Chapter 1
Highway of Nightmares
Lightning flashed in the skies above a long desert road. Far below the bright flashes a man named Jack drove as fast as he could. As he turned the radio on, rain started to fall from the sky. It was just drizzle at first, but soon it was a terrible downpour with thunder as loud as an explosion. Fate, it seems was inescapable. The police followed him, three maybe four cars hunted him down as he drove on. The rain made it hard to see, the ground started shaking and breaking apart. It seemed the Earth didn't even want him to make it out alive. Faster, and faster the chase never stopped, he then had choppers on his tail, would he ever see the sun again? He slammed on the breaks suddenly, and jumped out, his car caused a huge pile-up with the cop cars. Flames burned round him as he jumped up and continued on foot, the choppers not seeing him escape. "Run, Run!" Jack screamed as the cops found him again, the sky appeared to be tearing apart at the seams.
As if matters couldn't get much worse, fire started spouting out of the cracks in the ground. The walls of fire seemed to be trying to block him in, but he quickly jumped through unharmed. Barks of rabid dogs in the distance sent shivers down his spine, as everything started to close in around him. Bullets flew past Jack, the helicopters now shooting at him with deadly intention. Suddenly the sky ripped open, what was happening? The helicopters were sucked in, in fact everything seemed to be getting pulled into the hole. He kept running as the universe started to collapse upon itself, soon the ground shook again. "Why are you doing this?" he asked as the ground behind him started to break apart and fall into darkness. Faster now he moved just to survive. Along with the sky, the oceans started draining away. Jack stopped, as a man stood in his path. "It's over accept your fate" he said, right before the ground below Jack broke apart. Laughing is all he heard as he fell into the darkness.....
Chapter 2
The Carnival
Darkness enveloped Jack, nothing made since anymore. He fell further and further down, with no trace of light as he went deeper. There's a bright flash, the light was blinding as he hit the land hard. As his vision returned he saw a carnival like setting, and the man from earlier appeared in a top hat."Where am I?" Jack asked him as he walked up.
"Greetings, this is my carnival! " he said as Jack got up, "I thought you would never get here."
"How did I get here?" Jack asked as he got off the floor.
"Well you fell you idiot, I thought that was clear. Now come with me to the Garden of Ice." the man said as Jack stepped back a bit. "Come on, lots to do" he said, for some reason this made Jack angry.
"No!" Jack yelled as he ran the opposite direction, the carnival started melting away as the man yelled back "You Must Not Go That Way!". Jack ignored him as he continued on his way out of the carnival. The music started up as he ran, the attractions around him came to life and chased him. Quickly the carnival had been replaced with a melancholy setting, with dead trees and evil red eyes peeking out from the shadows. After awhile the attractions stopped chasing him, and for good reason, they were replaced with a giant tidal wave of black tar. Try as he might Jack couldn't outrun the wave, and was swept up in it, surrounded in darkness again. Some time later he woke up on a beach in front of a giant tower.
A man in a fedora walked up to Jack and said "Welcome to the Grand Tower. We're glad you came, we don't get to many visitors here. Now will you please step into the tower?". Jack got up and opened the door, the man in the fedora pushed him in and shut the door. Inside the tower was a terrible sight, blood and flesh everywhere, to his right there was a staircase. The stairs went on forever as he climbed and climbed, after what seemed like hours he reached the top. At the top of the tower was a large man covered in blood, he stank of death. Jack moved closer to him, he appeared to be asleep, suddenly the man from the carnival appeared next to him. He laughed and said "You don't want to be here Jack, do you?"
Jack looked at him and said "Who are you?", he just looked back with a blank face.
"My name is Jim, you truly don't remember anything do you?" he said as he jabbed the large man. "Well since you have no desire to accept your fate, I must leave you here. If you change your mind, I'll be on Destiny Hill." Jim said as he disappeared.
The large man awoke and said "Jack may I have the honor of wearing your skin?".
