-1Jami’s POV
“I remember you.”
I looked at him, and then tried sitting up. He didn’t even help me. Maybe it was shock. Once I managed to heave myself up to sitting position, I looked at him. He was pale again, but I was too tired to see what was wrong.
His mouth opened.
Then shut.
Then opened.
Then words came out. “You remember me? E-e…everything?”
I shook my head. “Not everything. I don’t know what caused the coma, just you. I know what you’re like. Why you’re my friend. Everything about you and my life once I met you, which was all I had forgotten.”
He nodded dumbly. “That’s…good I guess.”
I nodded, far more firmly than him. “It’s great. That was the only thing I wanted to know. I wanted to know why you were considered my best friend.”
He kept nodding. “That makes sense. I guess it’s too late then, huh?”
“Too late for what?”
He snapped his head around and looked at me so sharply, it seemed like he was glaring, but his voice was soft, “Nothing, nothing. It’s perfect timing.”
I watched him carefully. I knew him too well to think he was telling the truth. Damn, that’s a great thing to say.
Jake’s POV
I mentally punched myself in the face. I wasted my time…but then again, who knew I had so little?
Privately, I viewed everything as a chance to make her fall for me. Romantically. Not socially-best-friends kinda things. My last chance…gone.
Crap barely sums it up.
I took her to the mall. She wasn’t one for shopping, but it was our tradition to laugh at people who walked funny.
It was hard for either of us to act the same. Easier for her to act. To her, she had never left. But I had difficulty accepting it again. Her parents were still an issue, but the fact that my old Jami was back should have made me happy. That’s all I ever wanted…right?
I kept asking myself this. The entire car ride. Lunch. Shopping. Hanging out.
I looked at her. She was calm, reserved…Definitely different, but at the same time, I got the aura of the girl I fell in love with.
Jami’s POV
I noticed his glances. They were making me feel extremely awkward. Of course, it was understood that I wasn’t the same, but did he really have to point it out so obviously?
Finally, he stared at me for almost a minute straight. I don’t know how much longer I could take this.
I looked back at him this time. Like I figured, he immediately pretended like he hadn’t been.
I stood. “Let’s go do something. I don’t want to sit here this entire time.”
He nodded his acquiescence. “Fine. Where to?” I shrugged in response and dug my hands deeper into my sweater pockets.
“It’s under sixty degrees out. But there’s nothing to do here.”
He nodded again. “Fine. I’ll take you home.”
I just smiled weakly. He wasn‘t supposed to say that. “Uhh…sure. I’m guess I could go sleep.”
He began walking towards the parking garage. I couldn’t exactly say no after that.
Jake’s POV
She seemed eager to leave. So I was letting her go. That was the right thing to do…right? I wanted to do whatever she wanted, as long as I wasn’t separated from her again. But this wasn’t like I had dreamed of.
Every night, I had that nightmare. The one where we were in an accident. I went home with bruised ribs. She stayed in a coma. And she never woke up.
I woke up sweating and scared as heck. It was bad enough going through that once. A million times over was my own personal hell. And for once, I haven’t had them. To make a long story short, it was a huge relief.
Then again, there was always the second dream. It was where I confessed, and then she confessed of her own undying love for me. And then, we lived happily ever after, for love withstands all obstacles. I nearly cry when I wake up, because I was just so happy in that dream.
That dream, became my hope. And, it was the second reason I returned to my old house as much as I could.
I realized though, that it was my fault things weren’t turning out the way I wanted it to. In my dream, I confessed…which led to her confession…which led to our life together. So, in all, the only thing lacking was my ability to tell her how I felt.
I guess I’m just too much of a coward. I told myself all year that if I ever got the chance to speak with her again, I would, but I’ve had my chances already. Perhaps…it’s too late?
I still love her. Of that, I’m sure. The fact that I’m able to brave whatever will happen and tell her? Not so sure.
Jami’s POV
He drove me home on all the little side roads. He was too afraid to go on the main streets, and he even paused at each intersection, even though we were the only ones outside. We went at about two miles per hour.
After another forty-five minutes, we stopped at my house. He got out of the car as soon as the gears were locked.
“Are you that desperate to get rid of me?” I laughed at him.
Jake flinched. “Never. It’s been so long already.”
