evil I turned around and looked out the window on the front door. And there I saw it. Peeking out from behind a tree was what I figured was the ghost from the church. But then I thought that maybe Tyler had stayed behind for a bit to watch over me. The thought made me smile until I realized that Tyler was slightly taller and a little less bony.
I wanted to puke. But in the blink of an eye, the figure was gone.
“Holly, are you ok?” asked Sam, my face must have been pale as a piece of paper I realized. I looked at her, having to tear my gaze away from that spot. “I’m fine Sam, just a bit tired.” I lied easily. “I think I’m going to go to bed for the night.” I started to walk away, and was unsurprised to see that Sam followed. She was here so much that she even had her own room, and her own dresser and her own clothes and everything. But she sometimes just brought her mattress into my room and slept on the floor. But only on nights that we stayed up late watching movies, and hanging out.
I was just about to climb into bed when I felt a cold chill, so I went over to the window to close it, and when I got there, something caught my eye, a pale face on the side of the tree next to my bedroom window. I held my breath, hoping and praying that it wouldn’t start climbing.
Damn! Just as I thought it, the figure started to climb. And I knew this time that it wasn’t Tyler. This figure was moving too fluidly, as if it was floating up the tree. I wanted to scream and run, but my feet seemed to be glued to the floor, and my voice seemed to be stuck behind an invisible barrier in the back of my esophagus. So instead I just let my mouth fall open in silent shock.
The figure was at my window before I could finally move. But when I tried to close the window, it was too late. The pale body reached towards my window, and held it up. I tried as hard as I could to close it, but he was too strong for me.
“What do you want?” I said between shivers. The ghost like thing just stared at me, and then he reached towards me, and grabbed me by my throat to hold me up until my face was level with his. Then he ground out slowly, as if he hadn’t spoken to anyone in several years, “IIIII…..W-W-WARNED YOU!! IIII…T-T-TOL-TOLD YOU TO ST-ST-STAY OUT OF THE CH-CH-CHURCH!!!” he practically spat the words at me. I was so terrified I thought I would shake off my own skin. I screamed. I screamed, and I screamed, until the horrible monster threw me across the room like I was nothing more than a small base ball. I hit my head hard on my dresser, but nit hard enough for me to go unconscious.
The phantom followed me in my fall, and got down in my face, “D-D-ONT THINK THIS WILLL BE THE L-L-LAST TIME YOU SEE ME!!!” he snapped at me. I whimpered in pain when he punched me in the face so hard, my vision blurred. When it cleared again, the spirit was gone…but Sam was standing in his place of him, and her face was white with worry, as she yelled at me in worry. Though I couldn’t hear what she was saying, I could guess what she was basically guess what she was saying, or yelling, I guess. She was probably saying something along the lines of, “Holly! Holly! Talk to me sis.” After several minutes of reading her lips, I came back to myself, and I could hear just fine, at least I could until Sam turned around and screamed for my brother, “JAMES!!” she screamed. “JAMES, GET IN HERE NOW!!” I looked at her, grabbed her by the shoulder, and looked straight into her eyes.
“Sam, I am fine, but scream like that in my ear again and I think I may lose my hearing forever. Now, can you just go get me a hot chocolate or something?
The sound of heavy foot prints on the hall way floor alerted me that James was on his way. A few short second my bedroom door was nearly thrown off its hinges. James ran in and immediately after seeing me on the floor, rushed over to me, scooped me up like a baby, and plopped my onto my bed. I looked at them both and said slowly “I am fine. Really.” James just grunted and began inspecting the gash at my head, and then he inspected the huge knot on my head. I guess it was good that he was a major in medicine. As he inspected my head again he looked at me and gave me a grim look. I knew this wasn’t a good sign.
“Holly, you aren’t fine. You need to go to the hospital right now. You have a possible concussion.” I looked at him as if he was just joking, but the look he gave me assured me that he wasn’t. I couldn’t believe it. How could my day go from awful, to good, too horrible in just a few seconds? I silently nodded at Jake, got up, and went down stairs. Unfortunately, I was followed out to the car, and I was shoved into the passenger seat by Sam while Jake got into the driver’s seat. I couldn’t believe this. They were over exaggerating. There was absolutely no way that I had a concussion. I didn’t even hit my head hard enough. But I grumbled all of this to myself, because I knew I wouldn’t be listened to if I spoke them out loud.

- Title: They Mystery
- Artist: Bug Katie
The actual title is THE MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH BELL TOWER, but the title didnt fit here.
it is actually a part of a novel i have been writing for a long time, and im only giving you part of it. but it is about this guy and girl that find this abandoned church and start to investigate it. They find out soon however that the church is haunted and demented. - Date: 04/16/2011
- Tags: themysteryofthechurchbelltower
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Comments (5 Comments)
- Bug Katie - 06/06/2011
- well i only gave you guys part of the climax from the story. the scenery may have been described earlier on in the page. but il look over that again. thanks for the advice though.
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- evilpixie3 - 05/07/2011
- I think it's good but some sentances don't make sence. I also recomend descibing the senery as it will help draw the reader in and give them a vivid image of what is accuring. But the plot sounds good.
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- Bug Katie - 04/22/2011
- Thanks. i am going to try to get this published one day. and i thought id better see if anyone likes it first, i actually have a poem on here too, its called, I TOOK HIM BACK, that i also wrote. but if u like this small part u will really like the whole thing. smile
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- kadeelikescookies - 04/21/2011
this is great
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- Bug Katie - 04/20/2011
- I have been working on this for four years. what i wrote is a very small portion of a 17 page novel that i hope to get published some day.
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