i ran, tears streaming down my face.I tripped and skinned my elbow.But who cares!? No one.Not my dad, my mom, or my little brother.Not my best friend, or the whole entire school.I could die and would they care or notice?! No!!! I heard my mom and dad call me back.I ran to the forest and cried a river behind a tree.Shinjiro, our cat was next to me and was licking my skinned elbow. then my mom, my dad , and my little brother xan came running. Why am I in this mess? my brother got me in trouble, then he gets hurt and mom takes it out on me. xan ate all three of my goldfish and mom made this egg we got in school to take care of and bring it back for breakfast. i'll fail school, and I'll never be conforted by my fish again.And then, shinjiro made my day by leaving a suprise in my shoe that you never want to get.I found out about the news the hard way."we're all sorr-" my mom started but I shreiked and ran further into the forest. I know this place inside out, outside in. Then i entered the radar. The radar is a point in the forest that i or my friend ever entered. I paid atenntion to mu soroundings, cause any second a wolf could pounce. I then notice i wasnt being chased. I aslo notice the bushes around me were shaking. I stared, ready to be eaten. then it jumped out. Then my fist shot out and punched a person smack in the face. My vision was a blurr, a habbit my body likes to do. I caught my vision and saw I knocked out my friends top front teeth."sorry" i sniffed."what are you doing under the radar? we made a rule about it didnt we?" he said."Then why are you here jimmy?" i sneered. I didnt meen to sneer. I was just-angry." i saw you running at full gear,so i thought you were angry or somthing". The sun started to sink behind some mountains. I fell to the ground. "everything happened in one day" i sniffed."everything like bleeding!" jimmy said kneeling down and looking for something to wrap it with. He gave up and sighed.I decided to sigh to.
a story
deadly owl
some stuff. i never finished this so watch out for 2
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