“No Matter The Person, They All Know Pain”
*_- A Hill Above Neo Green -_*
The lights of distant stars can be seen in the black void of knight, a small tree sits atop a hill under Xavier stares blankly at the night sky. “Try what you might, but his arrival is enviable.” The wind gusted, making Xavier’s bangs sway to the left, Mezzo a blue hedgehog with red-tipped quills and red jeans walks up and sits beside Xavier, her yellow eyes gleams in the light of the moon. “ You shouldn’t worry so much, it’s bad for you” She says with a chuckle. “ I can’t, it’s like it has burned into my memory” Xavier responded, Xavier slowly sits up letting out deep sigh. “ That hedgehog with the gray fur and red eyes are stuck in my head, I have a bad feeling about him” Clouds slowly pass by the moon covering it. “We should head back to the house” Mezzo said jumping to her feet. “It’s getting chilly out, you’ll catch a cold” Xavier gets himself to his feet and stumbles a bit, as he regains his balance. And they both walk back down the hill to Neo Green Hills.
*_- That Night In Xavier’s Room -_*
A heavy fog sets as Xavier is quietly reading a book on photography, “Something isn’t right here”
Xavier stood up. A small figure is advancing towards him in the distance, Xavier squinted to see who is approaching him, a sharp pain shoots up his leg and spine. He crumples to the floor in pain, Xavier takes quick glance at his leg to see a hole in his knee. Blood slowly pours out as the mysterious hedgehog stops about two steps away from Xavier and looks down, “I’m going to kill everyone you ever loved, and you’ll never be able to defeat me” The mysterious hedgehog said with a wicked smile across his face. “Now die…” The hedgehog raises his two fingers and a purple beam shoots out of his finger tips. Xavier quickly sits up in his bed, panting. Moonlight filters through the window and the wind blows the curtains. He quickly glances around before placing his hand on his knee, he then sighs. “He is coming…”
*_- That Morning-_*
Xavier was just getting out of the shower, and there was a knock at the door. “Coming!” Xavier said as he headed towards the door and opened it, “Yo, Xe- Dude! Put a shirt on!” Tails yelled as he covered his eyes jokingly. Tails, a 13 year old two tailed fox, wearing a blue hooded shirt and baggy cargo pants covers his eyes as if blind. Xavier was standing at the door with his bangs dripping wet in a pair of baggy jeans, his bleached white muzzle shined in the sunlight. He stood there with a towel around his neck, “So, can I come in? I gotta show you something” Tails said as he entered and sat down on the couch in the living room. Sunlight shines through the window behind the TV giving it a kind of backlighting. A picture of Xavier wearing a Atreyu T-Shirt hangs on the wall over a bookshelf. Two red couches make a “L” shape while, two black bean bags are lined up against the wall. “What is it that you wanted to show me, Tails?” Xavier said has he dried his wet head, “There have been strange energy patterns coming from deep in the mountains, a extremely powerful energy is gathering there….” Tails said as he bit his lower lip. “Come on Tails, there is nothing to worry about, it’s the middle of summer! Let’s go out and enjoy ourselves with the gang!” Xavier giving Tails a slap on the back. Tails’ worried look melted away and was replaced with a smile. “Guess your right” Tails said with a grunt as he stood up. “Sonic and the gang are at the big field, he told me that they were going to play soccer, want to join?” Tails said standing by the door, his two tails swayed back and fourth. “Guess it wouldn’t hurt” Xavier chuckled. “Then we are off!” Tails swung the door open and walked outside and Xavier followed close behind.
*_- At The Field a mile and a half from Neo Green Hills -_*
Sonic, the hyper active blue hedgehog sported his high school soccer uniform. Sonic, 16 years old, has saved the world a countless amount of times. This bundle of supersonic atoms just loves sports. You name it, he is game. Along with them was Amy Rose, who is said to be Sonics girlfriend, but is crushing on Xavier, but he doesn’t know it. Knuckles is doing sit-ups on the grass. Knuckles is one of the most easily mislead people you’ll ever meet, He is wearing a white and red jersey along with a pair of black cargo shorts. Then, there is Mezzo, Xavier’s Closest friend. They’ve been a tight knit duo ever since they meet here in Neo Green one year ago, rumor has it that Mezzo likes Xavier. And Last, there is Xavier himself, This blue fox came to Neo Green Hills last year. I found him just in the out-skirts of Neo Green, he looked pretty beat up, so I took back to my house. This fox is like no other, his neon green eyes seem to cut right through you when to stare at them. “Are we going to pick teams or what!” Xavier shouted. Everyone gathered up in a circle to pick teams, Xavier and Sonic being the team captains. “I’ll take Mezzo” Xavier said pointing at Mezzo, who had spaced out. “Huh? Wha? Oh” Mezzo walked over to Xavier. Sonic chose me of course, I’m his brother from another mother, so to speak. Xavier got Knuckles and we got Amy. The game was now on!
