You may think that Coraline's adventure was over but it was not, it never will.
One day Coraline had gone straight home as usual to go do some homework and garden for a bit then have dinner and go to sleep. But today something disturbed this cycle, Wybie came running towred Coraline shouting "Coraline! Coraline! You will never belive it!" Coraline asked what's going on Wybie replied there is a new kid about our age moveing into Pink Palace! Coraline said Really!? Is it true!? Who is it? What's thier name? Wybie said I don't know! Comon! Lets go find out! They raced each other to the Pink Palace and when they arived they both got scared Coraline said in a voice like a whisper T-they are moveing in there? In front of Coraline was the other side of the house, the same side that the Other Motther was in.
Wybie understood why Coraline was a bit frightend so he volunteered to knock on the door. Whybie knocked on the door there was a entire minute of sielence, as Coraline and Whybie turned around to explore but suddenly the door opened.
In front of Coraline and Whybie was a girl she long bangs that covered her eyes and braids, she was wearing a tux and gloves. She said introduced herself as Cassy and asked for Whybie and Coraline's names. Coraline was extreamly creeped out by this girl but maneged to not let it show in her voice "I'm Coraline and this is Whybie" Coraline said. Cassy smiled and said "I am sorry you will have to exsuse me Coraline you see I am not done unpacking yet." And with that she closed the door Coraline had goose bumps Coraline turned around and said "Bye Whybie! Bye Cassy!" And with that Coraline ran off to her house.
Coraline's mom had started a routine as well where she would ask Coraline how her day went and actully listen. Which is why when Coraline ran in to the house she shouted "How was your day honie?" from the kitchen where she was typeing. Coraline cleard her shakey voice and said "Well School went the same always and ...we have new neighbors. Coraline's mother poked her head out the kitchen door and looked at Coraline still at the door and said "What's thier names? What are they like?" Coraline said in return to her mother's question with "Well I only met thier daughter, Cassy. She seems friendly. Coraline despretly wanted to change the topic.
Coraline's mom said "That's nice." and started typeing from the kitchen again. Coraline tried to continue her day normal like but this girl Cassy was all that Coraline could think about and what specificly was so creepy about her? Coraline didn't understand what it was that got her scared when she saw Cassy, Coraline wondered "Was it because she lives in that side of the house? Or was it because she was scared for Cassy about the Other Mother taking her? Or was it because she had her eyes hiddden? Coraline did not find the answer that night.
Coraline woke up and went to School as normal but still her questions and thoughts of Cassy still ecoed in her head. When she went to School her teacher introdueced Cassy to the class. Coraline tried not to make eye contact with Cassy but she could not see where she was looking under her thick shades. When School was out Coraline ran.
She ran as fast she could she passed Whybie and he screamed "Hey!" in confusion. Coraline and always would walk together the long way so that they could talk to each other for a while but not today, Coraline ran through the short cut but she was not fast enough. Cassy yelled to Coraline "Hey come over here!" Coraline almost fell over in shock. "Uh *huff* Ok.." that was all Coraline could manage to say in response to Cassy. Coraline was quite out of breath because of her failed atempt to out run Cassy to the Pink Palice. Coraline walk to Cassy waiting at her door for Coraline noticed Cassy was out of her uniform already.
Coraline was now at the door to Cassys house. Cassy smiled and said "So your the great Coraline?" This question confused Coraline greatly. Coraline looked at Cassy trying to read her "Um what do mean?". Cassy "Have you seen the beldem?" Coraline eyes widened she screamed What how do you know about her?! Cassy smiled and pulled Coraline into her home.
Coraline now on the ground in Cassy's home darted her eyes around. What she found was it was a copy of her home but not at the same time. The place had a eerie feel yet a relexing feel at the same time. Cassy said in a surprisingly calm voice "Where is the key?" Coraline had hundreds of thoughts passing through. She thought of telling the truth but being that she is on the floor in Cassy's house it may not be the best idea. "W-why do you want to know? Cassy frowned. She took off her gloves her hands were covered in thread. "I am created by the other mother. I left through the door to save Edwerd but I couldn't get back through." Coraline was now intrested "Who is Edwerd?" Cassy looked at Coraline as she put her gloves back on "The little boy ghost." Coraline's heart felt sadness for poor Cassy but Coraline mind was a brick wall. She had to be ready for if Cassy attacked her.
