I sat on the swings with my eyes closed feeling the cold breeze against my bare knuckles and cheeks, my hair whipping under my hood, feeling cozy under my big jacket, soft blue and long hiding me from the world. Underneath an overstretched sweatshirt and long pants, big boots on my feet, I hide because I feel safer this way no one can see me, no one can notice me.
I like this.For now.
I’m waiting, like I do everyday from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm, gives me and hour and a half to wait for him, and a half hour to get home before my father.
He is the man from my dreams(not my father), I don’t know his name, I don’t know what he properly looks like, and I don’t know his voice, but I know his feelings, and I know he loves me.
Its already 4:20, I don’t think tonight’s the night, maybe ill leave early, but I cant I always catch myself thinking “what if”.
The next ten minutes drag on and then I’m standing and on my way through the path, I hear foot steps behind me, I ignore it, safe enough community no worries for me, but I do walk faster.
I get to the busy streets and feel better, I keep my head down, I don’t like much eye contact because that could cause me to smile at someone, I’m not much of a people person if that hasn’t already been discovered. I’ve only ever loved, if you want to go that far, three people in my life, my mother, who was the only one to keep me safe from my father, but she’s gone now…my best friend, or so she says, Natalie…she’s okay, and the man from my dreams, he’s the only person I still love, after my mother died I isolated my self a lot from Natalie, she only eats lunch with me and hangs out after school for homework help, other then that, nothing.
Walking home doesn’t even take a half hour it takes about 10 minutes, I don’t know why I chose to cut the time off so early but it just feels right. My whole life has been mechanical since my mother died, and the dreams started, its like I’m doing this only for a short time and only because I need to, everything happens the same even if I try to make it different, it makes me wonder if I could be depressed or crazy, but if I am, I don’t care I’m comfortable with it and that counts for everything.
I open the door and step into my house, nice clean and smells sweet, like alcohol, I kick my shoes into the closet, put my coat on the rack, straighten up the living room and go to the kitchen to start cooking dinner, I went in a different order then yesterday, but it was still mechanical, its going to drive me mad soon.
Ten minutes after dinner is made and set on the table, my father walks in, smelling of dust and dirt, still not quite sure of what he does, I sit and look down as if in prayer, he sits and starts eating, I slowly eat and wait for him to finish and go to the living room to watch news, I clear and wash the dishes then go up to my room. Even my father is mechanical, is he going through what I’m going through?
I sit at my desk, wondering if I should turn on my computer, I decide against it and go sit on my bed to write in my journal, my one true friend, I don’t write anything before I fall asleep exhausted like usual, only this time a change I didn’t write a paragraph and a half look at the clock at exactly 9:00 pm then fall asleep, this time it was different, I liked that.
I stood in a dark room, alone and scared, I can feel my own feelings, but not through my own eyes I’m looking down at myself, a black pool of a wall is in front of me, I tell myself not to but I don’t listen and I touch it on soft stroke with my index finger, when I touch it I’m seeing through my own eyes again, and he stands there I see soft wisps of golden and silver hair, and glowing crystal eyes, like ice nothing else it scares me and comforts me all at once, I know its him. His perfectly sculpted hand reaches out and touches through the black water now seeming clear, there is class between our waterfalls, the water on his side freezes around his hand, I put mine on his the cold feeling of the glass…or his hand I’m not sure, if he is cold, I don’t mind I know its not how he truly is, my fingers curl and I frown slightly, I want to see him and he knows this his smile shows through the dark, he has fangs, I think, I only see for a moment before all of the ice freezes and his smile and anything I can see is distorted the glass starts to crack and burn my fingers the ice is melting fast I pull my hand back and stumble falling away from his comfort and feeling scared, I fall faster and faster everything’s spinning then…bright light….
I snap my eyes open and breath deeply gasping and looking at the clock, 8:15 am, I’m late as usual, and a thought goes through my head skip but I cant, its not right, so I brush my teeth and hair and leave, not bothering to change because I’m in my clothes from the day before anyways, I grab my things get my shoes on and bite into an apple.
I get to school in less then 15 minutes making me not too late, I go to biology, then math, then French, all of my classes zip fast and I eat lunch quietly with Natalie talking away with Nate, her man, he’s serious I can feel it, she’s not the type of girl who’s got a lot of guys on her tale and he’s her match, I just know it, she does too I can tell, and I’m sure he can as well…Nate and Natalie…”cute”.
“Kat!” my nickname from Natalie…don’t know how she got it, my names Leigh….whatever.
“Kat…Don’t you agree?”
“Hum? Yeah sure...”
“Kat you weren’t listening were you?”
“Yes I…” Then the bell rings, yes saved!
History, Art then English, my favorite, I loved learning about Napoleon last year, I love to draw, and I think I’m pretty good at it, and then English, a class were I get to sit and write, no problems with that!
After school I get my things, and head back to the swing to sit and wait.
Today is different though I get there and there is a little girl and her mother at the swing I usually sit at, so I go to the other and watch them out of the corner of my eye.