My laughter died in the air. He was different.
He didn’t say much. It was a diverse kind of silent, not like the calculating reticence that he possessed. Before, every time he refused to talk was when he was at utter rest and peace. This time, it was turmoil keeping him quiet.
And I wanted to protect him from that turmoil.
He noticed me staring at him, and his color returned quickly. “Jami, I’m not going to leave you ever.”
It was a movie-line. I would’ve scoffed at that. I laughed though. All of a sudden, all the color he lost was back.
I laughed even harder, almost about to cry. His passion was strange. I was afraid to admit that I didn’t know any other way to acknowledge it. Which, if you knew our kind of relationship, it was messed up in itself. I was the kind who stayed sane only because I had someone to talk to. He was my channel. And I really, really, REALLY needed my channel.
He managed a slight, weak grin. Then, I saw how he was hurting. It was just as bad as my pain. My laughter abruptly stopped and I met him half way around the car. We hugged, me starting to laugh again, and him starting to tear.
Needless to say, neither of us usually acted like that. But here we were.
Jake’s POV
“I’m really sorry.”
She startled me. “For what?”
“For not knowing what you went through.”
I laughed. “That’s the corniest line I’ve ever heard you say.”
She only blushed, “It’s not my fault. I was in a coma for a while if you didn’t notice.”
Ouch. Was it necessary to bring that up? “I knew that…pretty damn well if you would actually ask me.”
I pushed her away, still holding her shoulders at arms length. I stared at her face. She must’ve felt uncomfortable. I gained a small amount of comfort from that thought though. Probably more than I should have.
Then, all of a sudden, I thought about a story I read. Boy-meets-Girl, They-fall-in-love, Boy-cheats-on-Girl, Girl-forgives-Boy.
Their apology got to me. I had wondered what would actually possess that girl to forgive him for what he did. But then, I realized that’s exactly what I wanted. I’m a freakin’ hypocrite aren’t I?
She pulled herself away now. Her grey eyes were almost white looking in the dimming light. Finally, after an eternity, her face broke into a smile.
“Jake. Green right?” I grinned.
“Yep. 20 years old. High school drop-out. No college. Single. Living in a one-room apartment. Don‘t pull amnesia on me, James.”
She laughed. “And I’m Jami Tanner. Coma victim. Regained memory. In love with Jake Green.”
She had her memory again? She had her humor back, that’s for sure. In love……Wait. My laughter slipped right off my face.
“W-what did you say?”
She smiled, but this was sweet, and meaningful. “Exactly what I said, Jake.”
Jami’s POV
His mouth opened. Then closed. Then opened. Then closed. Then…opened. No sound.
I was shocked. I just openly came out with a confession, and he was just standing there like a stupid old goldfish.
I reached up and shut his mouth for him. As soon as I did, it opened again. Finally, words came out.
“Really?” he croaked.
I nodded.
“How can you be so sure?”
“I’ve known you my entire life, haven’t I?”
Oh…right. “Well…do you want me to or not?”
He paused and he looked up into the sky. His mouth moved soundlessly, like he was reading from a predestinated script. Finally, “I wanted you to. So very badly.”
“Past tense?” I felt a growing horror. Rejection was a bad feeling in my stomach.
“You didn’t let me finish,” at this point, his eyes met mine again, “But I’m happy that you do now.”
I laughed, the sinking feeling evaporating to make room for happiness. “Are you serious?”
“James, I wouldn’t lie about something like this. It’s too serious. And emotional.” He hugged me. “I’m dead serious.”
I pulled him into the house with me. I didn’t care already what my parents thought. I was going to clear this once and for all.
“Mom!” She looked down from upstairs.
“Did you call, hun? Is something wrong?”
I heard a slight tremor of panic. I thought to myself, “Why not?”
“Yeah…there’s something wrong.”
Immediately, she was by my side. “What’s wrong? Do you remember me? Did you hit your head??”
I shook my head and then looked over her shoulder. She followed my gaze and then let a little, faint scream escape her lips. “What is he doing here, Jami?” Her previous tone of panic had an edge of anger.
I stepped around her, looking at Jake. He seemed to shrink. I moved to his side, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Mom. Thanks for letting Jake talk to me.” Her face registered what I said and then became shocked.