*_- Back at Sonics house, In the living Room -_*
Night had fell, my team won the game by a inch. If Knuckles didn’t steal the ball. It was 10:10, Mezzo had fallen asleep on my shoulder, I could feel her soft breathes lightly pumble my left cheek. Her ear twitched slightly, My nose was filled with the smell of Shampoo and Dove Soap. “So, Xev when are you two going to start dating?” Sonic said with a toothy grin on his face. I blushed and turned my head to look at a canvas with some paints and a paint brush. A picture dating?” Tails said in a sly tone. I blushed a bit harder, “They might already be dating” Amy giggled. My face was now flushing red, “Not anytime soon” I said. Mezzo had now wrapped her arms around me, and mumbled something in her sleep. “Oh, yeah they’re dating” Sonic said trying not to laugh. The clock now read 10:20. “ I gotta get going” I said as I lightly tapped Mezzo’s shoulder. We both stood up, Mezzo still tired and sleepy leaned on me for support as we walked out the door, and into the night we went home.
*_- June 7, 2007. 2:00 P.m. Xavier’s House -_*
I was awaken by the smell of eggs and pancakes. I groaned, yawned and sat up “Awake at last, eh Mezzo? Xavier said as he walked into the living with a small tray. On that tray was a small stack of pancakes and a egg, along with a glass of grape juice. “Thank you” I said with a small groan in my voice. I took a bite from one of the pancakes, and I was overcome with joy. “They taste so good!” I said with a tear in my eye. “Thanks, I’ve been reading books on cooking” Xavier said with a soft smile on his face. That smile of his, and his eyes. They just full me with a caring warmth, it’s been like that ever since I met him. My face flushed red, and I turned around quickly to continue eating. He sat beside me, “Yesterday, Sonic asked if we were dating yet” He said with a chuckle. I must has almost choked when I heard him say that. “So, I was thinking… maybe we could go to the beach or something, sometime.” He said, I put down my glass. “I’d love to” I responded with a large smile .
*_- June 12, 2007 3:15 P.M. Neo Green Park -_*
It’s been awhile since I was in love, Sonic was just high school love. It’s lost it’s luster, but that
New kid Xavier, his neon green eyes are just so innocent. They brings me to my knees, his voice is so relaxing it’s like morphine. He is truly an exotic person. Xavier was hanging around Neo Green Park, playing games with the local children. I must have been in a deep train of thought, because I never noticed him walking towards me. “Hey Amy, lovely day isn’t it?” he said as he took a seat on the bench beside me. His voice broke me loose of thoughts and I jumped, “H-h-hey” I said with a slightly nervous chuckle. The shadow of the tree behind the bench, darkened slightly as a lonely cloud passed my the sun. The sound of leaves blowing in the breeze, calmed me down as a few pieces of the chipping paint on the bench blew away. “I love this park, there are so many trees, bushes, and flowers. It truly is beautiful.” said Xavier, as he closed his eyes and leaned back into the bench, “It sure is…” I said in agreement. The laughter of the children in the distance, and the birds singing. Today was truly a good day.
*_- 5:09 P.M. Tails’ Workshop -_*
Tails, who had fallen asleep, while studying the results of the strange energy, that was constantly growing, in the mountains. Had his head down, snoring lightly was awaken by a knock at the door. Tails slowly got up, although still asleep walked to the door and opened it. “Hello?” the sleepiness could be clearly heard. There stood Sonic, in his Volcom sweater and blue jeans. “Good evening Tails, just thought I’d drop by. But it looks like I got you during your nap time.” Sonic said. Tails rubbed his eyes, “What’s good Sonic?” Tails said while he yawned. His tails spun in a circular motion, as if trying to entertain themselves, “Xavier wanted me to drop these off” Sonic said in such a tone, that tails gave a weak chuckle. “Where is Xavier at anyway?” Tails replied as he took a wrench, that Xavier borrowed two days ago to fix a broken water pipe, in his basement. “I saw him and Mezzo leaving somewhere, when I stopped by” Sonic said, as he looked upwards and poked at his chin with one finger. “Hold up… Xaiver and Mezzo?” Tails said, as his eyes widened. “Yeah, what about them?” replied the, now completely clueless hedgehog. “Dude, they’re dating! I knew it!” Tails exclaimed. As quickly as the excitement arose, it disappeared. “Sonic, on your way back can you put this note, on Xev’s door?” Tails said as he dug in his pockets, looking for the note. “I intended to give it to him today, but I sort of dozed off” He chuckled. “Sure, no problem” Sonic took the note and began walking back to his house.
*_- At little while before Sonic talked to Tails -_*
Today’s the day, my first date with Mezzo. Honestly I’m really nervous, I can tell because my tails are just spinning at the speed of sound. I had just finished lacing up my shoes, when the doorbell rang. I must of half dashed, half walked to the door. There stood Mezzo, in a light blue T-shirt and a pair of jean shorts. I blushed slightly, when I saw her. “Hey Xev, ready to go?” she said as she a quick hug, I felt the warmth that had been stored up in her clothes. I felt her heart beat slightly push against my chest, for a quick moment it felt like the loving hugs Maria, used to give me when I was still a child. Mezzo and I walked out the door, and I closed it behind me. Sonic was jogging by when I was about to lock the door. “Hey, Sonic!” I shouted, he came to a halt, then walked over towards me. “What’s up Xev?” I went back into the house and into my bedroom and grabbed, the wrench Tails loaned me. “Think you can give this to Tails for me?” I said heading him the wrench. “Sure, no problem” Sonic replied as he took the wrench and put it in his pocket. Then Mezzo and I walked off. “Where should we go?” She asked me, as we walked down the path leading to the park. “We’ll hang out at the park awhile, then I’ll show you this really neat place I found” I said, with a smile on my face.