Cassy looked at Coraline "Now where is the key?" Coraline's body was shaking "Y-you don't plan to go back to her do you?" Cassy sighed "I don't know." Coraline tilted her head and simply said What? Cassy looked at her hands "The beldem hurt that boy so I tell myself that I should rid the world of that key but.....I don't know what to with my life. I can't age and I'm so fragial it worrys me deeply." Coraline started to carfully get up "But you are the only evidence of the Other Mother." Cassy took off her shades her buttons shined "But it was terrible hands that gave me life so I wonder what would happen if I did find the key...So just where is the key Coraline?" Coraline was now standing on her feet and ready for anything "I got rid of it." Cassy's face showed she was dead serious "Lies." Coraline shook her head "No it is the truth I promise." Cassy giggled "Look around. Feels like home but not at the same time right?" Coraline nodded her head. "It feels like this because of the Other Mother. It mean she is still alive."
Coraline was now frightend "B-but I threw it down the well!" Cassy's voice showed much anger "YOU DID WHAT?!" Coraline took a step back Cassy's voice on it's own felt like it could hurt her. "I threw it down the well where the Other Mother could not get it." Cassy's emotional state did not change "YOU IDIOT! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?!" Coraline's eyes searched for a wepon "I uh stoped the Other Mother." Cassy groned "You imbosile. YOU PRACTICLY GAVE THE BELDEM THE KEY." Coraline's heart skipped a beat "I....I did what?" Cassy shook her head "Leave." Coraline gave a confuesed look. "What?" Cassy put her shades back on "Get out of here so I can calm down." Cassy openend the door, Coraline could tell that Cassy was flusterted by the information she had gotten so she left without another word.
Coraline came home to see that her mom was speeding the house and her father in the living room with Whybie. Whybie was looking at the little door with a worried look. Coraline's mother came to a complete halt when she saw coraline at the door. She looked at Coraline with a flustered face "Well? I don't see mud on you and Whybie came to us running. Alone. So where were you?" Coraline gulped. What could she say? If she said that she went to Cassy's house then Whybie might ask why I would run to her house and on top of that Whybie can already sense that I don't like her. But what else is there to tell? "I uh um er-" Coraline's father inturupted lets not yell at her as soon as she comes home. But Coraline you really had us worried. Whybie broke from his glare at the door "I need to get home my grandma is probbly worried about me." as Whybie walked to the door he looked at Coraline and looked away quickly "I'm uh glad you're ok." Coraline smiled "Good luck explaining to your grandma."
The dinner table was quite. At least in Coraline's eye but then again no sound could get to Coraline right now. She was in to deep of thought to notice anything but her own thoughts. To her the world was muted. She wondered "Just what has she done? I don't want to have to deal with the Other Mother again. Can I trust Cassy? Should I tell Whybie?" It wasn't until her dad was saying to her that she had to go to bed because she wasn't eating anything that she heard anything. When Coraline was tucked into bed and the door was closed she could hear her mom saying that she is worried about Coraline. That she could tell that something was bothering her. Coraline gave a weak smile and was and wasn't surprised by this.
When she woke up she waited for a moment or two just listening for any mice. When she dicied it was clear she did her normal rutien. It wasn't until she got to School that things got odd. Whybie was at School waiting for Coraline at the front doors. This was normal but he wanted to talk about something much more imported then normal. When Coraline arrived Whybie looked at Coraline and said "I don't mind if we are late." Coraline was confuesed "Wha-" "Tell me what you are hiding from your parents. What happened yesterday." Whybie was serius about this.
Cassy was a bit odd to the other students but they didn't imagine that she wasn't human. This is where the idea of pick on the new kid turns from bad for the new kid to bad for the bully. Cassy was being picked on by bullys. They called her mean names but this did not bother her. She was better then these pethetic humans. Until one of the bullys noticed makeing fun of her verbly wasn't working everything was that bad. So he tried a more physical bullying. Coraline and Whybie were walking down the hallway to class. Whybie was still shocked about Cassy. Whybie and Coraline noticed Cassy surounded by bullys. One bully the smart bully tried to take her shades off. Cassy threw him at the other bullys she turned her slowly toraward them. Coraline said in a small frightend voice only Whybie could hear "Is she.. Going to kill him...?" Cassy looked at Coraline. Cassy shook her head. "No. Their blood is to dirty for my hands. Besides they aren't even worth speaking to." The three of them went into class where things went nas normal as they could.
