In a small, low-populated city in the desert, lived Candy, a fifteen year old girl with short, curly black hair and blue eyes.She lead a happy life here in her home town with her two younger brothers Jojo and Zack.Jojo was only eleven with sandy blonde hair and bluish eyes.Zack was only ten with a lighter-than sandy blonde hair and green eyes that almost looked girlish.They had no parents, well, they did, but they weren't around.A few years back they had left town to search for some food and water because at the time the town was suffering through a depressing time and drought.A few bandits had robbed their town of all of it's food and animals.Then a drought hit the city, causing every parent to leave to search the next town for food and drink, leaving the children alone with only three adults.
"Sis,"Jojo Groaned as he got out of his bed and slowly walked behind Candy, who was standing on their old wooden porch.
"No," she said softly,"not yet."
"Oh," he looked down sadly,"When do you think they'll be back?"
"THEY'RE HERE!" a voice came from the town's gate."They've returned!Everyone come!"
"Uh,Jojo go ahead there, I'll get zack."
'Okay."he took off to the town's gate while Candy ran inside to get Zack who was still asleep.
"Zack!:she shook him."Come on, Zack.They're back."
"Ugh." he moaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes."Wha-"
"Come on."she said as she picked him up and sprinted to the gate with Zack rapped up in her arms.
"Mrs.Sam is it true?Is everyone back?" Candy asked as she lifted Zack on her sholders."
"Yes, my dear. They've come back to us after two years."Tears filled their eyes as the large group of people came closer til finally they could spot their parents.All the children took off to reunite with their parents.
"Come on Jojo."Candy grabbed his hand to find their mother and father.After most of the families entered the city they realised that they weren't there.A Tall man with red hair and brown eyes and small woman with brunette hair and blue eyes walked up to them and stood behind them.
"I'm sorry, Candy, but they didn't make it there.You see, we got attacked by more bandits on the way and they protected us to the last breath.They were good people."The man sighed."
"No."the woman corrected."They were great people who loved their town and more importantly, their children."
"Yes."the man repeted as he tilted his hat."If you ever need anything, we'll be here to help."
"Thank you.I couldn't have asked for better parents.It's sad, but at least they went down protecting something they loved a lot."she smiled as a tear ran down her cheek.
Halfway across world in a large kingdom, lived a fifteen year old boy with short brown hair and dark blue eyes.His name was Jaden, his parents were the wealthiest people in the city.His mother was an actress and his father was the president of a wealthy corporation.Of course neither one of them was ever home a lot so Jaden was really bored and alone.One day his parent's had business in the desert.His mom had to shoot a seen there and his dad had to sell some supplies to a small town that was robbed.
"Jaden,"his mother reached over from her middle seat to the next asile to her son sitting on the end seat, listening to music.She touched his sholder and he took off his headphones.
"What, mother?" he sighed.He didn't like the idea of leaving his home town for one week to go halfway across the world just to visit a barren place with possibly no other children around.He would miss his friends although he only had three friends, Crystal, James and Andrew.
"Look out your window, we're here."she smiled.
He looked out the window to see mainly what he expected to see, barren land.Except for a small town with quite a few people in it.At least more than he'd expect.
"Passengers be seated,"the pilot's voice raised over the innercom."We are preparing to land."
"What?!"Candy cried."You really mean that there're going to be coming here?"
"Yes, I also hear that they're briging their son."Megan, Candy's blonde haired green eyed best friend replied as they walked down the dusty street.
"Oh."she she smiled, maby he's fun?She thought to herself.He probably could help the town.But then again, he's rich, he might be stuck up and a big brat.Her face turned sour.
"What's wrong?"Megan asked when someone came calling.
"Everyone hide!Hide!Bandits!"Little kids ran inside.Megan hurried up in her home with her older sister and brother.
"Hurry,Candy!" Megan called as she shut the door.
Candy rushed to her house and told her brothers to be quiet and be still as she stood outside the door.