“HIGHER MOMMY HIGHER” screamed the young girl, her mother just kept pushing and laughing, just enough to get the young girl higher, I felt a pang of jealousy, It was another new feeling, new things…could this be a sign?
I kept watching the little girl screaming and giggling, they paid no attention to me, they were in they’re own world, no surprise more people to not notice me.
I hear the giggling stop and a whimper for juice and feet moving across the gravel, not the same way though, after a moment I’m face to face with a small girl cheeks flushed and golden ringlets in her hair.
“Hello” she smiled and waved.
“Hey…”I tilt my head, this is the first time someone talked to me since my mothers funeral, other then Natalie and teachers.
“having fun?”
the little girl smiled wide and laughed nodding vigorously
“Want some juice?”
I shook my head no, her mother called her over and gave her some juice, I heard her and her mother talk about me, then they left, it wasn’t bad things but id rather the ignoring, even if it felt nice talking to someone new.
I took a deep breath, a half hour had passed and this swing was more comfortable, then a frosty wind flew around me and snow started falling, this was odd it was not snow season yet…
I closed my eyes hoping the cold would be comfortable, and it oddly was, I thought this over for a second then snapped my eyes open, and knew something was up I stood and stared at the walk way, I heard foot steps.
Walking down the pathway a tall man with silver hair and golden streaks came walking up he had a sharp firm face and elves ears, he had small fangs poking out from under his lips, his skin pale and white but not in a bad way, his eyes bright crystal blue, amazing and almost breathtaking. I felt an instant comfort just seeing him, his eyes brightened, if possible when he saw me and he quickened his pace, in moments he had his arms wrapped around me and his hair falling over me, I held on tightly scared to fall away again. He kissed my forehead and broke away hesitantly, his hands still on my shoulders.
“Leigh!!! I’ve waited so long for this, my name is Glacier, I’m your soul mate…I know this is odd and slightly awkward…and this snow is my fault…I was excited…”
Glacier, beautiful…he spoke at a fast pace and I felt like I was speaking to an old friend.
“Anyways, I’m from another world and I’d like to take you back with me!”
My heart felt heavy, I was going to cry, was this for real? Or was this another dream?
Almost as though he knew what I was thinking he pinched my arm
“Don’t worry its all real”
I smiled and looked up at him his cool aura embracing me.
This was happening fast, but i didnt want to explain to anyone so i made no objections.
“Lets go!”
his smile beamed and he held my hand tight and started running full speed forward I held on tight not wanting to ever slip away, next thing I knew a blast of wind engulfed us filled with snow and hail, we were spinning our hands holding tight, this felt unreal, and if it was a dream I never want to wake up!
After the spinning stop I found myself clinging to him, usually after the spinning the dream ends, this must be real. I looked up at him his broad chest strong looking neck and shoulders were amazing, I couldn’t believe it; he looked down at me and smiled his small fangs showing again.
I loved that smile.
He held my hand tight again and we started trailing down, small flecks of snow coming down on us every so often even though it was a bright sunny day in…where ever I was. The sky was a light teal and the clouds were like white pieces of cotton candy floating around, everything was clean and inviting everyone walked around smiling and happy. He brought me to a small cottage like home, it had rose hedges in the front and stepping stones from the sidewalk to the rounded top door, it was so cute and pretty, the grass was healthy and soft, there was a large tree with cherry blossoms on it, Glacier turned and smiled at me.
“What’s this?” I asked a little confused.
“Our home” he replied sheepishly, I felt a look of stupidity come over me, his hand squeezed mine and I looked again, home sounding pleasant and surprising.
I started walking forward I saw the soft white curtains in the windows drawn to bring light into the rooms, I walked up to the small golden doorknob and turned it, the door was unlocked, I stepped into a small foyer and looked around a small set of stairs directly in front of me, a bright living room to my right and a dining room to my left, the dining room led to a small silver and black kitchen, the dining room table was set for four on an oval table, I gazed at it for a few moments before turning my attention to the living room.
The living room had one long white couch, a white love seat and a deep crimson red recliner, the couches had crimson throw blankets, and the chair had a white one, the floor was all hardwood, except laminate in the kitchen, a fireplace was in front of the largest couch, a large television above it, there was a red and white carpet on the floor and a small coffee table with red and white roses in the middle and magazines to the side, I turned to look at the far end of the room, a sliding glass door looking out to a small L shaped pool and a hot tub, there were willow trees and flowers all around and a small vegetable garden, I looked around in amazement at the beauty of the home.
When I looked at Glacier he nodded to the stairs, I wasn’t sure if I could handle anymore but I slowly started up the stairs.
At the top of the stairs there was an empty frame, I ignored it and turned to the right, I opened the door looking into a completely sky blue and white tiled bathroom a large bathtub and shower and a big mirror lined with blue, white and green gems, it was breathtaking, but there was another door down the hall, I had a feeling I would know what it was, so I needed to look.
I slowly walked down to the other door; I held the knob and took a deep breath turning it slowly my eyes closed, when the door was fully open I looked in, I caught my breath when I looked around, in the middle front was a large four poster bed with light green and white comforter and pillows, the wood a white wash, the floor is covered with lush cream carpet and a dresser to match the wood on the bed is to the right, on the left is a matching vanity table, there are bedside tables with yellow daisies and lamps, it was magnificent.