Coraline, Whybie and Cassy walked out of the School doors slowly. Whybie looked at Cassy "So are uh going to your h-" Cassy interupted "No we are going to look for a portal." Coraline and Whybie were confuesed. Coraline asked "What portal?" Cassy smirked "The portal that we can fit in." Whybie shook his head and mumbled to himself that Cassy is crazy. Coraline sighed she knew that things are going to like this where Coraline and Whybie will have to make sense of what Cassy says "Whybie means where are these portals you speak of?" Cassy completely stoped walking. "You mean you haven't noticed?"Coraline and Whybie stoped. Whybie looked at Cassy and proptly said "Noticed what?" Cassy looked around slowly as if she was being watched. "There is a cat around hear. He seems to know where all the portals are."
Whybie and Coraline looked at each other. They knew that the cat tended to disapear alot but to go through a portal the idea was laughable. Whybie trying not to be ofenseinve by makeing any faces just smirked back at Cassy "I don't think that he uses any portals to disapeare." Coraline nodded in agreement with Whybie. Cassy gave them a frown. Cassy then whistled. The black cat that Coraline and Whybie are very fond of. Coraline looked at Cassy with shock "What did you do?!" Cassy only smiled. She pointed at a tree and made eye contact with the cat "Show them." the cat did as commanded and walked by the tree but when he was behind the tree he didn't come back out. Coraline and Whybie looked behind the tree and to thier surprise the cat wasn't there. Whybie was shakeing "W-where did he go?" Cassy giggled "I thought this was clear. He is now in the Beldem's world but he should be back any minute now." Coraline was terrified. The cat loudly meowed. He was now across the tree sitting with his shoulders high. The cat was obviously proud of his talent.
Cassy sighed "Now that we have wasted time explaining something you should already know lets go looking for a portal we can go through." Coraline, Whybie and Cassy stood there thinking for a while. Then Coraline gulped. Cassy and Whybie looked at her. Whybie had a feeling that what Coraline was thinking was bad. "I-is something wrong Coraline?" Coraline looked at Whybie and said "Well it's just.." She paused, she was obviously scared. "It's just that if everything Cassy told me is true then....The well is a portal." Whybie shivered. Coraline could be correct since they did throw the key down the well and somehow the Other Mother now has it but if they jump down it and Coraline is wrong then it could be suicide.
Cassy gave a big smile to Coraline "That's great! Now we know where to go!" Coraline looked at Cassy her heart pouned. Coraline knew that Cassy was serious. Cassy will jump down that well unless Coraline does something. She slowly said "But Cassy this is a risk and might not even be correct. We might die because of a therie." Cassy mumbled to her self for a moment. "Coraline tell me what made you think the well was a portal?" Coraline wanted Cassy to just listen to her and drop it so much. "I thought the welll because...That is where I threw the key." Cassy shoked with happiness "This is great! Coiraline you therie is correct don't worry!" Coraline stumbled back. She knew that Cassy was not going to back down. Whybie tried to get involed "L-let's go check in with our parents. S-since we have been out here for a while." Cassy sigh "I guess Whybie is right. Go ahead.Go to your parents."
When Coraline came home her parents hadn't noticed that she was late. Her mom simply went as the rutine did. Coraline heart was still beating fast. "Uh m-mom I am going to explore with Whybie." Her mom didn't try to stop her unfortenatley. "Okay" Coraline was disapointed by this answer but she didn't want to complain not when the Other Mother might be watching. Coraline said in a small voice "I love you" her mom looked at Coraline with a worried look but it was to late Coraline had already ran out the door.