"Hey, mom," Jaden whispered as they walked into the town."Where are all the people?I know I saw them."
"I don't know.Maby they're inside."she awncered.
"Wait!" Jaden stopped as he looked up from his ds."There is someone.See by that house.And look, there is more people.They look angry."
"Hello!" his father called as he walked forward."I'm Johnathan Frost.This is my wife Jenny, and son Jaden.Oh these people behind me is my wife's movie people."
"Hey look!" one of the farmers shouted."It's the Frost family."
"Oh." the rest of the people sighed as everyone else slowly came out of their houses cheering the Young actress's name.
"Wow." Jaden said and then went back to the game.Then looked up at the girl still standing on the doorstep only this time with two little boys with her."I wonder where their parents are.Now that I think about it, all the other children are with parents,but not them." he thought to himself as they went inside.
"They're orphans." Megan explained as she walked up behind him."Their parents died two years ago while trying to save the town.Now Candy is the parent of Jojo and Zack.It's sad really, their parents were fine people."
"Really?" He asked while putting up his ds."Wow.That's sad.I wonder if I could help.She seems sad."
"Well, she is unable to provide for them and some people came a few days ago threatning to take all three of them and put them in sepreat orphanages."
"What?!Not if I can help it."
Megan said nothing.All she did was look at him and smiled before she left.
Two days had already went by and his father had completed his business and his mother surprisingly completed her last take.So now they were going to leave the next day and he still needed to speak to Candy.That's when he saw her, she was slowly walking to her house when Jaden ran up to her.
"Hi." he greeted."You're Candy, right? I'm Jaden."
"Hi.How'd you know my name?"
"Megan told me about you and your brothers."
"Oh.Well, what do you want."She opened her door."Be quick and quiet please, Jojo and Zack are sleeping."
"Well, I heard that you, well, that you are having trouble and about your parents."
She pushed him out the door and quietly shut the door."What about them?What do you know?"
"Well I know they died trying to protect this town.I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me and my family.I know a very nice couple who are looking to adopt some kids,she might-"
"Shut up!" She yelled then quieted."No way.We were born here we can't leave."
"What about your brothers?!"He yelled."Do you think they'll like being in orphanage alone?And you, you could be put somewhere horrible.Do you want that?"She opened the door and shut it.".If you change your mind then come to the airport to the south of here tomorrow at 6:00 am.Think about it."He slowly left and pulled out his ds and started to play it but put it away.
"Candy," Jojo whispered,"Are we gonna go?I don't want to be away from you and Zackie."
"Maby, but how did you-"
"I spied on you when that bad man came last time.Sorry." He smiled.
"I guess.Well?"
"Well what?" He asked
"Well pack up! We're going to Jadens.You and Zack will have to wake up early.Okay?"
"Yes ma'am!"he ran into his room happily.
The Next Day
"I'm glad you made it, Candy." Mrs.Frost smiled at Candy and her brothers as they borded the plane."
"Thanks"she turnedto Jaden."Somehow I figured you knew we would come.How did you clear this with your parents"
He just smiled and sat next to the window.Two hours later Candy found herself bored on the flight and took out a sketch pad and started drawing a portrait of her brothers, who were sleeping right next to her.On the next aisle, Jaden and his parents sat quietly.Jaden was about to look over to Candy's drawing when,"Excuse me all passengers, this plane and others are taking a little detour.If you value your lives you will stay seated."Then the plane started to change courses.After a few minutes a tall woman with a red ski mask and a large rifle and a big man with a black ski mask and a blue suit, holding an automatic rifle.The man walked up to Candy and her brothers and grabbed Jojo.
"Anyone who disobeys us, this boy will get it good."he put a gun to his head and smiled.
"Help."he whispered.
Candy stood up and faced the woman.She sprinted towards her and sent a flying kick then punched her in the gut.Just then she jabbed Candy in the back with the back of her gun and put Candy to her knees.
"Candy!" Jaden stood up.
