Disclaimer: OK I'm going to get this over with so I can sulk in my little emo world. I don't own s**t. So if I don't even own s**t how the hell can I own the greatness of Naruto or anything related , hah!? Geez these disclaimers! XD
A/N: I think that Hinata will eventually get over her general shyness and stuttering so she's just a bit OoC. This is a pairing that has NOT happened in the series (yet! Bwahahahahahaha) so since this pairing is going on, expect people to be affected by LOVE and be a bit OoC. This is a FAN FICTION so if you have any comments about who I (a FAN) writes OoC for fun (FICTION) TAKE IT TO THE REVIEW SECTION, MISTER XD. This is a fluff and drama fic (for now, bwahahahahaha) so it'll but kinda funny (for NOW (insert evil laugh here)) so anyways, this was inspired by a pic I found on deviantart of Hina-neko! X3 So~~~ I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! PS-Oh by the way, Kyuubi (as in the demon fox) plays a role in this. I'm making it a she, and (since some people like stories where it's nice and some like it where it's evil) I'm making it's attitude the tch-i-don't-even-care-but-I'm-secretly-curious type
Setting: Shippuden, but its been a few years in my story so they're about 18 or 19 (instead of 15 or 16 like in the latest Shippuden manga on the web.
Pairing: Hinaru / HinataxNaruto / NaruHina / NxH (aka my favorite naruto pairing )
Summary: Five need to knows about this story. 1, Justu can do unexpected things 2, Love justu does not have to be used to make someone like someone 3, Kidnapping a chick with claws...NOT a good idea 4, Felines can change their minds and 5, Hinata is downright SEXY when all she has on is underwear, a lavender nightgown, and . . .cat ears!? (This is a summary for the whole story so you won't know what parts it pertains to! Bwahahahahaha!)
"Normal talking will be in quotations."
'Thoughts will be in apostrophes'
SFX and words with emphasis will be in italics.
The Kyuubi's thoughts/words will be in bold italics.
This story switches POV every now and then. I'll notify you with these:
---Sakura--- (sakura acts like a third person, just to matchmake and make observations from a normal person's POV)
oxo-Chapter 1: What's with the furry additions?-oxo
"He~~~y! Hina-cha~~~n! Come here for a sec!!" I heard Sakura call from behind me. I turned and had to tippytoe to see her over the head of all the people on Konoha's main road. I finally saw her pink hair and waved to catch her attention. She saw me and she waved yelling, "Come on~~!"
"Coming!" I called as I ran back to her through the crowd. "What is it Sakura?"
"Great you're here, now LET'S GO!! I just have to show you this really old scroll I found in the storage at the back of the village!" said Sakura as she grabbed my wrist and started dragging me along.
We reached the storage and I had to force down the cackle that was threatening to build up inside my throat (of course I was laughing maniacally on the inside! Bwahahahaha!) as I turned and said cheerfully to Hinata. "Well, here it is! Just wait here, I didn't move it from the back corner because I didn't know if I should but OH WELL! Stay here, I'll call you when I get it." So I went in as Hinata just stood there probably thinking about that knuckle-head-ninja-in-love-denial that was arriving soon. 'Seriously that guy's had such a major crush on me for so long that he doesn't want to acknowledge the fact he doesn't have one on ME anymore!' I thought. As soon as I was in I went straight to a tall box with a slit in it about head-height. I slipped under as I whispered, "Haha! If this doesn't get them together, nothing will," then I said louder, "Got it Hina-chan! Come on in!" I saw her step inside and look around.
"Sakura? Where are you?" She said as she moved forward, right into the hidden chakra circle I had prepared. I started to make the handsigns needed for the justu I had invented (oh yes I AM a genius aren't I). When I was done I pressed my hand to an idential (but smaller) chakra circle at my feet and yelled, "Transformation Whiteout Combo Justu: Neko!"
A pillar of light engulfed Hinata, I kept my hand pressed to the ground. '28...29...30!' I raised my hand as the circles disappeared, and lifted the box to get out. Hinata was there on the floor and on the train to LaLa Land. "Sorry Hina-chan! But trust me, you will SO thank me later!" She looked up, saw me and tried to say something, but the train was off! So I walked out, leaving her to wake up and discover for herself EXACTLY what I'd done.
"Sorry Hina-chan! But trust me, you will SO thank me later!" I heard Sakura say. I tried to ask how why I would, but everything turned black.
