him since the day you came to our world and sighned you up for the assistant reporter crap, you know what that means?

    John= That Lord Tenma is now my boss?

    Kanako= Right. I will inform Nitori to call the Kappa and Oni and have them to gather in the tengu village square. I will meet up with you once you park your airship there ok? Better get going.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *John mounted back on his broom and boarded the airship and headed for the tengu village and hovered it near the village square. John met some tengu men allong the way. They werent like Aya, Hatate, and or Momiji. A few men looked like them but there were some alpha tengu men that had tannish red skin and long noses and big muscles. The tengu men regconised John right away.*

    Tengu man 1= John!? It's you. And what is that? A blimp of some sort?

    Tengu man 2= Your late. What's been happening? Aya and Hatate had been missing since the Myouren temple been freed.

    Tengu man 3= Without either one, we have no way to make reports. Now Lord Tenma orders us not to cover for them because of certain events.

    Tengu man 4= Lord Tenma also wishes to see you. Better follow us.

    *John followd the tengu men to the building where John never went into before. John was introduced to Lord Tenma before him. Lord Tenma was a big, tall and aged alpha tengu man. His long nose was longer tha the rest of the other higher tengu men.*

    (Music playing - Dark palace of waterfalls/ Castlevenia, Lament of innocence)Download

    Lord Tenma= So, John, we meet at last. I knew we were going to meet one day.

    John= Pleasure. Lord Tenma, I noticed Aya and hatate had gone missing and I hard some rumors about some villagers here saw a hooded figure talking to some Daleks am I right?

    Lord Tenma= That's right my boy. Please sit.

    *John sat on the matt on the floor with his legs crossed like the others.*

    John= Did anyone identify the hooded figure?

    Lord Tenma= No. But it was too far away for my men to see the figure clearly. I been hearing rumors that a youkai named Yuakri Yakumo have gone missing allong with the Hakurei shrine maiden. They were last seen at Hakugyokurou.

    John= Yes sir. Reimu was a bit upset with Yuyuko about her loaning me a family spel card of hers. It was to summon that cherry blosom tree that drains souls of mortal beeings. It almost got me when I used it. I used it to save a bunch of friends who stood with me to save the Myouren temple. I was scared. Not just for myself but for others.

    Lord Tenma= You were scared. You put yourself before us yet the Daleks put themselves only before no one. Suwako tells me you got an aptitude for non-danmaku magic.

    John= Yes sir. I also been wanting to recruit some of your men to accompany me to find the Dalek hideout. Im also recruting Oni and Kappa. I already have youkai and faries on board that ship outside. It's an airship I had made to help in the cause.

    Lord Tenma= And how is a wooden ship going to stand up to metalic talking discriminating peace defying Daleks?

    John= One of my companions had some salvaged alien technology installed in it. It has this thing called an extrapolatir shield. It creates a strong invisable barrier to protect against powerful forces.

    *Later, a tengu man appeared notifying Lord Tenma that lady Kanako and Suwako have arrived. They both took their places beside John. later, there was Nitori, Mitori, Yuugi, and some groups of high Kappa and Oni that took their places before Lord Tenma in the courtroom.*

    Kanako= I brought the groups of Oni and Kappa and here to have a meeting about the Daleks. John has reported to me about the Daleks are sheeming one again. John tells me that they are making more suited up versons of their machines called "Miasma generators".

    Suwako= John can explain what it is.

    John= It's a generator that creates a poisonus cloud of magical potential energy and they are fulled by a root of the Myrr tree. A tree fron another dimenson where I traveled to once before. My friends were able to destroy the generators, but this one found in the sunny fields was different. It could repel danmaku. The Daleks captured Yuuka Kazumi and put this on her.

    *John pulls out the broken slave crown from his bag and shows it off.*

    Tengu man 1= What is that thing?

    Tengu man 2= It looks almost human-ish. But.... then again.... it looks like a radio you put on your head or something.

    Lord Tenma= Describe this devise, John.

    John= It's called a "slave crown", once origionated from another dimenson related to the one that had the Myrr tree roots. This was invented by an empire of humans who wanted to controll magic and mana. This empire now defeated by freedom fighters, native to that world, but some Daleks got ahold of th remains of one somehow, don't know how? But this was attatched to Yuuka and it made her attack her servant. This controls a person and makes him or her act against their will. They become like a Dalek when they wear this.