"Don't even think about it boy."The woman warned puting a small pocket knife to Candy's throat.Then turned to the guy with Jojo."She could make it far in the game.Maby even win."
"Well, she is tough to bring you to your knees."he replied.
"Attention passengers, this is your "captin" speaking.We're preparing to land everyone please sit this will be rough."
The woman and man sat Candy and Jojo down and tightly buckled them down.
About thirty minutes later all of the people were loaded off four planes. They found themselves standing in a huge building that seemed to be a skating rink with a three foot wall spliting it in to two.In all there was six hundred people in this huge building.Three hundred people on each side.Candy and her brothers and two hundred ninety seven others were on the right. Jaden and his parents on the left.
A large deep voice appeared over a large innercom on a wall."Hello all.I'm going to be the host for the day.I've called all of you here for a reason.I'm looking for a new recruit but I need the strongest.All of you are the best at something. I'm hosting three games today. Each event will cut the group down.Some might be injured, others might die."The room fell silent out of fear."Now I bet you all are very tired after your long trip.Right?Well, I 'm giving all of you two hours to rest up.Starting now.One more thing, if you try to escape you will be reduced to ashes.Rest well."the voice cut off.
"Now what?!" A voice broke out.I have a business trip to go to.They said it was and emer-gen-cy."he just figured it out."It was a trap!We're all gonna die!"everyone broke out in a panic.
"Well,"Candy yawned,"I'm gonna relax.You two come sit right here by me."
"You mean, you're not scared either?" Jaden asked as he leaned over the wall, bordly.
"No,"she replied as she took out her sketch pad and drew another portrait."I'm good at games.How 'bout you?"
"Yeah, I'm mostly best at karate and stuff like that." he awncered.
"Cool, me too!" she smiled at him.
"Hey can I see your drawing?"
"Sure." she handed it to him.
"It's me!" he pointed out." It's great, looks just like me.Where did you learn to do that?" he asked as he handed it back.
"Thanks."she blushed."Just practiced out of books."
"Cool." he turned." Any minute now we will begin the first game. Promise me no matter what we will keep our families safe.Also give it your all, we will find a way to escape.I will protect you."
Just then the innercom blasted on."The time has come!The first game is a test of speed.There are no rules in this game except WIN. At any cost!Anything can happen, this is also to see how much pain you can take and if you can face your fears.Let the games....BEGIN!"
Out of nowhere giant rubber balls started falling from the roof.At first everyone was confused and stood still.
"If you don't want to die you will all play now, don't think that this is all you have to do, there are more surprises later on.No rules, remember that. The quicker you play the faster you leave.You only have three hours.Use wepons, got it!"A bolt came out of nowhere and desinagrated a tall guy with a black suit, dark sunglasses and black hat.That's when people randomally started attacking others with wepons that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
"Well," Candy stated," this is not your ordanairy game." Then some tall dude with orange hair and green eyes came from behind her with a long sword and she turned and just cuaght the attack with her hands.She quietly warnned."You met your match, You will fall.I play rough now." She slapped the sword out of his hands."Jojo, Zack.Sit in the corner. I'll be there in a minute."She turned to the man and smiled.
"This'll be easy!"the man cried as he came towards her with a scissor kick.Others joined him."Take out the weakest first!"They all came at Candy and on the other side, Jaden, with karate moves.They easily dodged and counter attacked with even better moves like the 720 butterfly twist and nutcrackers.
"Not as easy as it seemed?" they both unknowingly said at the same time.When the game began you never thought you'd lose, but your time is up I play to bruise."another came behind each of them and tried to do a sneek attack."Is that all you got? Come on! Just then Candy saw a dark object opening up where Jojo and Zack was standing.She looked around and noticed more people just dissapeared than should have been.Her and Jaden had tooken care of at least twenty each.She thought she heard soft screaming coming from somewhere.Then she saw someone on her side just get sucked down a dark void and realized her brothers were next!She took off towards them and pushed them out of the spot, but instead of them going down she did.After she completly went in it closed up.
