• Ch. 2 What Is Daisuke Fujisaki?
    The morning sun poured into my room, waking me up with its bright glow. Another school day. Ugh! I got out of bed and started getting dressed. I went out into the hallway and smelled breakfast. The usual boiled eggs, bacon, and orange juice, I bet. I went into the bathroom and started combing my hair when the door bell rang.
    “I got it,” my mother called out. I ignored her opening the door and continued combing my hair. “Amari, your friend is here!”
    “Ok!” I shouted back. It was strange that someone came over. No one comes over before school starts. I was curious as to who it was.
    I smiled at my reflection, satisfied with my hair. I shut the bathroom door behind me and walked down the stairs. “Hey mom, who’s here?”
    Before she could reply, I got my answer.
    It was Daisuke. He was sitting at the table, looking at me. “Good morning.”
    I couldn’t talk to him. Not after what happened yesterday. He might tell me off.
    “Amari, don’t be rude,” my mother said. She offered Daisuke an egg, but he refused. She then placed the egg in a cup and sat it on the other side of the table, next to the bacon and orange juice.
    “Good morning Daisuke.” The words were hard to get out.
    He smiled.
    “If you want any breakfast, help yourself. I made plenty,” my mother told him. She washed her hands and went up stairs.
    I was left alone in the kitchen with him. He rested his head on his hand and stared at me, smiling a clever smile. “Do you want to eat now or take it with you?” he asked me.
    I sat down on the other end of the table, not taking my eyes off of him at all. “Why did you come here? How did you find out where I live anyways?”
    He blinked twice. “Friends.”
    I slid down in my chair. Alice.
    “It wasn’t Alice,” he said. “I was talking about my own friends.”
    He read my mind again! How is he doing that?!
    He smiled. “It’s a secret of mine that shouldn’t be told to the outside world.”
    I sat up and started eating the egg. He watched me the entire time. Probably trying to read more of my thoughts.
    A few minutes went by and I was done eating. He got up. “Ready to go?” he asked me.
    I put the cup into the sink. “No, I asked my mother to take me today,” I replied. Without looking at him, I went into the living room and grabbed my backpack. He followed me.
    “Why are you lying to me? All you had to say was I’d rather go with my mom then some freak who reads my mind.”
    I stopped dead in my tracks. “I wouldn’t use the term freak, but something pretty close to that.”
    He sighed. “I thought so. You’re not the only one who thinks that.”
    I turned to him. “Answer one question.”
    He squinted his eyes. “You’re mind says that there’s more than one question.”
    “For now it’s one,” I told him. “What are you?”
    He didn’t reply. He just stood there, frozen in place. I couldn’t tell if he was breathing or not. After a long period of time, he shook it off and headed for the door.
    “Hey wait!” I called out. “You didn’t answer my question!”
    He opened the door. “I never said I was going to. You’re too nosy already. Stay away from me alright?” He quickly shut the door.
    I ran after him. I went all the way to the sidewalk and looked in every direction, but he was gone. He’s gone. But how is it possible to disappear so fast like that? I turned around and headed back inside. Before I stepped inside the door way, there were three white feathers on the ground.
    These are the same ones that I found by the bench yesterday. I picked them up, and all three looked the same. I stared up into the sky before walking inside.

    During school, he wasn’t in class. The desk next to me remained empty throughout the day. He wasn’t outside when we had our breaks. I didn’t see him after school either.
    I started to feel like I was the reason why he decided to skip school today…
    I shook the feeling off and tried to run the rest of the home, but my backpack was very heavy from my binder, math and science books, and a whole bunch of papers that I never threw out. But, somehow I made it home.
    “Mom, I’m home!” I called out as I headed up the stairs. I dropped my things in my room and went into her room. “Mom?” She wasn’t there.
    I headed back down the stairs and into the kitchen. The dishes were washed, and the kitchen was clean. She probably went shopping. Knowing her, that’s exactly what she did.
    I left a note on the fridge saying that I was going to be at Ken’s house for a while and left.

    I rode my bike half way there when I noticed a small white bird following me. It was getting annoying ‘cause it started following me since I left home. I picked up a rock and threw it at the bird. I didn’t hit it, but it was enough to make it fly away. With peace at last, I continued to ride to Ken’s house.

    I rode up Ken’s drive way & parked my bike on his sidewalk. I walked up to his door and knocked.
    “Coming!” someone shouted from in the house. The door opened and it was my Aunt. (Her real name is too scary to tell) “Hello Amari dear.”
    “Hi. Is Ken here?” I asked her.
    “Yes, he’s in his room. Come in.” She stepped aside and let me in. “Ken, Amari is here for you!”
    “Got it!” he shouted back.
    She pointed down the hallway, telling me that his down there. I nodded, understanding her signal, and headed down the hall to his room.
    “Ken, open up,” I said as I knocked on his bedroom door. It swung open and he was standing on the other side.
    “What’s up?” he asked. He let me in and shut the door behind him. He sat down at his desk. On his desk lay the feather and some test tubes.
    I stood next to him, looking the different colors in each tube.
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    “I was wondering if you found anything about the feather.”
    He picked up two test tubes and examined the colors. “I have.” He put one of them down and picked up another one. “I found out that this feather doesn’t belong to any animal.” He put the tubes down and looked at me. “But I’m still not sure what it belongs to. These tubes here change color when they are and aren’t in the light. So whatever it is changes color during the day and night as well.”
    I looked at the feather. “Have you seen the feather change color?”
    He picked up the feather and handed it to me. I took it from him, confused. “See for yourself,” he said.
    I cupped my hands over the feather and looked inside. The feather changed to black! When I opened my hands, they quickly became white again. “That’s amazing how you found this out!” I told him.
    He smiled. “That’s the beauty of science little cousin,” he told me. “Tell me though, where did you find this feather again?”
    “At school,” I replied.
    He fiddled with his fingers, thinking of something else to say. “Be a little more specific please. Where at exactly did you find it?” he asked.
    “I found it on a bench at school,” I told him. “It was there when this dude named Daisuke got up and walked away. He was sitting there during our break.”
    “Hmm.” Ken started thinking again. “This Daisuke guy, has he done anything strange lately?”
    “This guy is very strange,” I started, but I was cut off when his mother called to me.
    “Amari! There’s someone here to see you!” she shouted.
    “Strange. I guess I’ll be right back Ken,” I said. I opened the door.
    “Ok, I’ll do some research on this guy,” he replied.

    I went to the door and you’ll never guess who was there!
    “Daisuke! What are you doing here?!” I asked, shocked.
    “I will not allow you to be near this guy,” he said. He tried to grab me, but I shut the door in his face and went back to Ken. I shut his door and locked it.
    “Ken, we have a problem,” I said.
    “I know. Come here and look at this,” he urged.
    I went to him. He was at his computer. On the screen was a website, but I’m not familiar with it. “What did you find?” I asked him.
    He looked at me with worried eyes. “Stay away from this Daisuke guy. This feather belongs to him.”
    I was confused. “What do you mean? How can this feather be his?”
    “Amari, I’ve searched everywhere on this computer, and there is no website that has his information. There’s no school that he used to go to, there’s no family history behind him, nothing. In short, Daisuke doesn’t exist. He’s not human!”