    Tengu man 3= And where is Aya and Hatate when we need them?

    Tengu man 4= Our reporters our missing and Momiji is still at the human village.

    John= Momiji, I believe is doing her part in defending those in need. She came to find me when the underworld was at perril. The Daleks made a devise that looks like a satalite dish that drives low level and simpler youkai crazy. Mainly youkai from underground and caused a conflict with the surface youkai when after the foot of the mountain was ravaged. I was there when it happened. The Daleks slaughtered every youkai and fairy to tunnel the ground and even was willing to cave in their own tunnel to stop me and my friends.

    Tengu man 2= Explains the earthquakes!

    Oni man 1= Daleks? They can do this to our mountains?

    Oni man 2= So those things in the papers can cause this much trouble?

    Kappa man 1= What metal monster can do such an awful deed? Our mountain, the underground, the Myouren temple, now what?

    Kappa man 2= Devils they are! Threaten our peace? How dare they?

    Tengu man 2= You heard the human in the circle, they killed youkai and fairy together! They caved in their own mines they dug in OUR land and torn up the foot of the mountain. It caused a severe earthquake!

    Oni man 3= Your right! We felt it all too.

    Yuugi= And I seen John after he fell ill. He cought the earth fever when we got past the Yama city.

    Oni man 1= Are you serious Yuugi? That sickness was gone thanks to that lunarian Eirin.

    Kappa man 4= Earth fever can't reurn.

    Yuugi= I saw him! John was pale and sweaty. I took him tot he Earth palace myself when me and Mokou brought him to Satori and he took that medical broth.

    Kanako= She's right! John brought a capsule from a Dalek science lab in that fortress underground and brought it to Eirin to study.

    Lord Tenma= I see....... They can endanger us greater if we let this sit and delay further. John needs our help everyone. If you wish to go with John on board his ship, raise hands. If not, then..... dismiss yourselves.

    *The whole group in the meeting raised their hands. They all wanted to go with John on board his ship.

    Kanako= Well well....

    Suwako= Look John...the wish to go with you.

    John= ......,

    Lord Tenma= Excelent. You may depart when ready. You are all dismissed. Good luck to you all.

    *After the meeting, John walked outside with Kanako and Suwako. And the Oni, Kappa, Tengu including Yuugi, Nitoi, and Mitori and prepaired to disembark. Kanako and Suwako waved at them when the ship levitated.*

    (Music changes to - Blackjack~ Final Fantasy 3, Xen's enhancement/ Artist unknown)Download

    *The airship left the Youkai Mountain and began to fly arround the lands of Gensokyo searching for more of the generators. Unfortunately, they only knew the location of one of them, the sunny fields. The sunny fields weren't so sunny now, but John saw some groups of humans put up lamps to save the flowers. John now flown to the diretion of Eientei.*

    Sanae= John, why are you flying to Eientei?

    John= Got to pick up Marisa and Alice. Remember?

    Sanae= Oh....

    Tengu man 1= Look.... the sunny fields.

    Tengu man 2= I can see that blasted machine up in the sky. It's so dark over there.

    Oni man= That's not cool at all. Messing with nature like that. Unforgivable.

    Kappa man= What if this happened to our lakes and streams? And what if it could get into the caves? And on top of the mountains?

    Yuugi= That would not be good for anyone. It wouldn't bother us Oni but anyone who depends on the sun and light would be in big trouble.

    *Later, the airship landed near the palace grounds of Eientei. John, Kaolla and a few friends walked off and the rest remained behind. Kaguya suddenly appeared running to the direction of the courtyard and saw the airship. She spotted John getting off the ship with a few of his crewmembers, including Kaolla.*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    Kaguya= John. What is this?

    John= Our new airship.

    Kaolla= Hey Kaguya!

    Kaguya= Oh, hello Kaolla.

    John= I need to see Marisa and Alice. I told them I would be back for them.

    Kaguya= Oh, this way. Follow me.

    Sanae= You mean Alice and Marisa sent Yuuka over here?

    (Music playing - Sensitive Heart - Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic princess/ Artist unknown)Download

    *Later.... in the clinic dorms, John met Marisa and Alice. They had Ran and Chen with them and they were with Elly and Melancholy and they were all better. But Yuuka was still recovering although John didn't expect her to be ill.*

    Ran= John. Good, your here. Melancholy and Elly are better.