I woke up in complete darkness. And I couldn't remember why I was here or how I got here. I got up woozily and made my way towards a slit of light that I figured was the doorway. I opened it up and stepped outside looking around for someone from the village. No one was around and I was bored and tired for some reason so I laid on the ground, curled up, rested my head in my hands, and wrapped my tail around myself............"WHAAAT!?" I bolted upright and twisted to get a look of my backside. Loe and behold! There lies my taileth! "How the hell did this get here!?" I screamed. Then I tried to think it out. 'OK, OK just calm down, it.....it has to be fake, yeah, yeah, fake. . .' I though as I reached towards it and pulled it. "NreEe-eeEe-EEer!!!" I...yowled? I shot into the air (at least a foot) and then I glared at my behind, hissed, and laid my ears back....wait...that's not possible....with human ears. I reached up to where my precious, delicate, NORMAL ears were supposed to be. Instead, I felt something bendy and furry sticking out..........Oh...you...have..."GOT to be KIDDING me!!!"
'Th-this...is...too much," I thought as I suddenly felt lightheaded and, yet again, everything went black.
"Hey I'm back!" I called to Hayate at the check point counter by the main gate. I immediately swept the scene with my eyes, not wanting him to notice I was looking for. . .
"Welcome back Naruto! Looking for a certain long-haired Hyuuga beauty I see!" Hayate said, wiggling his eyebrows.
'Well my hopes of secrecy are dashed, might as well try and talk my way out of it.' "Uuuuh, ya mean Neji? Nope, nope. Not looking for him or any other Hyuuga, nope, no I'm not. Well WOW would you look at the time! I really MUST be going now, so if you don't mind, SEE YA!" I said, trying to make a discreet exit.
"WHOA, hold yer horses Na-ru-to~!", Hayate said grabbing me by the collar of my jacket and hooking his arm around my neck, "I know you look for lil Hinata every time you come through these here doors! Poor lil Hinata doesn't even know you notice her! It's sad really, yes, yes," he finished, nodding his head knowingly.
'Sigh man can't I get any privacy?' "Y...yeah, so what if I look for her? I look for all of my,"-- insert mental stutter here --, "friends, all the time. To hang out 'n' stuff...," I said. "A-anyways I really should get going."-- 'to look for Hi- SAKURA! To look for Sakura! N...not Hinata, nope. NO~~ Hyuuga Hi for me!' --"See ya Hayate!" I said as I finally broke free and ran towards the village.
"Bye Naruto!" He said. When I was some ways away I heard him (thanks to my good hearing) say, "He is SOOO in denial!"
Anime: Kya~~n! Hina-neko-cha~~~~n!!
H-N-C: Wah wah! Why do I faint so much!?
Anime: 'Cause I make you! Bwahahahahaha
Naruto: Tch! Who's in denial you idiot writer?
Anime: Tch! You are! You idiot ninja!
Naruto: Retard!
Anime: Poopy-face!
Naruto: Drama Queen!
Naruto: (<--He was told that knuckle heads can't be Hokage) Wah Hina-neko-chan Ani's being mean to me~! (glomps H-N-C)
H-N-C: (glares at me) You just had to use THAT PHRASE, didn't you?
Anime: Yeah but everyone calls him that.
H-N-C: That's why it's his sore spot dammit! You're the fangirl! You shouldn't make the main character cry!
Anime: Eep! DON'T KILL ME!
H-N-C: Don't worry I won't kill you...
Anime: Phew!
Anime: Me thinks this story will be VERY long indeed XD Review PLZ (and plz don't be mean)!!!
A/N: I will only be posting this first chappie on Gaia. If you wanna keep reading you'll have ta follow it on my fanfiction account.
Extra A/N: I finally updated my other story (Assistant Kazekage)!! YAY! You can view that on the link to my profile above!
- by animerox111 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/11/2009 |
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- Title: Naruto and Hinata: Neko Style
- Artist: animerox111
Find this fic by me on Fanfiction! The original title is The Chronicles of Hinata and Naruto (Neko Style). Same username tho!! Naruto Fanfic. HinataxNaruto Pairing!!
Sakura plotting, Naruto in denial, and Hinata with cat ears. Yup, yup. Just your average NaruHina story... OR NOT.
Full summary inside. - Date: 08/11/2009
- Tags: love hinataxnaruto anime manga naruto
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