Chapter 3
Bloodshed Beach
Jack stood in fear as the large man stood up at a full 7'4, "Well Jack? I don't like being kept waiting...I guess I'll just take your silence as a yes" the large man said as he ran straight at Jack. Jack jumped out of the way, and the man collided with the wall, sending cracks all up the side. As the man recovered he pulled out a very big ax, which he quickly swung at Jack. The ax barely missed Jack's face as it took a chunk out of the wall, sending large cracks down the side of the tower. "You can't escape Jack, once I have your skin I'll go collect your wife's skin. She's on the island you know" the man said, this caused Jack to remember some of his past.
Jack had a wife named Maria, this man that he knew as Tobi was a mass murderer that framed Jack for a massacre at a bank just the day before. "Tobi! Where's my wife?" Jack shouted as Tobi swung the ax again.
"Oh so you remember some of your past now? I thought that drug I put in your system would leave you clueless for a long time" Tobi said as his ax hit the wall once again, this time causing the tower to shake, it was clear it was going to collapse. "I guess I'll leave you to your thoughts for now Jack" Tobi said as he jumped out of the tower right before it collapsed.
"Tobi!" Jack yelled as the tower fell apart around him, but he was cut short when the roof came down on him.
Jack woke up in a bank covered in blood, he had no memory of what had happened. "Oh God, did I kill these people?" he said as sirens went off in the distance, the police were coming. He ran out of the bank and quickly jumped into a car outside and started full speed out of town. After about an hour Jack was in the middle of nowhere as the clouds rolled in blotting out the sun, and the police came after him.
About three miles ahead of Jack, Jim stood in the middle of the road. "He's going to get caught, we can't have that. Can't you do something?" he said to seemingly thin air.
A voice replied "I can bend the world into several new ones, but it's up to you to guide him to the Garden of Ice after that" as the world started going crazy. The sky opened and the ground started falling away, and Jim said "I'll guide him to his fate, don't worry" as Jack ran up to him.
Jack pushed the ruins of the Grand Tower off of himself, as the man with the fedora walked up and said "The tower is gone, but your wife is in danger. Can you find her on this twisted Bloodshed Beach?" He jumped up to attack the man, but the man had disappeared. Jack followed a strange path filled with trash and various pieces of plastic waste, he had to find Tobi it was his only way off this Hellish island. Tobi appeared before Jack for only a moment and said "Your wife won't last long Jack, Hurry up!", Tobi was gone before Jack could react.
With Tobi's warning, Jack ran down the path towards a clearing, there he found a large amount of deformed looking freaks and Tobi standing around Maria in a circle pattern. Tobi glanced over at Jack and said "Attack!", the freaks all ran at Jack, with weapons at the ready. Jack quickly grabbed a large piece of plastic, to use as a shield, while thirty freaks ran at him with anger in their eyes. Off in the distance Tobi grabbed Maria by the neck and said "This will be fun."
Chapter 4
The island started to shake violently as Jack fought off the freaks attacking him. It appeared that the destruction of the Grand Tower started a chain reaction that would ultimately destroy the island. With no weapons, Jack was fighting a losing battle, it was true he had a piece of plastic he was using as a shield but it wouldn't last. Tobi laughed, with Maria's throat still in his grasp he said "I hate to end this emotional reunion, but my beautiful Bloodshed Beach is falling apart." After those words, Tobi and Maria disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving Jack to fight off Tobi's minions on a doomed island.
The island broke into three pieces freeing Jack from his utter defeat, the only problem was that he had no way off the island so he ran. Plastic was being launched into the air as Jack ran across the middle piece of the island. Suddenly the East piece of the island was swallowed into a vortex of water as the middle piece was getting pulled in. Jack stopped as he reached the end of the middle piece of the island, he had to time his jump right so he would land safely on the West piece of the island. He jumped right as the center of the island was pulled into the vortex, and he landed right on the edge of the West piece of the island. Jack wasted no time getting back up and running to the shore he woke up on. When he got there, there was one boat at the docks, he got in to be greeted by the man with the fedora frantically trying to start the engine. "You've got to help me, Tobi's freaks are gonna get us if the vortex doesn't" the man told Jack.
