Yeah hi I’m Rina I’m in year 9 and I recently took out revenge on the pain of my past. If you asked a dictionary what the word revenge meant it would come up with a harmful action against a person or a group as a response to a supposed wrong doing. If you look on the news you’ll find stories with parents pretending to be their child and telling the child they don’t like to kill them selves which they do. In life they say everything has an equal reaction. I never thought I'd be one for revenge but I guess I was wrong to me revenge was pointless a unwanted emotion that was contagious that left people in pain but still they wanted more of it. I always knew revenge in most case never worked out the way you wanted it to most of the time you got in trouble I never thought I would be able to do it and get away with it. I’m fairly sure I could do it again and get away with it still but after that people might start to get suspicious I mean look at me I’m not normal the school sent me to counselling for bodily harm( long story short I cut myself and when I woke up I was in hospital with everyone around telling I should have done that not that I listened) and prefer to keep to myself don’t get me wrong I still have friends but I'm not a very sociable person staying hidden in shadow is the way to go for me I guess that’s what made me an easy target to start with. I’m willing to accept that everyone has a different view on life but why does every kid at school think that’s wrong kids are cruel these day’s I know but they never look deep enough to see who you really are. That thing with the blonde hair is Ashley a very annoying girl with a habit of making peoples lives hell and by people I mainly mean me. It all started when we were in kinder a lonely girl was sitting by her self not me but darling little Ashley I sat with her I talked to her help her out when things were bad but still once we got to high school things changes like the fact she was dating the schools football captain. So then she didn’t have time for her best friend but as the year progressed I distanced myself from everyone.
Really after you lose your best friend you really don’t trust people afterwards. So day after day of hiding in dark corners and the library made me think of how I was I wasn’t a happy peppy girl like my exbest friend I was always quiet and as much as I liked hang out with Ashley I liked being by myself. I should probably tell you what happened between us. When I was in kinder I had quite a few friends (I was sociable then) we were talking amongst our selves when the teacher announced that we had a new student the teacher introduced her name was Ashley at first I couldn’t careless if we had a new student but when I saw her sitting by her self at lunch. I was a kid and I knew it would feel so bad to be left out of groups and activities. So I went and talked to her she had come from overseas and was nervous about coming to school in practically a new world. I had never had that happen to me but I could only guess how confused and scared she was of this new place. So as the years went on we became friends and ever slowly getting to high school where were ready to start anew we were planning to be popular or at least Ashley I couldn’t careless which group I was in it was just a way of people being able to see how many people liked them or were scared of them I knew people were already scared of me but Ashley who was really only know as creepy Goth/emo girl’s friend was ready to be queen of the school. So the year before high school we or I should say her spent weekends looking at the latest fashions which to me was quiet boring I could have being doing other things things that I wanted to do. That year past quickly it was yr7 when the problems began the day before the school term was about to start the day before school I helped her pick out an outfit for the next day and help her with her make up. So the next day she came to school and to normal people she would have looked gorgeous but to me she was the same old Ashley who had decided that where she was stuck in the status quo didn’t suit her I mean at first I didn’t blame her but soon things got out of hand. An example of one would be the day she asked me to come to the mall after school with her new friends Jane, Becca, Shannon and the leaders Stacy and Kacy. Now I don’t really like going to the mall especially with a group that big another 1 or 2 people no biggy but 8 people including me now that is to many and come on none of them are going to want to go to the stores I like it will be designer and chain stores never plain old Kmart or big W but I went along with it any way I wanted to see what they did on these shopping trips. When we got to the mall we or should I say they went to the coffee shop and got some coffee and then where did we go the most expensive store there. So were wondering around the make up section when Stacy finds something she likes so their all having a look at it and when their finally done looking at it Stacy slips a few of the things into her bag and its not like I care but she could have brought those with what a tinsy tiny bit of her weekly allowance and from what I’ve heard dad’s little princess gets a lot a spare change to blow. Anyway I’m looking at Ashley who says what everyone does it I sighed and walked away. That’s when my friendship with Ashley drastically changed I probably should have said loserville that way go on shoo but I didn’t so that takes me to where the pain and suffering for both of us begins but I can only say this I don’t lose and I certainly won’t lose to a ‘I can’t wait to be crowned the queen of the school and make everyone do my homework pick on everyone else who can’t do anything to me or look better than me and steal my dates’ nah no way am I losing to her miss queen bee is goin down the hard way.
