Chapter 1
The long corridor was lit brilliantly by the bright moonlight shining in through the windows. Raven might have stopped to enjoy the sight of the full moon if he didn’t know that he needed to get back to his room quickly. Of the Alglasian royal family, Raven was the oldest of three brothers. However, the tall eighteen year old did not look like royalty. He was gifted with his mothers raven black hair, and her porcelain skin, but with his tattered clothes he looked more like one of the slave boys of the castle. Raven’s strange, crimson eyes scanned the corridors for any sign of the guards. They had always left Raven alone before Damian left. The guards had feared Damian, and Damian had always protected his brother, but now that he was gone, the guards often took pleasure in ‘punishing’ Raven. This was the thought that was running through Raven’s head as he moved as quickly and quietly as he could through the castle. Raven froze as he neared a corner and saw a shadow about to come around the corner. First Raven saw one armored foot, and then the guard came into view, his blonde hair shining in the moonlight. Raven let out a sigh of relief; it was Rafael, the one kind guard in the entire castle. “Raven, what are you doing out here this late, you know what would happen if you got caught.” Rafael said with concern in his voice. “I know Rafael, I was trying to get back to my room, I’m just glad it was you who found me.” No sooner had the sentence escaped Raven’s mouth then he heard voices approaching. Rafael grabbed Raven’s arm with a quickly whispered “Play along.” Before the other two guards came into view. Raven remembered the two, one with greasy black hair, David, and the other with fiery red hair, Demetri, both wore the traditional steel plated armor of the Alglasian guards. “Well well, found Raven wandering the halls at night again Rafael?” David asked with his gruff voice. “Yes, I was just about to escort him back to his chamber for punishment.” Rafael answered in a cold voice that chilled Raven to the bone. “Sometimes I think you enjoy your job too much Rafael.” Demetri said, chuckling darkly. After the two had left Raven realized that he had not been breathing and sucked in a sharp breath. “That was close, let’s go.” Rafael said before Raven could recollect his thoughts. The two began to walk towards Raven’s quarters, back down in the slave quarters.
“Raven, you know how dangerous it is for you to be about the castle at night, why were you out of your room?”
Rafael asked Raven as they walked.
“I’m sorry Rafael, but I had to see Shadow, I didn’t want him coming to look for me and getting himself hurt.”
Raven replied. Shadow was Raven’s pet wolf, a beautiful red and black wolf that Raven has visited secretly since he was young. Rafael let out a low sigh.
“Alright, just be glad that it was me that found you and not David or Demetri.”
He said. Raven nodded. Now they arrived at Raven’s quarters. Raven shared his room with a young woman named Jessica, she was like a little sister to him. There was no bed in the room, only two small mats on the floor, and two thin blankets on each mat. Raven could see Jessica’s sleeping form under one of the thin blankets, the small bunny that Raven had sewn for her out of pieces of various fabrics that he had collected was tucked under her arm. Her snow white hair was splayed around her head on the small pillow. Raven smiled.
“You care for her don’t you Raven?”
Rafael asked. Raven nodded.
“She’s like a sister to me.”
Raven replied, walking over and placing a kiss on Jessica’s forehead.
“Good night Raven.”
Rafael said, stepping out of the room and quietly closing the door. Raven crossed the small room and layed down on his mat, his keen ears catching every sound made within the castle. He could feel a dull burn in his throat, and he knew that he would have to feed soon. Raven could hear quiet sobs from somewhere in the castle and he knew exactly who was making them, his mother. A few tears escaped Raven’s crimson eyes before he fell into a very light sleep.
Chapter 2
King Adam woke up with a smug look on his face. He was the king, and he had shown his authority last night to his wife, who had once again, to Adam’s annoyance, tried to get him to pull his good for nothing son Raven out of the slave quarters. Adam looked over to his wife, Luna with a smug look on his face, her eyes were wide open.
“So have you learned your lesson Luna?” Adam asked.
Luna answered in a shaky voice.
“And will you ever ask for me to take Raven out of the slave quarters again?”
Adam asked in his usual smug voice. Luna shook her head slowly.