"Defend the boat" Jack told the man as he got to work on the controls. The man fought off the freaks successfully, but at the cost of his own life. Jack banged his fists on the console, when he noticed through the window that the vortex was sucking the boat in. The broken island known as Bloodshed Beach was finally destroyed, but it seemed Jack was going down with it. Jack jumped out of the boat as it got sucked into the vortex but that didn't help, because he was swallowed by the vortex soon after. Water rushed into Jack's lungs as he gasped for air, once again he was pulled into darkness.
"Jim your mission was to get Jack to the Garden of Ice, not run to Bloodshed Beach" the disembodied voice said as Jim left the carnival on his hunt for Jack.
"I know but he doesn't remember anything, he thinks I am the bad guy here" Jim said fiddling with his top hat.
"He doesn't remember? This may work to our advantage then, he's going to run into the Grand Tower sooner or later. Send Dogg to make sure he goes into the Tower, to meet up with Tobi." the voice said as it's presence faded away.
"It shall be done Master" Jim said as he vanished, he reappeared in Grand Tower in front of Jack, ready to get Tobi to reawaken Jack's lost memories.
The water had nested in Jack's lungs, he was dying in the darkness of the sea. Very fast the water left Jack's lungs as he suddenly appeared above a hill, he fell and collided with the dirt. Jack got up and contemplated how he got from underwater to a hill, then Jack saw a sign. "Destiny Hill Straight Ahead --->" the sign said, Jack knew this hadn't happen by chance as he remembered what Jim said.
"Well since you have no desire to accept your fate, I must leave you here. If you change your mind, I'll be on Destiny Hill." Jim said as he disappeared.
Jack followed the sign's arrow up the Hill ready to face his fate, for the first time in recent memory.
Chapter 5
Destiny Hill
A few feet up the mountain, Jack saw another sign this one said "First Challenge Ahead". Jack scratched his head as he tried to figure out the meaning of the sign. Soon, he just continued up and stepped into an invisible portal, by accident. The sky changed green and there was a gap in the hill, another sign was in front of him. "Test of Stamina, cross the gap without falling in and you may pass" the sign said, Jack laughed because the gap was only about three feet across. He stepped over the gap onto the land on the other side, but to his surprise the gap grew and he fell in. Before he could react, Jack was back next to the sign.
"What a weird hill" Jack said, as he ran at the gap. He jumped a great distance, but the gap grew to match it. Back at the sign Jack tried to figure out the trick to this challenge, but couldn't figure out anyway to jump the gap. An ax soon caught Jack's eye, it was propped against a nearby tree. He walked over to the tree and picked up the ax, his eyes seemingly sparkled as he figured it out. "The sign never said anything about jumping" Jack said as he began to cut down the tree, which was made of plastic. The tree fell down, so Jack rolled it over the gap and crossed. The gap never grew, Jack had passed. As he continued forward he walked through another portal, this one had a purple sky.
Again there was a sign waiting for him, this one said "Test of Memory, answer all questions perfectly and you may pass. But get one wrong and..." the sign was torn at the bottom.
A voice boomed across the area startling Jack, it said "Question 1 What is your wife's name?"
Jack quickly replied "Maria", but the voice responded "And her maiden last name?". Jack was stumped he didn't remember much, and her first name was one of the few things he did remember. Then, a sharp pain hit Jack, it was like a headache as more memory rushed into his head.
Jack fell to the ground, out of nowhere a girl's hand came down and helped him up. "Sorry for knocking you over, My name is Maria Swan" the girl said as he got up.
Next, Jack was standing in a room of people holding a gun. He shot the gun up into the air and said "Nobody Move!". People around him looked frightened, he said "Where's Jim?"
In the final scene, Jack walked up to a mirror and his image was shown. The reflection of Jack warped into a reflection of Tobi smiling, the mirror shattered.