*_- 8:56 P.M. Neo Green Park -_*
As it began to grow dark, Xavier and Mezzo where sitting under a tree. Both of them were enjoying a game of Uno, the wind blew slightly to the northwest. Xavier and Mezzo stared intensely at their hands, both of them only had two cards left. But none of them match the blue 3 sitting at the top of a small pile. They both began to draw cards, until Mezzo got a wild card, and placed down a full hand of greens. “Yes, that’s the fourth time I won!” She said as she jumped up and down, “I’m still only one game short of a tie” Xavier said as he collected all the cards. The time was now 10:10, the moon shined with all it’s glory in the night sky, as Xavier took Mezzo along a path. “Where are going?” She said following closely behind Xavier. “We’re going to this cool spot I found about two weeks ago” Xavier replied. “We’re almost there, close your eyes”, Mezzo closed her eyes, and giggled with excitement. “Are we there yet?” Mezzo said as she started to get restless, “Yeah, we’re here, you can open your eyes now” Xavier said softly. Mezzo opened her eyes, she gasped at the sight before her, The wind picked up abit and the stars could be seen so clearly. “This hill over looks all of Neo Green, and the stars can be seen so clearly, it’s like this place is a fairy tale” Xavier said softly as he turned to her. “I got you something…” He pulled a small jewel box, from his pocket and gave it to Mezzo. Who was now speechless, She slowly opened the box, inside was necklace with a heart shaped locket. “It was given to me by Maria, a person very close to me. She was more like a mother towards me.” Xavier said. “Xev, you shouldn’t have…” Mezzo said softly as she looked into his eyes. “You’re the only other who, told me that you loved me. Yes, I was paying attention to you, that day two mouths ago.”
He said as he blushed. Mezzo also blushed, she closed her eyes and drew closer to Xev. Then kissed him. Xavier’s tails slowly stopped swaying and relaxed for the first time.
*_- June 14, 2007 3:00 P.M. Xavier’s House -_*
I could still fell pressure on my lips, where Mezzo kissed me two days ago. I must have been so caught up with this feeling, that I didn’t notice the note left on my door. I pulled if off and read it: Xavier, I studied the weird energy pattern that was coming from the mountains a few weeks ago and today’s. You HAVE to see me! - Tails. Once I finished reading the note, I ran out the door and towards Tails’ workshop. “I wonder, could it be that hedgehog I saw a month ago? Or could it just be a unstable geothermal reaction?”. I dashed up the long set of stone stairs which lead, to Tails’ workshop. I rung the door bell, a couple of times before someone answered. Tails’ opened the door, half asleep and a trail of drool twisted down the left side of his face. His eyes were barely open at all, his shirt unbuttoned and his shoes off. “Yeah?” He said while rubbing behind his left ear, “Uh, I got your note…” I reply, “About time you read the thing.” He said irritated, I stepped in, expecting a nice clean workshop. But to my surprise, the place was stacked with piles upon piles of, books on Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and such. I stood there gawking at a trophy case, filled with 1st place science fair awards. I turned my attention back to Tails as he turned on a monitor, “Look at the energy pattern from two weeks ago and today. On the monitor showed two maps of the Eiki mountain range, in shades ranging from dark blue to a very dark purple. In a basin in the middle of the mountains two weeks ago, showed a bluish tone of purple. But today’s showed that same area with a dark purple. “What does that mean…” I said, “This graph shows the super charged phazon levels anywhere around Mobius, the darker the color, the higher and more compact the Phazons are.” Tails replied. “You mean, this area right here is gathering massive levels of Phazon?” I said as I started to shake. “It’ll reach critical mass in about 2 months roughly… that much power is enough to wipe out Neo Green Hills 70 times over” He said. I froze in fear, unable to comprehend our future.
*_- June 25 2007 4:21 P.M. Neo Green Park, 51 days before critical mass -_*
News of the fate of Neo Green Hills, spreads like wildfire. The whole town was over come with despair and depression. Even during these times, Sonic and the gang still managed to have fun. And put the bad news aside. “Xavier! Think fast!” Sonic shouted as he a soccer ball towards Xavier, some of the sun’s rays shined through breaks in the clouds, water droplets dripped from the trees. Xavier ducked and stopped the soccer ball with one of his tails. “Who is thinking fast now?” Xavier says smugly. Amy and Mezzo are sitting under the shade of the tallest tree in Neo Green Park. Mezzo is blushing, telling Amy what happened on their date. Amy has a interested look on her face. “He told me I was the only other person that him that they love him” She says, She smiles. “Do you know he has a brother?” Amy said, Mezzo turns and looks at Amy. “His name was Shadow, he gave his life to save us all… Before he went out to fight the Final Hazard, he told me that his bother, would suffer the same fate…” Amy said in a low tone.
