Chapter 3
My Best Friend Becomes My Worst Nightmare
So, last time I talked to you Seth was flying over to my dead body in space. The next thing I remember I was in a medical station in my ship. I don't have a medical station in my ship, so Seth has some explaining to do.
These droid things were repairing me. It reminded me of Star Wars. Then Seth walked over to me, but he was different. His sandy, blonde hair was darker and he had a darker tone. His clothes looked almost royale. He was wearing a black under armour with green symbols on it and black pants.
"Nice makeover," I said.
"Shut up," Seth said with anger in his voice. "I don't need this from you."
"Wow...you don't seem like the guy I met in Space Academy."
"That's because I'm not. You see, when you drank the Super 8...it affected me."
"Is that why you were flying?" I interrupted.
"No. I could already do that. It affected my decision on whether or not to kill you."
"Wait wait wait wait wait. So, you are telling me that you became friends with me because you had to?"
"Technically...yes. I work for somebody that is going to change this universe...for better or worse."
"Wait wait wait wait wait. So, you are telling me that I have been working with the bad guy this whole time?"
"I'm not the BAD GUY!" he screamed. "That may be how you see it, but to me I am a good guy. My decision is final. I am going to kill you, James."
"Wait wait wait wait-" That's as far as I got because Seth interrupted.
"Could you stop doing that!"
"Fine. Well, before I die can I ask you something?"
"If you think you are a good guy, then tell me all of the "good things" your employer has made you do."
"That is unreasonable, but I will answer it. I have wiped out entire cities of humans so my boss could build his home and other buildings. I have assasinated families who have questioned my boss's actions."
While he was talking I had a flashback. I was back at my home in Colorado and I was six years old. Suddenly I was actually there, watching the event. My hometown was being raided by these horrible people. My parents were looking for a place to hide in my house when we heard our door open. Screams began pouring in from outside. The entire town was on fire. People were scared and hopeless. My parents grabbed my arm and pulled me into their room on the second floor. We ran into their closet, locked the door, and turned off the lights. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and voices, one of them was familiar. Then the door to my parent's room opened. Someone walked over to the closet door and tried to open it but couldn't. The person outside chuckled and shot the handle. Then the door opened and I saw Seth. He looked exactly the same as he was in my time. He has more explaining to do. He grabbed me and yanked me out of the closet. Seth pushed me over to the ground and I began to cry [Remember, I was six]. He then pulled out a gun and told my parents to come out of the closet or they would die. They came out and then my mom ran over to me but before she got to me, Seth shot her in the head twice. I screamed and looked over at my dad. He was crying and sreaming my mom's name...June. He ran over to Seth and punched him in the face.
"You shouldn't have done that James!" Seth yelled.
My dad looked over to me and said, "Run James! And always remember...I love you." Right after he said that Seth shot him two times in the heart and one time in the head. I ran for my life and then the flashback was over. I was staring at the killer of my parents.
Super 8 chapter 3
This is the 3rd chapter of my new book(maybe series)!
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