“Good, now, what say we go eat breakfast, Demetri, David, go get Raven.”
Adam ordered the two when they entered the room at his call.
“Yes sir!”
The two ordered.
Raven woke up slowly.
“Well well, finally awake?”
Jessica asked. Raven chuckled slightly, still half asleep.
“Sort of.”
Jessica smiled slightly, tilting her head cutely. Raven smiled.
“You weren’t here when I went to sleep last night, why?”
Jessica asked, still smiling.
“I had to go see Shadow, I didn’t want him getting himself hurt by coming after me.”
Jessica sighed. Jessica was one of the few people that Raven trusted fully, Rafael and her were the only two people who knew about Shadow, or that he was a prince.
“How is Shadow anyway? It’s been awhile since I last saw him.”
She asked, tilting her head again, making Raven smile.
“He’s fine, worried about me, but other than that he’s fine.”
Raven replied.
“How do you know- oh yeah, he’s your familiar, he can hear your thoughts huh?”
She asked. Raven nodded.
Raven stopped himself, hearing Demetri and David coming towards them. Raven growled, he didn’t feel hate for the two guards, but he was pretty close.
“It’d David and Demetri isn’t it?”
Jessica asked; her expression serious. Jessica was four years Raven’s junior, but she showed maturity high above most fourteen year olds. Raven nodded, keeping his mouth shut. Around the guards and most people, the citizens didn’t think anything of it, they thought he was just a slave after all. “Alright.”
Jessica said, holding her bunny tighter. Then there were three hoarse raps on the door.
“Get out here boy!”
Raven heard Demetri’s gruff voice order. Raven got up and opened the door slowly. Demetri then grabbed a handful of Ravens hair roughly, dragging him into the hall and slamming him against the wall. Jessica shrank into the corner of the room, knowing Raven wouldn’t want her helping him. Silent tears ran down Jessica’s face. Demetri threw raven to the ground. “Get up and get to the kitchen.” He yelled, kicking Raven roughly in the ribs. Raven got up shakily, walking slowly to the kitchen as Demetri slammed the door, ignoring Jessica entirely, to Raven’s relief. Jessica left herself in the small ball that she had curled up into in the dark corner of the room, holding her bunny close. “Yuuki, what should I do, I want to help Raven but I can’t, what should I do?” She asked the bunny, tears streaming down her face. Raven stepped into the kitchen and started to pull things out so that he could make breakfast, the only reason that his father would send the two guards to get him to report to the kitchen. When Adam walked into the room, Raven fought back the urge to send a glare his way, seeing the pained look on his mother, Luna’s, face. Soon the smell of bacon and eggs wafted throughout the kitchen, but it offered Raven no comfort.
‘He’s my father? No I refuse to believe it!’
He thought as he loaded the eggs and bacon onto two plates, and taking them out to the kitchen and setting them in front of his father and his mother. Raven gave his mother a quick apologetic look before retreating out of the kitchen to start his daily chores. Raven was scrubbing the main entrance hall like he did every day. His thoughts would always return to the pained look on his mother’s face as he cleaned. Raven cursed to himself as he scrubbed the floor. Suddenly a rough hand grabbed a handful of Raven’s hair, dragging him towards the door. “King Adam saw that look that you gave the queen at breakfast, he says that you need to be punished.”
Raven heard the familiar cold voice of Demetri. Fear grew in Raven’s eyes as he was dragged towards the door, the sun was still out. An evil smile spread across Demetri’s face as he roughly pulled up Raven’s sleeve. Demetri opened up the door far enough to stick Raven’s arm out in the sunlight. Tears started to stream down Raven’s face as his arm started to burn in the sun. A scream escaped Raven’s lips as his arm burst into flames.. Demetri grinned as he watched the young boy’s arm burst into flame, before pulling his arm in, causing the fire to go out completely. Raven was roughly thrown to the ground, letting out a whimper as he landed on his now severely burned arm. “Watch your expressions.” Demetri hissed, walking away. Later that night, a weary and hurt Raven returned to his small room. Walking in, Raven froze. There, holding Jessica’s hand that wasn’t occupied with her bunny, wearing her pitch black dress of the queen, was Raven’s mother. Raven took a hesitant step forward.
