• Okay, so some critisim would be great. Umm, depending on the feedback I get I might put up more of this storeh. And if something isn't clear enough or I didn't explain it enough, PLEASE tell me, I tend to get ahead of myself when writing and I'll have an idea and the way to explain it and forget to write out one of them XD. I'd be happy to discuss it over Pm. Anyways, Hope you enjoy (This be my first entry in the arena=D)

    The Murphy gas station was the only establishment for miles out on the 204 highway. A small hammered-on sign announcing that it was built in 1952 hung like an afterthought below a larger neon-green one featuring the weathered building’s name. Although, in fact, the building looked much older than anything from the fifties and the old gas pumps out front looked as though they would turn to dust if anyone decided to use them gain. The metal awning above the gas tanks sagged in the center as though some colossal giant had come and sat right on down onto the thing like a chair and it had fought to stay straight until it’s flimsy metal couldn’t take the great weight anymore and just decided ‘what the heck!’ and gave up. It was rusted in various places and in some areas the rust had just ate right on through so that there were holes you could look up to and see the ominous gray sky above them.

    The only person working there was a single, old man with thinning white hair pulled back into a pony-tail at the nape of his neck. Pearls of sweat ran down his face even though the AC unit was set to a temperature so cold that even Santa Clause would probably feel uncomfortable. His tan skin and facial features would make you guess him to be of a Native American Decent, but in truth he was way beyond any simple old ethnicity known to man. He was much, much more spectacular, much more brilliant than that. Yes, special he was, but special doesn’t always mean perfect.

    Nothing about the place would strike you as strange, except maybe for the static filled old-timey music coming from a battered radio sitting on the counter in front of the man. His foot didn’t tap in time to the music nor did his head sway with the up-beat tune that was playing. The only movement coming from him was from his pointer finger tapping in no comprehensible pattern on the top of the ancient cash register. His stared forward with unmoving, unblinking, eyes that upon closer examination one would most likely find that they flashed a brilliant jade every few minutes.

    Though he didn’t show it he was dangerous. He was powerful. He was evil. And he…was my target.


    Okay, so by now even if you’re not some Sherlock, you’ve probably guessed that I’m not one of the most conventional types of teenage girls. I mean seriously, who spends a perfectly nice Saturday evening observing some dilapidated old gas station in nowheres-ville? Me, that’s who. And why? Because I’m a hunter, but to make my job more easy to understand for you I guess I’m more of what you humans would call a ‘bounty hunter’, born and raised…with knives and guns I spent most of my days, kicking and punching, fighting all cool. But enough of the “Fresh Prince” parodies and more explaining.

    This world of yours? Yeah, well I’m about to turn it upside down and inside out. I’ll make you throw away all of you ‘reason’ and ‘logic’ because frankly those two things don’t exist. Never have, actually. There are things that exist in the world-in the universe-that you will most likely live your whole life and never see. Never notice. Luck you. These…things are what you would call fantasies, myths, legends, supernatural creatures, but calling them by something that says they don’t exist doesn’t make them any less real. And trust me-I’ve got some bruises and scars to show you if you don’t believe me on this one. Faeries, vampires, mermaids, dark angels, oh my. They’re all real, along with a whole other slew of beings that even man doesn’t have any tales or stories about, and clicking your sparkly red shoes and saying “There’s no place like home” isn’t gonna do anything but make you look like a dweeb. Seriously-don’t try it- it’s happened before. And if you can’t handle this information-stop reading now because there’s a whole lot more where that came from.

    By the time I was four I was already in training. While other kids were still learning to ride their bikes and identify letters and say their colors- I was learning the about the aerodynamics of different weapons and how it could effect your blows and speed in battle. Yeah. No McDonalds or Toys R’ Us for me. And what is this ‘Barbie’ thing you speak of? I basically skipped childhood and went straight to adolescence, and I’m not the only one. There are seven of us in all and we’re all students at the Academy for Supernatural Skills for the Elite and Superior. I’m just glad our uniforms don’t have the school’s abbreviated form sown into them… I mean seriously, who thought of that name and why didn’t they take a look at the initials before they finalized it???

    Not many of us attending the school, I know, but what do you expect from a super-fancy-smancy prestigious kick-butt mentor? I mean, I’ve been there all my life and I’ve never seen the dude’s face. That is, assuming he is in fact a he, the guy wears a mask 24/7. He along with three other just-as-mysterious adults are the only staff excluding the cleaning lady that comes to clean the mansion every Tuesday. She, Adelaide is her name, is nice but I can’t say that much for the school staff. They’re just plain brutal.

    But all this talking and I’ll bet you’re still wondering what the heck it is that we do. What my peers and I do is take down Rogue Supies, or Supernaturals if you want the technical term. Rogue Supies are basically any of the creatures mentioned above that have broken The Code in any way, shape, or form. The Code is something that all we Supies keep in order to preserve ourselves. Preserve yourselves? What would you guys need to preserve yourselves from? You may ask. Well, the answer is simple, and that would be you. Humans. Mortals. The Savages. Whichever one fits your fancy, the meanings are all the same. But when it comes down to it, you humans are our biggest threat. You fear the things you can’t control. You cage those things or brutally kill them. When is the last time you’ve been to the zoo? That’s a perfect example. All those powerful animals that pose a threat to you humans are taken away from their environment, locked into cages, and put on display for the amusement of snot-nosed five-year-olds that tap on the glass even though the sign CLEARLY says that it hurts their ears. And if you ever found out about us, you’d do the same thing. I prefer not to be stared at by bratty little kids with sticky fingers and I value my eardrums, thank you very much. So breaking the code could be anything from harvesting a large amount of power (Supie power can cause strange, unexplained events that seem to amuse you humans, a good example would be ghosts and poltergeists) to killing enough humans to attract the attention of the media. Basically anything that risks us from being exposed.

    So my peers and I are sent on strange little missions all the time to keep those Rogue Supies in line. Sometimes they’re solo missions and sometimes they’re in small crews. And on the rarest of terms-the mission requires a full team. Like the mission I’m on now, except backup hasn’t arrived yet and that ‘man’ is sure to notice me soon. And although I do have a license to kick some Supie butt, me vs. that dude is not something I’d like to happen without the rest of my team.