The Alkemist Seer's Apprentice
Day Fifty
I’ll tell you. Sometimes in the deep of night, I can hear Maya calling me. She scolds me for leaving the village and becoming the Alkemist Seer’s apprentice. In response, I tell her that it was the only way to guarantee the village’s survival. The weird thing is, instead of thanking me, Maya tells me that I was a fool and there is nothing left to save. One morning, I asked the Master if I could ride out and check up on my family. The Master told me in order to become a true Alkemist Seer, I needed to detach myself from the world in order to see everything clearly and with an unbiased mind.
Day Seventy-Three
I’ve been an apprentice to the Alkemist Seer for 73 days now. I’ve learned so much. My power allows me to catch glimpses of the future of other people. But never my own, or any of my friends or family from the village. No matter how hard I try, I can never see them. It makes me sad to think that I’m blinded from them…the Master says it’s a good sign that I cannot see them. It means that I am on the path of detachment and have already let myself go from them. I asked him if he could see his family, but he ignored my question. Sometimes I think the Master is more than he appears to be.
Many times a day now, Maya visits me. Not only in my dreams, but I am experiencing hallucinations where she comes and tells me how foolish I am. It scares me, but I do not tell the Master about my visions. I’m surprised he cannot see that I am having these visions. Is he not omniscient?
Day Ninety
My birthday came and went last week. And still I have no word or gift from my mother. Never in my entire seventeen years has she ever forgotten my birthday. I keep telling myself that it is probably because it is so expensive to send a package as many horses dies last month from a plague that struck all hoofed animals. I asked again if I could go visit the village, but again I was turned down.
Maya visited me on my birthday and wished me a happy 17th. She also told me that if I did not believe anything was suspicious about the Alkemist Seer not letting me go to the village, then I was more a fool than she could’ve guessed. I don’t understand what Maya tells me sometime. But maybe she has a point...the Alkemist Seer may not be all he claims to be.
Day One Hundred and Four:
The Alkemist Seer possesses a past far darker than any mortal man or woman can ever imagine. His powers far surpass those of a simple Seer or even a Master Alkemist like him. I’m afraid of staying at his home anymore, fearing for my life. What I discovered must be revealed to the world. Such a dark man should not be allowed to touch magick. Maya was right all along. I must go see her…I must. And besides, I no longer consider myself an apprentice to the Alkemist Seer. I have long pondered how I should reveal his true nature to the world. Through pigeons, I have sent word to Maya about my discoveries that I made the day after my birthday…
Day Two Hundred:
This will be my last message…The Alkemist Seer is a true mastermind. He saw through my façade...he knew I was plotting against him. And he sought me out. I fought him. But he unleashed the true terror. The experiments he was performing, I knew of them, but never expected the monstrosities that were his end products. I fought as hard as I could, but no, I did not escape unharmed. And I can feel my life slipping through my fingers.
The village. It is gone. Burned. Bodies charred remains and skeletons. The work of the Alkemist Seer. Now I realize why I received no visions of my family. I saw no futures because they had none.
After the battle, I managed to escape and slip through the forest to my home. It is no more. It has been gone for a long time. For at least 200 days. Since I left…why the Alkemist Seer burned it, perhaps it was to spite me or perhaps because his heart is no longer human and cannot hold any compassion for a dying place. Nevertheless, he will not by my problem anymore. Hopefully, a smarter soul than I will realize who the man is...before his own end approaches.
Maya does not appear to me. I miss talking to her. I wonder if she was just in my imagination, or if she has passed onto Heaven. Surely I cannot join her. My soul has been tainted by the Alkemist Seer. Or perhaps that has been his goal all along…to keep me from journeying on to Paradise…
The Alkemist Seer's Apprentice
M U N C H Y x
From the Journal of the late Garrett Jinx, Apprentice to the Alkemist Seer.
This is just a story I tossed together one afternoon. If you don't get it, its about a boy who was taken from his village to be an apprentice to the Alkemist Seer, who I based off the character of a Demon, a being whose job it is to keep souls from journeying onto Heaven.
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