It was a bright and sunny warm day. The birds were chirping and it was a quiet day in Central. We find Edward fast asleep in a small little shoe box in a random office at the military. Poor little Edward was tired from being chased by big fan girls he almost got squished many times until someone came and saved him [we don’t know who….well yet].
He was sleeping very soundly until the sun peaked in the big wide window at the end of the office. The bright warm sun ray hit Edward’s small, cute, face. He opened his small beady little eyes to see that he was on top of a desk in the Military office in Central.
“How did I get here?” he asked himself. He wasn’t concerned that he was small and chibi-sized, for he has been that way for quiet some time now.
He climbed out of his shoe box bed [which was situated on top of a big desk in front of a large window at the end of the office]. Edward walked across the desk to the window to see the warm summer day. He also thought that the office was too stuffy, so he tried to open the window.
It took him some time to get to the ledge then push the window open. “Well that was a work out.” Edward said as he took a deep breath, breathing in all the wonderful things about summer. He stood up on the ledge but lost his balance and fell in the garden bed below his window.
Little Edward was lucky to be saved by the flower bed other wise he would have ended up in the dirt below.
Edward got up and dusted some dirt off his red jacket. “Well this is going to be difficult.” He said as he looked up and saw that the window was up a couple of feet. He was too small to reach the window.
He thought of transmuting something so he could reach the ledge of the window and get back inside, but when he did, the highest thing he could make was too short!
He climbed the stair case but was just a foot too short. “What? My stair case is TOO SMALL!” said Edward as he was trying to reach the ledge, but his cute little arms could not reach.
He then got down from his staircase and went to the front of the office building to see if he could open the front door. He climbed up the cement front steps; it took his breath away. He approached the big large wooden door in front of him.
Edward looked up to see that the door knob was just like the window. He was too short to reach it. He jumped and jumped but he just could not reach the golden metal doorknob.
He sat against the door with his arms folded, a frustrated look on his face. He walked around, about halfway to the building, trying to find a way in the military. He then got the idea that he could just transmute a door. He clapped his hands and began transmuting.
On the other side of the wall was Colonel Roy Mustang’s office; he was lounging at his desk while Hughes was helping him rearrange his office. [Though Hughes was doing most of the work].
“Just a little more to the left.” Said Mustang as Hughes was pushing a heavy bookcase to where Mustang wanted it.
Edward finished his door but then something blocked it.
“WHAT?!?!” Edward said as he opened the door and saw that the there was no opening on the other side.
For he thought that his door was so small and that it didn’t make it to the other side of the wall. He jumped up and down, waving his arms with his small little fists in the air. “LKDSAJFLKSDJF…..WHY DIDN’T IT WORK?!!!!!…….NOTHING IS WORKING…….I’M STUCK OUT HERE!!!!” Edward went on about his rampage but for Hughes who was pushing the book case was now out of breath.
“Good work Hughes! Now go wake Edward; I wish to speak with him about why his reports are so late.” Mustang ordered as he laid back in his big leather chair.
Hughes walked out of Mustang’s office and into the office to where Edward was supposed to be.
“Edward, Coronal Mustang wishes to speak--” He stopped in the middle of his sentence to where he saw that Edward was not present in the room. Hughes noticed that the window was opened. He ran to the window.
“Damn it, Edward… were did you go now? This is going to be impossible to find you at your size!” Hughes said with confidence, knowing that Edward was not present to rip his head off. Hughes went back to Mustang’s office to report the missing little bean.
“He’s not present in his office sir, it seems like he may have fallen out of the window.” Hughes informed him as he stood in front of Mustang’s desk.
“So that little brat is lost, you’re saying…?” Said Mustang as he got out of his chair and started to walk to the door.
“Yes…I take it your going to go look for him?” Hughes said as he noticed that Mustang was heading for the door.
“Nope! That’s your job.” Mustang said opening the door of his office to let Hughes know to start looking for him.
“SO I’M THAT BRAT’S BABYSITTER NOW??!!!” Hughes said, raising his voice at Mustang and slamming his fist on Mustang’s desk.
“You bet!” Mustang said in a smartass sort of way
Hughes left Mustang’s office and went outside to go find Edward. Right when he got out side he heard as small voice spazzing, about his height.
“Yup, that must be him.” Hughes said to himself as he walked to the side of the building to where he found Edward jumping up and down, screaming about something.
Edward stopped his rampage long enough to turn around to where he saw Lieutenant Colonel Hughes. To Edward, he was a giant.
“There you are. Colonel Mustang is waiting for you in his office.” Hughes said, looking down at the young Alchemist.
“What does he want?” Edward said as he looked up at Hughes.
“Go to his office and he’ll tell you.” [and no its not going to be something yaoi; get your mind out of the gutter!! I am not for that kind of crap-- the Ed and Roy paring is just not right, but it is funny at times but still just not right!] Hughes said picking up Edward by his small red jacket.
“HEY, PUT ME DOWN I CAN WALK MYSELF!!!!” Edward yelled at Hughes while kicking his arms and legs in the air. Hughes was ignoring Edward’s little rampage and kept walking to Mustang’s office and put small little Edward on Hughes desk, and walked out.
Edward had his arms crossed and a frustrated look on his face.
“Fullmetal, I have asked for those reports on you mission from yesterday, this morning on my desk, but they were not to be found. You really need to keep these things on time. When I was a Military dog…blah…blah…blah” Mustang continued to lecture Edward about how he should get his reports in on time. Edward just sat there, not looking at Mustang ignoring every word he was saying.
“Are you listening to me?!” Mustang said, slamming his fist on the desk making Edward fall off and hit his small little head hard on the wooden floor.
“HEY, why did you do that?” Edward yelled at Mustang for making him fall on the floor and hurt his small little chibi sized head.
“You need to respect your elders Fullmetal. Now GO to your OFFICE AND GET YOUR WORK DONE!” said Mustang pointing his finger at the door for Edward to leave and go begin his paper work.
“I’m GOING, DAMN IT! YOU DON’T HAVE TO SHOUT!” Edward said leaving Roy Mustang’s office with a VERY stubborn look on his face. It took him a while to get to his office.
“Edward, you are one stubborn little thing...” Mustang said to himself, now knowing that Edward was now out of the room to not here the word little.

- Title: It's Hard to be Chibi
- Artist: Adorlea
- Description: This is chapter one of my Fullmetal Fan-fiction. It's about a chibi sized Edward Elric who finds it even harder to be even smaller.
- Date: 12/20/2008
- Tags: funny fullmetalalchemist chibi
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Comments (1 Comments)
- BlindCassiel - 07/28/2009
- you beat me to the idea.. i was just about to submit something like this but i wanted to see if anyone else thought of it.. aperently im not the only one... 5/5 it was great
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