"Maria Swan" Jack yelled, the voice responded "Correct". "Question 2 Who killed your wife?" the voice said in a depressing tone.
Jack was shocked at what the voice said, he had just seen his wife earlier. After pondering for a little bit, Jack responded "My wife is not dead!".
The voice took a deep breath and boomed "Incorrect!", after that the ground started to shake, and a large creature fell from the sky. Jack picked up a nearby knife, and got out of the creature's way as it landed. Jack climbed the creature's leg and up it's body, in a quick motion he sliced it's throat open. As the creature stumbled, Jack jumped off and proceeded up the hill. It was no surprise to Jack, that there was a third challenge. As he entered the third portal the sky turned blood red and a few feet in front of him was Tobi looking back at him smiling.
Tobi laughed and said "Welcome Jack, your third test is to Kill Me!" Tobi ran at Jack fast, so he pulled out the knife he found in the last challenge and went on the defensive.
Chapter 6
Empire Ants
Jack rolled out of the way, as Tobi ran at him. Tobi quickly turned around and pulled out out his giant ax, cutting open Jack's arm. Jack grabbed his arm as it bled, "Why did you kill Maria?" Jack said as he dodged more attacks.
Tobi laughed as he swung the ax, "I didn't kill her you fool, You Did!" he said as the ax collided with Jack's leg slicing it open.
Jack fell to the ground and crawled into a corner, "You Liar!" he yelled as he threw the knife at Tobi. Tobi moved in for the kill when suddenly he disappeared, and Jim walked up to Jack.
"Get up Jack we've got a lot to discuss" Jim said as he looked down on Jack.
"Can't you see how wounded I am? and where did Tobi go?" Jack said as he tried to stand up.
"We'll talk about Tobi later, as for the wounds you don't have any, it's all in your head" Jim said as Jack looked down and the wounds were no longer there. Jack got up and followed Jim through the fourth portal, they arrived on the top of Destiny Hill. "This place was created to help you remember your past, it's not real either" Jim said as the hill disappeared and Jack fell through the darkness once again.
Jack was alone again falling through the dark, he decided to use this time to reflect on his adventures in this strange world. Since he came here he learned of a murderer who was out to get him, a wife who was dead, and Jim the biggest mystery of them all. Now as he was falling, Jack had the feeling that his adventure was almost over, and that everything would soon make sense.
After a while of falling and reflecting, Jack landed on a small frozen lake. He got up and looked around, everything seemed to be frozen, everything also seemed to glitter in the light. "This must be the Garden of Ice" Jack announced as he made his way to a path, which he followed.
Following a short journey on the path, Jack made it to a giant sparkling castle made of ice. He approached the door and it opened instantly, a guard greeted him and lead him to the throne room. Inside the throne room, Jim and a woman in a white dress were waiting for him. "Are you ready for the truth Jack?" Jim said as Jack walked up to the duo.
"Ready as I'll ever be I suppose" Jack said as he sat down in a chair next to them.
"Good, I'm Akia the Queen of the Garden of Ice and I need your help. But first, I'll let Jim tell you what we've been trying to get you to remember since you came here." Akia said as Jim made a worried look with his face.
"Jack I'm glad you've accepted your fate and tried to kill Tobi, but Tobi isn't real. In fact Tobi was just a formation of your darkness that we created to help you get your memory back. Jack you are a serial killer, you killed all those people at the bank and me. Worst of all you killed hundreds more people before that, and you killed your wife." Jim told Jack with a grim face.
Chapter 7
The Beginning
Jack smiled as he remembered everything.