"Candy!"Jojo and Zack yelled as they started punching the spot where she dissipeared.They kept punching their hardest so they could break a hole in the floor and save their sister.
"JADEN!" Jojo cried out for help.
"What is it,Jojo?" he called back then saw them pounding the floor and knew what had happened.He jumped over the wall and ran through a crowd of fighting people.When he got there they had made a small hole in the floor.Once he started a bigger hole he looked down and saw a deep hole with what seemed to be a small tunnel with a small light flickering light.
"Candy?You in there?Come on, we're getting you out."but no reply.Then he tore at the rest of the floor and made a hole big enough for him to fit in.He told the boys to sit still and make sure it doesn't close back then jumped in.
"Mommy, Daddy."Jaden herd a soft painful voice deeper in the tunnel.He followed a small row of light to a large opened feild and found Candy right in the middle of the feild with two people.A small woman with long brunette hair, sparkling green eyes and a sweet face that was very pale, was cradeling Candy like a small child.Right next to her was a tall muscular man with a mustache a stern face and brown eyes.They all seemed very happy.Like a, like a family.He got it now, that was her mom and dad.Then a storm came out of nowhere andin a blink of an eye her parents just dissipeared, leaving Candy and him alone.Candy broke out in tears, screaming for her parents to come back. Begging them not to leav her alone.
Jaden couldn't take it anymore.He knew what this is.It was a test to see if she could face her fears.He had to help her.
"Jaden!" Jojo cried."It's closing up!"
He had to help.So he ran up to Candy and rapped her in a hug before she could run away to find her illusion parents.
"Get away from me I have to find mama and daddy!"Candy struggled."I can't loose my family again!I'm all alone now."
"Listen to me, Candy, we have to get out of here, none of this is real!It's all an Illusion.You still have family!Outside of here.Remember? Jojo and Zack.They need you with them.I need you!You're NOT alone!"she seemed to realized that he ment it.
"Jaden?"she whispered.
"Yeah, Candy."
"If I come back, promise me one thing.Promise me that we'll all get out of this alive.You, me, Jojo, Zack, and your parents.Also, that you'll still need me?'"
They fell silent. The soft wind blew across the feild of beautiful flowers."Yes."he finally answered softly.
"We still love you, Candy." a lovely voice chimed through the breeze."Make us proud and protect your brothers for your father and I.Okay?"
Candy smiled and nodded."Okay, mama."She and Jaden took off through th darkened tunnel and climed out of the hole that had opened up now because Candy had faced her fear of being alone and conquered it.
"Thanks, Jaden."Candy blushed as she fell on top of Jaden while he was trying to help her out.They both froze as they stared into each others eyes.they froze like that for what seemed like ages until,"RING!"the sound of a timer went off and broke their trance.
"Times up!Every person who is still consious line up by the wall dividing the room."After they all did he came back on and said,"Okay, not too bad. Out of 600 people only 156 people are left.I'll make a deal with the rest of you."The room was quiet."I predict that only five people will make it through the next course.If my prediction is incorrect I will let anyone who is able to, I will let them go.
"Okay!"the crowd cheered.
"Do you really think he'll do that, Jaden?
"No way.It's probably a trick. I'll bet that once they try to flee, he'll destroy them."
"Now for the second game.In a single file line, follow the men in ski masks outside to your next course."
They all walked outside and around the old ,what now seemed to be a wearhouse, and found a large body of water.It seemed bigger than a lake yet smaller than an ocean.
"The next course is a five mile swimming race.Again, no rules except that you can't get out and walk.Once you get out of the water before you hit the finish line, you will die!Now I will give you about till sunrise to rest up.Once I blow a whistle over the innercom, you will have thirty minutes to find a baithing suit out of both of these changing rooms.Also inside you can stock yourself with any thing you can find to use in the race.Good luck and rest hard." Click.He hung up.