A few day’s after our war began I decided to look at ways to win so far Queenie as she will now be called was winning but I will call it cheating as she has access to almost every kid in the school who wants to be popular or date one of the members. My friends were on my side but compared to a whole school we were going to have epic failure at the moment at least to the first question is how to get people on our side I had so many idea’s but the problem was how to get any of them to work. But one of my friends Tilly came up with an excellent idea why did the war have to happen in school if we did it in a public place the word would get passed around and in a week or so the whole school would know so the first place. So we gathered our other friends Raven, Roza and Max were small now but we will get more people to help us. We decided on of the parties we went to every now and again would be a great place we could talk to people and see if they wanted to help us so at the party we found ourselves with a group of people willing to help in Queenie’s downfall I should introduce you to our new friends there’s David, tails, massacre, grim, skullzy and matt, mello who go to our school and hate Queenie as much as we do and some guy named L who scare us but he is a genius we have phase on complete and now to plan our attack. The first part an anonymous letter to Queenie lets see how did it go well the letter went like this.
Dear Queenie
We know what you did at the mall and how you dumped your best friend for a bunch of girls who don’t even care about. You are an idiot to do that when know Rina and she has asked us to teach you a lesson about what happens when you mess with Us. Rina has more friends than just you so you don’t have a right away win to this war ho no we may only be few but we are strong we taught ourselves how to be when people like you were practising how to be a complete idiot.
From Us
P.S Rina wanted you to have this
P.S I hope you die
From Rina
Well I have to admit it scared her for the next week she was looking over her shoulder I now know how much fun this was going to be. I also decided to do some research on the matter I found stories about adults getting revenge on co workers but not many teenagers so when I was about to give up I found an interesting story
There was a mom and daughter not too long ago in the news and they pretended to be a guy 'interested' in one of the daughter's schoolmates. She apparently didn't like the girl and neither did the mom, so they pretended to be interested in the girl, then "broke up" with her and told her to kill herself. So she did, and they didn't realize that she was having a hard time. The mom got charged with the murder....pretty sad a parent would talk to and pick on a teenager she didn't like in that way.
-Yahoo answers
I don’t want that to happen but hey most people’s lives would be easier but I will try to avoid Queenie committing suicide but then again who would cry for her absence it wouldn’t be me or her new supposed friends. L called me up saying he had an idea to scare Queenie even more but we needed access to her locker. I knew her locker combination from when we were friends 2,20,0 easy to remember combination I didn’t know what L had done but at school queenie was screaming to a teacher I walked to her locker it was right near my homeroom any way and someone (L) had covered the inside of her locker with fake spider webs and plastic spider and had printed of a page with Us written all over it tilly came and stood next to me and we both were smirking a few people looked at us but then again you don’t mess with us. During one class we were disscusing crime and some brought up the point Gun’s don’t kill people but tilly had something to say about that when the teacher called on her her point begin if gun’s don’t kill people bullets kill people. The class burst out laughing and the teacher agreed with her but guess who said guns kill people that’s right Queenie did hey we pissed her off and scared her today sweet. I got a call after school from L he asked how his little surprize in the locker went when we told him it was perfect he just laughed. So that was a great start on our side for this war I can’t wait to see what Queenie has got planned. The next few day’s were boring as queenie didn’t do anything but I knew there was the possiblity she’d given up but that was highly unlikely she would do anything to win but for the time begin we decided to work on the grand finally we were thinking about the school dance but there would be so many people so we thought about just making it hell for her that would be easy to do but we had more girls than guy’s in our group so only me ,tilly, roza and raven were coming but now to organise who goes with who but tilly figured that out so thanks Tilly, Raven had some issues with begin with L which was really annoying but we all had to make sacrfices for this cause. When Queenie next attacked what she did was so below the belt she took one of me test and fixed the score on it then gave it to the teacher I didn’t fail but it reduced my mark dramaticlly but what Queenie doesn’t know was I was feeling sick that day and left halfway through the test so I can retake it without her knowing. Tilly also had her work done to but she didn’t care she’s a science freak but then again so am I so in science we planned our own prac for Queenie we figured if we changed these chemicals for these chemicals well then there’d be a boom and a very scared Queenie so we did just that our plan worked perfectly she was so scared in a load of trouble for not reading what chemicals she put into her beaker we sat a the back of the class laughing our heads off.
