'Night mum'
I close my eyes on a normal Sunday. Normal. Ready for a Monday. The one with double art that I, yet again, havn't done the homework for.
Ready for a normal life.
I was walking to school, just with my sister and her friend slightly infront of me. I was in my Summer Uniform, a blue blazer and a dress so much like a summer frock. I was just kicking a pebble around and fell down.
When I fell, I was so shocked I didn't realise that my sister and her friend already walked on, so much that I couldn't see them. I got up, and started running to catch them up. I recognised that I must have been on the floor for sometime, because I was out of breath and I still couldn't see them.
I was near a forest, I had never been inside, but the air made me feel like I belonged there, I took a good glance at it and turned to get back and I walked a couple of steps then heard a noise.
The noise was from a girl, screaming in horror, yet her voice was so smooth it was like a melody from my favorite band. I thought that I should ignore it, but I remembered the rumors about 'missing' hikers, so I wanted to see what was happening. I got my phone out and put on the camera, ready to become a hero. I walked for about five minutes until I saw something, not a huan, not a wolf, yet both....
I saw at his feet, someone who looked my age, screaming in fear. Her open mouth showed fangs, something that was as unusaul as him. I dropped my phone as he came running towards me. I was paralized in fear. I couldn't let out a scream. The girl got up. Covered in blood. She ran at the speed of light and outrun him. Then she turned and winked at me, like she was saying 'Thanks for helping him getting distracted' I smiled a little, as I was still in horrors hands.
The fight was long, but I couldn't take in much until the boy charged to me and I fell on the floor, and my eyes weren't open. Closed.
I sat up as the voice called. It was a guy, not the same one though, he offered me a hand. I got up.
'H...h' I tried to greet him, but I was in shock, he looked like a boy from our school, who went missing a year ago.
'Hi? Boy, you must be shocked. Apologies for my friends behavior. I'm Hero.'
'Didn't you go to my school. You were Thom...' I tried to say it, but he put his hand over my mouth
'I'm not, honest' He let go.
I looked up and the sky was red-yellow. It must have been evening, but I couldn't go back home now, I was in bruises and cuts, and I don't need my family thinking I'm being bullied.
'Here, I'll show you my friends'
I followed him deeper to the forest, not knowing if they were human, or blood-sucking freaks.
I never meant to do this. I should of ignored them. Why am I still following them? Should I stop? No, I can't. I can't follow them though. Wait- I see something. I hear voices.
'......new person?'
'Blonde pale skin.'
'.....never seen her.'
I think they're talking about me. I have to do something. I can't just stay here like a yellow lime. I need to be green. Colour in what is me. I take a sneaky step.
A twig breaks. Everyone turns. Shoot. I should turn back. Wait. The guy is smiling. There are four.....five? I don't know.
'Lucy?' the girl from earlier said.
How did she know my name? How does she know? I nodded. What else can I do? I can't stay speechless. She came up to me and sniffed me. I didn't understand. She mumbled some words, just a few too low for me to understand.
'Lucy. I'm Char-nn' She said. Taking my hand like we were best friends. 'This is Masorri'
He was the one ealier. He looked happier. More nice. He looked normal. Dark hair....fur.
'Half wolf.' She said. It was clearer. 'This is......Ace and Hero'
I looked. One was like half wolf, but like the bad guy in my vampire dreams. Then Hero was as pale as me. Blonde hair as light as mine. We could of been twins if it wasn't for the fact he lived in a forest and that he was taller then me. Everyone was, I'm small for my age. I waved.
'And this is..........' she then mumbled the last words. Low enough for it to show hatred, high enough to hear. 'Dancer'
Dancer was filing her nails. Like those stroppy teenagers. She looked perfect. Tanned skin and dark blond hair. She was tall. Probably the tallest.
'She's a bit mental. She thinks shes the shortest, just play along' Nn said whilst taking my hand closer to everyone. 'This is Sha- oh nevermind. He's probably in another fight.'
'Probably with Surf-again' Masorri said. Keeping his eyes on dancer, whilst dancer looked immune to everything. I checked my watch.
'SHOOT! Oh no no no no- Not late again! Can't be. Mum will be furious. SHOOT' I yelled. Masorri looked at me in horror. Was it something I said? Was I waking the 'undead' since everything here is probably my imagination. These things don't happen to celebrities. I looked. He was behind me. I fell. I could here some words.
'....that for?'
'....Shadow doesn't'
'Never mind Edward. We have to pretect her. Not kill her. Her blood would be....irresistable.'
I gasped. Irresistable? Was I in danger?
I woke up to see Nn sitting on a far away log. Everyone else was out of sight. I wondered where they could be. I opened my mout to speak, then closed it again. I didn't want to ruin her thoughts. Who was he? Did this mean I was in danger?
'It's really my fault. If I didn't tease Masorri, you could be in school. Shadow is this......wolf. Your blood isn't irresistable to drink' She snickered like she was saying either the most unconvincing lie or like it was still irresistable. 'It's......hard to explain. Of what I think Masorri meant, is that, the colour can be irresistable. The smell can, anything, even the feeling.'
I looked at her, she answered all my questions. Could she reaqd my mind? I got up to sit next to her. Her breaths were short. Like a fairy out of breath. High pitched. Then we heard something in the forest. She sat up, eyes open widley, like danger was approaching. She foolishly pushed me off the log behind it. It was Dancer, and someone else.
'DANCER HOW COULD YOU?' Nn literally screamed out.
