Well, you know how people like to make up stories and such well I try not to live with it, but I still can't help to put myself in it, I like putting myself in that situations...That most of the time I picture my whole galaxy the same way... Well let's just start shall we?
It was late in the evening...I decide to drop by the EL Bar, it's always crowded... Maybe cause it's not a normal bar. They have shops down one side and training rooms, a blacksmith and more down the other... Not to mention the Fighting Arena in the back of the bar. They also have a stage beyond the doors just to the right of the Fight Area. Song, Music and Rhythm are always there and sometimes they have contest for some of the EL's and sprites...but I'm getting off the subject. There is always a seat for me at the bar. Maybe cause I have my own chair there and no body likes to seat on it knowing who I am. Hey, I maybe know as Lady J. to some EL's but its still Jessica just the same. XD
Anyhow, some was waiting for me...cause they where sitting in my seat...At first I thought it might be Darkness pulling my leg or something...but when I got closer I notice it was a girl. She turns around smiling at me and right away I knew it was Asashi. She leaped out of the chair and hugs me...I stood there with a water drop over my head for a moment...
Me: "Um....Hey....Is there something you need?"
Asashi: "I haven't seen you in ages!"
Me: "I only made you about two years ago...."
Asashi: ".....Well you and me don't spend that much time together."
Me: "What are you taking about? We spend most of the time together when I was thinking of the other part...Unlike your boyfriend you SHOULD be spending time with..."
Asashi: "You mean James? He's sweet and all but I want to spend time with you!"
She still hang on to me like it's the thing to do....I notice that we where drawing attention so I moved to an open table and sat down...Asashi grab a nearby chair and scooted it next to me...I sighed...
Me: "Ok, I know you want to talk. So say what you’re going to say so I can get on with my life right now..."
Asashi: "Have things been busy for you lately?"
Me: "Yea, with J & J's Restaurant and being a Gatekeeper between the EL world and Earth it gets a little overwhelming."
Asashi: "Don't you have a boyfriend yet?"
I cringed when I heard that...and looked around...I notice it kind of got a little bit quite in the bar....
Me: ".....No."
Asashi: "Do you plan on getting one?"
I was about to bang my head on the table at that moment....but then I notice it was very quite in the bar...like everyone there just stop what they where doing....I looked around and saw people/EL's/Sprites staring… at that moment a water drop form behind my head...I decided to humor Asashi at that moment...I don't know what I was thinking but I thought it would be fun just to joke around a little...
Me: "Yea, I plan on getting one some day....that is if I meet the right guy."
I said partly grinning to my self...I just didn't think that it might backfire on me....
Asashi: "REALLY!?!? If that the case I'll help you looking for Mr. Right!"
Me: "Um...That's ok, I rather look for him myself...or maybe he'll come to me one day..."
At that moment I kind of zone out but then I snap out of it when I saw the time...
Me: "Um... I better go. It's been nice talking to ya Asashi!"
I got up and hurry out the door of the bar. Luckily it leads to the Lobby... I took a moment to look around...They still had that fountain in that the bottom of the winding stairs...The stairs led in a circle all the way up to the top floor...Not to mention all the rooms...There was also a glass elevator behind the fountain. Sense there is no flying in the lobby most EL's take the elevator....I went up to the desk to check for mail...Yea, I do have a place here in the lobby but my room isn't on the first floor or the top floor..it's somewhere in-between. Well in short I just wanted to get away fro Asashi's questions...I grab my mail from the Lobby clerk...who I never really got a chance to know his real name...We all just call him the Lobby guy....I went up stairs...take the elevator by the way...and went to my room to go to sleep...
The next morning was kind of more or less a pain...I was trying to working on my story in my room when I heard a knock at my door...I open in and there was Speed (NOT THE DRUG!!) He is the fastest EL on Earthain...but that's not the point...He drop off some packages for me....and some notes...I put them aside in my room; sighed the slip and he went on his way...I closed the door and went back to writing out my story...soon after there was another knock on my door...again with Speed...and another box....Let's just say this goes on for about 2 more times and then I stop and look at the boxes...
Me: "What and god's name....."
I decide to open one of the boxes just to find out what was going on...The first box was from Alex...He's a good friend of mine. I enjoy his company but he's also a Prince. Him and his twin brother James rule this very kingdom...well kind of...Inside the box was roses in a vase and a box of my favorite candy and a note....at first I thought that was nice of him...but my birthday isn't till next month....but when I read the note...
