• Part 4 Caridees story

    Caridee was amazed by what she has saw and she asked melina does she have a necklace that has quarter a crown on it and melina looked at her neck and found a quarter of a weird looking thing and they put there’s together and it didn’t work there’s two more pieces of the crown Caridee though to her self then caridee paced back and forth think where could the other pieces be who has them caridee whispered to her self in a quiet voice she said maybe our parents have them but I don’t have any parents.

    Part 5 melinas story

    “Maybe” melina started saying “maybe my parents are you parents cause were twins right and twins have the same mom and dad but you said you never had any parents and my parents would never abandon there own child” melina said caridee started saying “I think your parents might get worried if you’re out here” “but I don’t know if those ARE my parents they maybe found me on the streets and made me there’s we need to get to the bottom of this we must find our parents if there still alive.

    Part 6 story

    Melina offered caridee to stay at her castle for a while to sort things out and so they went to melinas castle melina was worried if she would get in trouble for going out like that her parents didn’t really want her out of the castle without saying anything to there parents when they got to the castle they went in the queen and the king melinas parents where sitting in there thrones looking worried until they spotted the inspected twin sisters melina and caridee the queen and king looked like they have seen a ghost the queen slowly approaches melina and caridee and touches there face and whispers she never told us they were twins and caridee says who never told you? Nothing nothing just nothing melina explained everything and she demanded for answers of where and who there parents are the queen and king started telling there story.

    To be continued