Chapter one: The prophecy begins

    Once there was a prophecy, a prophecy that will change the universe forever......
    “In the time of death which all shall fall.....
    A hero will rise to save us all.....
    Death shall fall and hope shall rise.....
    He will make peace to all that was demised”
    Years after the prophecy, a war erupted....
    A war between the demons of the netherworld and the angels of Celestia....
    Among these fiendish demons, lies a pure soul. And that pure soul was their Prince. Prince Skulker.....
    And among these angels, lies a peaceful heart. And that was the arch-angel Angela.....
    Both fought in war... but did not kill anyone....
    Until they found a silence place to rest.....
    That is where they met. That is where it all started....
    Angela and Skulker devised a plan to end the war and restore peace, to create a truce between the angels and the demons...... the plan worked after a few days..
    After the war came peace and harmony...... Skulker was now named overlord due to his father’s death
    Angela was offered the place of seraph, but she did not accept it.... she wanted something else... love...
    The two kept thinking of each other.....
    Eventually they were married. Their first born was Max, an angel of light.
    Then... after 5 years Jade was born, a demon of darkness.
    After a year, Nikko was born, the guardian of nature.
    After five years.... Rick was born, the 100th infernal warrior... the rumoured boy of prophecy....

    Several years later while training at the back of their castle, rick discovered how to control the hell fire. Little did he know that his dad sent one of his minions to look after him. While he was training Travis, his dad’s most valuable ninja, was watching over him like an angel. After Rick finished training, Travis came back to skulker. “sir, your son has just finished training.. alone...” Travis said. “Did he learn anything?” Skulker asked “It has been months since he first trained himself”. “Yes sir, he did” Travis said proudly “He just learned how to use the infernal fire”. “Did he learn anything else?” again Skulker asked. “No sir. He only learned how to summon fire”. “Oh. Then go back and watch him train tomorrow” Skulker said. “Yes sir!” shouted Travis with joy.
    Ten days later.....
    Rick’s training hasn’t paid off.... yet.... the only things his learned so far is to summon fire. He needs alot of other techniques if he wishes to become an infernal warrior. Again, while at the back of their castle, he is training. Summoning infernal flame and trying to learn techniques. While he was training, Travis again was watching him learn. “hm. What’s he trying to do now?” Travis asked out of the blue. While Travis was looking at the sky, he heard something, something disturbing. It was a sound of a roaring flame. “Hm?.... What the hell?!!! It’s the infernal hell wave!!!!” he shouted it out due to his surprise. Rick heard him. In a blink of an eye rick was gone. He jumped onto Travis’ back. Travis was surprised, he could even do that. So Travis just ran away. In a blink of an eye he was gone too. It’s a good thing Travis was wearing a mask or he would’ve been dead by now. “Who the hell was that?” Rick wondered “Hm. Must be a ninja sent to kill me. I’m just a warrior in training. Why would he try to kill me?” Still in the spot where he spotted the ninja wondering who the ninja was, he recalled he had training. But even so, he just stood there like a stick. “I’ve never been hunted down before. Hm. I wonder who that ninja was. If he was a foe, why didn’t he kill me? Now if he’s a friend, then why did he run? Oh man! I’m confused!”. While he was about to train again, he heard an unfamiliar sound. He decided to follow the unfamiliar sound into the forest. Ten minutes later he found himself in an old temple covered with these orange sparkling orbs. Lying in the end of this old temple was a meditating boy with a strange sword that has the same orb on it and a book. “Who’s there?” asked the mysterious meditating boy “I’ am Rick, son of King Skulker and Queen Angela.”
    “Ah yes. The 100th infernal warrior, correct?” asked the meditating boy.
    “I’ve been expecting you......”
    “You’ve... been... expecting me?” wondered Rick “Do I know you?”
    “No. But I know you Rick, last born of Skulker and Angela, 100th infernal warrior.” said the meditating boy “As a guardian of the Fremere temple, I must know everything.”
    “So... you’re some kind of psychic, right?” asked Rick.
    “No. I have read about you. It is said that you will save the universe from its demise.” said the meditating boy.
    “Hm. Can you tell me that while you’re walking and not meditating? It’s like I’m talking to a guru in this position.” said Rick.
    “If you suggest that we walk. Then you might want to step back a few feet.” said the meditating boy.
    “Ok?” said Rick while wondering why. So as Rick stepped back he notices something happening to the orange orbs around the meditating boy’s body. It was like watching the sun rise. It was so bright that Rick had to cover his eyes.
    “Sorry if I haven’t said my name. I am Steel Vediva. 50th Fremere guardian.” said steel.
    “I haven’t heard of this temple.” said rick “how old is this temple?”
    “It is said that this temple was created at the birth of the netherworld.” said steel “If it is true, then it is as old as the netherworld”
    “There was something I wanted to ask. But I seem to have forgotten it...”
    While walking, he noticed something drawn on the wall. A picture, a lot of pictures. Out of consciousness, he asked steel about it.
    “Erm.... hey steel, what does those drawings on the wall mean?” asked rick “It caught my eye. I’ve been looking at those drawings since I came in here.”
    “Ah. Those were carved in these walls since the very day that this temple was built. Those are pictures of the prophecy carved on those walls. The prophecy of the great hero.”
    “Prophecy? I only remember two prophecies that mom used to tell me. The shadow warrior’s defeat and the infernal warrior prophecy.” Said Rick “little did I know that I was the boy of prophecy. That’s why I started training. But I’m still confused about the shadow’s defeat. You know that prophecy?”
    “The shadow’s defeat..... Hmmm..... please. Let me have a word to my past ancestors first.” requested Steel
    Rick decided to leave the temple for a moment and leave Steel to contact his past ancestors. Standing right in the middle of the temple meditated Steel. All the orbs glowed including the ones on Steel’s body. After a few moments figures of men with the same orbs appeared. After half an hour, the assembly ended. So Rick came back in the temple.
    “the shadow’s defeat....... a prophecy about the defeat of death’s son..... Jack “shadow”....” said Steel
    After a few moments, Steel’s eyes started to glow. Then a mysterious voice started to speak.

    “In times of trouble again hero shall rise
    Till death comes back from his demise
    Son of death shall rise and all shall fall
    Hero saves the world and saves us all
    But one tragic moment shall shock the hero
    Son of death shall kill the shadow widow
    Revenge now the hero seeks
    Son of death now missing, never speaks”
    Steel’s eyes started to come back to normal. He got weak and fell down. Rick caught Steel.
    “what just happened?” asked rick
    “Delphine, the spirit of the oracle, took over my body to tell the prophecy.” Said Steel
    While wondering what he forgot, Rick remembered something......
    “..... Training!... I better go back to training!” shouted Rick
    “Sorry but nice meeting you anyway! Bye!” he left in a hurry, running as he ran through the forest, Steel shouted good luck for Rick....