That weekend we went to go and get our dresses for the dance I was using a dress I used for a cousins 20th birthday so I’m good , raven and tilly had gone with black tube dresses and Roza and orangey pink longer version of raven’s. so we were already for the dance but know we need to get onto the dance committee but L had helped us with that his sister was head of the committee so she was more than happy to let her brother’s date on the committee so Poor Raven she was the only one who didn’t want to be helping on the prom committee. But at the moment raven seemed way out of it but we all were Max had vainished Raven had gone to her house to see if she was sick bit her parents thought she was with one of us so now Max’s was missing we knew we couldn’t come to conclusions but we all ahd a good idea of who had her but david thought of a better way to fix this we get Queenie’s little sister to stay with one of us but we don’t tell anyone we have her but if we take her when Queenie is meant to be babysitting well hm we decided to ask queenie’s little sister if she would like to stay with me for a few day’s so she asked her mom who said yes she could go at any point she wanted so our new plan was all set out. Now you are proably wondering why queenie’s little sister would help us well she hates her sister as much as we do so she was glad to help. We went on with our normal lives for a few days going out with our supossed boyfriends but that was when we got the bad news all of us guy’s and girls got a text message from Raven (girls text) or L (male text) telling us to meet them at a Raven’s house when we all got there Raven didn’t say anything she pointed to the tv on there was a news report on they had found the body of a teenage girl who they belived to maxs our friend max was dead now even for Queenie that was over the top but we knew the friends and older brothers who were really dangerous and did kill people in real but no matter who did this they were going to suffer for all eternity. We were all upset and no one was speaking we all weren’t about to leave due to the fact that there was someone who wanted us dead so our plan was to stick together and continue pretening to take Queenie’s sister hoastage I was Beginning
to think making Queenie kill her self would be the best way to solve our problems and so did everyone else so that was our new plan make Quenie kill herself I mean its not like anyone would care we need to avenge max she was one of the greatest friend you could ever have. Now of course L had an idea but I knew he got it off NCIS it was we hide a pre voice recording and mixing it and warp it so it sounds scary and all freaky and we have a message in it so it sounds like max is coming for revenge it would be funny for us and Queenie’s sister and scary for her and it would make her friends think she’s insane. So we took one the video’s we flimed at the start of the year with her pretending to be hell girl so we mixed it to make it sound scary and gave it to Queenie’s little sister to hide in Queenie’s room david had set it up to go off at 10pm each night. The next day we all got texts from Matt telling us how fuuny last night was he lives in the house next door to Queenie and his window was near hers so he sat there watching and at 10pm he heard screaming he at there watching being scared out of her head for the next 2 hours until he decided he should get some sleep but he recorded it so we could all watch it. Queenie was so scared at school for the next few day’s we decided to step up a bit more in our plan mello set upa projector of maxs dressed up as hell girl and matched the voice to her lips so it looked like a ghost Matt was going to film it again but nobody set it up as we were all at Max’s funneral were the kids that don’t cry but we all were evenif it was only a few tears but none of vould hold them back L looked really upset from what we heard he max were distantly relatied. But the next night everything was all set up and we were ready for what we hope would bring our war to a finish with us victorious. We were all sleeping at matt’s house so we could watch it and it was hilarious she was screaming her head off her parents weren’ at there house as they were on a trip so Queenie’s little sister came over to matt’s house to start the fake hostage thing while we tormented Queenie using video affects we’d set up video recorders in the room as well as voice recoreders so we could get a confession Rave who spent most of her time with max could imitate her voice perfectly started saying things like confess what you did to me tell the world and I will leave you alone I ndon’t care if you just tell my friends just tell someone even if you didn’t do it I know you know who did tell them or face my rath. I could see Queenie crying then I suddenly saw queenie with a knife saying fine I did it but if you and your little friends had being trying to mess with Popularity I wouldn’t have had to do it so its all your fault I asked shanonn’s big brother to kill you and with that Queenie slit her throat it was creepy but I couldn’t turn away we sent Queenie’s little sister home with one of the video camra’s we recorded with telling her to tell the police that she had heard screaming comeing from her sister’s room and she came running over to matt’s house where she knew he was having friends over and that we couldn’t see properly so we used a video camara to film it and that videom camara only had her confession and her killing herself. A few day’s later we all got visits from the police asking us what we had seen and why we think Queenie would have killed herself we all said that there had been romurs going around saying that she had asked shanonn’s big brother to kill max and that she was seeing and haring max at night and well just before we started recording we thought we heard another voice with Queenie a voice that almost sounded like it was max there speaking to Queenie or more like telling her to confess to her sins. Now where back to the start of my story I know I made someone kill herself but she had my friend killed and you don’t mess with me and get away with it. We don’t know how to make it up to Queenie’s parents but once they had heard what there daughter had done they didn’t want anything to with her it was almost like they didn’t care at all that she had died so now life is back to normal we got new friends and won the war be we lost a close friend in the progress which was really sad and even if Queenie hadn’t killed herself she would have been hated by everyone apart from the popular’s who didn’t care what happened to the rest of us. So lets see how should I end this should I say we all lived happily ever after well I can’t because we lost max and I can’t say we failed misebly cause we didn’t so how bout this revenge is bitter to some but sweet to me pain keeps us alive and I hope no one else ever lose what we lost in a war like this.
- by sweetlittlemissme |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/08/2009 |
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- Title: Bitter sweet revenge
- Artist: sweetlittlemissme
- Description: When a war breaks out between Rina and her exbest friend ashley who is know Queen of the school and decides she no longer needs Rina. Rina decides its time to get at back at her with the help of her new friends.
- Date: 03/08/2009
- Tags: bitter sweet revenge pain death
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