Hi I'm Raven and well I'm much diferent from most 17 teen year old girls. Considering my twin brother and I are risen demons who control earth and water along with turning invisible, creating force fields and taliporting. Oh and I can read people like a book just by looking them in the eyes and he can see visions of the future. We live with werewolves Aria, my bestriend and her older brother Skyler or sky for short.
Chapter 1 The new kid
"Raven," Skyler yelled
"What do you want Sky?" I yelled back
"The new family is moving in," He yelled and with that I was down the stairs to see who the new family was.
"Who's the new family?" Jason asked
"Well all I can see is the truck," Skyler said
"That's cuz your just short," I said raising my eybrows show off my twinkling blue eyes and swished my blonde ponytail.
"Oh he's not that short," Aira said with a laugh
We laughed and then I sudenly stopped when he stepped into veiw. It was the family's son he was about our age with long black hair that covered his twinkly green eyes.
"I got dibs," I said Aria knew what I was calling dibs on and just laughed. I went outside to say hello to the new family. I'm just totaly friendly and talkative.
"Hey, you must be the new family," I said "I'm Raven,"
"I'm Jacob," The boy said
"So what grade you goin into?" I Asked "Me, my brother Jason, and Aria are gunna be seniors,"
"Me too," Jacob said "So what is there to do around here?"
"Well why don't you let me be your tour guild," I said
"Cool let me get myself unpacked and we can do somthin," he said
"Alright we can do that," I said while handing him my cell number and walked back to the house and he walked to his. I went inside with a smile on my face. Sky seemed to notice and he said "Well looks like someones happy,"
"Oh shut up," I said "And yes I am,"
"So who's the boy?" Aria asked
"His name is Jacob," I said "And we are gunna go do somthing later,"
After a couple hours my phone rang.
"Yes..this is Jacob I take it?"
"Uh huh so you ready to hang out?"
"Yupp we can go grab somthin to eat and I'll show you the best place to hang out around here...oh and you can call me Ray,"
"Ok...that works,"
"Meet me in my front yard,"
"Alright," we both hung up and met in my front yard. once in my front yard we climbed into my car. We drove out to culvers. It was silent at first until I said "So were did you move out here from?" he didn't respond until I asked him again then he started to actually talk.
"We moved from Florida," he said
"Um good luck surving the cold it get's freezing during the winter," I said
"I think I can do it," he said
"Okay," I said laughing we talked about anything and everything on the way to culvers. While eating our culvers Jacob kept looking at me and tilting his head to one side.
"What?" I asked finally
"There's somthing about you that doesnt seem normal," he said
"Oh really?" I asked "And what's that,"
"I'm not sure yet," He said laughing. I laughed too. We had fun at culvers Jacob's kind of funny. After awhile we decided to go to the waterpark. We had to stop at home first. As driving I said "This water park is awsome," he smiled and I smiled back.
Later in the water park we were in the wave pool and he went under the water and pulled me under too. When he let me up we both started laughing. We stopped for a quick snack at the snack bar. We shared a pretzal and talked and laughed and before we knew it we were kissing. It shocked me so I pulled away.
"Um," I said "Wasn't expecting that,"
"Sorry 'bout that," he said "I couldn't help it, your just just so well i don't know,"
"Pretty, would that be the word your looking for?" I asked laughing
"Yes," he admited blushing a deep shade of pink. I laughed again.
"Your even cuter when you blush," I teased he blushed even more. He stayed silent for awhile, which I thought was cute. He didn't seem to notice why my smile was getting bigger. It made him smile too though. It was sweet. We eventually went home. We had a great time. Jacob was very quiet the whole ride home.
"You are really quiet," I said "No need to be so shy,"
"I know," he said "I know I shoudn't be, but I am," I just smiled at him. He couldn't help it, he smiled back.
Back at my house I introduced him to everyone in the house.
"This is my twin brother Jason, my bestfriend Aria and her olde brother Skyler," I said they exchanged hello's and how are you's. It went on like this for a few minutes until Jacob's parents called him home. That night I fell asleep thinking of how much fun I had and the kiss and how there was just that spark that everyone looks for in a kiss. It was wonderful , really it was. I was just as happy as can be. Jacob was too, I could tell by the look in his green eyes when he left. It was a wonderful day.