*_- July 3, 2007 7:30 P.M. In front of Xavier’s House, 42 days before critical mass -_*
Mezzo sold her house, and is going to move in with me. A moving van drives up and parks across the street from my house. It’s engine sputtered to a stop, Mezzo and Sonic get out of the van. Mezzo, wearing a red short sleeve shirt and school uniform skirt hugs me tightly. The necklace I gave her sparkles in the sun. “This is going to be so much fun!” She said, the sound of the door behind the van grinds against the metal as Sonic pushes it upwards. “Don’t try anything funny” Sonic yells, Mezzo and I blush. Her yellow eyes sparkles in the sun, Tails rode up on the skate board I gave to him for 16th birthday. The skate board has a Baker deck and Thunder Templeton trucks. “Hey Guys, what’s with the moving van?” He said. “Mezzo is moving in with Xev” Sonic said carrying a box that is labeled “Books”, “Get outta here! No way!” Tails shouted. “No lie” Sonic said as he walked out the front door and back to the truck. “So, when are you two going to get married?” Tails said jokingly. “32 days from now, that is roughly 4 weeks and 5 days” I said. Sonic drops the box he is carrying and Tails’ eyes widen. “Your urking me…” Sonic and Tails say in unison. “Nope” Mezzo reply’s as she gives me a quick kiss. “I’m going to go beat that unbeatable video game I made…” Tails says quickly, then runs off.
*_- July 12, 2007 6:36 P.M. Xavier’s Secret Spot, 30 days before critical mass -_*
Today was Friday, our one month anniversary. Xavier and I were sitting under the only tree on the top of our secret spot, watching the sunset slowly. I hear Xavier rustling through his pocket. “Look what I got!” He says as he puts two tickets to an Atreyu concert on my lap. “A-a-are these tickets to the upcoming Atreyu concert?” I said trying to refrain myself from jumping up and down and shouting like a hyperactive school girl. The slowly disappears under the horizon and the moon being to show it’s self. The stars began to appear, slowly at first but then the sky is littered with them. “As long as you have the necklace, I’ll always be with you…” He said softly… I just smiled.
*_- 12:00 P.M. Xavier and Mezzo’s room -_*
I lay on my back in the bed, just staring at the ceiling. Counting the days left before our marriage, and before Neo Green’s total disintegration. I turn onto my side and look out the window, Mezzo places her arm over my body. Her warmth slowly brings my restless mind to a grinding halt. Her tender hand spread across my shirt, as if to grip it with all her might. Her scent, which used to be so strange to me now acts like a stress relief, I glance at the clock sitting on the small round table, next to the bed. It’s 1:15 in the morning. As I continue to look at the clock, my eyelids become heavy and I drift to sleep.
*_- 3:00 A.M. Tails’ Workshop, 30 days before critical mass -_*
I was closely monitoring the Phazon Levels in the basin, and I stumbled across this disturbing reality. This…this…mass is reaching critical mass faster than I thought… “Something isn’t right… What is it?” I looked at the graphs. “Oh My God…” I Stood there, terrified and awestruck at the same time. “It’s speeding up…” I grab my phone and pound in Xavier’s number. “Hello?” Xavier answered, his voice is very deep as, if he had a sore throat. “Your not going to believe this….” I told him in a hurry, “What? What happened?” He said. “It’s speeding up! It’s going to hit critical mass, in half the time I thought!”
*_- July 13, 2007 3:59 P.M. Neo Green Park, 14 days before critical mass -_*
Word got out that, this energy is going to go critical in two weeks. A mass evacuation is going on, right now. Havoc and paranoia just sweeps across town although there isn’t that many people here, Everyone has decided to stay. Because everyone might not come back. Sonic and I were walking around the park, remembering all the special things that ever happened here. “And this is where Knuckles chipped his front tooth when we were still kids.” I said with a smile, “I laugh so hard, my ribs hurted for a week” Sonic laughed. “You know, this could be the end of us…” I said, trying to hold back my own tears. Sonic hugged me, “ I’ll be here to protect you, I’ll never let anything happen to you. I always loved you, and I always will.” He said. I dug my head into his warm fur, as a single tear rolled down my cheek.
*_- July 14, 2007 2:15 P.M. Down by the lake, 13 days before critical mass -_*
It was a very calm evening down by the lake, off to the west across the lake, where the peaks of the dreaded Eiki mountain range. I was walking along the shore, the soft moist sand molding a imprint of my feet. I couldn’t get the fact, that we all could end up dead. I was so overcome by this that I just sat down, my head in my arms. Crying as hard as when Cream moved away…, the sound of the waves pounding the shore. Why did it come down to this? A peaceful town, destroyed violently.
