Tormented souls Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Mr Takemine's Apprentice
The camera had a strap on it that i put round my neck, i decided that i was going to search the second floor, so i started to head down the hallway. At the bottom of the hallway was, what appeared to be a cupboard built into the wall and a door on the right which i had no idea where it led to, yet. i carried on slowly down the hallway, i was terrified, i couldnt stop looking behind me incase that man was following me, whoever he was. I got to end of the hallway and decided to check in the cupboard, there might be a file with details about this camera, i slowly opened the cupboard door, there was a file in here labaled "The Camera Obscura", i thought to myself, finally, i reached my hand into the cupboard slowly i placed my hand on the file and gripped onto it, i pulled the file back out and released a sigh of relief, i opened the file under a light that was hung off the side of the wall, the file explained that the camera Obscura was created after the first evil spirit was released, it was known as the only way to tame the evil spirit once it was released and all of the spirits that were converted by the "evil one" it also noted that the glowing blue filament was a way of detecting the difference between spirits, blue indicated that a spirit or force is about, but its not out to harm you, red indicated one of the evil ones servants was near and when the filament glows black, its indicating that the evil one is close by. i carried on reading to figure out that i can capture the spirits or convert them back depending on there original intentions by taking a picture of them, but some have been known to take more than one shot or even get away just to catch up with you later, it also explained that taking a picture of the evil one will do nothing, it cannot be captured, only tamed by using camera in a certain manner, it carried onto the next page reading "i have finaly been able to unlock the secret to stopping the evil one, you must first......., the rest of the page had been torn off, theres was nothing else written down, "Great" i thought to myself, that might have been the only clue on how to end this, so called, curse and get my brother back. Questions remain unanswered though, like, who is this evil one, and what happened to this place for it to have turned out like this, well this is only the start, there should be more answers awaiting further on. i closed the file and went to put it back in the cupboard where i got it from, i opened the cupboard door again and suddenly a body fell down in the cupboard, i froze again, his eyed were stairing right at me, i couldnt move, he had two hand marks burnt into his neck, the palm marks at the front of his neck followed by the finger going round his neck, he had been strangled, but i have no idea by what, theres isnt a being that i know of that can burn there hand marks into someones skin. I suddenly reckonised who it was, he was in the file that my brother had, he was Mr Takemines apprentice but i cant recall his name, it was never mentioned in the file, i wonder what happened to Takemine and his assistant ive seen no sign of them, but i must be close if ive found his apprentice. I couldnt stare at the corpse any longer, i had to look away, i ran through the door to my right and closed it shut behind me.
Chapter 4
The Power Of The Camera Obscura
I was terrified, i was scared that the fate of that researcher might have been my brothers same fate and also mine.
Tormented souls Chapter 3
ive decided to release chapter 2 and 3 at the same time because of the lobg wait, sort a writers block you may say lol
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