2. Just the Beginning.
Matt jerked up in a cold sweat, breathing heavy. A Dream? He thought breathing out heavily.
“It was only a dream.” He said aloud, Relief streaming through his voice. Matt pinched his arm as if unbelieving. He looked over his entire body checking everything. Other than a few minor cuts and bruises he was fine, though, a little worried. He was in a white medical patient’s gown and he was sitting on a white bed.
Matt looked around and saw two more beds on either side of him. The room was painted a bright white with red crosses painted all over. Various machines and medical equipment strew around the room in no particular manor.
A door on the far side clicked and soon slid open two men stood at the opening. One was about six foot with short brown hair. He had sharp facial features and a lean built body. He was wearing the same urban camo uniform as the soldiers in Matt’s dream. The second man was about five foot seven with longer graying black hair. His facial features were ripened with age and his body was just about average. The man was wearing a white trench coat so Matt assumed he was part of the medical staff.
What’s going on? He thought as the staff member walked away and let the soldier come in.
The room was fairly long, but the way this man was walking it seemed as though the door was merely a foot away.
“Matt! Thank god you’re all right the whole company was worried.” What the hell is he talking about? Matt thought as he smiled.
“Bulldog Company’s running low on soldiers now.” He said frowning a little. “We lost Jen and Freddy about an hour ago.” He was running his hand through his hair and he sighed.
“Matt something seems wrong you’re not as talk-a-tive as you normally are.” The soldier says after a long pause. Matt just stares. He was a t a loss for words.
“I. . .” Matt says but even he couldn’t think what was wrong. Why couldn’t he remember this man, there was something familiar.
“I don’t remember. Anything.” He said finally spiting it out. The soldier stood there dumbfounded.
“Matt. . . You don’t remember me? It’s Mavrik. Mavrik Zeal? I’m the sniper who’s got your back. Me and you always work together.” He said pleading in his voice hoping to pull some shred of Matt’s memory out.
Matt searched in Mavrik’s eyes then it clicked. “How could I forget?” Matt yelled throwing his arms around the trooper. Relief discharged from his face like a child finding a dog he had lost.
“What happened?” Matt asked after a long minute and Mavrik explained that they had come under attack while doing a sweep of the area. Mavrik said that Matt was hit by a chunk of building, which is why he was knocked out.
“Who all did we lose?” Matt asked as he let it all set in.
“Well Jen and Freddy are gone. Jack and Hunter we hit with needles, but they’ll be okay.” Matt looked around and then pushed himself off the bed.
“Matt? Matt!” Mavrik says putting up his hands trying to stop Matt. “I don’t think you’re supposed to be getting up.” He says trying to push him back on the bed.
“Mavrik?” Matt says turning to him with surprising calm. “I’ve been lying on this damn bed for long enough. Take me to get some real cloths so I can join the fight.” Mavrik looks at him with concern in his eyes, concern only a true friend could show.
“Matt I think you should rest” Matt just stares at him then rolls his eyes and starts to walk towards the door.
“Rest is for the dead.” He says the white gown fluttering as he walks.
“Matt. Matt!” Mavrik yells at him running up behind him. “Wait!” Matt stops and looks over his shoulder and just stares, his eyes piercing into him.
“Let me help, that way you’re not wondering the halls.” Matt smiles and turns “Thank you.”
Mavrik looks into a weird binocular looking device, then the door swooshes open and he beckons Matt forward into a white hall.
It was long a narrow, going on for about 40 feet in each direction with doors going along equally on either side. There were a few soldiers and medical personnel roaming the halls, but other than that there was no one. Mavrik guides Matt down the hall at a steady pace.
Matt looks to the left and right, on each door there were signs saying what each room was in fancy gold lettering. Soon Matt found Himself slowing to a stop in front of a door on the left with the words Armory on it.
Mavrik looks over to Matt and smiles. “Welcome back.” He says as the door flies open. Soon the smell of gun powder and leather became overpowering. A smile slowly snaked over his face.
“Ok let me gr…” Mavrik was cut off mid sentence as Matt ran into the room, throwing off his gown and putting on the same military gear as Mavrik had. Within seconds Matt was dressed in full battle dress and was picking up supplies.
“What do you think I’ll need?” He asks picking up a Small Glow stick.
Mavrik picks up a Flashlight and throws it towards Matt and he catches it effortlessly, sliding it into his right breast pocket.
Matt picks up some ration packs and a few pistol mags. He slowly makes his way down the line picking up grenades, Medical supplies, Maps, and other miscellaneous supplies. Matt reached a section that was dedicated to rifles and the machine guns. Slowly he started to pick up different ones, testing each ones weight and how it felt in his hands. He soon reached a long barreled machine gun rifle immediately he took a liking to it.