When Coraline came to the well Cassy and Whybie were waiting for her. Cassy smiled "I'm glad you could make it. We have a very important choice to make." Coraline had much reilef that Cassy said that. Mabye she has reconsidered jumping down the well Coraline thought with hope. Cassy took the cover from the well off one of us needs to wait up here for incase we can't get back. Coraline sighed. So much for not jumping down the well. "Isn't it obviouse? I know where everything is so I should go." Whybie shook his head "That's why you shouldn't go. I never got to see it besides the Other Mother knows everything about you but the only thing she knew about me was that I annoy you when I talk." Coraline doesn't like it when Whybie points that out "Look I had just met you back then ok?" Whybie sighed "The point is she knows your tricks." Coraline looked at Cassy hopeing she would volentear to stay. Cassy noticed Coraline was at her . Cassy shook her head "Don't look at me. I have to go." Coraline was upset by this answer "Why do you HAVE to go?" Cassy sighed "To test it. I'm the first one going down the well." Coraline went dead silent. Cassy was risking her life just because of a therie. A therie that Coraline created. Coraline sighed "So I'm waiting I guess. What time should you be back?" Cassy therw a watch to Coraline "I'm glad you asked. If me and Whybie aren't back by 7:00 pm go home. And if we don't show up to School it's time to try to get adults involed." Coraline looked at the watch. It was 4:30 pm.
Cassy looked at the well and looked at Whybie and Coraline and Whybie. She took off her shades and therw them to Coraline. "Hold on to these. I don't want them to be broken when I come back." Cassy then jumped down the well. Coraline gasped. Coraline and whybie ran to the well and looked down. They only saw Cassy's hands being eat by the darkness. Whybie gulped. Coraline looked at Whybie "Whybie you don't have to do this." Whybie looked at Coraline "Don't be silly. Besides Cassy has trusted you with her presiuse shades not me." he took a deep breath in "Here I go." Whybie jumped down the well.
Coraline watched in horrer "What did I just let him do?" the black cat walked over to Coraline. Coraline looked at the cat "Was Cassy right?" the cat nodded it's head. This gave Coraline some relief but she was still worried. so many things could go wrong. Coraline wondered "What if they can't come back the way they came?" "What if the Other Mother hurts them?" "What if they don't come back?" "What if I have to try to explain to adults what happend?" "What if the adults don't beleive her?" "What will Whybie's unfortunate grandma think?" Coraline cluched the watch that Cassy had gave her. She looked at it. It was already 6:30 pm. Coraline's heart pounded so hard Coraline felt like it was going to break out of her chest. "Why does time have to go by so fast when I don't want it to?!" She mumbled t herself. She looked down the well. "Why aren't you back yet?!" She paced back and forth with furey for a while. She looked at her watch. It was 7:00 pm.. Coraline wanted to scream in rage. She ran to her house.
When she arrived home Coraline's mom welcomed her home. Coraline simply said "That's nice." And ran up the stairs. Coraline couldn't disguise that she flustered. Coraline now in her bedroom tried to calm but just got more upset in the prossess. She took a deep breath. "Please come back guys." She walked out of her bedroom and down the stairs. She walk to the living room. she walked to the small door. She sat down. Her heart pounded. She put her hand on the door. She tried to pull it open but was failed. Coraline held back tears. "Give me my friends back." Coraline's dad said loudly "Dinner will be served in a few minutes!" Coraline took a deep breath in. She has to mask her feelings. They can't know until the time is right.
It was dinner time. Her mom looked at Coraline. "So what happened when you were hanging out with your friends?" Coraline tried to seem normal "Oh uh We went slug hunting." Coraline's mom stared at her with a confuesed look "You went slug hunting for hours?" Coraline felt like her mom was hitting her in the face with a hammer. "Uh yeah we did." Coraline's mom was going to continue asking questions when suddenly Coraline got up "I uh don't feel hungry so I'm going to bed."
Coraline now in bed worrying even as she sleeps. When suddenly her thoughts in her nightmare are interupted by a fimileir trio. It was the the three ghost childern Coraline helped in her last encounter of the Other Mother. The young smiled "It seems we are sharing a friend Coraline." Coraline started to cry "I...I need help! No..They need help! Please tell me what to do!". The small boy shook his head "We can't help you with anything. We can only enter people's dreams." Coraline felt so helpless "I..I'm useless.." The ghost girl with braids tilted her head "Huh?" Coraline's hands turned to fists "I can't do anything! While Whybie and Cassy are risking thier lifes and might be dead!" Coraline started to sob so much that the ghost children couldn't understand what she was saying. The eldest ghost looked at Coraline with a sad face "Is there something that we can do for you Coraline?" Coraline took a deep breath trying to calm down enough to speak "C-could y-you check to see if Whybie and Cassy are ok?" The ghost kids all smiled at the same time. "Sure!" Coraline gave a small fake smile to the ghost childeren as a thank you.