"Now what?" Someone cried.
"Hey guys!"Candy called as the crowd started to panic and rush into the changing rooms.But noone seemed to hear her.
"GUY'S!Calm down and sit over here!" Jaden yelled on the top of his lungs. Everyone heard him and sat down in a circle around her.
"Okay.We know he said that it there are more or less suvivors of this course then he'll let us go,right?"Candy and Jaden said.
"Yes!"they agreed.
"So I have an idea to help us out.Now we know that he won't let us go even if his guess is wrong.So we shouldn't fight each other, we should stock up on important items that will help us.We won't be able to run away.I have been listening to his voice over the innercom."
"So what?!" an older gray haired man stood up and shouted."We all herd it.So what?!"
"So, I have noticed something strange about it, it seems that he must be an assian, because of the deepness and anger in his voice.Also,the lightning he used to insinerate people,I saw a small knob inside.So out here he can't harm us.Lastly, I think I know what the next and final match is going to be.he might send us to some place.Maby different places.To show how we can work on our own.So I think if we just work as a team now and help each other out on this course, the more people we have left, we could use to defeat the assian and get us home!Okay do we agree?If so say"I"."
One at a time they all said "I".
"Okay, first off who is a pilot, or can handel flying a plane.Two younger men who seemed to be in their twenties, stood up.
"Good.So we mainly need to help the smaller kids and these two pilots.We have to get out of here alive!Are you with me?!"
The crowd broke up in a cheer.
"Well, it seems they are going to try to rebell against me.No matter, they can't win.Although I have to give them credit for bravery.Especially her."The shadowey voice pointed on a screen at Candy."I can't believe how fast she found out I was an assian.Also she and that boy were the only two who knew that I would not let them leave.But what really got me is that she figured out the finall course and the lightning.I have to keep a closer eye on her, I might have to have her, not only as an ally,"He turned around to show his face to his hinchmen.A face which was only about sixteen.He had longish red hair and dark purple eyes,"But as a bride,too."he smiled.
"Alright."Candy cried."It's almost time!Is everyone ready?"
"Yeah!" everyone cried.
"Okay, so let me go over the basics.We have to protect the children and the two pilots.Anyone who gets tired, anyone near them help out anyway you can.We will survive."
"Okay."the voice roared over the innercom."We will now begin.I have nothing more to say so just GO!"
The first two miles were going smoothly.The only problem was with the children getting tired, but the adults just helped carry them.Also, the bigger problem was with how deep the "lake" was.Jaden figured it was about ten feet deep.Things didn't get too bad until the third mile, when things started pulling people under.
"What's that, Jaden?Can you see what's pulling people under?"Candy yelled over to Jaden, who was holding Zack on his back while trying to stay above water.
"I'll look."He replied as he put Jojo back in the water to swim since he was well rested."Be right back."he dived deep down in the dark, brown water.There he saw some sort of chain come out of the bottom and wrapped itself around someone's leg and dragged him under to the bottom.Jaden quickly swam to the surface.
"Candy!" he yelled."We have to keep moving."she looked over to him.
"Why?Is something wrong?"Just then Jaden was suddenly dragged under the water.
"Jaden!"she cried."You two just stay here,okay?"Candy dived down after Jaden.All she could see in the filthy water was a figure of Jaden reaching out to her.She swam next to him and he pointed to a shiny chain wrapped around his leg.Candy quickly grabbed a small, sharp object out of her pocket and started rubbing it on the chain.She was quickly running out of air.She couldn't hold it anymore and exhaled.Candy knew that she couldn't stay down any longer, but as she started to loose consiousness the chain snapped she couldn't stay awake any longer.She felt herself drifting away slowly, now nothing else mattered.The darkness was all she saw.
" Candy!Wake up!" a voice called out to her.Candy slowly opened her eyes to find herself on Jaden's back.He was carrying her while watching Jojo and Zack.When she finally got a good look at her surrondings she thought out loud."I wonder where everybody is?"
