"ok class 9E you can now board the bus!"the coach on the inercom shouted.
"come on guys time for us to get on!" amy shouted while running to the bus.
that amy she is never out of energy is she, oh well better get this over with."come on kate, amelie lets go." i grabbed their hands and pulled them to the bus.
"maia come on you dont have to pull so hard." amelie said while pulling her arm away "i can walk just fine"
"i know but i want to get to the back of the bus." amelie,my black haired friend with a purple streak and purple eyes was one of my best friends that i had since the 5th grade but she is a little slow sometimes, with a sigh i let go of her arm and just pulled kate.
"come on guys i have to fight off the preps just to keep the back!" amy shouted sticking her head out the window "its going to be 100 years before you guys get on!"
"oh hush amy we are comeing just hold your horses!" amelie shouted back.
sounds like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed i told her to go to bed early last night we had to get up early to get on the bus for camp but does she ever listen NOOOO.
"yeah i love you to ...... yeah im about to get on the bus now......yeah i love you to..bye .....yeah bye" kate hung up her phone and looked at me "that was mike he said hi and he doesnt want me to go"
"oh no you are comeing even if i have to drag you there myself" she always go with her boyfriends and for once i want her to come with us for a chance.
"yeah i know i want to go this time, he wants me to come to his grandparents house this weekend and trust me they are so boring"
"then thats good cause she is already dragging you, so you cant get away anyways"amelie pointed out and kate looked at her arm and sighed.
we were stepping on the bus when shane walked in front of us.
"oh hey shane i didnt know you were comeing" amelie started to twist her purple streak.
why did he have to come now she wont stop trying to stalk him now yessh.
"yeah my mom is helping at the camp and my dad is away for a while and so i had to come."
i looked at shane and then at amelie then back at shane and he looked so bored and amelie well she looked the same as she always does when she looks at him.
"ok come on lets go you two" i push shane in and pulled the love brid and kate in looking for amy.
"took you guys long enough you didnt know what i had to go through to keep these seats. did you take a wrong turn somewhere?" she said while putting her hands on her hips.
"no its just juliet over here ran into romeo"
"oh so shane is on the bus to, wow i never would of guess he would be comeing"
"you can say that again" i tryed to take a seat but amy kept on standing there "ok whats wrong?"
"what do you say?"
"what do you say since i came and defened the back from the hyenaes?"
"oh yeah thankz now can i sit?"
"sure go a head"
finally i can sit and take a nap and not worry about camp till we get there.
"oh come on maia dont go to sleep we just got on" amy started to poke me.
"mmm let me sleep you hyper person. how can you be so hyper in the morning any way?"
"oh that i had a few amps?"
" define few?" kate asked
oh god we are dead, her drinking that much she is going to be crazy with capital letters.
"girl you are crazy you know that, you should only drink one not five you know what they do to you" kate said while grabbing her arms and pulling her down from jumping.
"yeah but they were so good i couldnt help it" she said still trying to jump up and down.
"yesh you can be so silly you silly goose but you better at least not attack us when you have a spaz attack" i said turning to face her when i saw something green at the corner of my eye. "well crap".
Camp From Hell Part 1
Clover Winters
A group of friends going to camp looking for a good time but turns into their worst nightmare.
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