• ♥A Power or a Death Wish?♥

    Miles nudged me, as I sat down, looking over at him, he nodded his head to the back of the classroom.
    I rolled my eyes, and looked back, to my surprise I saw Blake.
    What is he doing here? I questioned in my head. The teacher was gone, and it was only about seven students to the max, that were here.
    Blake seemed not to notice us, or at least he was trying not to. I turned away and put my head in my hands.
    The little body of the dead boy, was a shock. I have not seen any ghosts in nine years, two months, and about four hours.
    I wracked my brain for the image of him. He seemed like he was tortured, maybe held underwater? But that did not explain why he was in the roof of the Detention Room. He had dirty blond hair, I could not see his eyes, because they were closed.
    He seemed kind of...peaceful in a weird way.
    I must have spaced out, because I heard arguing from the back of the classroom. My first guess was Miles and Blake, and of course I was magically right.
    "LET IT REST!" Blake shouted, maybe Miles did something wrong.
    Blake jumped from his seat, Miles was sitting on top of it.
    "YOU ARE ONE LITTLE IGNORANT BAS-" Blake trailed off, the teacher was outside the door, fumbling with his key. It looked like he had given up, and left to get the Janitor. This meant about three more minutes of arguing, before the bell rang.
    "AND WHAT ABOUT THAT TWISTED TEXT YOU SENT ME!?" Miles continued getting red in the face.
    That had stop Blake, he seemed to be searching for words, but not succeeding very well.
    He sighed, and put his face close to Miles.
    "You know it was true, you do not want to admit it, but it is." Blake whispered into Miles's ear.
    The door open, and a pale girl stepped in. She had red hair, and her eyes were hidden by a shadow.
    The arguing had finally stopped, and the girl stared at me, screeching, yelling at me in...tongue?
    Then she was gone.
    Miles jogged up to me, right when the bell rang. "Did you notice the room got cold when the door opened?" He asked me.
    "Yeah...weird." I admitted, "Listen, Miles, I got to run. See you later!" I called over my shoulder already out the door.
    I walked home, watching my back. All the events for today were piling up.
    What other events are in store for me? Sighing I opened the door, surprise to see my older sister, Selti.
    One look at her you think she was a ghost.
    "Uh...wh-why are you he-here?" I stuttered, nervously. This meant one thing, Telxi was here too.
    Selti looked up at me. "Are you going to close the door?" She asked me.
    "Ri-ri-right." I stuttered again, maybe because I felt nervous around her.
    "Is she finally here?" Telxi came into view, with her cat, Felix.
    "Yes." Selti answered.
    I built up the courage, no longer stuttering. "Why are you two here?" I asked once again.
    Telxi appeared in front of me, "You know exactly why we are here." She smirked.
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    We sat down on the couch, tea in our laps.
    "What do you mean? If I knew you why you were here, would I ask you?" Telxi stared at me and opened her mouth.
    "Have you been noticing anything strange?"
    I sipped some tea, it seemed like an old movie. Mother and daughter sipping tea, but there are some twists. Now it is sister, sister and sister talking about ghosts.
    "Um...is that really important?" Trying to change the subject was not my thing.
    Felix yawned and stretched in Telxi's lap. Selti raised an eyebrow, "Yes. It. Is. Very. Important." She talked to me like I was still four.
    "U-um..." I got a hold of myself. "Yes." I sighed, staring up at them.
    What were they planning?
    "Good." Telxi smiled up, "We will start going to School with you."