*_- 5:35 P.M. Xavier’s living room -_*
I stood in front of the bookshelf, holding a picture of Maria, Shadow, and I. We were all smiling, that was the only time I ever saw him smile. Until this very day, I still don’t know whatever happened to him. Amy had told me, he used chaos control to save earth. Nobody knows where he is now, I gripped the wooden frame around the picture. I hear footsteps approach me from behind, Mezzo wrapped her arms around my waist, her head rested on my right shoulder. “Everyone will be ok? Right?” She said softly, “I’m not sure…” I replied as I lowered my head, my ears drooped, Mezzo softly nibbled on my shoulder. “I just hope, that whatever happens isn’t so bad.” I said. Mezzo was still nibbling on my shoulder, but I don’t care anymore…
*_- July 16,2007 4:01 P.M. Outside Tail’s Workshop, 11 days before critical mass -_*
The wind gusted lightly to the south, while everyone stood outside of Tails’ workshop. Tails wondered out of the workshop, holding a remote. “This here is the remote, to a underground safe house I built a few years ago. I didn’t really think I was going to use it, but because of the recent events, it looks like this is going to be our new home.” He said. Tails pressed the button on the remote, shortly after the ground shook violently as two giant metal doors, which looked like rocks. Grinded open under the base of the hill Tail’s workshop sat on. Everyone stepped up to the new opening, as lights began to turn on, showing a path downwards. Sonic, even thought having second thoughts was the first to step forward. Everyone followed shortly after. This safe house was well lit, and nicely furnished. A control panel set up along the wall to the far left, booted it’s self automatically. On the monitors above this panel, pictures of the area above, showed no sign of life at all. “We are the only people left, here at Neo Green…” Xavier said, a long pause followed.
*_- July 21,2007 3:30 P.M. Back on the surface, 5 days before critical mass -_*
We were ordered by Tails to round up any useful resources we could find, for the last 5 days. A purple glowing light could be seen off in the distance, most definitely from the basin. That light being there gave being above ground, an eerie feeling. “Xev, I’m scared…” Mezzo said as she gripped my hand tightly. “Don’t worry, we’re almost done up here” I replied. The wind blew papers and dust down the street. As we headed back to the safe house, a low rumbling could be heard from the mountains. “It’s drawing near…” Mezzo and I stood in front of the safe house doors, as they slowly opened.
*_- July 26,2007 Above ground, D-Day -_*
I finished programming the controls for the doors so that they open for nobody but us. I also replaced the old motors that pulled the doors open. “Tails, something is happening at the mountains!” Amy shouted from the cliff above. Amy had lookout duty for today. I ran up to the cliff, everyone else was already there. I stared at the think, large purple beam shooting into the sky, the earth shook with such force everyone lost balance and fell. I turn to see Xavier, gripping his ears in shear terror. “Xev, you ok?” I shouted, but he never answered. He sat there tugging on his ears, his tails spazzing wildly in every direction. The ground stopped shaking as the beam slowly disappeared, Xavier still sat on the floor, tears streaming down his face, he was clamping is ears so hard, his nails went through them. A steady trickle of blood made it’s way down the left side of his head. I ran over to him, “Xev, if your ok, say something!” I yelled. He was too terrorized to even speak, he shook violently. I lifted him to his feet, but he couldn’t even take a step forward. “I’ve never seen him so…scared in my life…”. “We should all go back down to the safe house, telling from Xavier here. This isn’t a really good place to be right now.
*_- July 31,2007 7:07 P.M. The Underground Safe house -_*
I picked at my bandaged ears in the dim light, I couldn’t remember a thing that happened 5 days ago. I was sitting up in my bed, Mezzo entered and sat next to me. “How are you feeling?” She said as she put the back of hand to my forehead. “I’m ok… what happened?” I said, puzzled. “You just freaked out, Tails said you heart rate jumped up to 250 heartbeat’s per minute, that’s more than enough to kill you. You made your nails go through your ears.” She said softly as she stroked the back of my head for comfort. “Come on, let’s go into the other room.” Mezzo said as she helped me out of the bed, and onto my feet. I struggled to keep my balance, I leaned on Mezzo for support as she walked me out of the room. Once we made it into the living room, I sat down on one of the couches. The lights from the control panel, slightly blinded me. I slant into the couch a little so that I could rest my head. “Where is everyone else?” I asked. And just as I did, everyone jumped of nowhere and yelled surprise. Mezzo brought in a cake and placed it on the table in front of me. “Happy 19th birthday, Xev” she said cheerfully. I could barely remember my own birthday, because my mind was still hazy. They all sung happy birthday to me. We all had a few good laughs, even though things seemed normal, It might never be again. This was one day were we all could just kick back.
