Protected at last, all 19 corners finally boarded up By the lords most elite fighters guarding the outside of the city, fumes come up in the air and never come down, it diseases the sky’s and blinds the eyes of the great city’s citizens. Only those with great amount of money are able to escape the rotting city of Fleet, It has been 15 years since the great war that destroyed half of the great city, after 15 years the rivers are clean, they sky is blue, The lords sworn words were to clean up the city and to protect the citizens. Only the brave people become the fighters who have to pass the 15 gates to try and get the chance to be the lord of this amazing city.
“Ok students, What is The average Size of a Seventy cutter Blade Sword? ….? Any one?” The class room fell silent. One hand of a gothic looking punk rose up. “Yes Dawn?” Sir Josiah said “The average Size is 20-25 foot, therefore you have to have strength and courage to carry one as it is a threat to many cities and towns.” The class room yet again fell silent. “Very well dawn, Class dismissed” Every one shot off in an instant.” Dawn picked up his books and walked out. “Wait Dawn!” Sir Josiah Shouted. Dawn turned around and gave a big yawn, then smiled. “What’s up?” he said in a casual voice “Am I in trouble?” Then sir smiled and said “Follow me, and you are not in trouble, completely opposite” They walked off into a small dark room and turned on the light. He then went into a different room and pulled out 20 Ft. Steel Edge cutter Ryan sword. “Follow me” They went out side and went the Lords residents, He the pushed the door and controlled all his body power into his hand and opened the 98 Ton door with ease. They stepped in and went up stairs to a class room. “Dawn, this is your new class room, Its for elite fighters, you’re the youngest fighter to gain worthiness to enter the special training from the Lord and the Elite trainers, you shall be put into a group of five and carry out missions set by The lord and his Advisers.” Sir said “You are a higher rank than me” Dawn smiled, “Sir, do I have to wear uniform? And what I really wanto to know is..Do I get that sword?” Sir smiled “No No No! You get this sword!!” he pulled out a 90 Ft 80 meter wide stainless white platinum sword and handed in to him. It shrunk down to a samurai sword, “But first you need to pass all the Mental tests to get that demon out, Its called Drank,, it’s a dragon!”
The next day…
Dawn walked down the narrow path to the tall building and then ran into a stump… ‘How will I open that door?!?’ He thought, he hid behind a bush and watched as countless 18 year olds opened the door, But he was only 12! He walked over to a man about twice the size and strength “Ermm Excuse me…” The tall mall looked down and dawn shrunk to a size of a peanut, The man then smiled and picked him up, His Black long hair covering both his eyes. “You must be the new student!” he then put him on his shoulder and walked into the building. “Hay lil dude! My name his bill!” He said in a deep voice. Dawn looked down at the floor that looked miles away. “You ok Lil dude?” Bill said in his extremely deep voice “Yeah, I’m fine” Said dawn sweating like a lama who just ran a marathon. They got to the stairs and started to walk up the spiraling staircase. ‘Why did I have to pick the biggest and the strongest!?!?!’ he thought to himself The floor now looked like a dot! “So lil dude, what’s your name?” Dawn Gulped “ Ermm My name is Dawn.” Bill looked at me and then smiled, the laughed. “What a stupid name!” He laughed. Dawn Wacked the back of bills head what felt like a brick wall! They got to the class room and bill put dawn on his chair. The lord walked in with 2 advisors and 5 elite fighters. Every one stood up, well dawn stood up but surrounded by people twice the size as him “Hello Fighters, Welcome to a new term, we have a new student, the youngest to get past the academy. Everyone please welcome dawn Inter. Dawn walked down the giant walk way and down to the lord “He is going to be put into team Snake with bill, Mandy, Conchy, yon and Phil.” He then escorted him to Bill who then put him on his shoulder. “Class, go train.” “Welcome to the team!” Said bill in a low voice. A girl, not so taller than dawn walked up with blonde hair in a Pony tail, “Yo I’m Mandy” The other three just walked off, “Don’t worry about them, there just Jerks who thing there hardcore because the farther killed Glaciers Lord” “Team snake, Here!” Said the lord. “Were putting you on a top secret mission to Glacial, We need you to take secret Documents to their lord. Meet On the roof of the tower of lire at exactly 1:30am” Dawns face went blank. “That….early?” Bill laughed and took him to sword fighter grounds “Were going to get you to train your a** of!” He drew his sword and said “Let’s fight!” Before Dawn knew it, he was behind him, dawn ducked and went between his legs, then ran up his back and then did a back flip, but Bill got his foot and slammed him to the ground “Ouch……” Dawn said as he was lying on the floor. Mandy the got here sworn and pointed it at Bills neck. “You child abuser! Fight fair, he’s only 12 and your 18!” Dawn got up and kicked Mandy, “How do you think I got into this class, Luck? No, Smartness, Elegance and strength” Mandy smiled and did a back flip almost hitting dawn, she kept trying to get to dawn but he kept moving, and then Bill came up from behind and got both his hands held together and smacked the ground, so bill ran up his arm and kicked him in the face. Mandy laughed but she then got tripped by dawn, Both Bill and Mandy were laying on the ground, They both got defeated by a 12 year old boy, But then Phil knocked him out “You pathetic fighters, both been beaten down by a 12 year old boy, Stupid idiots.” He then turned up his nose and walked away.