'I thought Shadow would like to see our new 'friend'. besides, I'm sure he'll be interested, very.'
I remembered everyhting I could from earlier. Irresistable. My head hurt thinking lying down. Ihad to sit up. I did.
It was the most stupid thing I ever did.
The guy looked at me, with his beady eyes. Nn was in shock horror. Dancer couldn't help but laugh. I was worried. Paralysed in fear.
'NO!' I heard.
My leg lost feeling.
Life is always hard. If its another exam, or something you want that's over your current pay role or allowence. But, to be as hard as knowing that your blood is irresistable in so many ways worries alot of people. That is how I come in.
My heart is racing as I watch Nn shock horror, hearing breathing above me. Too deep and heavy to be someones I know. I inhale for air as frequently as I can, but not as regulary as I should. I feel exhausted from the breathing. Like it takes me the world for a breath. I close my eyes. Ready to wake up from the dream and to be ready for school. Up and running. My heart will no longer be horrorfied from this fairy tale gone evil. I can get ready for school. Tell Zoe about my weekend. A normal Monday. A Monday that doesn't feel like bing dragged by your legs, of which one is broken. Stiff yet fragile I am, though it'd never be important in my normal life. Never.
I'd never of had to worry about the she-witch Dancer.
If this was a dream. Why am I so worried? How can I imagine the name Nn? How could I see the detail? How comes I could scream using my voice? How could my imagination stretch this? Why would I deserve a nightmare?
The horror is the fact.
The truth.
This isn't a dream.
It's a deathwish of a life.
I always dreamed my 'Prince Charming' would save me from the dragon, for I was a princess. But now I pray I'll get killed by a wolf for I just have 'irresistable blood'. I can't figure out where I am. It's too dark.
Too Shadowy.
I could here my breath loud and deeply light. I was afraid. I was alone...
I think.
I heard laughing. Deep, imature laughing. Like a 7-year old boy whos voice broke Summers early. I knew who it was, though I didn't know why. I wish my Prince Charming would save me. If only it were that simple. Simple as a fairy tale.
I wish.
He came from the pitch black. Like in those evil badguy layers in batman or something. I don't watch those type of things, it's just a typical badguy entrance. He looked down at me, as I was still on the floor. I was going to get up but he pushed my shoulder down so I was sitting again. He laughed. His eyes were the colour of Sky in the countryside. Black. Pitch black. I knew he was in another black hoodie. My pinifore was ripped to almost shreds at the bottom. My blazer was like a waist coat now. He never said anything to me. He grabbed the top of my pinifore so I was off the floor, higher than him. I saw his eyes. They showed Dancer. Ace and Masorri watching her. She looked like she thought she was a godess. It was wrong, it was a plot. He recognised my face changed and threw me down to the corner. I blinked, like I had just seen someone being thrown to the ground. A witness. Not the victim. I closed my eyes and prayed. I'd never been religious, but I thought that somewhere, anywhere, someone would here.
I saw another appear. Long, tanned legs. I smirk. Evil eyes. Hair at a side ponytail. Dancer. She was laughing, too much. That had been the plan. Ace and Masorri to fall down and hang onto every word.
'Why would you?' I asked, trying to look as sad as I could, although I wanted to punch her.
'Ever heard of 'want' and 'needs'? It's simple, I only need some stupid people to follow me, so everyone can be jealous.'
She laughed like it was the most obvious thing in the world 'Likes to fight. Plus it'll be healthy, to know he's done the right thing.'
Right thing? Killing me was right? Had I killed her? Hurt her? What. I......I didn't do anything wrong.
She looked at me, almost knowing my thoughts 'We can't have competition, it's hard enough with Nn, you know? But' She laughed the stupid laugh again 'She's no competition, she's a bonus.'
Bonus? Did Dancer have no heart? I got up, it hurt, but I did. I couldn't bear her talking. Her........her talking was like screams. Horrible. I ran as fast as I could though it wasn't fast to hurt her. I was almost there. Shadow jumped and pushed me back. Harder.
Blood on my hands.
I shook me head. I must of missed something. It was Shadow. He wasn't laughing, he was.....upset. I made a faint sound not using my lips. Everything hurt.
'I'm so sorry, I was so horrible. I think she'll do that to Masorri and Ace. How could she of done it to me? I'm so....so....SO'
I finaly remmebered how to talk 'It's ok. I don't think it's NOT ok....anyway. But, how? Was it like...did you know what was happening?'
He nodded. I knew what he meant. She was a she witch. A vile creature. Horrible.
I looked down. Blood was oozing from almost every part of my body. I was petrified. I turned around and gasped. Blood had always been my weakness.
'Don't worry. We'll get you to a hospital.' He said, he voice was firm.
I nodded.
I knew that if...
...just if I could be seen by my family.
I'd have to say bye.

- Title: Out of Breath: Dark Shreads
- Artist: Kaaay-Tee
Life is always hard. If its another exam, or something you want that's over your current pay role or allowence. But, to be as hard as knowing that your blood is irresistable in so many ways worries alot of people. That is how I come in.
The *'s are just to show segments. This is 'dark shreads' so when I think there is enough, I'll move onto another thing. Like 'Out of Breath: Fear over Hope' or something. - Date: 05/02/2009
- Tags: breath last follow lucy lucy140
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Kaaay-Tee - 05/03/2009
- Bu the way. Where all the *'s are means I updated, so it's literally 3, 4, 5 without the 100g cost. Please no evil comments. I work hard.
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