• Nathan groaned."Why do I feel this way--I feel like a a**,being rude to my friend."He said to himself."Now im going crazy!Im talking to myself!"He sat on the corner of his bed,and his mom walked in."Matthew just called,"She said,"He wants to talk to you because--"
    Nathan cut her off by running past her and grabbing the phone.
    "Nathan?Stop calling me Matthew.You know I hate my full name."
    "Okay,Matt.What is it?"He said looking up at the ceiling.
    "Okay,So,Nathan--"Matt's voice was cut off by a sigh."Sorry bout yesterday,man."
    "Yeah me too"Nathan smiled,then he frowned.It sounded like he was talking to a girl!He chuckled a bit at the thought.
    "Hey,I'll get you to date with Rachel,just to make up for it.And you'll come out her boyfriend"Matt was just so good with girls,but Nathan wasn't.
    Nathan gasped,''But,You know im like in love with her----oh my--thanks,bro!"
    Matt laughed."Too much love,dude..."
    "Matt,I love you in a family-brother way."
    And with that,they both hung up the phone.
    At eight o' clock in the night,Matt called Nathan and told him to go to his house.So Nathan did as told.He went to the door
    "WHAT---THE--HELL!?"Nathan screamed when he opened the door.He threw his flowers on the floor,and stared,
    "Matthew ! Why are you kissing Rachel!?"Nathan felt a tear go down his pale cheek.
    Matt jumped up and disconnected Rachel's lips with his."Nathan,I-Im sorry!"
    "Sorry doesnt mean sh*t to me,Matthew!"He screamed.He was so angry,he would punch something and it will break into peices.
    Rachel jumped up with worry,and looked at Nathan,"Im sorry,can we just go to BBQ already?"She said.
    "f*ck it!Go with your boyfriend.I thought I loved you!"He walked to the door.He slammed the door so hard,it broke the glass.
    Nathan ran home.He slammed the door behind him too."Matthew Baez!Nothing but a fu--" His mom walked in.
    "What happend with Rachel?Are you guys going---"
    "NO MOM!Matt is a retard,I swear!He said he will get me to be Rachel's boyfriend and go on a date,but when I go there with the blue and pink roses,sh-she was KISSING him!"Tears went down his cheeks and he ran to his yard.
    He called his other friend Kayla,and asked her to come over.They were really close.Nathan smiled as she sat next to him and wiped his tears.