    Chen= Melancholy, Elly.... come say hello.

    Melancholy= Hello.

    Elly= Hi there. I heard you helped save the sunflower fields.

    John= There was nothing I could do about the miasma generator.

    Elly= Im all better, but Yuuka was in worse shape than I thought.

    Marisa= I don't know why she didn't recover like these ones did.

    Kaguya= Eirin said that Yuuka had some strange drugs in her system. Possibly manufactured by those Daleks.

    John= Figures. Must have been to restrain her. Daleks methods are never safe or friendly.

    Kaolla= Poor Yuuka.

    Elly= Me an Melancholy need to go back to Yuuka's manor and take care of things there.

    John= You better not. The Daleks might have the upper hand which puts you in danger. Better take refuge in the human village till then. There's more youkai staying there too. Keinie and Momiji couldn't come with me, there helping to guard the village. We need another group to go to Tohno and help spread some anti-Dalek paper charms and to take care of the villagers while my group hunts for the Dalek hideout. I already have a big team already on board the airship.

    Melancholy= What's an airship?

    Elly= Is it like a ship that goes to sea except it flies in the sky?

    Marisa= You know Eirin told me to tell you that she's working on making a disease that makes only Daleks sick?

    Alice= I can help by staying with Ran and Chen.

    Marisa= As much as I like to be with your crew, I think im gonna be needed to help the villagers of Tohno.

    Kaguya= I think that would be wise John. You should go ahead and find the Daleks and put an end to their reighn of terror.

    *Suddenly, Eirin and Reisen appeared. Eirin was holding a capsule in her hand.*

    Eirin= John. There you are. I wanted to show this to you. This is a prototype capsule of the specal illness for the Daleks. I need you to take it with you and to test it. If you throw it on a Dalek, it will shatter and spill all over the casing. If it works, I can manufacture these. And I want you to take Reisen on your journey. She is skilled at giving medical treatment. Your gonna need a medical officer for your crew.

    John= Thanks Eirin. I really appreciate it.

    Eirin= You better not fail us John. Those Daleks wish to ruin our world like you said they would, and ..... if you want to find Yukari and Reimu for us, please be careful.

    John= I will. And Aya and Hatate had gone missing too.

    Reisen= I will accompany you. I will follow you this time.

    *Later, John Kaolla, Sanae and a few friends got on board the airship and Reisen became their new pasanger. Now the airship began to levitate and slowly lifted from the ground.*

    (Music changes to - Blackjack~ Final Fantasy 3, Xen's enhancement/ Artist unknown)Download

    *The airship lifted up in the sky and began to move from Eientei and took off in a fast pace. The airship took a few quick turns arround the lands of Gensokyo to search for any possible miasma generators.*

    Sanae= No sighn of Aya or Hatate.

    John= I just hope the unspeakable hasn't happened....

    Reisen= John! Calm down. Your getting nearvous.

    Wriggle= I know there rowdy perverted reporters but without them,..... it's just notthe same withou them.

    Kisume= I know. Aya saved me too. I want to return the favor.

    Cirno= Aya may be the reason why I mistaken John for a leecher. But I just can't help but worry too.

    John= If we can find a place we haven't been. Somewhere in Gensokyo where we never searched before..... Is there such a place?

    Sanae= I really don't know.

    Kaolla (intercom)= John. I might have found a place we never checked yet! According to my map computer, there is a place called "the great fissure". It's just furter past the Hakurei shrine. Try flying over there.

    John= Ok. Attention crew! Were flying to the great fissure. Better prepare for anything.

    Human man 1= Everyone! Were gonna fly to the fissure.

    Human man 2= That's close to that place that connects the demon world....

    Yuugi= We haven't checked there yet. It's possible.

    Oni man= Take positions everyone!

    Tengu man= Were ready when you are!

    John= Were ready!

    *The airship turned and headed west across the Hakurei shrine and flown further down a foresty trail that John never took before. Suddenly, there was a place that was getting more and more shalow. The airship slowed down and there they were. The airship hovered above the great fissure. It was really deep and big. There was a dark red river below and there were cavern tunnels arround the rocky areas.*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    John= Kaolla. Check the Dalek radar. Anything?

    Kaolla (intercom)= Im scanning the area now. Nothing.

    John= Nothing?

    Tengu man 1= What!? This for nothing?

    Tengu man 2= Easy dude, we can't give up now.

