Dawn broke. Familiar sounds of the kitchen woke me up and forced me out of bed. I took a bath, spent several minutes getting the horrid tangles out of my freakishly long red hair. In our land no one really cares about what you wear. Only the Proper's wear according clothing; such as men wear pants and women wear skirts. Today is fairly cool so i selected long pants and a long shirt followed by an emerald green cape. Hearing my mother come to the stairs i knew i was late for breakfast and early morning chores. Waiting for the usual call for everyone getting up i chose hard but very light shoes for the mornings work in case my brother George decided to chase me with and angry ostrich. 3...2....1....."Cathleen! get down right now before i tell your father to take the whipping belt out! Come now its already beginning to fog! Let's go!" My mother started to laugh because my Da diddnt have a whipping belt anymore it was chewed by the rats, also known as my brothers. Flying down the stairs i almost ran right into my friend Brennan who had come down the road for breakfast. "hullo Brennan! I see your mum's burned the breakfast again, did she?" mockingly he picked me up and covered my mouth whispereing in my ear;"now now missy my mum's not here for a few days so i'll be staying with you! mock my mothers cooking again eh? well for that i just might as well-" i kneed him in the olace that hurts most and took off to get the first helping of pancakes. Brennan looked at me and started to laugh really hard. Pretending nothing had happened i bolted outside to sit on the largest rock in our yard which was about 9ft tall.
George now 22 chased after me and got to the top about three seconds after i did. Brennan not far behind spooked me and i almost dropped everything on the ground. After punching him in the stomach, I finished off the rest of my pancakes and watched the sun rise. Everyone liked to tease me that Brennan took a liking te me. Over the years i can now see what they were talking about. He had soft but brilliant greenish blue eyes, a slim but muscular figure, strong but wimpy hands, and a brilliant smile. After coming out of that trance i come to seeing Brennan stareing at me with a curious expresssion. I smiled and looked away, although staring at his face out of the corner of my eye. George jumped down to go get more pancakes and yelling that he would be right back. the weirdest thing was that he and Brennan had been talking in a hushed tone when they thought i wasn't listening and so George winked at Brennan and dissapeared through the doorway. As i turned to face Brennan i saw that he was literally sitting 3 inches away from my thigh. Brennans father was killed some months ago by a "mythical" beast that was known to roam these lands. Brennan had a trinity shaped scar on his left cheek that was from his father when he was drunk. I reached out to touch the scar and a tear rolled down his cheek when I touched it. i pulled him into a hug that seemed to lasat forever. He pulled away and kissed me long and deep, not knowing why or i did unconsiously, i kissed back. George, unseen by the two of us smiled mischeviously behind the window and then went to help Da in the barn. After breaking away from the kiss, Brennan smiled and leaped off the rock landing smoothly at the bottom. Accepting the challenge i leaped off the rock only to find landing in Brennan's arms. Not what i had expected. He started to laugh which caused me to laugh, which also caused us to fall on the ground and start laughing without control. Mum hearing all the comotion stood on the porch smiling to herself att the sight of us and went back inside. After collecting ourselves, we had a race to the barn and started the morings ever so late chores. After doing all the chores we could without laughing and a stern look from Da we all played charades in the yard until it got dark. George. Brennan, and i, drank three bottles of cider and had a burping contest in the end. Putting the final bottle down, empty, we heard Mum scream a blood chilling scream, and then silence. I froze in terror. No sooner after that did we run like hell to the house. Brennan seized up inside he knew what was going on in the cottage and he knew Cathleen and George had to get out of here fast. Grabbing Cathleen by the waist he dragged her into the woods limp with fear. George followed close behind now konwing that it was not safe at home anymore. As we got deeper into the woods it got darker and darker and colder. We finally reached the deep clear blue pond that runs throughout the rivers in Ireland. It had mountains and mountains of bones . Hearing breathing deep and steady behind us, we all turn around slowly to find a pair of golden angry and hungry eyes boring into us. A low raspy voice freaks us out;"why do you run mortals? Now that you have run is now you shall die". This is what i remember before we all went into complete darkness.
Like this? Chapter 2 is coming out soon!!!! biggrin
Journey To Nowhere
Xxan lioness alainnxX
this is about a young girl whos prents die and she must find training masters to learn to defeat the beasts.
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