Later that same night, Jace and Felicity were sitting near Beth on her front porch. Felicity stroked Beth's forehead slowly with one cold finger with a smile. "Jace, I just don't see how you wouldn't want her changed. She is pretty, I could tell from her stutters that she is intellegent, but not able to express herself, and she seems to like you a bit."
Jace scowled a bit and watched Beth quietly. "Why would I want my best friend to become Nosferatu?" Felicity did not answer, but simply ignored.
Beth moved a little on the porch swing and gave a small yawn before she leaned over laying her head Jace's shoulder thinkink it was the chain, "Welcome.....home......" she sleeply said.
Felicity chuckled into the back of her hand quite loudly at this, while Jace just turned his head away with a look of somewhat embarrassment.
She blinked a few times and yawned nuzzling Jace's shoulder, "When did dad put fabric around the swing chains?" she asked yawning again.
Jace looked down at her and kept himself from smiling, she always spoke in her sleep and it always ended up being adorable. "I don't know, maybe recently?"
Beth's eyes widend as she jumped up out of the swing, "O.o Jace?!" she gasped, "Felicity?! When.....How......What?!" She looked from one to the other very confussed and still half asleep.
Felicity smiled widely, her red eyes glinting in the moonlight. "Hello Beth. Nice night huh?"
"Um....ya...." she said calming herself, "Wow Falicity....in the moonlight your eyes almost look red....wait.....are they?" She stepped closer to her then her dark blue eyes wided, "O.O They are red!"
Felicity smiled, but the seat shook just slightly and Jace was gone. Felicity sighed but kept smiling. "Yes, they are red, and yours are dark blue."
"I've just never seen red eyes....they have to be colored contacts..." she said shacking her head, "O.o wait...where did Jace go? He was here a minutre ago?" Beth walked off the porch and looked around, "I could have swarn he was just here......"
"He left, and no they aren't contacts. These are my naturally red Vampyre's eyes."
She stopped and slowly turned looking back on the porch at her, "V..v...v..vampire?" she stammered backing up a little.
She continued to smile innocently at her, but then leapt and suck her fangs deep into Beth's neck...and then Beth woke up and there was no one there.
Beth let out a yelp and fell off the porch swing, "Ow ow ow ow...." she moaned setting up on the porch, "That was really weird......" She rubbed her neck feeling for something, "No holes....O.O my necklace?!" she jumped off her porch and looked around, "Oh! Where is it?"
Later in school, the teacher stood at the front of the class, for once looking a bit cheerful. "Class, I have pleasent news for you."
Beth looked up from digging through her bag as the teacher spoke, "We have a new student joining the school....some of you may know him," he said gesturing for Jace to come it, "Meet Jace Lenstarrk..."
Jace walked in with the air of he owned the place and stood in front of the class, his eyes covered once again in the darkly tinted shades. "Hey, nice to be back..."
Beth looked at him as a flash back of her dream came into her head,"Was that a dream.......or did it happen" she thought as some of the girls whispered about Jace. The teacher pointed to the empty desk beside Beth, "Jace this will be your seat....now on with the lessons!" The teacher chuckled a little as he started talking about what they did last time.
Jace sighed and sat down behind Beth. Amid all of the whispers of curious girls and annoyed boys, Jace mumbled something to Beth. "Hope Felicity didnt scare you too bad..."
She gulped a little as she turned around with her eyes widned, "What?" Beth whispered back, "How...."
"Yestarday? When you met her?"
"Oh.....n...n..no....she didn't......" she let out a small sigh, "By the way....have you seen my ne-" "Miss Stienhill.....face forward class will be over in a little while so you can talk to him then." Beth turned around and bowed her head a little as some of the students laughed at her. Beth clenched her right fist and held the desk with her left causing it to make breaking sounds.
Jace sighed and leaned back in his seat. Felicity had come home with a new necklace last night, but she didn't mention where she had gotten it. Heh, now he knew.
Later, when class ended, Jace hurried quickly out before anyone could speak to him.