*_- August 5,2007 9:15 A.M. Behind Safe house Doors -_*
We’re running low on food, from what I know. The market was left unlocked, last time I checked. We’ll have to make our way to the market and restock. Sonic, Amy, and I are going to go on a resupply run. Mezzo has to stay behind to look after Xavier, who is weak from the little incident. “’We’ll have to make this quick” I said as the three of us made our way up the street. There was a slight chill in the air , as the wind blew. All the tree’s leaves turned a grand orange. “This time of year is so colorful” Amy said, We reached the market and went inside. “Grab as much as you can, Sonic watch the exit while Amy and I grab what we need” I said with a low voice. Amy and I spent about 20 minutes, to grab some fresh bandages and food. The store was unlit and had a eerie feel to it, Amy stayed close behind me, Nearly stepping on my tails. When we had everything we needed, we set back to the safe house. Along the way, a shadowy figure stood in the distance. “Who is that?” Amy said, started to sound scared. The shadowy figure advanced towards us, a…hedgehog. “My, my I was started to think no one was here…” He said. His red eyes tore at my skin, making me feel uneasy. “I’m Attamist, a soul collector. I have been sent to this planet, by my master to collect souls for him. Now if you will, give up now and I will not have to kill you all…” He said with a wicked smile on his face. Attamist, a gray hedgehog with red pupils and gray eyes., wore nothing but a pair of baggy jeans. “Now, listen here pal, we’re not going to give you our souls! You outta of it, you should go get that head of yours checked out!” Sonic said with rage in his voice, as he walked up to this strange hedgehog. Attamist with one swift movement, sent Sonic flying into me, knocking me over. “ He is no normal hedgehog…” Sonic said as he stood up. “We’ll have to make a run for it, grab on!” He yelled. Amy and I gripped his hands tightly and the food, even tighter. Sonic then dashed pass Attamist, who stood still. We made it back to the safe house, The doors scraped the metal as they open quickly.
*_- August 4,2007 12:29 A.M. Sonic And Amy’s Room In The Underground Safe House -_*
The sound of Sonic soft snores, helped take my mind off his broken rib. I was wrapped snugly in his arms, my body close to his. He is facing me, as if watching over me, even while asleep. His ear twitched slightly to the right, then stood straight up, then drooped to the side. The warmth of his fur, made me feel like child, sleeping with their mother. I moved in abit, so that my head rested on his chest. His heart beated slowly, I could hear him breathing, his stomach rises, pushing against mine then lowers again. Light from the monitors slipped under the door. Tails could still be awake, or may have fallen asleep. I curled up bit so that, my feet didn’t stick out from under the blanket. I nibbled on a small patch of Sonic’s fur, he giggles softly, then continues to sleep peacefully. I start nibbling on my lower lip, and fell asleep.
*_- August 7,2007 3:32 A.M. Xavier And Mezzo’s Room In The Underground Safe House -_*
Xavier and I were still awake, just talking about what we would have done, if none of this ever happened. “We’d start a family, maybe have two kids” He said, I laughed at the thought for a moment. I lean to the side a little and fall on his lap, he poke’s at my ear for a moment then started to rub behind it. “That tickles” I said laughing. “Tails must be so lonely by himself” He said, I looked at the ceiling from a moment, then sit up. “Before you came to Neo Green, there was this girl that Tails liked, Her name was Cream. Tails didn’t know it, but she liked him also. They would always go and hang out by the lake, but three years later, when Tails was 14 years old, She moved. Tails came by my house that day, and cried all night.” I told him. “He must miss her a lot” He said as he picked at the bandages around his ears. I poked him in the stomach and watch him curl up, “That tickles!” He said as he poked me back. I jumped on top of him and poked at his stomach even more, his face lights up with laughter. “Stop that, it’s tickles!” He said catching one of my hands. I lose my balance and fall back onto the bed, laughing. I switched the lights off, and curled up in his arms. He gave me kiss, and held me closer, as we both fell asleep.
*_- August 8,2007 Somewhere in Neo Green Hills -_*
As a soul collector, my sole purpose is to gather souls. I can spawn on any planet in this known universe. This time, I’ve chosen a planet named Mobius, home of many powerful souls. This would surely please my master. Those who willing give up, offer their souls, and become mindless slaves, who obey my master, or my orders without fail. Those who resist are killed.
*_- August 23,2007 5:45 P.M. The Underground Safe House -_*
Xavier has got back all his strength at last, Now he can come with me and Sonic to get more supplies. “Now, Xev don’t try to push yourself ok? Took you long enough to get your strength.” I said him, “Yeah, I know… and who are we watching out for?” He replied. “A gray hedgehog with red eyes and jeans on” I said. We all set out rather quickly, running from building to building. Making sure the coast was clear. When we got there, we did the same routine as last time. We mad dashed back to safety, but something didn’t feel right… “Where is Xev?” I asked Sonic. Sonic shrugged, “Aw crap…” I told myself. I rushed over to the monitors, and checked everyone. Xavier was face to face, with Attamist. “Xavier is face to face Attamist…” I said, everyone gasped and held their breath. I hope he makes it out alive…
*_- On the street -_*
The wind gusts as I stand face to face with Attamist, a abnormal looking hedgehog. “I felt a powerful energy, I’d never think it’d be you” Attamist said, I just stared at him. The wind blew through the trees, and he disappeared. I jump back as he crashes into the ground, leaving a smoking crater. “Your no normal fox” He says then stands up, a wicked look in his eyes. I readied myself for his next attack. He dashes towards me and punches me in the face, sending me flying backwards into a building. I stand up, I feel something wet travel down my head. I place my hand on my head to see it bleeding, I readied myself and dashed forward, kicking him in the ribs. “My, my aren’t we a powerful little one? I haven’t been hit like that in years! I will truly enjoy taking your soul…” Attamist said, as his right hand glowed a think purple. He dashes towards me as I jump back, he swings for my face and barely misses, flicking one my bangs. I unwillingly place my hand on the ground and everything around me suddenly explodes into dust and rubble. I make my escape back to the safe house.
