One day a young female warrior was born. She was raised to be a beautiful warrior, wanted from alot of men. She and her older sister Da Qiao, trained together and did everything together. A few years pass and their father dies in battle. Cao Cao wanted to steal the Qiao sisters but Zhou Yu and Sun Ce wouldnt let that happend and started the battle of Chi Bi.(it sounds like chee bee) A few more years pass and Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao get married and love each other very much! Same with Da Qiao and Sun Ce! They go to every battle together with their teams(like the menu where you choose what side their on) which is Wu. Years pass then Sun Ce becomes very sick and he dies in battle! Da Qiao had hard times but still fought for Wu. As years passed people they new died left to right. Xiao Qiao fought and stayed next to Zhou Yu every second to make sure he wouldnt get killed alone! Then Zhou Yu dies in battle, Da Qiao helps her through the loss of her beloved husband. Xiao Qiao is only 18! Da Qiao was 20 something. Xiao Qiao had to stay strong, and thats exactly what she did. She fought every battle there was for Wu. but the leader of Wu died in battle and his daughter Sun Xiang Xang fell in love with Shu's leader Liu Bei, Sun Xiang Xang had to kill him in battle, she was devistated but Xiao Qiao helped her. Xiao Qiao was strong and yet young and loving. And that's why she made it through life as she did. She lived 'til the age of 105, at age 105 she looked the same, she was still young hearted and loving, and still strong. Only, she was alone, Da Qiao was dead, Zhou Yu was far gone, and she had no one else. Xiao Qiao adopted children and raised them and told them her life story, she taught them how to be strong and loving like she was, They all followed her path and went through the battles and was Strong and loving, and Xiao Qiao died happy! Today, we think of her as a hero, not a make believe magical person, but she was real, and thats why i wrote to tell you the story her great great great grand children (my parents) told me! And i'm going to follow what she did, i'm gonna be strong and loving and go to the battles I need to face, thats what she did!
The Story Of Xiao Qiao
I made this due to boredom and yes i have already put this is contest once before but i like to see differences in choices ^^
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