He asked; his tone disbelieving. Luna slowly released Jessica’s hand and stepped forward, embracing her son.
“Yes, I’m here Raven.”
She said in a kind tone. Raven shook his head.
“If anyone finds you here they’ll-“
Raven was interrupted when his mother kissed his forehead.
“I’m not worried about that, I just want to help my son.”
She said, smiling slightly.
“But mother, you know what father would do if he caught you, why would you risk that for me?”
Raven asked. Luna laughed slightly.
“Because you are my son, I would do anything for you; now let me see your arm.”
More tears welled up in Raven’s eyes as he nodded. He pulled up his sleeve, showing his mother his badly burned arm. Luna looked with pity upon her son’s burned arm.
“I’m sorry.”
She said in an apologetic tone, gently turning Raven’s arm to get a better look at it. Placing her hand over the arm, she murmured a couple of words in a language long forgotten, the language of the elves, and a blue light began to glow from Luna’s hand. At once, Raven felt a cool, soothing, feeling through his arm, then he looked down at his arm and the flesh began to heal itself, what was once charred and blackened, was now returning to it’s original porcelain color. Once the light disappeared, Raven gave his mother a massive hug.
“Thank you.”
He whispered, backing off a little bit. Luna smiled.
“Gladly, Raven, pack your things, tomorrow we’re leaving, I’ve had it here, we’ll leave here and go to Iglesia, we’ll be safe there as long as we don’t tell anyone who we are, we can start a simpler and better life.”
Raven nodded, now eager to get out of here. As long as none of the Iglesians found out that he was Alglasian royalty, he would be fine. Iglesia was a sister kingdom of Alglasia, and they didn’t agree on how Adam was ruling the kingdom, they have been fighting for a long time now, and if people found out that Raven was an Alglasian prince, he would likely be killed.
“Good, we leave tomorrow.”
Luna said, smiling. Raven nodded.
“Goodnight mother.”
He said, giving her a small hug before she left the room, closing the door behind her. Raven turned to Jessica.
“We’re finally leaving, can you believe it?!”
He asked, his voice quiet, but excited. Jessica nodded, smiling cutely.
“I’ve already packed my things.”
She said. Raven smiled.
“I don’t have much to pack, just a couple of sets of clothes.”
He said, grabbing a pack and throwing his clothes into it. The night, and the next day flew by quickly. At sundown, Raven and Jessica went to the entrance hall, as Luna had instructed them. Luna was there waiting, wearing, not the elegant dress of the queen, but a much simpler, but in a way, much more elegant, white dress that would not seem out of place. Raven stepped forward, and was about to speak, before he was interrupted by an all too familiar voice.
“Going somewhere?”
Adam asked; his usually smug voice full of anger and irritation. He was flanked by David and Demetri, who soon restrained little Jessica, and Raven. Raven struggled, but fell into awe as he watched his father backhand Luna to the ground, kicking her sharply in the ribs.
“And here I thought I wouldn’t have to do this.”
Adam said, drawing a knife and grabbing a handful of Luna’s hair, pulling it up and exposing her neck. Adam pulled out a long and deadly looking knife. Raven’s eyes widened as he looked around, his youngest, and by far cruelest brother, James, was there, watching, with a smug smirk on his face.
“You know that this has to be done Raven.”
Adam said, placing the blade to Luna’s throat. Luna looked at her son, screaming at him with her eyes to run. Raven was shocked, he couldn’t move.
He pleaded; his voice almost inaudible. Adam grinned cruelly, and slid the knife across Luna’s throat, staining the once white dress with crimson blood.
Raven roared, trying once again to escape Demetri’s grasp, but was once again stunned as he watched helplessly what happened next.
“David, give me the girl, it’s her turn, but I have a special punishment in mind.”
Adam said, a cruel smile plastering his face once again. Adam caught Jessica as David threw her to him, and he placed a forceful, and unwanted, kiss on her lips. Jessica struggled to get away as Raven’s eyes widened at what happened next. Raven wanted to look away, but he found himself unable to. He felt another tear in his heart each time Jessica begged for it to stop.
