Chapter Five
The masked man breathed heavily, almost wheezing, as he came mere feet from his victim. He spoke in a deep, coarse voice. “Asuke...” he started to announce, then began wheezing again.
Asuke stood still, numb with shock, unable to respond to the man who apparently knew him. The man continued speaking, the lead pipe still over his head. “Asuke...” he said once more. “Join the dark s...” Before he could finish the last word, the man broke into laughter, dropping his weapon, bending down to catch his breath.
Asuke was absolutely confused by the man’s odd behavior. “Wh- who are you?” He stuttered, his throat too dry to talk.
The man stood up straight, taking off his tinted motorcycle helmet, revealing a young face with dark brown hair and a scruffy goatee, laughing at Asuke’s expression.
“Makide!” Asuke yelled, surprised to know the assailant.
“Your one and only uncle.” He replied in his normal voice, still laughing.
Anger ran through Asuke’s eyes. He punched his uncle across his arm. “What the hell was that all about!”
“Sorry.” Makide gingerly said. “Just a prank.”
“How do you know where I live?” Asuke asked still in shock. “We haven’t kept in touch since-”
Makide held his hand out, stopping the boy from mentioning his older’s brothers unfortunate death. “Ro called me a couple hours ago and told me about your girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend!” Asuke corrected his uncle.
“Fine, fine. Don’t get your panties in bunch.” Makide joked. “Ro called me and told me about that hot-girl-that-isn’t-your-girlfriend-who-just-left and yourself. Luckily, I was only a few towns over, so I drove here to make sure you don’t cause anymore trouble and to give you a little talk.”
“I don’t need a sitter.”
Makide laughed. “I’m not here to change your diapers. Just wanted to see how my only nephew was doing... and to crash here for a few days.” He whispered the final remark.
Asuke looked at the fallen pipe. “Was that really necessary?” He asked pointing to the would-be weapon.
“Yes.” Makide simply said, a sinister smile spread across his face.
Only a handful of grey clouds covered the morning sky as the unexpected cold front began to move north, away from Okayama. Asuke walked the crowded streets heading once again to school. Makide, who crashed on the living room couch the night before, was supposed to give him a ride to school, but was too hung over after sharing half a 12 pack of beers with Ro and his date.
Turning the corner, a friendly face greeted him from across the street. Neko, in the same uniform as the day before, stood waiting on the street corner, waving at Asuke.
“Good morning.” Greeted Neko, grabbing Asuke’s hand as soon as they were side by side. He moved it away, placing it in his right pocket, gripping the dog tags trying to resist the urge to hold his beloved’s hand. “What’s the matter?” She asked.
Asuke pointed at Maya, who waited for him in front of the stairs leading to the school, talking with another classmate, her back to the couple. “If Maya sees us together, she’ll make your life miserable.” He whispered.
Neko giggled, saying, “I’m over a century old. I’ve lived through wars, been hunted like an animal, and have seen my share of awful things. One little girl is nothing.”
“You can protect yourself. I’m more worried about what she’ll do to me.” Asuke admitted. “Maya’s family is powerful and she’s... unstable.”
Neko sighed. “Okay. I’ll try to keep my paws off you.” She kissed his cheek, making a faint purring sound, and walked away.
Asuke blushed and waited for Neko to go up the steps to approach the school. As she neared Maya, Neko made a swift upward movement with her right hand, creating a gust of wind that uplifted Maya’s skirt, showing off her underwear to everyone who was looking that way. Neko twirled around and winked at Asuke before she walked up the steps.
Asuke’s jaw dropped. “That was mean.” Not an ounce of remorse in his words. Asuke kept walking to school now that Neko was out of sight.
Maya’s cheeks turned red as Asuke came near. “Did you see that?” She asked, hoping he hadn’t.
“See what?” Asuke played dumb, not wanting to further embarrass the girl.
“Nothing.” Said Maya, trying to act cool. “So...” She began, her cheeks changing color once more. “I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance club... with me, tonight.”
Asuke was caught off guard by her unorthodox proposal. “Umm... I'll think about it.” He responded, not even paying attention to what he had just said.
“Really!?” She asked, expecting an automatic rejection.
“...Yeah.” Asuke said, now realizing what he had done. Without saying another word he slowly walked up the steps, Neko waiting for him across the hall, hidden from sight.
“Are you going to go?” Neko asked when he was within hearing range.