The gun’s barrel extended about a foot and the gun in its entirety was less than four feet. The magazine was feed directly behind the trigger. On the top there was a small scope.
“You like it?” Mavrik asked walking over holding two of the guns magazines. Matt just stared at it in awe and nodded very slowly. Mavrik smiled and handed him the two magazines. Matt jerked out of his stupor and took them, shoving them in along the right side of his belt.
The door slid open and a woman dressed in the same garb as them strode in. She had the curves of a woman, but the build of an Amazonian. Her hair was a short cropped blond that took to the curves of her heart shaped face. She stopped and turned towards them, her bright green eyes showed much wisdom for her age.
She gave a slight seductive smile and started to, what seemed like, glide over to the blade section of the armory.
Mavrik looked at her then to Matt and smirked.
“Matt?” He snapped his fingers in Matt’s face. “Matt!” Matt jumped, slightly startled, and then turned to him.
“Yes?” Matt’s eyebrows raise slightly, turning his attention back to his new found toy.
“Nina.” Mavrik said finally.
“Nina. She’s 20. An expert marksman and a blade master. She’s part of falcon squad. One of the squads we’re supposed to be doing sweeps with tomorrow.” Matt looked at Mavrik with sincere confusion.
“What are you going on about Mavrik?”
“I saw the way you looked at her Matt you like her. Don’t play dumb.” Matt rolled his eyes as Mavrik’s smile started to get wider. Matt sighed and continued looking.
“What’s this about Bulldog and falcon going on a ‘sweep’?” Matt says after a long pause. He moves over a table and picks up a few Magazines for his new found gun.
“Well. . .” Mavrik starts and then pick up a pistol clip. “We take an APC about a mile out from this position, into infected territory, and . . .” Mavrik look at matt who give him a confused look. Mavrik lets out a big sigh and says. “They’re like zombies but with a bit more intelligence.” Matt just nods his head and Mavrik continues.
“We have orders to clear out all the buildings of infected so a convoy can come through without a problem. A simple mission that should take no more than an hour.”
“You seem pretty confident. Have you done this before?” Matt asks pulling himself away from and intricately designed pistol. As Mavrik starts to speak Matt takes a holster and pistol and straps them to his thigh.
“Yes, Actually, We do it every week or so. The infected generally take the area back over in a day or two depending on the Tribes that are in the area.”
Matt picks up the last of his supplies.
“That everything?” Mavrik says looking over every table. “Then let’s go.” They both start to walk towards the door when Nina walks past.
“See you on the battlefield boys.” She says winking at Matt. The scent of cherry blossoms lingered as she went through the door.
There was a large, elaborately designed katana on her back. Matt and Mavrik both stop and just look at each other.
“I would hate to be on the receiving end of that.” Matt says taking one last look at her. When he turns back he finds Mavrik with an enormous smile on his face.
“Dude she’s totally into you!” Mavrik says putting emphasis on totally.
“Shut up.” Matt says laughing and pushing him as they walk out the door of the armory.
3. Blood Out.
The Street was riddled with debris and corpses from the recent battle. The sun had long gone down and the only light was from the full moon over head.
Damn this human planet. Seta thinks as he sniffs through an alley.
Too many scents that all smelt the same can’t ever pick up on the right. . . He stopped. The slight smell of his kind mixed with sweat and concrete pierced his nose. His jagged ears rose and a small smile curved his lips.
What is it seta? His companion, Dromor a death eater, said. They were telepathically connected at birth, sworn to stay together even in death. Dromor was about four feet tall and was one of the skinniest ‘Mörder’, as the humans called them, soldier. His right hand was a compact spike rifle that all battle line infantry used. His body had no visible armor, but the sleek suit he wore was all the protection he needed.
Humans. Seta growled as he sniffed the air to get a better scent. Dromor pet Seta’s head to calm him then moved forward gun rose.
Is it infected? Or U.L.F. soldiers? His thoughts were low and ragged. The infected were an accidental by product of the purge that was supposed to weaken the planet; instead it created another mutated problem.
It smells infected, but with all these other smells I can’t be sure. Seta looked down a long dark ally and adjusted his eyes. About 20 feet down, two humanoid creatures stood side by side.
I see them. They look infected. There was a little cheer the way it went through Dromor’s head.
Let’s get them. Dromor wasn’t even finished with the sentence and Seta was off running full speed down the alley. A smile curved on his lips. The slaughter will be beautiful.
