• Talk about a rude awakening.
    I slept for total of three hours when a loud creak woke me up. With my eyes wide, I stared into the darkness. There was not another sound for about ten seconds so I desided to go and see what the noise was.
    I grabed my cell for light and slowly and carfully walked out the door. I tip-toed down the old hallway and shined my light down the starcase. I sighed with relief thanking God Almighty it wasn't a cereal killer.
    "Mom, what are you doing?" I asked her. "It's like," I paused to look at my phone for the time. "2 a.m."
    "It's freezing; in the negitives! And plus, I couldn't sleep, I'm suprized you could with all this rain and wind." She answered. That is unusual though; I'm a light sleeper. I must have been whiped out.
    Then as if to prove her point, something crashed outside. It sounded like glass. Or something.
    Mom and I stared at each other for a split second before dashing down the starecase at the same time toward the door almost triping in the prosses. My mom flung the door open. A huge gust of wind and rain slammed into us. My light shone into the dark night but it didn't help. All you could see was the rain going in all different directions.
    We saw nothing. No shaddered glass on the pavement. No person or creacher that could have done it. There was nothing.
    My mother sighed, closed the door, and looked at me.
    "There's no telling what that sound was. But we don't have time to look. You have school in the morning. We need to get some sleep. Just get a towel, dry yourself off and go to bed."
    So that's what I did. I went to bed and drifted into a dreamful sleep.

    It was like a different world altogether. The icicles hung on every window and the stone fireplace was bright with fire, warming the house. But I couldn't enjoy the beautiful sight; I was running through the house from...something...I didn't know what. But I knew whatever it was, it was following me. And here to hurt me.
    I pushed the door and slammed it in a way that my father wouldn't appricate very much and rushed into the Winter Wonder Land. The tops of the trees had a white coat that sparckled from the bright full moon above. I looked around, bewildered. I couldn't believe that I was so frightened that I couldn't lay down on the ankle-deep snow and relax, staring at the sky.
    Finally after looking for a place to hide for a while, I spotted the river that ran by a cople of miles from the house and suddenly, all my frustration and panic vanished. I walked tward the water, mesmerized. I looked down into the water at my reflection. My wavy brown hair dooped over my face with no wind to give it life, my ice blue eyes were intence with pure joy, and a smile was planted on my lips.
    Then, with no warning, a voice shot through the air like a pistel and scared me so much it almost woke me up. It was screaming in terror,"Kim! Were are you?" I didn't reconize the voice, but I knew she needed my help. I jumped from the ground were I knelt and turned around, mysified. I stared in the direction of the voice, but found nothing.
    Another voice cut through the darkness, this time a guy's. What suprized me, was that he said, "Jazzy Jay!" In a joyful voice. The only people that called me that was Less, her parents, and mine. But I didn't know this voice ether.
    A few seconds of confusion passed through me, then I heard a mixture of differnt voices just yelling and screaming noting in perticular. Suddenly, I got angry and went stright back to the river. I raised my hands absently, as if by instinct while the water followed. I raised my arms over my head and let the water freeze there, then I did the same thing over again but this time I swung it across my body. I put my hands up in a protective form over my head. When the screaming stopped, I was shocked back into awareness.

    I woke to the sound of my alarm clock beeping me to wake up. It was time for my first day of school.