*_- The Underground Safe house -_*
The blood rushing down my head passed one of my eyes, it goes into my eye and it closes shut. I’m sitting down looking at my hand, “How’d you make the ground explode like that?” Tails asked me as he wrapped a bandage around my head. “I’m not sure, it just happened” I told him. “You move as fast as he does, you dodge his attacks like he is moving in slow motion” He said, Tails finishes wrapping up my head, then goes to wash his blood stained hands. I’m still staring at my hand, a small spark of lightning jumps between two of my fingers. I press both of my hand together, then pull them apart, small streaks of lightning are jumping between them. “Is this Chaos lighting?”
*_- August 25,2007 2:30 P.M. Safe house Living Room -_*
I always knew Xev was different, but not like this. He destroyed half a block, he’s almost like Shadow. Except, he controls lightning using chaos energy, if we can keep Xavier alive, we might have a chance at killing Attamist. But, his energy is being controlled by something, Shadow had those bracelets on his wrists. What is Xavier’s control?
*_- September 5,2007 The Underground Safe house -_*
I couldn’t stand to stay hold up, in this safe house any longer. I’m going to find Attamist and kill him, even if it costs me, my life. I walked up to the path which lead to the surface, “Xev, where are you going!” Tails yelled as he ran after me. “I stand it anymore, I’m going to find Attamist and wipe him off the face of the planet!” I said. “Xev, are you mad? You go out there and Attamist will kill you!” Tails said to me, as he got in front of my path. I put him firmly out of my way and continued upwards. “Fine, if you want to be that way, I’m coming with you!” he said after a few moments. Everyone else followed, but stayed within the pathway. It was raining lightly, the sky darkened by the clouds. I stood outside, checking the area around me, “He’s coming… I can feel it” I said in a low tone. Attamist dropped out of the sky, and landed a few yards away. “About time you came out of hiding, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time….. Shall we begin?” He said.
*_- The Final Fight -_*
No one moved, not for quite sometime. The wind blew the rain to the east, Xavier’s fur turned a dark blue as it became damp. Attamist dashed forward, and swung at Xavier. I ducked quickly and elbowed him in the face, a trail of blood comes out of the left side of his mouth. He grabs me and throws me into the cliff, small rocks fell for the top of the cliff and hit the ground in front of me. I fell to my knees, but quickly got up, I placed my hand in front of me, and a bolt of yellow lightning flew at Attamist, sending him flying backwards. He slid across the ground, then quickly got to his feet. He disappears, but a moment later I hear a voice from behind me, “Too slow…” I get sent flying forward, and hit the ground. I get to my feet, and dash forward towards him, I hit him in the face. Attamist stumbles back a few feet, Attamist put his hand in front of him, a crimson arrow shot out of his hand. “Xev watch out!” Tails said as he dove in front of me, the arrow hitting him in the arm. He fell to the floor and curled up. “Tails! Are you ok?” I said as I ran to him, blood was starting to gather on the floor around him, “I’m fine, just get Attamist!” He yelled. I turn back to Attamist, who was smiling. “I’ll pay for that, you freak!” I dashed at him and kicked him in the rib, sending him flying to the right. “Did I hurt your little friend? Aw so sad, now the little fox is mad…” He said mockingly. “You better shut your mouth, or I’ll do it for you…” I said, grinding my teeth together. “I’m going to make this quick, I have the rest of this planet, to get to.” Attamist said, as he began to glow red. Two clones of Attamist, stepped out from behind him, “ I’ve never seen him do that before!” I thought to myself. The tow Attamist clones jump into the air and disappear, I looked around for a few seconds, before I felt something hit me in the stomach. I hold my stomach, and bent forward a little, as the second clone appeared below me and uppercuts me, sending me into the air. “What do I do, they’re too fast for my eyes to keep up…” One of the clones grabbed me from behind, and sent me flying downwards. A sharp pain shot through my chest, “Xavier!” I heard Tails yell as I hit the tip of a crimson blade, I felt warm blood trickle down the my chest. I was thrown to the floor, the last thing I heard was Attamist laughing…
*_- Unknown Area -_*
I slowly opened my eyes, and bright light rushed into them. There was a light breeze, I sat up and looked around. “Where am I?” Trees surrounded a opening, A black hedgehog stood in middle of the opening. “Shadow?” I said as I slowly got to my feet, I felt small. A small puddle of water was before me, I took a glance at myself. I was looked like I was only 10 years old, I wore a small hat with shorts. “Whats going on here? What happened to me, where am I?” I walked over to Shadow, and tugged his red shirt, that he was wearing. He slowly turned around, “Hey little Bro, how it going?” Tears formed in my eyes as I hugged him tightly, he patted my head slowly. “ Everything is going to be just fine…” He said, A bright light blinded me, everything turned dark again.
