“MMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Fo va! Viff iff va fuff! I said with my mouth completely full of steak. “Sorry, didn’t understand what you were saying. You had some food in your mouth. –AHEM-!” Mom said raising her eye brows. “Oh, sorry. I said, ‘OH YEAH! THIS IS THE STUFF!’. There, is that better mom?” I said. “Better. Anyway, I told Macy’s mom that you can go over there tomorrow after school tomorrow.” She said. As I was a third way through dinner, the sink was dripping. Usually there’s the ‘drip-drop’ but with the mermaids it’s like, ‘wheeee-SPLAT!!’. It’s terrible to listen to. I got up from the table and pushed in my chair. “Jamie, Come finish your dinner.” My mom said, clueless to the mermaids falling and splatting on the bottom of the sink. I grabbed the cloth and folded it so it was thick and cushioned enough, and I put it where the mermaids were falling and splatting, so that way, there was no splat, just an, ‘oomph! Wait, Let’s do it again!’. I went back over at the table, with my mom staring at me. “ what did you do that for?” She asked. “The mer- um, the noise of the dripping was bugging me.. sorry!” I said, as I scooped the last of my mashed potatoes. “where you about to say mermaid? Because, you know they aren’t real sweetie! They are only a myth. You’ve been really going on about these ‘mermaids’.” She said, grabbing my hand. I looked down at the table. In my milk, there were ice cubes, with shivering frozen water mermaids chattering from being so cold. I grabbed the glass and ran over to the microwave, opened it and put the glass inside, putting it in there for thirty-two seconds. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The microwave went off. I grabbed the glass, which was very hot and made me almost drop it. Inside of the glass, was the once-was-frozen mermaids, were now mermaids who were melting. “AHHHHH!!!” I screamed. My mother spit out her juice all over the candle which made it go out. I ran over to the fridge and shoved the glass inside for like two seconds. I grabbed it out, and finally the mermaids were all relaxing in a choir of, ‘Ahhhh..’. I ran back over to the table and put my glass down on the table. I smacked it over, which made all of the watery milk spill out onto a cloth, so all of the mermaids were safe from being drank by someone. “WEEEEEEE!!!!” They all yelled while flowing out of the glass. “SHHHHH!!!” I tried to shush them, but then I realized that my mom wasn’t able to see or hear the mermaids. I looked over at her, and she looked like she was about to faint.
um, this is only partially of the story, but... whatever! please VOTE! thanks! :heart:
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