When Coraline woke her heart pounded hard with fear. She looked around everything was the same as when she went to sleep. Coraline had a small reived sigh about that but thier was still important matters to deal with. What if Whybie and Cassy don't show up to School? This thought pounded in her head. So many things could go wrong today.
Coraline made it to School barely on time. When she didn't see Whybie or Cassy waiting for her at the doors she had the hopefull thought of mabye they were already in class. When Coraline went in to class there was no Cassy. She was missing. But Whybie was there. Coraline's heart pounded hard. She had so many question to ask. But because she was late she would have to wait until after School.
As soon as school was over Coraline asked Whybie questions. "What happened to Cassy?!" Whybie gave a sad sigh. "When we jumped down the well we were in a world of nothing. The only thing we saw was the pink palace. We didn't see the key so that means that the other mother has found it. Me and Cassy knew we were in trouble. Cassy said that we have to go into the house. It was the only way out. When we went into the house there was rats everwhere. We went into the liveing room. When we saw the small door that is the way out. But it was locked and there was no key in sight. Cassy looked at her watch and it was 8:00 she sighed and told me that we are going to have to look for the key. The rats suddenly started to bite our feet. She called the black cat to her side and comanded the cat to find a portal for us. Cassy suddenly fell I...I didn't know what to do. She.....She told me to follow the cat. It was the only hope. And he found me a way out."
Whybie was shoking up as though he was going to cry. Coraline put her hand on his shoulder. That's all she could do. She was so confuesed with her emotions. She was happy that Whybie is okay but sad that Cassy isn't here and mad that she didn't do anything while Whybie and Cassy were risking their life at the Other Mother's world. Whybie looked at Coraline "C-can w-we g-get going?"
It was a silent walk home today. Both Whybie and Coraline was thinking about unfortnate Cassy. Coraline and Whybie had decided that this time they would go together and they would have the cat with them at all times. Coraline while walking to the well where Whybie was waiting looked at the cat if the case happened that we got seperated me and Whybie wouldn't know what to call out, So from here on your name will be Midnight. Midnight nodded his head. He seemed to like the name.
When Coraline arrived Whybie was prepared for the Other Mother this time. They took the lid off of the well and looked down. Coraline's grip on the lid tightend as she looked down the well. It looked like a bottemless hole. Whybie noticed that Coraline was nervous and gave a kind smile "It only looks bad." Whybie jumped down the well with out warning. Coraline didn't breath for what feels like three minutes. She was in shock. She finaly took a deep breath and jumped down.
She tumbled on to the ground. She looked up the portal she came from is much to high to use as a escape. "That explains why you had too find a new exit." Whybie grinned. It was clear he wanted to stay confident in front of Coraline right now. Coraline looked around the world was just as Whybie discribed. Nothing but a house. Midnight suddenly landed next to Coraline. This scared Coraline but when she relised it was Midnight she was happy. Coraline sighed "I guess I have that I have to tell you something now Whybie." Whybie tilted his head with a confused look "Huh?" Coraline turned dead serious "Any thing could have happened to Cassy while we were gone. She could be dead and the Other Mother is disguising herself as her. So remember no heart warming reunion until we are both sure it is really trully her." Whybie was shocked that Coraline would say something like that even if it is true. "Um er O-ok.."
- by xoxo-CORALINE-xoxo |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/23/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: Coraline returns (Part 1)
- Artist: xoxo-CORALINE-xoxo
Coraline's adventure continues when a new girl moves into The Pink Palce. Find out who and WHAT she is.......By the way I am working on my editing so please don't point out my typeing fails.
If you want more you will just have to wait! >:D - Date: 10/23/2011
- Tags: coraline returns whybie cassy othermother
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