Me: "What the...'I hope this will reach you to improve our relationship'? What does he mean by that? Wait...oh no...he didn't take me serious did he?" sweatdrop
I soon open the other boxes....the next one was from Hue....He's Suzokya's son....Suzokya is also my Master who taught me everything I know today in the EL world...if she found out about this she would kill me and no one will know until they ask what happen to me... sweatdrop crying Let's just say I don't want to even go there....The next box was from Todoshi...Gees...Him...well Todoshi is a card alright...Let's just say he's a some what over confident... Don't get me wrong he is a nice guy and all but there is a limit on how one can only stand a person....I have a limit....
Anyway the last box was from some one who surprised me....
Me: "Darkness?!? You got to be kidding...there must be some trap in there are something..."
I decide to open it anyway....I need a good laugh anyway...but what I found wasn't what I expect...it was black roses and a note...
Me: " Hmmm....not what I expect from him...maybe it's not from Darkness...Then it might be from D."
I open the note...it read: 'I know this isn't the best thing in the world, but out of respect I'll give these to you anyway to show you how much I do care....and if you tell anyone I WILL DENY IT!!!'
Me: ".....No....it is Darkness.....Ok, now that's just weird...."
Creep out a little I toss the flowers aside....and thought about what I done....I could only just laugh at myself blaugh
Me: "Maybe I should go out. For all I know this could be fun. Or it could expose something...but I hope I don't hurt anyone."
I took the moment to get ready before I went out....I open my door and peeked out side... ninja Luckily no one or EL was there....I decide not to go to the bar....but then again...while I was taking the elevator, I realized that I didn't get my drink the last time I was there....and I need that energy boost right about now...So I headed to the bar not thinking about who I meet there....as soon as I enter though the bar seem to quite down a little....I had a nervous feeling that something bad was going to happen....I hurry to my chair...Luckily no one was sitting in it this time...Barman was stand in his normal spot cleaning a glass like he was in the old west days...
Barman: "Your here early. Something I can get for you or do you want your normal drink?"
Me: "My battery getting a little low, Barman. I didn't get my drink last night so if you mind, please?"
Barman: "Right away."
Barman turns around to get started on my drink, at that moment something just told me to turn around....I happen to turn my chair sideways so I can look behind me while keeping my arm on the bar...I notice that everyone quickly started looking down or looking else where when I looked at them...In my mind I wounder who could be scaring the EL's other then me...I look around for my brother....but he's not here...I turn back to the bar thinking for a moment about what I said yesterday....
Me thinking: ' Me saying something like that couldn't have caused all this......could it? Nah, why would any EL be into me anyway...with all the other pretty EL girls out there...I just happen to be the most powerful one for now...Well, not the most powerful...XD'
Just as Barman sat down my glass with my drink in it....Someone tap me on the shoulder, I nearly jump cause I was caught off guard...I almost drop my drink...but when I looked to see who it was...to my dissapointment it was Todoshi...my expression changed from all smiles to frowns real quick.....
Me: "What do you want?"
I said in my normal annoyed tone...
Todoshi: "We need to talk."
Me: "Ok, What do you want to talk about?"
Todoshi: "Not here, follow me."
I wasn't sure what he wanted...but I sighed a heavy sigh and set my glass down and got up from my seat and followed Todoshi where ever he was going....we kind of head toward the Lobby but then he grab my arm and jump threw some random warp nearby...which led to some outside valley cover in flowers....it also gave me an idea...
Me: "I should put this place in my story!...yea, I war broke out here in this very spot....and there bodies of all the fallen...."
Todoshi cuts me short....
Todoshi: "You can do that later...."
We kept walking till we got to an area where there was a tree on a hill ...it seem to be looking down on a nearby town...I still wasn't sure where we were....
Me: "Do you mind telling me what you want now?"
Todoshi stood by the tree for a moment and then turn to me....at first I didn't pay him much mind but cause the wind was blowing I ended up noticing that Todoshi wasn't as bad looking...I mean he does have the figure of a normal anime guy, his black short hair does kind of spike on one end....but his gray cool eyes make him #1 to like the EL girls on Earthain as the most cutest.....sadly I don't think the same way as those girls....
