"Jonathan, show me no fear. I come to help you." He says.
Jonathan is contemplating suicide, he had one hell of a life, and now he's at his last straw. He smiles at the thought of peace.He looks around at satans un earthly lair. Heads of his past victims are hanging from the cobwebbed ceiling, the surrounding walls look like a gory lava lamps with human bodys mutilated, and just floating around. The floor makes him have the feeling of falling, it looks like a vortex, and somehow they're standing on it. Actually more like floating over it.He looks up at the heads again. They're blinking, and the head of a girl, no older than thirteen is staring at him. She's whispering to him "Please, for the love of God, don't go through with it." He thinks for a minute.Jonathan looks up at satan. Such a beautiful man he thinks to himself, but looks are always deceiving.
"How can I trust you? How do I know I will rule along with you? What if you're tricking me? You have that reputation." Jonathan says with confidence. Devil laughs.
"Oh, Jonathan. My boy, why do you think silly lies. A promise is a promise. Take your life now, and you shall rule with me."
Jonathan smiles.
"No more pain?"
"No, no more pain" Satan says in a comforting voice.
Jonathan takes the nuce and puts his head through. He takes one good look at satan, then jumps. Satan smiles a evil smile, goes to Jonathan pulls his soul out his body and puts it in his ring.
"Another day, another damned soul for me."
He twists Jonathans head off then puts it with the rest of the heads hanging.Then throws his body to one of the walls, and smiles.
the second to last chapter ...
After avoiding nearly avoid...
First Chapter of a unknown ...
the first chapter and a hal...
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HORROR: A serial killer sta...