Seta was on them in ten seconds. The first didn’t even have time to react as seta smashed into his chest, caving it in. The creature let out a small sigh and just before Seta jumped to the second. He felt the life depart from his victim.
The second reacted faster than Seta anticipated. Mid jump the creature grabbed his front legs and slammed him onto the concrete floor. Seta snarled and snapped at the creature’s leg but missed and earned a kick in the face for the mistake. Bad turned to worse as the creature pulled a pipe off of a side wall and just smile.
“Bye, bye.” He said as he slowly brought the pipe over his head.
Suddenly two spikes slammed into his head and the pipe slid out of his hands and clanked on the ground as his body doubled over.
Dromor walked out of the dark smiling slightly as he helped he companion up.
You ok? He dusted off the top of Seta head and propped him back up.
Yea I’m good. I didn’t expect that thing to react so quickly. He growled and bit the creature’s throat.
At least I was here. Dromor mouth curved to a small smile and Seta rubbed up against him.
Yea at least.
Dromor turned and started to head out of the alley. Seta stared at the creatures one last time.
Damn these beasts if they weren’t so resilient. He shook his head. This war would be over.
Seta? You coming? Dromor asked from the entrance of the alley. Seta turned.
Yea I’ll be there in. . . . Behind Dromor was a U.L.F. soldier with a carbine to the back of his head.
No. . . . Seta started at a slow jog.
Seta what is it? Dromor’s thought was filled with a slight fear.
No! Seta Ran a full speed, but there was no point. That second two bullets went through Dromor’s head, splashing blood all over Seta’s body. Dromor’s eyes filled with sadness and anger as they closed forever.
Before his body even hit the Seta was upon the assailant. The human fell backwards, causing Seta to jump straight over him.
As soon as Seta landed he did a 360, stirring up dust and debris, and dash back at the soldier who was standing once again with his gun ready. Two shells fell to the ground and Seta didn’t even hear the shots. Two shots was all the human was able to get off.
Seta slammed into his stomach, knocking him off his feet, and bit down hard. The human squealed out in pain, hot liquid streamed into Seta’s mouth. He pulled up bringing the entire chunk of skin with him.
Seta spit it out and instinctively jumped to the left. That moment eight bullets slammed into the soldier’s corpse. Silencing him forever.
Seta looked up to see three more stood a few paces down the small city street. The moon barely shining on their position.
They will pay. Seta thought as he gave out a small growl.
He ran at full speed towards the soldiers and they all brought their carbines up and fired, but Seta jumped and was now running on the wall of a side building.
The soldiers let the dust clear and one of them gave out a confused yelp as Seta jumped off the wall and Bit into his throat. His arms flailed slightly before they landed. Seta crunched down on his wind pipe, crushing it, and then jumped onto the back of the middle soldier.
He yelled out “Get him off!” just before seta jumped off to the left letting the humans own comrade finish him off.
The soldier’s body fell slowly as Seta landed and slowly turned around.
The last soldier stood, gun trained on him, staring. It was a standoff. Neither wanted to make the first move, but Seta already knew who would.
The soldier stood about 6 foot off the ground. A small visor, that they used to see in the dark, covered his eyes. The humans build was not so much different than their own, but they thought more like Seta did then a soldier, Rush in and kill fast.
That moment Seta was done thinking. He needed revenge.
He lowered his head to the ground and gave a long meaning full growl. Then he attacked.
Seta Faked left, that’s where the bullet trail started, and he ran at an arch to the right. About half way to the soldier Seta ducked under the spray of bullets and ran to the left. The human attempted to adjust his aim, but only succeeded in grazing Seta’s right shoulder.
Do they ever run out? Seta thought as the bullet trail closed on him. Then the trail stopped and the gun made a clicking noise as the feeder tried to pull bullets that weren’t there.
“s**t.” The soldier said pulling out a new magazine and fumbling around trying to put it in.
Perfect. Seta tuned quickly and ran head on towards the human. He dropped the carbine and fell backwards. His mistake.
Seta lunged and bit into his neck slicing open his main vain. Seta let go and the man clamped his throat as blood slowly streamed out.
His eyes became dim and soon more blood poured out as his hands lost the strength to keep a grip. In less than 2 minutes he was dead. Seta had gotten his revenge.
Slowly he walked back over to Dromor’s body. Nudging his head in bleak hope he would get up and be fine. Seta lay down next to him and howled, Howled for the loss of his brother in arms. Sadness filled each howl. Soon, for miles, all that could be heard was the howl of a pained soul.
Plague Last hope
this is the second and 3rd chapters of the new story
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