I went to sit on the bed and it felt like a cloud, I drifted the moment my head hit the pillow.
There were no dreams, just blissful thoughts and happy times to come.
I woke up after what seemed like hours, the bed as soft as when I sat on it the first time…first time, I remembered where I was fully looking out the window to see a dark sky and full moon, the starts bright and large.
When I looked at the clock it was 7pm…how long have I been here?
I took a deep breath and smelt spaghetti, the smell was intoxicating, I ran to the washroom then went down the stairs.
I knew exactly where to go, I walked through the dining room to the kitchen to see Glacier standing his back away from me stirring, sniffing and testing.
I walked up to him slowly still hoping it wasn’t a dream.
“Hello Leigh, sleep well?”
I was surprised, I thought I was quiet.
“Hey…hmm yes thank you…that smells delicious!”
He laughed softly before replying “why thank you, I thought something fresh would be nice, its home made pasta, fresh spices and vegetables from the garden and home made sauce.”
“Wow you made all that yourself?”
He laughed again.
“Yes of course, why don’t you go sit, it will be done soon.”
I sat at the table watching his movements, he was graceful and poised, I was almost jealous of him, how could I be for him?
“Oh, and if you go look in the left dresser, there are clothes for you”
“Clothes? For me?”
“Yes, go look while I set the table”
I got up and took another look at him, this cant be real.
When I got upstairs I looked in the drawer, under clothes and socks in the top, pajamas in the next, shirts in the next and pants in the bottom.
I took out some under things, a white tee shirt and a pair of jeans and went to take a quick shower and change.
After the shower I started putting on the clothes, it was all my exact sizes, nothing wrong with them in the least, and they fit, nothing was too loose, I’m not that skinny and it was kind of nice wearing things that fit but didn’t look funny on my large figure.
How could Glacier like me?
I walked back down and saw the spaghetti and Glacier, he and the food looked fantastic, his hair was pulled back into a pony and he sat wearing pretty much the same thing as me.
How odd.
I sat down and smiled at him, and then my stomach grumbled.
“You look really nice!”
“Thank you Glacier”
I smiled wider and blushed a bit, the last time someone in the least a man, commented me was in grade 7, about five years ago.
My cheeks felt warm and I took a bite of the spaghetti, it was fantastic, I ate more until my plate was empty and then took a little more, I couldn’t believe something so common could taste this amazing.
While I ate he gazed at me, eating his meal slowly, a soft smile on his lips, I felt completely comfortable around him.
After we were finished eating he suggested we go to the living room and talk, there was much I didn’t know about him, as he put it.
I sat close to him, about an inch away I couldn’t help it, and his cold warm feeling was interesting and comforting.
“So, Leigh, I know everything to know about you, I was your guardian up until now, it’s my job.”
“Well…I guess I need to know all about you then...How old are you? Did you or do you go to school? How were you assigned to me, why do I feel so comfortable around you when I’ve never truly known you?”
“I’m 19, a year older then you, not exactly and that’s why I’m assigned to you, I did go to school and I achieved all my academic goals, letting me get a year and a bit closer to you, I was assigned to you because no one was born on the same day at the exact same moment as me in your world, if there had been id have watched over them, never to meet unless they were in dire trouble, other then that my people do not meet their soul mates until death do they part from your world, I am lucky, I didn’t have to wait too long to meet mine, I was born on the winter solstice, you on a breezy fall evening. You feel comfortable because of my quick visits to your dreams, and because I watch over you…anything else?”
I felt so much more reassured he gave such a detailed answer, I was happy and pleased.
I didn’t have anything else to ask, the rest would come in time I’m sure.
“No, thank you Glacier”
I smiled and took his hand; it was cool against my warm skin, felt nice.
After a moment he leaned over and kissed my cheek, his smell was crisp, like the smell of the first snow day in the morning, it lingered in my nose.
Was this how he always smelled?
He paused for a moment and then softly brushed my lips with his, I felt my cheeks grow warm and I looked at him with a slightly surprised look.
“Sorry…I’ve just waited a long time for that.”
His face was sheepish and embarrassed, I smiled and kissed his cheek, I wasn’t quite sure I was ready for the lips, his pale skin took on a warm glow it was nice.
After some talking and cuddling we decided to make it a night, he offered to sleep on the couch, but I trusted him and we went up to the room to sleep.
When we were in the bed, his arms holding me tight and his lips gently touching my forehead as we slept, it felt right, it felt comfortable, it finally felt real. Definitely not mechanical.

- Title: Dream Man
- Artist: heavenlyy
- Description: About a girl whos dreamt all her life, and finally gets what shes hoped for. "Definitly Not Mechanical".
- Date: 01/08/2009
- Tags: dream glacier mechanical
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Astromayu - 10/12/2009
- Wow. That was AWESOME!!!!! I'd give it a ten if I could.
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- -wanderabout- - 04/10/2009
- loves it!!
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