Part I
Drip. Drip. Drip. Silence was broken by the sounds of the melting ice dripping onto the cave's surface. The wind carried the scents of fresh grass and growing flowers, all very pleasant smells, strong enough to wake a cave dragon. Cave dragons are like any normal dragons except as there name suggests they dwell in caves rather then open mountain valleys. Most of them were a shade of gray and had thick-rock like scales that covered there huge bodies.
Drip. Drip. Drip. Dreams of chasing innocent villagers and animals lingered for a moment longer before they vanished from the beast's mind. Slowly it opened its huge eye lids, taking in the light outside the cave. A great roar escaped the beast's big gaping jaws, it go up on its massive legs and stumbled out of the cave, he wanted to make sure he confirmed his thoughts before he woke up.
Alas, his fears were true. Winter was over, and so was his great and long sleep. He stretched his giant wings and leaped into the air, and he was off. The canyon that his cave was in seemed different to the beast, the sparse trees seemed to be much bigger, and there were weird shiny trees all over the place connected by weird silver vines.
When he was flying over his favorite forest to hunt in the dragons heart almost stopped, where a huge and endless forest once stood there was nothing but human caves, caves that the humans built out of rock and trees. When he landed the humans really surprised him, they all just stood there and pointed, some held flashy things well others were shouting into other flashy things. Silly humans! Didn't they know what he was? And how hungry he might be?
The beast charged through the crowd that was growing in size around him, none of these humans were afraid of him, so chances are there was a reason he should be afraid of them. He quickly unfolded his wings and took off into the air in flight. Somehow while he had slept the whole world had changed, but what could have cause ALL this? Little did the dragon know he had been frozen in his cave for thousands of years, and even littler did he know about how the people of this modern time would react to a dragon showing up in the middle of a small town.
(End of Part I)
Day of the Dragon
We have all heard many stories about dragons and what they did. But what would happen if a dragon just happened to show up in the present day? More so what if that dragon was used to eating villagers? I will write this story in Parts, each part shall contain a few paragraphs and each part shall have its own general idea and topic.
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