    Oni man 2= Those metal monsters. I can't wait to take a fight to them after what they did!

    Nitori= Easy fellas! We can't start quarling now.

    Kaolla (intercom)= Wait....... I got something! 3 degrees east, in the cave on the 4th level of the fissure! Im picking up movement.

    (Music playing - Biosphere~ Kihunter Hive/ Metroid Other M)Download

    John= How low are we now?

    Kaolla (intercom)= We drifted down 10 stories below. Look! Dalek movement!

    Tengu man 3= LOOK!

    Oni man 1= Huh? Is that it?

    Human man 2= How can we see through that big blimp!?

    John= The monitor! We got cameras above the airship blimp. I knew it. A Dalek scout.

    Nitori= So this is their hideout. The great fissure. Hey look. Another generator.

    *Suddenly, another miasma generator was launched and formed another dangerous cloud above the fissure. The sky was covered by a massive dark and mean looking inky shroud.*

    Tengu man 4= Can't we just fly through the cloud?

    John= I don't know if we can. Kaolla, can we fly through it with the airship?

    Kaolla (intercom)= It's a no-go! If we tried, the static from the miasma cloud might short circut the battle computer sstem and cut the power to the extrapolator shields. It would leave us vulnerable to Dalek attack plus would leave us with no shield and the ship can get ripped appart.

    Reisen= Darn it!

    Nitori= The cloud ting is getting lower!

    John= There gonna try to use it to rip up the ship!

    (Music playing - Nightmare Goyagma battle/ Metroid Other M)Download

    *Suddenly, the cloud generator began to lower and lower and the land arround the fissure began to tumble down a bit and there was dirt and derbis begining to fall and come down and ethe whole crew can hear and feel the derbis fall on the blimp of the airship.*

    Wriggle= OH NO! There gonna crush us!

    Rumia= NO!

    Tengu man 4= Were done for!

    Reisen= John, head North down this river. I know only one thing that can save us all! The gateway to the Demon realm! It's our only chance!

    John= Alright everyone! Were going to the demon realm! Hang on tight!

    Kaolla (intercom)= John, the demon realm! HURRY! Or this ship will get ripped apart!

    John= The Daleks are trying to rip us apart! Hang on!

    *The airship went from hover mode to full trottle towards the north area of the great fissure and there was a darkness covered gateway that lead to the demon realm and the airship bolted straight toward it.*

    Cirno= Look, the gateway to the demon world.

    Lunar Child= WAHHHHH!!! I don't wanna die! WAHHHHH!!!

    Sunny Milk= *sobbing* Were done for!

    Star Sapphire= Im so.....scared!

    Human man 2= Get those fairies in the ship cabin now!

    Oni man 3= Everyone hang on tight!

    John= This is it! Were going in the demon realm! AHHHHHHHH!!

    *The airship went right through the portal gate to the demon realm and the magic tunnel sweeped them inside the portal and the miasma generator cloud got to the far bottom of the great fissure, blocking the airship's attempts to exit.*

    (Music stops)

    *The airship finnaly passed through the portal and now was in the Demon realm. The world was far different than of Gensokyo, it was not as brightly lit and planted as expected,.... but it was wonderous. The humans, oni, tengu, kappa, and youkai began to look arround as they stammered through the ship deck and those inside peered through the windows.*

    John= We made it. Kaolla, what's our situation? How is our ship looking? Any damage?

    Kaolla (intercom)= All systems fully functional.

    Mitori (Intercom)= Im down here with Kaolla and I see that were in the demon realm. Our Gensokyian map data will be useless here.

    Nitori= That cloud is right on the portal, we are trapped!

    *Meanwhile.... in the Daleks hideout..... The 4 high Daleks now made into Supreme Daleks and the Captain Dalek now in an Emperial casing, looked on the monitor with the miasma cloud and watched the airship fly into the demon realm. There were 4 colored supreme Daleks, Blue, Red, Green and Yellow. The Emperial Dalek casing was White with black trims and the dome head was bigger with 5 speech lights and a stronger energy weapon than the others. There was also a speech light on the eyestalk as well.*

    (Music playing - The Dalek Silence/ Doctor Who, the Dalek Conquests)Download









    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Meanwhile..... back at the village where Rikako lived, Shinobu, Nyamo, and Tokiko were left behind to monitor things back with Rikako and were watching the areas where John, Kaolla, and the airship took flight. They watched the monitor when they saw the airship fly into the great fissure and the miasma generator took off and sunk back down and nothing else happened. They began to worry.*

    Shinobu= The airship.....