I woke the next day a very happy girl. I had a text from Jacob.
J: Wut r u doin today??
R:Nutten y?
J:I thought maybe we cud hang
R:Sure, luckily I'm free fer some time
J:Free from wut?
R:Cheerleading duh lol
J:Oh that's rite ur a cheerleader, so wut sports u cheer for?
R:Soccer and wrestling
J:Cool I'm on the soccer team
R:Nice now I can have fun cheering just for u
J biggrin on't even think about it lil missy
R:Wut ya gunna do to me huh?
J:Oh I'm sure I can think of somthing
R:You try anything and I will hurt you lil mr
J:Lil mr???
R:Yes lil mr lol
J:So wut u wanna do today?
R:Idk u think of somthing
J:Y me??
R:Cuz I said so lol
J:Oh ok lol let's watch a movie
R:We cud go see eclipse this movie I really want to see plzz (Aria saw it while I was at paractice one day)
J:That vampire movie seriusly
R:Yes and if u really liked me u'd see it with me lol jk
J:Ok but u owe me
R:Ya sure wutever lol jk ok
J:Yay lol so wut time
R:The next showing is at noon but there's also one at 2:00 we can go to that one
J:Ok that works see you soon
R:Fine lol but I get to drive
J:Ok i guess but you drove yesterday
R:So and ur point is?
J:My point is that u drove yesterday
R:Talk to u soon stop by my place at one
J:Oh ok got it byebye
R:KK byebye luv
R:Yes luv lol
J:Bye again lol
Ch.2 Todays forcast, a movie date pancakes for dinner and a possible chance of danger
I spent the next two hours getting ready. Doing my make-up took even longer then normal. I hate putting on eyeliner. I did what i'd normally do for makeup brown eyshadow and gold eyeliner and sometimes black. I sang along to my intrnet playlist. I'm not that good but oh well. I sang along to my first kiss by:3oh!3. I love that song. I also love contry music. Sky stuck his head in my room asking what I was doing that involved blasting music so loudly. I told him getting ready takes time and time needs music. When he asked what I was getting ready for I said I was going to a movie with Jacob. He just smiled and left.
Finally Jacob made his way across the street to the house so we could go.
"Hey, you ready to go?" He asked
"Ya let's get goin," I said with a smile. The ride was very quiet. That was until I spoke. "Why are you always so quiet," it took him a minute to respond. "Cuz you have this odd way that makes me shy," he said quietly. I smiled that's adorable I Thought.
"There's no need to be so shy," I said
"Yes there is," he said "Your pretty and funny and really nice,"
"Thanks and even ask the guys at home, they say I'm not all that nice when I get mad, I can be a bit of a bith," I said as my first kiss started playing on the radio and we both started singing along. We lauged bcause neither of us were very good singers. We had fun singing along with the radio.
"Hey, Ray you woudn't hate me if I asked you to be my girlfriend would you?" Jacob asked sudenly asked
"No cuz I'd say yes, silly boy," I said
"Are you serius?" he asked
"Um duh," I said laughing. After that the rest of the ride was silent. Grr I hate silence. Well I pretty much had a boyfriend so it was all good. At the theatre we got our tickets and popcorn and pop. We talked quietly until the instent the movie started and i shushed him. He laughed and the movie went on. It was awsome.
Afterwards we walked out holding hands. We walked back to my car and went to ihop. I had strawberry banna pancakes and Jacob had chocolate chip pancakes. We sat talking and laughing and just plain having fun. The he asked me "So this means we are dating right?"
"Of course it does," I said "Weren't you listening in the car?"
"Oh yeah right," he said blushing it made me laugh. We just sat and talked about everything. I ended up learning that Jacob's last three girlfriends cheated on him, his parents he lives with are his fauster parents his real parents used to beat him, and that normaly he didn't trust girls this fast but for some reason he trusted me. He learned that I'm a risen demon (that I told him by accident), That I'm an asspirering photographer and jurnalist, that I danced for six years, and that my last boyfriend dumped me when he found out I was what he called a freak and that he couldn't be seen dating a freak. We learned a lot today in one siting.