:.Top of the Tower of Lire, 1:30pm.:
Dawn was perched upon Bills dusty and rock solid shoulder while waiting for the 5 scrolls to arrive; you could just see the rippling sea in the distance and tree’s, absolutely miles and miles away, a rainforest, were the small town of assassins live, very deadly, they don’t use swords, but secret knifes and poisons in the food that surrounds there base. Not many people venture out of the grounds all because of these assassins and thief’s that kills anyone who ventures out of the home, like a snake does with a mouse. A dagger flew through the air and hit the post, tied on it was 5 scrolls, all with a Poison Seal on them so if one person opens it without using Seal Magik. “Ha, finally a good mission” Bill said clicking his fingers, he was wearing a black cloak with his sword inside, his black curly hair covered almost all of his face and he had a hidden knife up his sleeve, operated by a trigger in his steel toe boot. He stood high, waiting for the 3 brats to come wandering along with their fancy fighting gear that they brought for 10000 cubic’s at the local fighting store. Dawn sat on Bills shoulder, in red knife proof gunner jacket and black skinny jeans and green converses just to top it off. Finally, the twerps made it to the tower. “Should we set of then” Bill said while gathering the scrolls. Dawn was already getting excited over his first mission! They set of, running through the many trees around them, heading for the great twin brother of glacier, glacial, of course, they would never allow the same blood line of the man who killed their Lord. Phil winked to conchy, who then did a signal to yon, They were planning an attack on a absent minded assasion wearing a white cloak. They through a knife behind him, just to confuse him, then cut his throat. Blood spilled on the wet, satin floor. They then ran off, leaving him, dead as coal, on the floor. Bill went and looked at him, it turned out it wasn’t an assassin, it was a young man, and he wasn’t dead “Those dumbass, leaving an young man, dead and life less on the ground!” Mandy said “Yeah tell me about it, we’ll take him to his town.” Bill looked at his tag ‘Assassin no. 584, Rank: Rookie, Blood type: B, Primary weapon, secret weapon Dagger’ Bill looked at dawn, who turned to Mandy, “He was an assassin” Dawn said “He was only a rookie, but still, lets finish him off” Then, the assassin stabbed Dawn with a Micro chip, Then Bill finished him off. Pain went through Dawn, like he had been stabbed by a million and 1 needles in his hand, they had to take him back and get it removed, “MANDY, don’t touch it, any one who touches it gets infected, then later, thay shall track you down and take you to the town, then decide your fate.”
Chapter 2, Deadly Dark
They ran back to the City, not touching the chip, bill carried Dawn, on his back, they got back and got him to hospital, the curse shall spread and he shall become blood thirsty and start killing innocent people. Then the assassins shall pick him up and decide his fate, rather he shall become an assassin, or die a painful death. They rushed him in to the operating theatre.
‘Why can I hear voices, every wear, and I have a thrust for….Blood, I must Kill, No, what am I saying?!?! Am I dead, why is it so dark, Voices more voices! Make them stop!’ “Will he be ok?” He heard in the distance “He might go into a Coma; witch might be a good thing” Dawn felt a weird feeling in his stomach, It felt…Un pleasant, and threatening. He just wanted to throw-up! His hand felt like it had been amputated, witch it might have been!, he had heard story’s when he was young about micro chips that assassins stabbed into your hand that makes you feel extreme pain. First a poison spreads though your body, it makes you feel like killing everybody insight. It also includes a tracking device that lets them see your every move, not like I’m doing anything much at this very moment, but it could be life threatening!’ “So, doc, Why is it good that he is in a Coma?” “Because then the assassins are falling right into our trap!” The room fell silent. ‘So I’m safe...’ Dawn thought to him self, could this really be the end though? It was as dark as black its self. Its as if he had fell into hell itself and they had blackened out all the windows. When was he going to get out? Only time could tell. Of course, if its only minor then he should be back in no time what so ever. But, for now, im stuck in blackness, as dark as a cave, as dark as space, as dark as hell its self. ‘I.. I need, I need to kill, I need to kill somebody!”