“Enjoying the show Raven?”
Adam asked, placing the knife to Jessica’s throat.
Raven asked.
“Because, she loved you, Luna loved you, and I don’t think that you deserve to be loved, you’re not worth the effort, so they had to be punished.”
Jessica squirmed weakly, her eyes full of fear, she gazed up at Raven.
“I love you Raven, I’m sorry.”
She said, before Adam slid the knife across her throat, ending her life. Raven fell to his knees as the light left his eyes. The guards left the room. Shortly after they left, Adam sliced himself across the chest with his knife, his eyes growing with a fake fear.
“Guards! Guards!”
He called, the guards soon rushing in, except for Rafael.
“Seize him, he attacked me, killed the queen, and, oh god, the poor little girl.”
He said, fake fear in his voice. The guards grabbed Raven, and in that instant, Raven knew that he might see his mother and Jessica again sooner than he thought.
“Tomorrow, we will execute him, spread the word Rafael.”
Adam said as Rafael walked into the room. The guards roughly dragged Raven to the dungeon and chained him to the wall, leaving him there. After they left, Raven let out the tears that wouldn’t come earlier, a few ragged heart broken sobs escaped his lips, and Raven soon fell into a light sleep.
Chapter 3
The morning came quickly, and Raven was still chained to the cold stone wall of the dungeon. Raven awoke when he heard the door open, and he flinched into the wall. The guards had been periodically checking in on, and torturing, Raven throughout the night. Raven was relieved to see that it was Rafael.
“I talked to the king, and he agreed to let me share your last meal with you.” He said, unchaining Raven. Raven smiled weakly, gazing up at Rafael with a mixture of pain and apology, unable to find his voice. Rafael sat down cross-legged on the hard stone floor, Raven did the same. Rafael looked down at the floor.
“I’m sorry Raven, but I thought that you might want to have this.”
Rafael said, tossing something to Raven. Raven caught it and looked at it. It was Yuuki, the small bunny that Raven had sewn for Jessica. Fresh, hot tears welled up in Raven’s eyes, spilling down his cheeks. A couple of sobs escaped Raven’s lips as he held the little stuffed rabbit close. Rafael looked upon the boy with pity in his eyes, as a bell began to chime somewhere outside.
“It’s time Raven, I’m sorry.”
He said sadly, picking up Raven and making him stand, placing shackles on his wrists. Raven smiled weakly, placing a hand gently on Rafael’s cheek.
“It’s alright; I’ll get to see them again.”
He said softly as the two started to walk out of the dungeon. The day was overcast, no sunlight broke through the thick cover of clouds. A large crowd of people gathered near the gallows, all calling for Raven’s death. None of them knew the truth, that Raven would never kill Luna, or that it was the king who was at fault. Raven walked up the steps to his death, holding Yuuki tightly in his hands. A man started to read off of a scroll of parchment.
“On this day, you, Raven Darkwing.”
The man started, using a fake name for Raven. Another man tightened a noose around Raven’s neck.
“Are to be executed for the crimes of treason against the crown, murder, rape, and the assassination of our beloved queen Luna.”
The man finished, rolling up the parchment as the executioner stepped near the lever that would release the trapdoor under Raven’s feet.
‘Mother, Jessica, I will see you soon.’
Raven thought, closing his eyes, his grip on the small stuffed bunny tightening as he reopened his eyes. The executioner pulled the lever, and the trapdoor dropped. Raven felt the rope tighten around his neck, choking off his supply of air. Raven heard something cut through the air and strike the rope above his head, an arrow. Raven fell to the ground as the crowd went into a frenzy. Raven crawled up onto his feet, only to be swept up onto the back of the horse and blindfolded. Raven could hear a faint voice.
“Stay calm, I won’t hurt you.”
The voice said. Raven thought that the voice sounded familiar, but Raven couldn’t put his finger on where he had heard it before. Raven nodded, and soon fainted, falling into the deepest sleep that he had had in a long time.