"They were all either pulled under by the chains or got hit by some falling bricks.We came close to being hit by them.The only ones left are you, me, Jojo, Zack, and the two pilot men and that strange woman.I think that guy's prediction will come true.Only two people left to go."
"No way!" Candy cried as she climbed off and began swimming in the middle of Jojo and Jaden with Zack in front of her."It can't come true.So many people.So many kids, lost their lives in this stupid game.We have to make it through this and get out of here."
Just then, two large bricks flew out of nowhere and pounded Jojo and Zack down the water.
"Zack!Jojo!"Jaden and Candy dived down and grabbed them out from under the bolder sized bricks before it sould crush them in the bottom.When they reached the surface they spotted the finish line and quickly crossed it.When they got the boyson land they were glad to find that they were just unconsious and not seriously harmed.
"Well, looks like only five of you have made it."the assain's voice roared over the innercom."Looks like the survivors are the young and beautiful,Miss Candy.Jaden Frost.Mrs.Hanna Clearwalter.James the pilot and Harry the pilot.Good job with making it this far.Now Jaden, have you been wondering where your parents were?"
"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen them since the first round."he realized."What have you done with them!"Then he looked down to see an angry Candy mourning over her brothers.She slowly stood up with her fists clenched.
Candy quickly looked up with so much anger in her eyes and shouted,"COME OUT HERE AND SHOW YOURSELF!YOU COWARD!"
A laugh shot all around them and the guy calmly said,"Oh, soon enough you will meet me face to face, but for now,"Strange purple gas surronded them and they suddenly felt light headed as they fell to the ground,"You will have to face my illusions."
"ugh!"Candy moaned as she awoke in front of a strange yellow shop with a huge green and blue sign on top of it saying "Arcade".Something seemed off about it though.She cautiously walked through the front door to find that it was tilting downwards like a huge ramp.Only this was a store.
"Hello?" she called out.Only to find there was no one around but her and brand new games.She started to slide all the way to a corner with a strange looking game."Dragon Quest Five the Hunt of the Mutant Dragon Dog.That's a strange name for a game."She looked down to find a coin stuck in the cracked wooden floor.She struggled to pull it out but managed to after a while."Maby, maby I'm supposed to play this game?Ohhh, I'm gonna get him for doing this to all of those people.If Jaden is harmed at all,I'll KILL him!" Candy threatened as she slipped the coin into the coin slot.A huge white light came out the machine and Candy found herself face to face with a giant dragon dog-like creature.It was so huge and a dark reddish color with sharp knife-like teeth and dog ears.To Candy, he looked hungry.
"I don't think that you would want kibble,huh?"she asked.He growled feircely and blew fire at her.She dodged it a slid down the ramplike floor, Slamming her back against the wall."Aww man,that's no fair!He has claws that can keep him balanced.This should be cheating!?"
Meanwhile,Jaden was in his own place.
"Woah!" he shouted as he dodged a spiky battle ball."I've always hated this stupid game before, but now this is ridiculious.I hate it more than ever now."
He jumped out of the ball's way as he tried to keep his balance on a moving platform that kept moving up and down then left to right."How can these kids throw something that fast!?"he shouted as he jumped out of the path of a fast flying ball that a girl with red pigtailed hair threw."These kids are what, eight...Nine?This is crazy!" His battle didn't last very long because out of nowhere, something blasted a hole through the gym wall.Out of the explosion came Candy.
"So, that's all I had to do to get out of there.But now where am I?"she looked around to find Jaden struggling to stand up.
"Hi,Jaden!" she waved."Listen, all you have to do is hit them in the weak point!"
"Oh where is that, Candy?" he asked happily.
"Listen you can't touch them or the balls, but they can touch you."
"Why's that?"Jaden asked confused.