Suddenly, A light, People, life, Blood! Dawn looked to his left hand, it was attached, then to the left, Blood was all over the blanket, it was gone. “Who, What happened to my hand?!?!” The lust of blood had gone, but he still wanted to kill everybody in sight, He got up and walked out, still half asleep, heading for the Lords resident, Bill ran after him. “Oi, dawn, what the hell are you doing, your still in shock from your hand!” Dawn Looked at him, like his eyes were on fire. “He grabbed him, cut his hand and put a fragment of poison inside of the cut and carried Him out of the village, ‘what’s happening, I feel faint, Oh my goodness’ Dawn then fainted. He woke up in the hospital, “What happened?” He said. “You fainted while trying to get to the assassins base, your were thinking that you had Bill and that you poisoned him.” Dawn looked to his hand, the chip and the hand was still there. “Were going to have to kill you” Bill looked to his feet. “Your Execution shall be at 4:15 am tomorrow, On top of the lords building, Go home Dawn” Bill looked at Dawn “I’m so sorry” He said in a slightly higher voice than usual. “Well, how long have I been in here?” Dawn said. “About, 3 weeks” Dawn was yet again shocked, “Your partners finished your job, We shall see you tomorrow, go home dawn”
Dawn walked to his Apartment, were him and his now dead dad used to live. He sat on his sofa and saw something on the floor ‘Assassins Guild Vol. 1” He picked it up and Opened it “If you are reading this Dawn, Then your about to get executed, don’t worry, we shall save you, keep reading…” He opened the next page ‘A trick page!’ He took out a bag, inside was a rusty key, he put it in his pocket, he then thought of all the time he had lost, it was already midnight. He the went to bed, pulled out the key, turned the light of, then read some of the real ‘Assassins Guild Vol. 1’
Next Morning
Bill stood up with Dawn, His black droopy hair covered all his face, he wore a red coat and a gunner hat. His huge body was gripping itself, Dawn did not want to be An assassin, he wanted to be lord, that’s all. To be lord is to be in charge, to change the way that fleet itself moves with its entire people, the way that it lives.
“Sir, there breaking in, the city of fleet shall be destroyed!” The 90th lord turned and gave him a smile, His red, blood stained coat blended in with the hundreds of dead body’s around him. His white gothic hair covered his face, he turned around and stabbed his servant in the face. His green eyes filled with fire, All of a sudden, hundreds of Glacier warriors crashed in the resident, all in white suits, ready to kill the hundreds by the seconds, “Kill them!” The lord said, they all ran out, hoods up, ready to kill everybody in sight, everybody. But no, A man stood up, on the tower of truth, In a white suit, hood up, face covered a man, named Dawn, Wife pregnant with a little boy, that man was an assassin, ready to save fleet from the great war, he had killed millions of people, No billions of bad people who threatened fleet, also the next man to hopefully become the 91st Lord and the 1st Lord to be an assassin, Ever since he saw people getting hanged for no reason, he started killing. He stood up on the rusty tower of truth. The glaciers poisoned the rivers took down half the towers, Started fires and killed many civilians, The lord Killed and made the great city, dirty and bloodstained the roads revolting and full of dead body’s, Dawn (The assassin) Killed almost half of the glaciers, also came up against the lord, Dawn threw a knife behind The lord and ran behind him, but the lord turned and stabbed him, Right in the heart, Blackness and blood filled his last moment “This isn’t over!” he said and threw a knife in his head they both died. Two years later, Dawns wife had a Baby and died.
Dawn woke up, he was late for his execution! He put on his clothes, all black and went to the lords residents, the Lord, who was wearing all black, stood up, he had a scar that dawn had never seen before, “You’re late...” The executioner said He wore red and had a demon Samurai sword, his eyes were covered by sun glasses and only had 9 fingers. He looked like a killer, he looked like death. Bill stood by the lord, wearing a green t-shirt and black skinny jeans, his black hair tied back, his short nose looked quite long from a distance, and his ears shrunk, his green eyes looked sad. “Put your head of this pole.” The lord said while pointing at a railing. He blew a red, old blood slatted horn, thousands of people came, including the academy students, Dawn put his head on the cold, bloody pole, the executioner raised his sword and swung down “ARRRGGGG” he shouted while slamming down, But the, Dawn could see a white like, but a hand, a big hand got in the way “Crap!” He herd bill saying, Dawn opened his eyes to see A assassin, ‘Of course!’ Dawn thought ‘The assassins, they were coming to save me!’
- by VampirePretzel |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/04/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Dawn, Chapter one and two
- Artist: VampirePretzel
- Description: Chapter one and two of Dawn
- Date: 01/04/2010
- Tags: dawn chapter
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