I cross my arms and waited....with a distill look....I wanted to go back to my room and finishes what I started...but I knew it wasn't going to happen....
Todoshi: "Did you mean what you said yesterday?"
Me: "What?...ok, for one I was just joking...for two...aren't u one of the people in my head...so...your suppose to be the cool guy who can express his feelings easily but some what over confident which gets you in trouble with the girl most of the time..."
Todoshi had a water drop form over his head at that moment....
Todoshi: "Ok, so you do know me that well...but that makes it easier for you and me..."
Me: "No....no it doesn't....if your done flirting, I'm gonna go back to the bar now and finish my drink before it gets too late..."
I walk off leaving a stone statue of Todoshi .....I know I have to be harsh but there has to be a line that can't be crossed here....and getting to know each EL is one of them...Unlucky I was about to run into one of them that I do like....
As I got threw the warp that led me back into the lobby I bump into Hue...Hue, unlike Todoshi, had red hair...but it was a little longer then short....He's green and blue eyes kind of made you think wut cause something like that.....but it's kind of hard to pick which one I liked more...his green eye was like a soft grassy green...like a place you just want to lay at on a warm summer day....his blue eye was like the sky when u where looking up from that summer day....let's just say he's attractive but because he's my Master's son makes it kind of hard to get close...not to mention he's also a rock singer....meaning he plays a guitar and sings....so he's pretty popular with the EL girls, sprites and all...
Hue is also one of the few EL's I do like and like to be around.....if he wasn't busy most of the time....
Hue: "Hey, Jessica, I wounder where you ran off to."
Me: "Funny...I did run off somewhere..."
Think about Todoshi....
Hue: "Listen, if you have time I like to talk to you about something important."
Me: "Well, I got time right now. So...what is it that so important?"
Hue: "Well....you see...I......I...."
I could tell Hue was trying hard to say something....he was kind of turning red in the face and I thought he might of cought a fever or something at that moment....but I also relized that Hue is a comic type of guy...he likes being sarcastic but has a very hard time getting his true feelings across....Wait...does that mean he was trying to express his love to me????? .................Time to change the subject!
Me: "Well...I see that your band is doing pretty well on Earthain. Does that mean your going to other planets as well?"
Hue: "Yes! I mean....yea, our band is doing pretty well...Thanks to my sister that is..."
Oh, yea I forgot about Hue's twin sister.....Akyo was it? Ah well, I think I see her coming anyway....
Me: "Speaking of which, I think I see her coming."
Hue turns around to see a very steam Akyo...she doesn't look too happy...Hue had a water drop form over his head at that moment.....He went back to his normal self for a moment...
Hue: "Oh, Akyo, hey! Hows it going? What brings you down to the lobby?"
She was pretty loud that the Lobby manger told her to lower her voice....which she did....I was wondering what Hue did this time to make her mad...
Akyo: "Where have you been? The plane leaves in about 30 mins! We don't have time for you to goof around here, you have a show on Neridair and then another one in the 5th and 6ths galaxies....We don't have time for you to be playing games! Oh, hey Jessica....."
I wave unable to say anything at that moment......as I see Hue being dragged off by Akyo to do his tour.....I could only wave bye was a water drop form behind my head....I turn to head toward the bar in gloom....for one...I won't see Hue for the next few days for two I have an headach and it was about to get worst....the first person I see in the bar is none other then Darkness....A dark cloud hoover over my head at that moment.....I sat down at my spot at the bar....Darkness was busy talking to his fellow demons and stuff ....so I glad he didn't notice me....or did he? He said if I show any affection to him he'll deny it....at that moment an evil grin lit up on my face..
Me: "Torment? or be nice? How about both?"
As I sat there and thought about it....A familiar voice rang next to me....
*Ok, stopping now cuz I over tired......-.- (Sorry I kind of forgot to update this! XD)
U.V.E: A Starting Point
I kind of have this story, I've been working on for about 5 years or more...I finished it but then I had to rewrite to make sense...so here's me and my imagination playing games with me while I'm trying to type out words for rewriting it...(Note: I use a lot of the char. from my story in my imagination...wait did I spell that right? XD) By the way, I'll put the name of each char down later... and maybe a profile...=/ Depends right? XD anyhow, on with the point! XD
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