The alleyway was dark and grimy, a lone girl quickly ran down it in fear. The girl had some relationship problems, her boyfriend would always get drunk and beat her. She started running from him, when he pulled a gun on her. As her feet collided with the puddles they made loud splashing noises, letting everyone in the distant area know her location. Quickly she turned off and hid in a smaller alley, she stopped to catch her breath and saw her boyfriend walking down the other alley with a gun in his hand. What the girl didn't know was that someone was standing behind her, a muffled scream and she was gone. Jack, her boyfriend heard the scream and rushed to the alley turn off. This second alleyway was even darker, almost pitch black, it smelled of urine. Jack slowly walked into the alley, and caught a glimpse of a man in a trench coat. "Who's there?" Jack yelled down the alley, the figure turned around and you could practically feel him smile in delight.
"Why Jack what a pleasant surprise running into you here. Have you seen Jim lately? I've been looking for him." the man said as he approached Jack.
"Tobi? Is that you?" ,Jack questioned, "I heard my girlfriend scream, you seen her?"
"Oh Jack I wish you hadn't said that. We were having a nice conversation" Tobi said as he walked up to Jack and stabbed him repeatedly in the stomach. As Jack hit the ground, the last thing he saw was his girlfriend laying dead on the ground with her organs sprawled out around her.
After Jack died, Tobi walked up to him and took his wallet. He took Jack's money and I.D. and threw the rest on the ground. "Jack Masterson, my old friend. Now I am you and you are dead." Jack laughed as he took out a knife to remove the couple's fingerprints, teeth, and other revealing things.
Two Weeks Later
After killing Jack, Tobi decided to take his identity, so he went out and got his hair cut, and dyed, changed his name, and bought a pair of glasses with plastic lenses. Jack walked down the street, he was following his old friend Jim. Years ago Jack and Jim betrayed Tobi by robbing his house and making off with his car, what they didn't know was that Tobi was a murderer and he was bound to find them one day. Now after killing Jack and taking his identity, it was now time for Jim to get his medicine. Suddenly, and unexpectedly Jim jumped into a taxi and soon disappeared in a crowd of cars. Jack ran to try to find Jim, but he ran straight into a random girl and fell to the ground. Jack looked up and the sun reflected off his glasses, a girl's hand came down to him and he grabbed it, she pulled him up. "Sorry for knocking you over, My name is Maria Swan. I feel like I should make this up to you, let me buy you a cup of coffee" Maria said as she walked toward a coffee shop.
Eight Years Later
After meeting Maria, Jack lost track of Tobi and couldn't find him again. Jack and Maria soon got married and moved to Jack's hometown. After knowing Jack for two years, Maria found out he was a killer, but she stayed with him because she loved him. Tensions slowly raised over the years and she couldn't take it anymore. Jack discovered that Jim had fled to their hometown after noticing he was being followed, he now worked at the bank. Jack drove up to the bank and said "Stay here Maria, I have some unfinished business", he got out and pulled a shotgun and a knife out of the trunk. Jack kicked the door to the bank open and shot his gun into the air, "Where's Jim?" he yelled as people dropped down to the floor. Jim came out from the back and said "Tobi, or is it Jack now? I thought I'd lost you eight years ago."
"How did you know about me Jim?" Jack said pointing the gun at Jim's chest.
"Jack called me, and told me to watch my back. He knew you were following him, but he couldn't do anything about it" Jim said as he tried for Jack's gun. In response Jack quickly shot leaving a hole in Jim's chest. Jim was now dead, he revenge complete he now had to get rid of the witnesses. Jack started shooting people, quickly killing them. This action caused people to jump and start trying to escape. After Jack was out of ammo he finished up by slicing into the remaining people with his knife. Everyone in the room was now dead, so Jack turned around to leave.
Now in front of him was Maria, "I called the police" she said, "Your not getting away". Maria blew some powder into his face, and he reacted by stabbing the knife into her heart. Jack fell to the ground, the powder was some sort of amnesia dust. When he woke up Jack had no memory of what happened, he didn't even know his name. He only learned his name when he looked at his I.D., and even then it still wasn't his real name.
Ten Minutes Earlier
Jim hit the floor hard, he was almost instantly killed by the blast. Soon everything around him grew dark and he started falling through the darkness. After a long time of falling, he finally landed in a giant beautiful city of ice that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. He made his way into the castle and was directed by the guards to the throne room. "You know the one known as Tobi right?" the queen said as he entered the room.