"Wow," I said "You're not afraid of me,"
"No," Jacob said "Just shocked that my girlfriend isn't human,"
"Yeah you get used to it," I said
"Yeah I sure hope so," Jacob said
"I'm sure you will," I said "Just don't dump me cuz I'm a risen demon,"
"I would never," he said playfully sounding shocked
On the way home we again sang along with the radio having a good time. We laughed and had fun. Well that is until we walked through my front door. When we walked in Sky, Jason and Aria were on the couch talking real fast and all at once.
"Um," I said "What the hell is going on?"
"They might have found us," Sky said "Again,"
"Um they are dead remember," I said
"No thats's what we thought," Aria said
"Yeah the mud slide may have buried them bu-," Jason started
"But only some of them drowned," I said finnishing his sentince
"Yeah, pretty much," Sky said
"Oh nice and my life was just about to be normal again," I said angeryily
"Well they might not have found us yet," Aria said
"So we might be safe," Jason said
"Um I take it I'm the only one here who has no idea what's going on," Jacob said
"Yeah pretty much," I said
"Well I should head home I have to babysit my baby cousin," Jacob said
"Aww cute," I said
"Hey if you want I'm sure you come along and help," he said
"Um sure," I said
Ch.3Babysitting....or not
"Mom, dad I'm back," Jacob yelled when he didn't get a response he went looking around. I stood amazed at his house it was awsome the living room was red just like my bed room, just not as dark of a red and no black. It smellt like cookies his mom must be making cookies or had already made them, I thought of the yummy chocolate chip cookies my mom used to make when Jason and I were little. I was brought back to reality when I heard Jacob scream. I ran to were I heard him scream and found Jacob in what must be his parents room and his parents were lieing dead on their bed. Their bed was a bloody mess and written on the wall in blood was: Raven did you miss us??
"Oh crap," I said "Jacob go into your room and pack up the biggest backpack you have with everything you might need now,"
"Um why?" he asked
"Jacob don't ask questions just do it," I said. He did what I said and went in his room and packed a huge backpack with close and some books/ cds and his laptop. While making sure his phone was in his pocket he ran into the bathroom and grabbed anything he might need from there. Back at the house Sky, Jason and Aria were already packed. I checked my bag to make sure I had everything,my cloths, my netbook my books and movies, my cds, my makeup and toothbrush and raiser,shampoo, soap,both my blancketson my bed and my confitor and all three of my pillows,my cheer stuff (just incase I made back in time for school). I have a huge backpack thats like the size of a huge trunk on the inside, and it's almost weightless.
"I contacted your coachs and the school so they know what's going on and they know we will be gone awhile," Sky said "And Jacob here's a new phone and charger with all our numbers on it,"
"So leave your other phone here," Aria said
"Okay can you guys tell me what's going on?" Jacob asked
"Well, There's this group of evil demons who want us dead cuz," I said
"We well pretty much destroyed their lab," Jason said finnishing my sencentince
"And their lab containd a remedy they had just finnished," I went on
"That allowd them to give themselves any abilities they wanted," Jason continued
"And we took the resipie, which was the only copy and after looking it over we realized that it had to be burned," I said
"Which we did and which is also partly why they want us dead, along with somthing our parents did," Jason finnished
"Do they always do that?" Jacob asked
"Yeah," Aria said
"It's a twin thing," I said
"Um ok," Jacob said
"Which is why I'm glad I don't have a twin," Aria said
"Ok who's car are we taking?," I asked
"Mine," Sky said "There's more room," Sky has a mazda x9 so it has 7 seats.
"Well then to the car," I said
"Let's go let's go let's go," Jason said
Once we were all in the car I asked "Were are we going??"
"The reservation," Sky said
"But that's were they chaced us from," Jason said
"I know but since they are here now it'll be safe to go there for awhile," Sky said
"Um ok...," I said
We left and drove from our small town in Minnesota to northern Iowa. It was a long boring ride. Plus I can't sleep in a moving veichle so I didn't get any sleep at all. With my mo3 player blasting I made it through the ride. The reservation was just outside a town called Westberg Iowa. The instent we stepped onto the reservation we were bonbarded with hugs.
