I stared blankly at the math test I was handed. The score on the sheet read a solid 52%. Not that I cared anyway. In fact no one really cared what I got on my math test. Not my parents, my teachers, and certainly not me. I slipped the paper into my binder and set my head in my palm. Last night kept creeping back into my mind. ‘I like your name Hailey Star’ played again and again like an over played song on the radio. “Ms. Star!” My head snapped up at my math teacher’s crud voice. “You may not deem it important but I believe since you managed to get the lowest score in the class, a fifty two, that you might want to use as much as you can of that tiny brain of yours and listen.” No more day dreaming in math class…
He pulled the blankets up to my chin softly. “But the th-thunder.” I cried as tears slid down my cheeks. “It won’t hurt you Hailey. It’s alright.” He lulled touching my bangs softly. “But…but.” The thunder crashed outside again and I flung up from the soft purple comforter to tug on his shirt. “N…no. S…stay. Please.” “But Hailey your thirteen years old already. You shouldn’t be scared over something like weather.” I released my grasp on his shirt and climbed under the comforter shaking. “Y…you’re right.” I said. Slowly the comforter lifted and he pushed me down onto the mattress calmly. “Alright I’ll stay with you till you fall asleep. Stop crying you’ll wake them.” “But how will I know you’re here?” I asked sniffling rather loudly. He sat at the edge of my bed and held my hand tightly. “See I’m not going anywhere.” I nodded shaking as another clash filled me with shudders. His soft voice was only a whisper but drowned out the thunder completely. “Hush may you sleep, Calm till the morning, May your dreams be deep, Away from the storm. Pray don’t have fear, the morning will break, the thunder will quiet, and I’ll still be here.”
The memory ended abruptly and tears hit my pillow. The thunder outside sent tremors through my entire body. I turned up the sound on my ipod but it couldn’t calm me or even drown out the thunder. Only He could do that and He was gone. I begged for the sweet memory to return but it wouldn’t. Why did I feel so small and trapped in my own house with the weather as my enemy? The answer eluded me as I cried into my pillow praying for the noise to end.
The soggy grass field the next morning was oddly comforting as I sat on the bleachers and buried my nose in my book. “Darling! Your eyes are all red! What evil boy broke your heart this time?” Meredith slapped her hands to her cheeks to exaggerate the statement even more. I moved my eyes up from the page as if to acknowledge her existence. “No one.” “Well if someone does just tell me because were besties right? I’ll totally tell who ever it is off ok?” “Sounds good.” I said blocking her out. Meredith was the sort of girl who spent her time talking about the newest movie star drama, painting her nails, and going on shopping sprees every Saturday. In fact I really have no idea why she even tries to be friends with me. I’ve always assumed it’s because we have certain things in common like…being brunette but always getting the lowest test scores in class. Not that that was any sort of accomplishment. “So which one?” “You’re so right.” I stated automatically “No silly. Which one is cuter? Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner?” I looked up from my book to see the wallet-sized pictures of both guys with their shirts off. “I don’t know.” “Hailey, Hailey.” Meredith shook her head disapprovingly. “You never listen. It’s as if you treasure what ever is in that book of yours more than me.” ‘But I do.’ I thought and almost laughed before saying, “I don’t.” “Oh course you don’t because…” She trailed on and I stared at the people playing soccer on the field. One of the players, which I recognized as Jason, shot the ball into the goal at a blinding speed. The goalie looked mystified as the other team members cheered. All to quickly Jason caught my eyes staring at him and waved with a huge goofy grin. I pretended not to notice. “Ohm god Jason Collins just waved at ME! I have to go tell Jessica and Jennifer! I’ll catch you later! TTYL!” Meredith squealed and left the bleachers faster than I’d ever seen her run in P.E. ‘This is turning out to be a hassle.’ I thought before closing my book and leaving the bleachers too.
The bell rang for lunch and startled me. I stretched from my nap on top of my history textbook. The face of Jason Collins somewhat surprised me. On a normal day I would ignore him but I’d just woken up and was not in the mood for games. “You’re in my face because…” I began. “Do you want to have lunch with me?” “Do I look like a charity case?” I shot back and looked around to check that no one else was in the classroom. “No but you looked lonely and in need of a lunch-time companion.” “Thanks for your concern but I’m sure there are some way prettier girls you should ask.” I stood and left him leaning on my desk.
Escape the trap
Chapter two :)
It's about- A girl named Hailey suffers from memory loss of a tragic moment that occured less than two months ago. All she wants is to forget but the memories never stop coming at the worst times. Hailey just wants to blend in at her new school but of course the most popular boy takes and interest in her.
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