After class Beth left the school, "Stupid teacher," she growled as she started to walk home.
Felicity, however, interrcepted Beth holding the necklace out to her. "I found it in my front yard. Maybe you dropped it?" She smiled and spoke her her bell-like voice.
Beth nodded taking the necklace, "Yes...I was looking for it....." she said putting it back around her neck, "It must of came off when I tackled Jace^^...thanks for giving it back....." She sighed and put held the charms a little, "It's really special to me........"
Felicity maintained her intrested look, but quickly when Beth did not notice she scanned her neck for any bite marks. Not a thing, good, she won't turn... "Special? COme, walk with me and talk with me." She turned on her heal to walk torwards a very nice silver porche.
"O.o um.....sure...." Beth said speeding up to keep up, "Ya....um....a good friend of mine gave it to me when we were in a foster home together......he has one similar...."
Felicity turned her head with a furrowed brow. "You were in a foster home?" She opened the door to the drivers seat and slid in quickly.
She opened the door on the passenger side, she looked in then she sat down, "Um...ya...." she said looking around the car, "I was in foster care since i was 4.......when i was 13 i met jace while we shared a foster family.......then he moved away last year and came back.....been friends for.....oh......4 or 5 years now...."
Felicity, after putting her foot just lightly on the peddle and making the ca fire out of the parking lot, gave a sympathetic smile. "I'm from a foster family too. Hector and Elizabeth, the two of them have certain..genetic diorders...that prevent them from having kids. They adopted me a few years back, and then Jace a year ago. I could tell he was depressed, now I find out why." Her smile turned from sympathietic to genuine.
"Oh....Well Mickel is really nice.....my foster dad.....he's not home a lot but when he is he makes such a big dinner^^" Beth laughed alittle then looked out the window touching her necklace again, "Things got pretty boaring around her when Jace left....."
Felicity laughed a bit as she rounded a corner onto the city's main street. "I don't see how it could have, he is such a stick in the mud normally. Never socialized back where we used to live, despite that there were about three or four girls around him constantly."
"O.o huh.....-_- damn them........"she thought growling under her breath a little. Beth cut herself off and smiled at Felicity nervously, "Wow...really......" she stammered, "Stick in the mud sounds like him.....he normally....only talked to me...hehe....hehe......"
She chuckled once more, as she was driving the light catching her behind her shades to reveal her crimson eyes for one moment. "Really? I always thought it was moving again that caught him in a bad mood. Its nice to know that he may lighten up now."
Beth saw her eyes when the light hit them, her own eye twiched as she had the flash back of Felicity bitting her, "G..G...Good....." she stammered again rubbing her neck a little,"My eyes are playing tricks....they have to be...what happend couldn't of......"
Felicity looked at Beth and gave her an innocent smile as they stopped in fornt of her house. "Listen, feel free to come over if you want to chat. Jace may have been in a hurry to leave today, but he never goes anywhere so you can catch up."
Beth nodded as she got out of the car, "Thanks for the ride and offer..." she said, "I might just stop by in a few hours then^^" She shut the door and hurried up to her porch and into her house.
Jace sat alone in his room, having returned home from school much faster than Felicity, sucking blood out of a donation bag through a small hole he poked with his fangs. Cold always tasted the worst, but he wasn't allowed to feed on live humans and animal blood was poisonous to Nosferatu, so he simply made due. Felicity strode in a moment later, pulling off her shades and shaking her hair out on impulse. "I like her, maybe Hector will change her?" Jace scowled up at her, his needle-like fangs retracting into his gums. "You know his rules-" Felicity sighed and shook her head. "I said maybe Jace, maybe."
- by Layla_BumbleBee |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/20/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Feathers and Blood (Part 2)
- Artist: Layla_BumbleBee
- Description: Part 2^^
- Date: 10/20/2009
- Tags: feathers blood part
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Comments (2 Comments)
- firefox228 - 11/16/2009
- Report As Spam
- xXLast Hope RpXx - 10/21/2009
- Good creativity.
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