"Yes, but I think he goes by Jack now" ,Jim said, "Why am I here?".
"Because I need your help, to get Tobi to help me. I fate of the world depends on it." the queen said as she transported Jim back to Earth. Jim woke up at the bank and saw Jack laying on the ground. "He appears to have been covered in amnesia dust, this is prefect. I'll just alter his memories so when he starts to get them back he won't be against us." the queen said as a disembodied voice. Jim looked around freaked out but soon realized it was the queen talking to him.
As Jack started to stir, Jim quickly said "Crap he is waking up get me outta here".
"What do you want me to do Akia?" Jack said as he stood up.
"I want you to stop a new threat from destroying everything in existence" Akia said with a grim face.
Chapter 8
The Garden of Ice
Year-1010 Location-Garden of Ice Outskirts
At the edge of the city known as Garden of Ice an angry crowd stood round a single man. "Your a loon Jaython!" someone yelled from the crowd.
"Not yet, but I will be soon" Jaython yelled back as he ran into the frozen wastelands surrounding Garden of Ice. "In 1000 years time I will end everything!" he shouted as he disappeared from sight.
Year-2010 Location-Garden of Ice Castle: Throne Room
"So this Jaython guy, what makes you think he's still alive after all this time?" Jack said as he examined the frozen room.
"He went off to the Abyss, it makes you insane, but it grants you infinite power." Queen Akia said as she stood up.
Jack had a confused look on his face "So why am I the chosen one?"
"Because you've already been to the Abyss." Akia said.
Year-1980 Location- Garden of Ice Castle:Throne Room
King Ilgenar of the Garden of Ice sat silently thinking about how to calm the people's worries about Jaython returning. Queen Akia walked in and said "Something fell out of the sky toward the Abyss".
Ilgenar looked up at her and said "Well did you check out what landed?"
"Not yet, I will now" she responded as she sat down on her throne and transported her mind to the Abyss. After sometime she came back to her body and said "It's a child, Ilgenar you've got to go help him."
Ilgenar suddenly vanished and reappeared at the Abyss, next to the vortex a child about three years of age was looking into the Abyss. Ilgenar quickly grabbed the child and transported him back to Earth, before any permanent damage set in. Ilgenar turned around ready to transport back when he was attacked. In the following struggle, Ilgenar got torn apart and never returned to the Garden of Ice.
Year-2010 Location-Wasteland outside the Garden of Ice
After hours of walking, Jack's only way of telling that he had moved at all was the fact that he couldn't see the Garden of Ice anymore. If you were to ask him yourself, he would tell you that he was lost, and uncertain that the Abyss and Jaython really existed. Within another hour of walking, he found a rock to stop and rest on. He sat down and said "I've been searching for hours, this is getting me nowhere". He decided to lay down and rest for a short time, and continue his journey in the morning. As he slept something odd happened, the ground around him reshaped and a large vortex erupted out of the ground. He woke up as he was launched into the air by a rock borrowing up into the sky. He landed with a hard thud.
Jack got up and looked around, "Where I am?" he asked.
A raspy voice responded to his question, saying "Well my dear boy you're at the Abyss". Jack was shocked when the man spoke, and quickly looked for the source. The man stepped out into the darkness of the shadows. Jack looked at the man carefully and noticed, even in the dark that he was different than described. The man cleared his throat and in a raspy, dry voice he said "I stared into the Abyss to gain power, the experience was so traumatic that my eyes dried up, my skin burned, and I became insane." Jack was shocked that they wanted him to kill this frail, charred, blind man.
"So how did I get here?" Jack asked Jaython.
"The same reason why no one can find the Abyss, it moves around the wastelands all the time. It took me forever to find it myself. But you, yeah your different than most are you not? You have the power of the Abyss in your blood, I can feel it." Jaython said as he walked up to Jack and touched his cheek.