Asuke turned to her. He was amazed by her hearing ability. “You heard all that?”
Neko nodded. “Felines have good hearing.” She returned to her original question. “So are you?” Asuke shrugged, unsure of what the future held for him. “You should.” Neko advised. “If she’s as ‘unstable’ as you say, you better not risk it.”
“...I guess your right, but I’ll make sure she knows that we’re going as friends and nothing more.” Asuke tried to accept his fate, but fell short. “What about you?”
“I love dancing!” Exclaimed Neko, misunderstanding Asuke’s concern as an invitation. “Thanks for inviting me!”
Asuke’s eyes widen as he found himself in yet another dilemma. He unwittingly asked Neko to join Maya and himself on the dance floor, where he knew Maya would try something seductive that would ultimately enrage his love interest. “Oh, crap.” He thought, imagining the fight that could ensue.
“When are you going?” Neko wondered, glad to have a full time part in Asuke’s life now that she wasn’t condemned as a Twilight.
He thought of something quickly. “My uncle will pick you up.”
“Uncle?” She pondered.
“Yeah. My uncle Makide stopped by yesterday, right after you left.” Asuke recalled the incident involving a lead pipe and his uncle’s weird and dark sense of humor. “He’ll pick you up around seven.” Knowing his uncle couldn’t resist a party, Asuke said it with confidence.
“Great!” Neko said, a gitty smile on her face. “I’ll see you then.”
“Actually, we have class together right now.” He reminded her.
“Oh yeah.” The excitement of the nights plans clouded her mind. “We better get going.” And with that, she pranced away, Asuke slowly walking behind.
Before he could follow Neko into their first class, Asuke stopped Maya as she walked past. “See you there around eight.” Asuke said in a nonchalant tone then stepped into his classroom, surrendering a war within his own mind he could not win.
Excitement over took Maya. Her heart seemed to leap from her chest as the man who occupied her mind had accepted the request. Though Maya knew it was out of either pure pity or a lack of social plans, she couldn’t careless. She had a date with Asuke.
“By the end of tonight, I will make him love me.” The obscure thought passed her inner psyche as the day merely began.
The day seemed to go on forever in Asuke’s mind. Neko and Maya both went directly home to get dressed for their ‘date’ with Asuke, so he walked home alone this afternoon. Asuke slowly made his way up the steps to his home and opened the door, Makide on the opposite end, putting on a clean grey shirt.
Before he was fully clothed, Asuke noticed something on his uncle’s back. Three scars scattered across his body, all almost alike in a circular fashion. “What happen to your back?” Asuke asked, unashamed of questioning his uncle about his personal life.
Makide turned and greeted his nephew, unaware he had come in. “Hey there.” He said in an up beat tone then answered Asuke’s question. “Bad bar fight a couple years back that I wasn’t even a part of. Some guy took out a pistol then BAM!” He said, making the gun motions with his right hand and sly grin on his face. “I was hit by three stray bullets. The jerk got away, too.”
Makide had said it with such ease, that it sounded almost rehearsed. Asuke could only believe half the story; the half that he had been shot by someone else. “Too bad.” He said, unsure of what else to say to his uncle after such a story. “Anyway, I need a favor.” Asuke blurted out, changing the subject as quickly as he could.
“What do you need?”
“I need you to take a girl to the club tonight.”
“Sounds like your doing me a favor.” Makide added. “I was planning to go out tonight, but didn’t know where.”
“Great. Can you pick-”
“Wait. What’s the catch?” Makide interrupted. “Are you getting me back for the whole lead pipe thing?”
Asuke chuckled. “No, I just need you take a girl to the club. Stop being so paranoid.”
“What’s her name?” He asked, putting on his leather jacket, not sounding very convinced.
“Ne... I mean, Kaira.” Asuke fumbled his words, still trying to accustom himself to saying Neko’s alias. “The girl from last night.”
“Ah.” Makide was now intrigued. “Cat girl.” He mocked his nephews supposed fetish. “I thought you and her had a little thing.”
“Idiot.” Asuke said under his breath. “It’s a long story.” He said aloud. “Are you going to do me this favor or not?”
“Yeah sure.” Makide grabbed his motorcycle helmet and placed it around his head. “What time should stop by cat girl’s house?”
“Around seven fifteen... and her name is Kaira!” Asuke yelled as Makide walked down the steps to his bike.