    Nyamo= John and Kaolla were on board.

    Tokiko= What just happened? Was that a generator like the ones Aya and Kanako took out back at that Myouren temple?

    (Music playing - Stage 1/ Metroid Other M)Download

    Rikako= It appears to look that way, but there was something different than last time. I installed a video feedback system without telling Kaolla. It brought back recordings of John attempting to destroy one at Yuuka's manson. He couldn't bring it down.

    Nyamo= But why isn't the airship returning?

    Shinobu= Did you think they were.....killed?

    Rikako= Nope. Unless they managed to get to the gateway to the demon realm in time. It's a border where demons live and once came here in Gensokyo. I don't know the exact details but .... There were some youkai and beeings there that were very powerful came from there. If that airship got there in time, then they have survived, but if they can's make it from the portal, then they will definently be trapped.

    Shinobu= Oh no..... what will we do?

    Nyamo= I wish Kaolla were here, she would transport to that demon realm and get them out.

    Tokiko= Exelent! Let's do that right now!

    Rikako= Not so fast. Let's make sure that it's what they would want ok? You said you have a sub-wave frequencey that can be used to communicate with the airship right? Let's try to contact them first.

    *Inside the TARDIS, they were at the contolls and opperating the communications pannels. Rikako began to opperate the pannels in order to communicate with the missing airship.*

    Kaolla (monitor)= Haloooo.... Kaolla speaking.

    Rikako= Kaolla! Is that you? I saw what happened over at the great fissure. Are you alright?

    Kaolla (monitor)= The whole crew is fine and dandy.

    Shinobu= Kaolla! Please tell me John isn't hurt....

    Kaolla (monitor)= Were all ok. We were ambushed by a Dalek. They used that miasma generator to attack us. We can't fly through that storm. That storm would short circut the power units and drop the force field and the ship would get ripped appart. Were in the demon realm now. No trouble yet, but were gonna try to get out one way or another.

    Rikako= Kaolla, listen to me ok? The demon realm is inhabited by fearsome youkai, demons and powerful beings. I want you and your whole crew to stay allert. Somehow, the Daleks can't enter that realm. Do you want us to transport the TARDIS over to you?

    Kaolla (monitor)= Not right now. We can use this situation to our advantage. We can use this as a diverson to get the Daleks to come out of their hideout. If they release all their miasma generators, we can pinpoint them all.

    Nyamo= Wait just a minnute!

    Tokiko= Isn't that what the Daleks want?

    Shinobu= I don't like the sound of it at all.

    Kaolla (monitor)= I know it sounds bad, but they will come out and they wouldn't need to hide anymore.

    Rikako= Kaolla, those Daleks plan to cover Gensokyo with miasma and bring our world into darkness. They can strike us at any time. They are now abducting youkai. John saved one named Yuuka Kazumi.

    Kaolla (monitor)= I know. And were gonna find out how the Daleks are making advanced prototypes of their miasma generators. Maybe one Dalek managed to get into here.

    Rikako= It may be possible. But let me know as soon as you find out anything.

    Mitori (monitor)= Is that the insides of your ship Kaolla?

    Kaolla (monitor)= It sure is.

    Rikako= Mitori? Is that really you?

    Mitori (monitor)= Yes it is. How you been, Rikako?

    Rikako= Been fine. But can you find a way to keep and possible Dalek from escaping the demon realm and find out what they are doing to the generators there manufacturing?

    Mitori (monitor)= You mean capture a Dalek and interogate it?

    Rikako= Yes. But do whatever you can. I don't know how long we have till the Daleks decide to attack.

    Mitori (monitor)= If things get nasty where you are, get yourselves out ok?

    Rikako= Understood. We will contact you later ok?

    *The transmission ended and Shinobu, Nyamo and Tokiko sighed with relief now they know that the crew of the airship were now safe..... but for how long do we now? But most importantly...... what will happen to the villagers and people of Gensokyo now the Daleks have the upper hand once more and now have John out of the way? And what would happen if they meet Aya, Hatate, Reimu, and Yukari now we know there under Dalek control? Will the natives of the demon realm help out our friends or will they treat them all as enemies? Find out next time.*

    To be continued..........