"Because they're hollograms.Look up there."She pointed above the children who were now standing still because of the intrusion."See that projector hanging over the celing?That's how you can beat them.You can only destroy it with the ball.That's how I beat the dragon dog.I took a golf club and wacked it good.They may be hollograms, but in here they can harm you all they want.The only way you can destroy them is by destroying the projector."
"So I have to throw a ball at it and destroy it and we're free?Alright!"he yelled as he picked up a ball that was rolling right next to him.He threw his arm back and in an instaint the ball flew out of his hand and flew forward.There was an explosion that blinded Jaden and Candy for a minute.When they opened their eyes the found themselves in a completely metalic room with now two huge holes in it.
"Not much of a fight.Now let's get out of here."He grabbed Candy's arm and led her out of the room and into a large hallway.
"Hey guys."the pilot called from down the hallway."Come on,We found a way out of here."
"Okay!" they cried happily as they sprinted towards him.
"This way."He led them down a long narrow hallway with photos hanging on the wall.Most of them were paintings of landscape.Candy and Jaden saw an exit door down the hallway to the right.
"Thank you very much for showing us the way out Mr.pilot,"Candy thanked,"but Jaden and I have to find the master mind and teach him a lesson."
"Are you crazy?!" he cried."You twi could get killed."
"Yes, but he has my parent's."Jaden angerly scrowled.
"Yes, and my brothers most likely."Candy added.
"So what!They're most likely dead by now!" He argued.
"Maby,"Candy sielently replied,"But we can't give up on them yet.Listen, you get the remaining suvivors who are alive and get them on the plane.Once you do that, start the plane up.If we're not back within an hour, leave without us,okay?"
"Got it."He choked the words out as he ran off outside with The woman and other pilot."You've better make it."he cried as the door shut waving at them.
"Come on!"Jaden said as he grabbed Candy's arm again and pulled her down farther into the hall.Finally they came across a huge, castle like door that was made of solid gold.
"This must be it."Candy warnned."Are you ready?"
"I was born ready." he smiled as they pushed the doors aside to find a cage with Jadens parents and Candy's brothers in the middle of a huge mansion like room with books stacked from wall to wall.At the end of the room was a huge glass chandelier hanging over a small wooden desk.
"They slowly walked into the room.As they got underneith the cage they saw a person in the chair by the desk.
"It's him."Jaden whispered.Candy just nodded.
"I see you've made it."The figure announced while standing up from his spot.He stepped forward to reveal his long red hair and dark purple eyes and grinning face."I'm Chris Johnny."
"Wow, he looks like he's fifteen or even sixteen." Candy awed."But I'm still gonna have to kick your butt."she grinned.
"Ha!"he laughed."What makes you think you can?"
"I have Jaden with me.By the way, where's all your men?"
"Guarding the planes." he smiled."I'll make you a deal,Candy.If you and your boyfriend can beat me I'll let you and your families go, but if you loose,you will have yo be my bride."he laughed and grinned at the thought of it.
"Fine, but I WILL win!Nomatter what I won't loose."
Jaden wasn't too happy about that though."We will win.I WON'T EVER LET YOU HAVE CANDY!"he yelled as Chris took a few steps forwards and stopped right in front of Candy.
"Ahh, I can't wait to have you to myself."He went to pat her sholder but instead accidently patted her chest.
She looked down at his hand."YOU PERVERTED JERK!"she yelled as she punched him so hard, he flew into his desk and destroyed it.
"Jaden,"she quietly said to him.He was freaking out but paused to listen to her,"go free your parent's and my brothers.They're all unconsious so be careful.I'll take care of him."she cracked her knuckles.
"Okay,also remind me to never make you angry." He giggled worriedly and ran off to free them.
"Work fast because we need to get out of here before ten minutes.Or else."
"Now then," she turned to Chris, who was just getting to his feet shakily."The time has come, once and for all. You met your match, you will fall.I'm going to take you down!" she sprinted towards him.
All he did was try to block her attacks.She came at him with a right hand hook and knocked him to the ground.