When Raven came to, he was in an ornately decorated bedroom.
"Where am I?"
He asked.
"You've been moved to the east, about five days journey from the Alglasian castle, welcome to the realm of the elves Raven."
The voice from earlier said.
"Wait, you mean I'm in Krynoinn?"
Raven asked.
"Yes you are, in my house, the leader of the thirteen blades Raven."
Raven rolled over, trying to find the voice. His eyes fell onto a face that he never thought he would see again.
"You wouldn't think that I would forget your name now would you?"
Vincent asked, smiling.
Adam exlaimed, jumping out of the bed and embracing his brother in a back breaking hug.
"Yes, yes it's me, I heard about mother, and Jessica, I'm sorry."
He said. Raven shook his head.
"Don't mention them, not yet, I can't handle it."
Vincent nodded.
"Okay, but we need to teach you how to fight, I've already got your trainers set up."
Raven nodded.
"I will become strong, I will protect those that I love."
He said, with strong conviction in his voice. Vincent nodded, his long white hair flowing with the motion of his head. Vincent stood up, his Black cloak flowing behind him. Vincent pulled up his hood.
"Come Raven."
He said. Rave nodded, and stood up. That was when he noticed his clothes, he was wearing a white cloak that contrasted perfectly with his raven black hair.
"You are wearing the garb of an apprentice."
Vincent said before Raven could ask his question. Raven nodded, pulling up his hood and following after Vincent. After about fifteen minutes of walking, Vincent and Raven came upon a small arena. There, a pale man with long, raven black hair, wearing spiked black armor. He was practicing with a blood red longsword. Vincent cleared his throat, causing the man to stop his practice.
"Daniel, this is your new apprentice Raven."
Vincet said. Daniel let out an exasperated sigh.
"Vincent, I've told you before, I hate that name, I thought I asked you to call me Dani."
He said, with a strange accent that Raven didn't recognize in his voice. Vincent let out an exasperated sigh.
"Fine, Dani, whatever, this is your new apprentice, you know what to do."
He said, and with that, Vincent left the room. Dani tossed Raven a wooden katana which he deftly caught.
"Now, come at me with whatever you have."
He said. Raven charged the man, swinging at him. His swing was easily blocked, and Raven recieved a nasty rap on the leg, and one to the chest, causing him to fall. Dani pointed the end of his sword at Raven's throat.
He said.
"You lead with your strikes too much Raven, you need to surprise your foes and keep them guessing, that's why I don't use a fighting stance."
Raven stood up, memorizing what the man had told him. "Alright." He said. This time, Raven let Dani come at him, he sidestepped the man's blade and caught the punch that was thrown at him. He then swept Dani's legs out from under him, and pointed his blade at the man's throat.
He said. Raven then offered a hand to help the man up. Dani stood.
"It would seem that I underestimated you, you truly are Vincent's brother."
He said.
So what do you guys think? Should I continue with it?
Update, 2/4: Okay guys, sorry for the long delay, I only really did a couple more sentences, now I have an idea for another story. When a prince's family is backstabbed and their family destroyed. The country they live in is thrown into a civil war. The prince survives, and becomes a warrior. Now I've been playing a lot of Dragon Age origins recently and thought: Hmm, maybe I could tell this story from multiple perspectives, the prince, who is human, an elf, a dwarf, and a mage, what do you guys think? Should I give this story serious thought or put it off til I have more of this one out?

- Title: Raven's Flight
- Artist: Vamp C
- Description: Just a little story that I started to write, wanted to see what people thought.
- Date: 10/14/2009
- Tags: ravens flight
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Comments (5 Comments)
- 1996black_roses - 04/11/2010
- awesome.i loved it and hope to see more
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- Aryn Michael Flynn - 11/14/2009
- awesome, loved it, hope it see more smile
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- silent_but_sweet13 - 11/08/2009
- Awesome Story Vamp.
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- Melodic Sushi - 10/23/2009
nice~~~ keep on giving it your best!!!
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- Lucrecia_Luna - 10/14/2009
- Keep going! =D
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