The End of Forever Chapter 3
Chapter Three: All the Friends Deceived
Olivia was walking home after school and found a missing bike with a piece of paper in its place. “Whoever had the nerve to steel my bike is SO dead!” Olivia was pissed at this point. She picked up the note and read it.
Olivia sorry but I had to borrow your bike. Get Jack, Ryland and Emi for me okay? Tell Emi that the stone is thrown through the window. She’ll know what it means. Then Follow Ryland into the woods, when he says to stop then stop. Oh yah, keep Jack in your eye sight. If he goes to far the will be trouble. See you there!
Olivia phoned jack, Ryland and Emi. She told them to meet her at the edge of the woods. When everyone got there she told them what the note said while keeping an eye on jack. They followed Ryland until he tolled them to stop at two odd looking trees. Jack went a little too far (about 20 feet into the territory).
“AAAAHHHH!” Jack had been attacked by a wolf and was fighting for his life. Suddenly Emi went towards the wolf and looked as if it was harmless.
“We’re friends of Lola. This is Jack, he’s a little clumsy at times but he doesn’t mean any harm. Please let him go and tell Lola we’re here!”
The wolf let Jack go and indicated for him to get behind the trees. Jack ran as far back as he could. The wolf ran off and minutes latter he came back with Lola and a few more wolves.
Lola was wearing the oddest outfit they had ever seen. She had a red gown that parted on the sides at the hips and went down to her knees with a mandarin style collar. It had an embroidered pattern in gold thread. On top of that she had a jet black cloak with a hood that fell half way down her back. It was held by a most beautiful amethyst gem. A pair of black gloves she wore came with a pair of matching short boots. A pair of leggings finished off a flattering wardrobe that fell beneath a long braid of golden red hair that went to her mid back. She was truly a sight for sore eyes.
“He says he’s sorry for attacking jack, he thought you were an intruder, please follow me. The wolves will carry Jack to the healer of the village. I’ll tell you everything on the way to the Bloodfang and Heartfall’s house.”
Ryland was confused. “Who are Bloodfang and Heartfall? Those are very strange names. What’s going on here and why were you pulled out of English by an FBI agent?”
“I tolled you I’ll tell you on the way to the village. Follow me, Jack will catch up”. Lola tolled them the whole story on the way to the village. She also apologized for borrowing Olivia’s bike without asking. After all the questions were answered they had made their way to the Alfahouse where Bloodfang and Heartfall live. They were introduced and given full pack support. After that they went to the healer’s hut to check up on Jack.
Jack was strapped to the bed because he kept freaking out that everyone had tails and animal ears. The healer was treating his wounds when they walked in. “Hi Shadowpaw! Long time no see. Everyone this is Shadowpaw, the village’s healer. Shadowpaw these are my friends.” Jack was caught off guard when Lola was introducing everyone to the healer while he wasn’t told that they were going into a town of half animal people.
“How can you know these people, their absolutely crazy? Are you a lunatic! What’s your problem?” Jack was paranoid at this point.
“Calm down, your going to open your wounds! I just found out myself. Their family so be nice. Their not crazy their just… different. It’s normal for them so just calm down!”
Jack was suddenly struck by fear at what Lola said. “Did you just say their family?”
“Yes I did, so be...”
“Does that mean you’re like them? With a tail and everything?”
“Yes, I was getting to that. But not exactly, I’m different they say. I don’t know what the difference is yet. I would say that if they can disguise themselves as wolves then the can disguise themselves like humans too. It only makes sense if their a mix between the two.”
“How can you not know the difference between you and them or how to have a tail like them? How come you just found out that this is what they look like? What’s going on!?!?”
“Please just let me explain! I don’t know that much more than you so just cool it! Man, your aggravating. Shadowpaw fill them in and answer any questions you can. I need some air. I’ll be back for diner, okay? You’ll be fine as long as you stay here with Shadowpaw. Shadowpaw, can you check them for me, and give them proper wear. We can’t have them wandering around looking like that.” Lola walked out and headed to Bloodfang for more of an explanation.
The End of Forever Chapter 3
Elemental Soul Of Fire
Again. I have not edited this yet.
If you would like to read the other 2 chapters I've already posted them.
Also, please give constuctive criticism.
If you are commenting on my spelling, I know it sucks.
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