"Is that all you got?"Candy teeased as she pulled him to his feet and punched him hard in the gut."This is for all those that you've killed and injured!" he fell.
"This one is for Jaden's parents." she kicked him in the air."And this is for my BROTHERS!"she assulted him with a final blow to the chin.
"Man, you're better than I am." Jaden said as he woke up his parents.".How can you beat an assian.How?And uhh, is he.."his voice trailed off.
"No,unfortunately just unconsious."she started tying Chris up."He's not an assian.He was just putting on an act.Also, an assain would never kill somebody like he did, they wouldn't be this easy to beat either.I'd say he was just somebody wanting to be one but hasn't had proper fighting training.Anyway,we have to get out of here, though.This place is gonna blow."
"What?" Jaden's father asked as he helped his wife up.
"How?"Jaden asked.
"When he let us stock up on stuff I stocked up on some bombs I found around here.I set the timmer for two hours ago.But that was almost two hours ago!We only have five minutes left!"
"Come On!"Mr.Frost cried as he and his wife grabbed Jojo and Zack."We've better get going."
"Yeah."Jaden Candy and Mrs.Frost cried as they took off down the hall.
When they finally made it to the planes they found the two pilots and lady standing outside the plane with the assian's guards tied up and beat up.
"Come on."Candy cried as she and Jaden threw Chris in the plane."Load them up too.We've gotta go now!"
They said now word but did as instructed.After they finally took off they noticed they were on an island, but then it was surronded with falmes and smoke.
"Wow,"Candy said as she walked up to the pilots who were amazed by how long it took the place to vanish in smoke,"how did you manage to defeat the bad guys, search for all these suvivors, load them on and get the plane started, all within thirty minutes?"
"Well,my dear, we my be pilots, but we are also great fighters and strong,too."The pilot with blonde hair and brown eyes smiled.
"Well, Jaden,"Candy sighed,"I can't believe it's all over now.And out of six hundred people who came, only sixty people left."
"Well, it's better than no suvivors.Also, I'm glad that you made it."
"Yeah,"she smiled."Yaawnn.Man I forgot that I have barely had any sleep in the last two days.I woke up early one day, next day I got no sleep, and now, here I am."
"Why don't you get you some sleep.I'll watch the prisoners."he smiled.
"Okay, she replied.
The rest of the trip went smoothly.After they landed they turned Chris the Assian and his gang to the police.Then spent the next four hours explaining about the other abducted planes and all that went on at this "Mystery Island".
Everyone who was abord the plane was taken care of at the nearest hosipatal.Jojo and Zack had finally woken up and was as hyper as ever.
Jaden and his parents introduced the kids to their new foster parents.Candy and her brothers really seemed to like them, especally since they lived right next door to Jaden and his family and went to the same school as Jaden.
The rest went smoothly.Candy lived right next door to Jaden and his family.Jaden introduced Candy to his best friends and they immedently became friends.
About four years later Candy and Jaden grew up and got married and Jojo and Zack went to high school and met Ally,a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and green eyes, and Alexis,a somewhat chubby girl with short orange hair and brown eyes.Soon Jojo grew up and married Ally and Zack Married Alexis.
Don't worry, after Candy moved there with her new foster family she and Jaden started sending food supplies and clothing to her hometown in the desert.They became happy and was able to build a large desert city and is now a very popular place for tourist to visit.
- by sapphire75312 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/28/2010 |
- Skip

- Artist: sapphire75312
- Description: this is a story i have written about a poor girl and her little brothers and a rich boy and his parents. the two main characters must find a way to beat an "assain" to save what's left of the suvuvors from a plane hijacking.if you read this could you give me some ideas on what to name it.thanks! :)
- Date: 07/28/2010
- Tags: unnamed story
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Comments (1 Comments)
- sapphire75312 - 07/28/2010
- sorry it's a little long,and might have a lot of spelling errors, just ignore i will have a friend help me with the editing,but first i wanna see if it's any good so please commet.
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