"So Jaython, I don't wanna waste anymore time here, I'm going to kill you now." Jack said as he pulled out a sword.
"Now how are you going to do that? I will live as long as the Abyss exists Jack, now it's you that will die." Jaython said and with that his body started to change. His skin ripped off and he grew three feet taller, he had the features of a skeleton and some horrible beast from a fantasy story. "Prepare to die!" Jaython said, as a giant stinger grew from his chest and began to strike at Jack.
Jack jumped out of the way and hid behind a rock, another strike and the rock was gone, so he ran. When the stinger struck a third time, he just barely got out of the way. The stinger got stuck deep in the ground, he took this chance to jump onto it and run up it. When at the top of the stinger Jaython grabbed Jack and started squeezing him until the air started to leave his lungs. Quickly dying, Jack remembered that he had some of the power of the Abyss and started focusing on it. Suddenly, Jack's body started to glow and get hot. Jaython dropped Jack because of the heat and slowly backed up.
As Jack's body grew brighter and hotter he started rising up into the sky, soon he stopped and said in an angelic voice "It's over Jaython, You shall not harm the people of the Garden of Ice." In an explosion of white fury Jack and Jaython were enveloped in a white bubble of energy. The power was so incredible that the ground shook like an earthquake, the shaking could be felt all the way in the Garden of Ice. Most of the townspeople rushed out of their homes and stared out at the wastelands.
Jack landed on the ground after the blast ended, his power now completely drained, he grabbed his sword as he got up. He looked around and saw the remains of Jaython's body, he had been destroyed. Satisfied at a job well done Jack started to leave the Abyss, but as he did a disembodied voice said "I told you that you couldn't destroy me, now your body will be mine!" Jack fell to the ground and shook as Jaython fought him for control. In a last stand he stood up and grabbed the sword, walking toward the vortex. Jaython tried taking over in this time but could only watch. As Jack approached the vortex he smiled, after standing there smiling for a little bit he jumped in.
Jack fell what felt like hundreds of feet before finally landing on a very hot surface deep inside the vortex. Ahead of him was the core of the vortex, the place where all the energy radiated from. With the sword in hand he walked up to the core and plunged it deep inside. A large crack formed in the core as a result, the vortex started shaking and violently releasing energy as Jack just stood there and watch. The reason he didn't run off was the fact that Jaython was desperately fighting for control, and neither could make the body move. The Abyss soon exploded in a large ball of fire, it's power destroyed with it.
Akia and Jim watched on from the Garden of Ice as the Abyss could be seen exploding, Jim said "Well it seems he did it, you think he survived?"
Akia looked over and said "No, I don't think Jaython was going to let him leave."
The fires where the Abyss and vortex once were burned for many months after the battle, but as time went on it was as if the Abyss and Jaython never existed.
Year- 2011 Location-Garden of Ice Square
Jim stepped out into the Garden of Ice Square and removed a sheet from a statue, a crowd cheered in response. The statue was one of Jack standing at arms in an epic struggle with Jaython. Jim looked up into the sky and said "This is for you my old friend, wherever you are."
One year earlier, the vortex exploded and launched Jack's body into the sky. It flew for a few miles, before it crash landed several miles away from the Abyss. In a large crater in the ground, Jack coughed and pulled himself up. "Abyss destroyed? Check. Jaython destroyed?.........Check." Jack said as he got out of the crater. "Now how am I getting back?" he openly said as he examined the wastelands. Nearby a portal opened and he quickly entered it. On the other side of the portal Jack found himself back in his hometown. He found this a suitable reward for all that he had been through. With his power gone, his insanity left with it. He smiled because for the first time in his life he didn't have the need to kill.
- by Doctor Graybles |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/20/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Broken- The Remastered Edition
- Artist: Doctor Graybles
- Description: I put a lot of work into making my epic fantasy adventure "Broken" as polished as possible.... I now present the result of that work. Enjoy
- Date: 12/20/2010
- Tags: broken complete adventure
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