"Guy...guys," I said which was of couse ignored "Guys!!!!" I yelled "You can let go now," They let go and I squirmed by pulling Jacob along by the wrist.
"You my friend are WAY to quiet," I said to Jacob
"Ya ya," He said rolling his eyes before speaking again "I feel way out of place,"
"Well I'm gunna fix that," I said with an evil grin "Come on," I grabed his rist and started to drag him outside but we were stopped by one of the other werewolves on the reservation who was about Sky's age and he asked me "Now who might this boy be Mrs. Raven,"
"This is my boyfriend Jacob," I said "And Andy we've been over this it's Ray not Mrs. Raven,"
"Ooo your boyfriend," Andy said "And you may be Ray to everyone else but to me you are Mrs. Raven,"
"Whatever," I said with a soft laugh and continue to drag Jacob outside.
"Ok why didn't you tell me you were half demon??" I asked
"Cuz my mother was a demon and my dad was human and when I was five they started beating me cuz I was what they called a half breed," He said looking down "Wait how did you?"
"And you thought I would treat you the same way," I said "Jacob your my boyfriend and I still love you all the same...and rememberI can read people like a book," I said kissing him softly
"Well thats good to know," He said smiling at me "And oh that's right you can,"
"Ok let's see what you can do, I said while surprise attacking him with a stream of water. He froze the water and sent it flying back in my direction. I dodged with ease. I sent another stream of water his way, which he froze and sent back at me. I was able to block it with a forcefield. I sent a chunk of earth his way which he dodged. This went on for awhile.
"Nice so your half ice demon," I said "Can you control water or just freeze it?"
"Both," He said with a sly smile
"Hey what are you two lovebirds doin?'" Jason asked "Cuz Hannah wants us to come get somthing to eat,"
"Ya good idea," Jacob and I said. We followed Jason back to the main house. At the main house Hannah had food layed out for us to eat. A boy about my age reached for somthing and Hannah smacks his hand and says "Malic that's for our guests wait until they eat first,"
"Whatever," He says
The instent Aria walked into the room Malic's eyes went wide and he says in a harsh whisper to Hannah "Why didn't you tell me SHE was here?"
"Cuz I wanted it to be a surprise," Hannah said "Now no need to play shy Malic say hi,"
"H-hey Aria," He said
"Hey," Aria said everyone knew he liked her. I thought it was so adorable. Jason just thought it was weird that his bestfriend liked my bestfriend. I did have to admit he was kind of cute with croped black hair ice blue eyes and he was pretty well toned. I still think jacobs way cuter just not as nice of abs though. We ate dinner while being bonbarded with questions. After answering tons of question I said "Ok seriusly enough,"
"Why?" Malic said "It's kinda entertaining,"
"Oh go fall in a ditch," I said "Some of us don't like being smuthered with questions just for the entertainment of others,"
"Well we like to know what has happened since you guys left," Hannah said
"Oh just leave her be," Anna one of the older werewolves said "She's probebly tired,"
"Yes actually I am," I said "Riding in a car for like 6 hours is no fun,"
'Well you could have napped," Malic said
"I Can't sleep in a moving veichle," I said
"That's why your never fun when we ride in the car," Sky said
"Oh hush up Sky," I said
"It's true," Jason said
"Ya it kinda is," Aria said
"Oh Whatever," I said "Ok it's my turn to ask questions,"
"Why we arn't the ones being hunted down," Malic said
"And your point is?" I asked
"We arn't as exiting," Malic said
"Ok ," I said yawning and looking at my watch, it was 1030 "I need sleep like now,"
Hannah lead us upstairs to our bed rooms. Me and Aria and one room and Jacob, Jason and Sky in another.
- by Raven Demon-chan |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/03/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: on the run ch 1 to 3
- Artist: Raven Demon-chan
- Description:
- Date: 08/03/2010
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Comments (1 Comments)
- MartianSongbird - 08/31/2010
- Mary Sue Mary Sue Mary Sue. Please run her through the Mary Sue Litmus Test.
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