*_- Back In front of the Safe house -_*
“Xev, Xev wake up! Don’t die on me, don’t do this to me!” Mezzo said as she shook Xavier’s limp body, blood covered her hands and the front of her shirt, tears ran down both sides of her face. Attamist was laughing, “Did he really think, that he could beat me?” He said, with a wicked laugh. Tails, grabbed Mezzo by the arm, and took her back to the safe house doors. A pool of blood surrounded Xavier’s body, his eyes were, a faded green. Attamist, then turned towards Tails, Amy, Sonic, And Mezzo. “Your turn…” He said as he pointed a blood stained blade, at them. “I’m not done, with you yet…” A voice can from behind, Xavier was standing up, blood running down his shirt, black energy surrounded his body. A Attamist clone dashed at him from the left, but Xavier grabbed him by the face, before he could touch him. “That… can’t be…” Attamist said, a small trace of terror in his voice. “Oh, but it is…” Xavier said as his fur slowly turned from blue to black. “You get near them, and I’ll kill you!” He said. Xavier’s hand glowed a bright blue, then a giant beam of lightning shot out of his hand. The Attamist clone yelled, but fell silent. “This can’t be! You are suppose to be dead!” Attamist said, gripping his blade tightly. “Let’s get back inside, this could get messy!” Tails said, as he ran inside, everyone else followed after him. Mezzo, turned back and stared at Xavier for a second and continued inside. Attamist dashed at Xavier, and swung his blade at him, Xavier moved out of the way, and kicked Attamist in the ribs, sending him rolling across the ground. Attamist, slowly got to his feet, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Do your best…” Xavier said. Attamist dashed forward and disappeared, Xavier jumped back as Attamist landed on the exact spot he was just standing at, Xavier stared at Attamist, as he rose to his feet, “Stay still!” Attamist yelled as he swung at Xavier, who dodged all his attacks. Xavier grabbed the blade, a small river of blood ran down his hand, he turned the blade to the right and it snapped. “My turn…” Xavier said slowly. Xavier disappears, and hits Attamist in the back, sending him flying into the safe house doors. Xavier dashed forward and grabbed Attamist, and slammed him against the metal doors, Attamist broke from his grip and appeared behind Xavier. Attamist closed his eyes, and placed his hand in front of him, His fur color changed from gray to a deep red. “I’m going to wipe you off the face of the universe!” He yelled as his laughed menacingly. A giant black ball of dark energy gathered over his head, slowly growing in size. Big white, wings expand from Xavier’s back. Xavier jumps into the air, as Attamist throws the black energy bomb at him, the ball follows Xavier into the sky. “ If I die, you are coming with me!” Xavier said, as he grabbed Attamist from behind and takes him into the outer layers of the atmosphere. Mezzo ran outside, as the bomb exploded, with a bright flash. “No…” She said as tears ran down her cheeks, she lowered her head. “Xev, why did you do it? Why?” Tails said as he looked at the ground.
*_- Unknown Area -_*
“Where am I? What am I doing here?” I opened my eyes to find myself in a small white room, A door to the left. “You did good lil’ bro, I’m proud of ya” Shadow said, as Xavier sat up in a bed. “Shadow, is that you?” Xavier said, his ears rung as he got a hold of his surrounds. “You’ve found your power within, “What do you mean?” Xavier replied, puzzled. “ you are driven by emotion, you want to protect those close to you…” Shadow replied. “As long as you keep that in your heart, you’ll never die…” Xavier’s vision faded. Xavier awoke, mountains surrounded him. “Where am I now?” Xavier sat up, his shirt missing. “Where is my shirt?” Xavier said, as he stood up. The ground around him was burnt black. “This is where Attamist appeared…
*_- July 31,2010 Xavier And Mezzo’s House, Three years after Xavier’s death -_*
It was Xavier’s 21rst birthday, a small cake sat on the table in front of me. I held a picture of Xavier and I, huddled close together with smiles on our faces. I poked at the picture, “Happy birthday” I said softly. There was a knock at the door, I got up and wiped the tears from my eyes, and answered the door. There stood a blue fox with neon green eyes, no shirt on, and a soft smile on his face. I dug my face in his fur and cried. “Where did you go, I missed you so much” I cried, He wrapped his arms around me, his warmth filled my body. “It’s ok, I’m here now, and I always will be…”

- Title: The Crimson
- Artist: MontyFang
This was my very first Fan Fic I ever wrote. I spent alot of time on it. Up to a week I believe... Wrote it one year ago. Started May 7, 2007, finished May 13, 2007.
Fan Fic Fun Facts:
1. If you were to paste this whole story into a word document, it would be 10 pages long!
2. This fan-fic is roughly 8,000 words long.
3. This is a shorten version of the fight between Attamist and Xavier
Rate and comment. - Date: 10/24/2008
- Tags: crimson
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