• Golden vases and picture frames covered the walls. Flowers of the rarest kind are decorated on a closed curtain that led to a small hall and into a room. That room was large with much more riches than other places. At the back was a chair with red cushions. It was decorated with beads and jewels that hung down like a waterfall. A girl sat there, her long hair gleaming, her skin fair. She was smiling at a boy who knelt in front of her. He extended his hand to hold hers.
    “Don’t ever leave my side” the girl said.
    “I would never leave you. I’ll always be here to protect you” the boy kissed her hand, “I promise”

    Night woke up. He shook his head, trying to erase memory of the dream he’d just had. He wiped sweat off his forehead. That was the fifth time he’d dreamt that.
    “How annoying…” Night yawned and looked around. The sky was bright and glowing. It was already noon and he was spending the rest of his time asleep. Night stood up from the roof and peered down to the street.
    “Sale! We have roses for sale!” “Fresh fishes, we got fresh fishes!” “Hey young lady, you want to buy some jewels?” street vendors crowded the place. This is where everyone goes to shop.
    A certain vendor caught Nights eye. It was an old man trying to sell books, of all things! He looked so vulnerable with his cane and hands shaking as he held out books to passerby’s. They all ignored him, every single one.
    “Hmmm I could do with a good read” Night grinned. He went to the side of the roof and walked down the ladder.
    People were squished in the streets, shoving just to walk through. Night maneuvered around everyone as he tried to get close to the book vendor. Sliding past people without being touched is what he trained for. Being sneaky is what you naturally have once becoming a thief.
    The old man coughed, his voice trembling as he asked people to buy his books. He didn’t notice Night creeping from the side. Night was low in the shadow, waiting for his perfect chance to snatch a book. His target was a book close to him. It was a bit rusty, but there was some gold and silver speckled on it; an antique with a strange language for a title.
    Right when he lifted his hand…two inches away from the book…a little boy in the street yelled out, “Look mommy! He’s stealing”
    Night froze, the book vendor taking notice. He stood up quickly and laughed, scratching his head nervously. “What—me? I was just…picking up a penny I accidentally dropped on the floor!” everyone still looked at him blankly, not buying it. Night turned to the old man and said, “You believe me, right pops?”
    The man stared, licking his dry lips…slowly. You could barely see his eyes with all the wrinkles—or is it because of his bushy grey brows? His mouth finally opened and he took in air…slowly. “Uh—”
    “I didn’t think so!” Night snatched the rusted book and dashed. He didn’t know where the heck he was headed; just away.
    People and buildings blurred past him. No one could keep up with him—even animals! He was the fastest thing in town. It’s very convenient for a thief.
    Night ran through allies and crossed through streets. He changed directions, zigzagging between buildings. He broke into another street and hopped on the back of a carriage. The driver didn’t notice a thing.
    Ha! Night felt accomplished. I outran him! He was proud even thought the person he outran was an old man.
    The stolen book was in his hand. He opened it to see what was inside, but it wouldn’t budge. “Damn old book…” he used all his strength to pull it apart then it ripped. The book was in two pieces now, the cover on his right and the back on his left. He yelled out in frustration which caused the driver to halt. Night bolted before he was discovered.
    He stopped at a fountain and sat down on a stone bench, letting out a big sigh. The life he’s living is boring him out. Constantly running from being sent to jail is exciting, but then boring afterwards because he’ll never get caught. The stuff he steals isn’t worth a thing anyway. Just like that book, he thinks to himself.
    It’s been about an hour since he last slept and right now seemed like the right time to take another nap. He yawned, arms outstretched. The bench was a bit bumpy and hard, but it’ll do for him because he can sleep on anything. Night leaned back and closed his eyes, napping for the first of many today.
    People walked by without looking at Night. They would mind their own business, continuing on with life. Nothing happened for hours. It was like a fast forward. Night would sleep while everyone rushed all around the place. The more the sky darkened, the more people would come less. Soon it was dark and no one was walking by. Night slept through the whole eight or more hours.
    Three men approached the stone bench. They all had messy hair that was held back by a green bandana. The man in the middle was smoking a cigarette. He had his arms crossed, smirking at Night. The other two did the same.
    “Don’t copy me!” The one in the middle shouts.
    “Y-yes boss!” they immediately stopped, swaying with nervousness cause they didn’t know what else to do.
    He spat the cigarette out and smashed his foot on it. “There he is boys; the low life scum who stole our hard earned cash” his smile widened, “Revenge starts now.”
    They cracked their knuckles and chuckled evilly. No one was around for miles. The closest building was far away, and it didn’t matter because the residents were all asleep. Shadows crept around corners and windows. The moon was covered by grey clouds slowly moving with the wind.
    The boss raised his fist into the air. Everything went by so fast. Right when he swung his fist towards Night’s face, Night woke up and stopped it with his palm. His eyes narrowed, revealing a glint of silver. His grip tightened, threatening to break the boss’s Bones.
    “What do you think your doing?” Night glared.
    The boss yelped out in shock and pain. He was trembling from the stare Night was giving him. “I-I w-wasn’t doing anything w-wrong” he stuttered.
    Night stood up with his head held high as he looked deep into the man’s eyes, sensing fear. “Are you sure about that? Cause it’s not what it looked like to me.”
    “It was their idea!” he turned tail and ran, leaving his two men behind.
    The two exchanged looks. “Did he just leave us, Ralph?”
    “He sure did, Plank” Ralph replies. They both faced Night.
    “You going to scram, too?” Night asks. They stood their ground which made him frown. “I don’t want to deal with—”
    Ralph was the first to attack. He ran forward and threw a punch. Night dodged and threw a punch of his own. Before contact was made, Plank sent a pocket knife flying. Night jumped back just in time for the knife to miss its target. It skidded across the stone floor all the way to the other side.
    “Two against one is a little unfair, don’t you think?” Night said.
    “We don’t care” Plank took out another pocket knife and threw it.
    Night caught it between two fingers. The sight made Plank and Ralph gasp. Night tossed the knife aside and stepped forward. His shadow was cast as the moon revealed itself from behind the clouds. There was a moment of silence, fear, and doubt.
    “You don’t want to mess with me, and I feel the same for you” Night placed his hands in his pocket, looking more serious and intimidating then ever. “Leave before I send you to a place unwelcoming”
    Ralph and Plank gulped. They looked at each other then ran, following their boss’s footsteps. Even as they stumbled trying to escape, Night wouldn’t laugh or smile. He didn’t even feel victorious. Fight’s are something he doesn’t like, no matter what it’s for. This is just another battle left undone and that’s how he likes it.
    “You…” said a shaky voice from behind.
    Night turned and saw the old book vendor. “You—what do you want?” he remembers the book he stole. “Look, if it’s the book you want back then you cant have it” because I tore it, he adds to himself.
    “You…” the man says again. “You’re him”
    part 2