- Screeching of brakes, grinding metal together. Shocked, surprised yells. Wheels sliding on tracks. Tilting sensation. More cries for help. Sudden stop, then falling. Crashing down, hitting hard. Water waist deep, quickly rising. Loss of strength, vision, breath. Deperates hands, searching, pulling, clawing. Some saved, some lost. Conductor, sleeping then, sleeping now, to blame.

- Title: 55 Fiction #1
- Artist: Irayle
- Description: Ok, so the point of this is to write a short story in 55 words or less (or just get as close as your can if you go over a little). There is very little grammar involved, as many words are cut to save space. It's something I did for my Writing 12 class, and I enjoyed it. I will warn you, my writing can be a little dark, so, if you don't like it, please, continue on to the next piece. I will most likely write another, depending on how this one is recieved.
- Date: 12/31/2010
- Tags: fiction 55fiction
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