He waved goodbye and turned on the motor, ready to head out. “Seven it is.” Makide sped down the street on his black and white motorbike splashing through puddle after to puddle until he turned the corner and was finally gone.
“...He doesn’t even know where she lives...” Asuke slapped his forehead, unable to believe his uncles absent mindedness.
A couple hours and one phone call from Makide later, Asuke walked down the slightly busy street heading to the club. He wore a unbuttoned black dress shirt over a lighter black T- shirt with two neon green diagonal lines going down across his chest, loose fitting jeans tied with a tight dark red belt and comfortable dark blue sneakers that were slightly used, all held together with the red bang that hides his left eyebrow.
Maya stood in front of a building that seemed to be vacant, no one else was around. She was wearing a dark cherry pink tank top with various types of designs spread across it, tightly hugging her larger then average breasts and skinny body. She also wore a light forest green jacket around the tank top, a gun metal grey mini skirt with a lighter grey silhouette of what appeared to be a sparrow close to her left hip, and dark dance shoes tied with violet shoe laces. She waved at Asuke as he neared, Asuke did the same, not bothering to even seem the least bit pleased.
“Lighten up.” She said with a preppy smile, wrapping her arm around his, holding his hand just below her left breast. Asuke blushed, trying to lower his hand, but she didn’t permit him. “Let’s go inside.” Maya attempted to drag Asuke in, but he was to strong, stuck like a rock in the mud.
“I’m expecting someone.” Asuke said, looking around the street to see if Makide’s bike was parked anywhere.
“Damn! I thought it was just the two of us.” Maya whispered, completely inaudible by Asuke. “I’m sure they’re already inside. Vamonos!” She kept tugging at his arm until he gave in.
They both crashed into the main doors, Maya running in the long, dim hallway with Asuke trying to keep up. They passed a multiple of people on their way through. A couple as they made out on a stair case the two climbed, a couple of guys speaking with each other, one holding a cigarette and drinking from a glass, the other guarding the door they stood in front of, and a group of friends walking into the main room.
The two entered a enormous room full of people dancing, flickering lights, multicolored lasers blasting everywhere. The thumping of dance music, a remix in English, filled the room, bouncing off the walls from the speakers into the hundred of party-goers' ears. The DJ span his records, adjusting the sound levels and speed of the fast paced music, creating an amazing blend of the artist’s original song and his own personal touch.
Maya and Asuke squeezed through the crowds and stopped about mid dance floor. Maya began dancing with Asuke, rubbing her body against his. Asuke, to his own disbelief, was enjoying himself and danced with Maya, letting the a music take over. Adrenaline ran through their veins as the night kept on.
After over an hour of nonstop dancing and overall fun, Asuke and Maya took a little break, and left for the hallway where the echoes and bass of the party music could still be felt and heard.
“That was amazing!” Maya yelled, leaning on Asuke for support, resting on his broad shoulders
“It was.” Admitted Asuke, amazed he was actually having a good time. Just as they stopped to rest, Neko and Makide walked up to the exhausted Maya and Asuke, who were deep in conversation.
Makide wore the same outfit he had on when he left the house, while Neko was dressed up completely. She was wearing a bright red tipped black shoulder length wig, a leather jacket similar to Makide’s, but one size too small, pitch black cut jeans, and a white under shirt with a black floral design. Her lips a brighter pink then usual and her eyes just as yellow as Asuke remembered.
Maya couldn’t put her finger on the fact that the girl looked much too familiar, until it struck her. “Kaira?”
Neko waved at the girl, giving a friendly smile.
Maya shouted. “That's who you invited!?” Fire pulsed through her eyes.
Lying, one of Asuke’s specialties, came in handy. “No. I invited Makide.” He pointed to his uncle. “Kaira is just his date.” He turned his view to Neko. “Right, Kaira?”
“...Apparently.” She said, trying to sound convincing.
Maya calmed down. “I’m sorry about freaking out.” She apologized, bowing to Neko.
“She really is crazy.” Thought Neko as she witnessed the young girls explosion. “Don’t worry about it.” Neko said and turned to Makide. “Lets go dance!” She said, tugging at his arm.
Maya halted the couple before they could go further down the hallway. “One sec. Why don’t you come with us to the third floor? My father was expecting me an hour ago.”
“Father?” Asuke questioned.
Maya nodded. “He owns this place. I didn’t tell you?”
Neko shock her head and attempted to politely reject her offer. “No thanks. I just came here to dance with my... date.” She struggled to get the last word out, trying to face the fact that Asuke was there with another girl, though unwillingly.
“You guys can still dance up there.”
“I don’t know...” Neko was still a bit ticked off at Maya. “Maybe later.”
“There’s also a snack bar.” She added.
“Lets go!” Exclaimed Makide. “I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.”
“All right. Follow me.” Maya said and walked down the hall, Makide at her side, leaving Asuke and Neko alone behind.
When Maya and Makide where away from hearing range, Neko leaned to Asuke’s ears. “I thought your uncle was just supposed to pick me up,” Neko sounded furious as she whispered, “not be my date!”
“You saw how she reacted when she thought I invited you.” Asuke whispered back. “I owe you a dance.” He promised and stopped the conversation before Maya could eavesdrop.
“Private” read the sign outside the only door on the third floor. Maya unlocked it and went inside, waving at the group to follow. The room was full of fancy decor. A red carpet with golden swirl patterns, a mellow sky blue wall paint, many golden and silver plaques across the room, and a long red couch blending with the carpet circling a large glass coffee table topped with various snacks. To the right, there was an gigantic flat screen television that took up most of the wall. It was streaming video of the party below from 6 different angles. To the left was another door and a elegant painting hanging further to the right.
The room reminded Asuke of his childhood days, walking in on his dad’s personal meetings with powerful businessmen in their parlor room to tell him how school went, his dad always stopping the meeting to hear what his son had to say. Now it only reminded him of the dangling body that hung from the chandelier he had found three years past. Asuke cringed as he walked into the room so eerily similar to the one that haunted his dream. Makide, who’s only thought was food, hadn’t noticed the similarity, but Neko saw something was wrong with Asuke.
“Are you okay?” She asked, watching his pupils return to their normal size.
He shrugged it off, not wanting to remind himself of a day he tried so hard to forget. “N-nothing.” Said Asuke, regaining hold on his mind.
“Your welcome to sit.” Maya said following her own words. Everyone else sat down around the couch, Asuke in between Maya and Neko and Makide far to the side, his back to the door and painting. Makide grabbed a pear, an almost rare delicacy in the inner cities of Japan, and took a large bite into the juice fruit.
Suddenly, the door behind Makide opened, everyone but the young man enjoying fruit turned around. A some-what tall, tan skinned man wearing a nice suit and gelled back black hair walked inside with the support of a cane. “Hola, amor.” He said to Maya. “I see you have company so I won’t be around for long.”
“Hey, papi. These are my friends Asuke, Kaira, and Makide.” Maya said introducing everyone to her father. “Everyone, this is my dad and owner of the club, Estaban Reyes.”
Makide froze, dropping the pear core to the floor as he heard the name a loud. He got up and turned around to make sure it wasn’t the man he thought it would be, but to his surprise and luck, it was. “Reyes!” Makide yelled loudly, the name echoed across the room.
“Imo!?” Estaban yelled back, dropping the cane to the floor. The two men took out pistols in unison from hidden holsters in their jackets, pointing them to one another with their fingers itching to pull the trigger. Asuke, Neko, and Maya sat startled at the sudden sight of firearms, all of them caught in between the cross fire.
- by Helm of Demonica |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/10/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Twilight Neko: Chapter Five
- Artist: Helm of Demonica
- Description: Comments and critique are welcomed.
- Date: 03/10/2009
- Tags: twilight neko chapter five
- Report Post
Comments (7 Comments)
- Helm of Demonica - 04/15/2009
- Sorry Chapter six is taking so long, but I've been diagnosed with a major case of writer's block, so that's getting in the way... I''ll try to get it out as soon as I can!
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- pinkpix - 04/04/2009
- wow great job! keep writing! im loving your story ^^
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- Helm of Demonica - 03/25/2009
- Thanks. Thats what I, as a writer, try to do.
- Report As Spam
- Light-Dark12 - 03/22/2009
- This story is great! It really painted a picture in my head. And that's what writers want to do to their readers!
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- Helm of Demonica - 03/16/2009
I promise the next chapter won't have a "cliffie."
Maybe the one after might, I don't know yet. - Report As Spam
- Idomy Lace - 03/15/2009
- this was good but the clifie is killing me.
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