“I did no such thing! He’s a- a…” She was rambling.
“Shut up, Mom,” I was sick of it, and I was about to show that, “Just leave him alone, okay? I-I…I love him.” It was barely a whisper. She glared at us both.
“Get out then. I don’t raise children to fall in love with their murderers.” Her voice was cracking and nervous. “Stockholm Syndrome.”
Jake stiffened. He face was pale and his hands cold. I hugged him. I couldn’t give him up. Not for that.
“Fine. I’ll go. I’m going to come back for my things later.” She was turning red, but I could feel the blood rising in my own face. I was ready to slap her. To slap those glaring, angry eyes away from us. To slap her for everything she said. And, to slap her for fun.
Jake’s POV
I pulled her out after me. Rather, I carried her out. Her entire body was trembling, violently to the point where my arm was shaking. I was cold. Far colder than anything weather could do to me.
“You’ll stay with me,” I looked at her. Her eyes were glazed. I grew worried. “Stay with me. James. Stay!” urgency made it’s presence known. I lifted her, and walked the few steps to the car. She lay on the seat like a dead body.
Crap. Bad image. Stop Jake.
I sat next to her legs, not even enough space for me, but I squeezed anyways. Body heat could only help.
After seven minutes, she sat up. “I feel better now. Let’s go…” she trailed off and I winced. It was a delicate topic. Finally, she spoke again, “Let’s go home.”
Can’t exactly say no to something like that.
I drove us to my apartment. She tumbled into the door and gasped. I realized that she hadn’t ever seen my apartment.
She turned around and then looked me in the eye. “Clean up for a lady would you?”
I winced. And she burst out laughing. It was infectious. We both laughed and I shuffled into my room and dropped onto my bed, tired beyond imagining. Jami followed suit, albeit more hesitantly, but in the end, she was lying under the covers , asleep and I was in the kitchen. The coffee in my hands was already cold and the plate of pancakes I made wasn’t touched.
I had pancakes nearly every meal. If anything was going through my head, it was “I really hope Jami likes pancakes.”
Month Later
Her stuff was already in my apartment, taking up room and spilling out of the small closet.
Every little thing she ever had was packed into a small two-room apartment. It wasn’t enough. But I forced her to because if anything could refresh her memory, it would be something precious.
I pushed the covers off of myself and trudged into the bathroom.
I woke her up once I had showered and changed. She got up willingly. I envied her for that. I hated my morning irritation.
She kissed me and I fell into the bed, waiting for her to get dressed.
Once she came out, we were in the car, headed towards the mall.
Jami’s POV
When we stopped, I jumped out. The air was cold and my fingers were immediately frozen. I laughed though. It was good to be back. I had missed an entire Christmas season. And Thanksgiving, and all those other things, just because I still wasn’t well enough to handle any excitement. Dumb doctor. He doesn’t know anything.
Jake came around the car, throwing his keys up in the air, and then letting them drop back down into his waiting hand.
“We’re splitting up right?”
Jake nodded, “Yeah. I have to get your gift, ‘member?”
I laughed. “You don’t need to get me anything. You ARE giving me an entire house. I think that I owe YOU.” He just shook his head.
“The fact that I’m in love with you is gift enough.” He took my hand. Immediately, the warmth traveled through my entire body.
I gave him a hug. I hope he knew exactly how much was unsaid in that act. He kissed the top of my head before releasing me and then motioned for me to go. I laughed and indulged in his wishes.
Once he was out of my sight, I stopped and sat down.
I didn’t even know what to get him.
I looked in every store. Each one was busy and crammed full of people. I was tempted to pull some sob story and get them all out of my way. But that damn Christmas Spirit was in everyone. I missed it earlier, but every single person was laughing and smiling together. It cheered me up, and I kept walking, Finally, I stopped at a jeweler’s store.
I wasn’t looking for anything for Jake here, just browsing. I’m still a girl.
Then, all of a sudden I saw the perfect gift. It was two gold chains intertwined. One was thicker than the other. It was simple and undecorated. The second was delicate and almost fragile looking. But when they were put together it was still an austere chain. I bought it. I forget how much it costs.
Jake’s POV
I was cursing under my breath. It had taken an hour and a half for me to decide that I was not getting her food or clothes.
I only had half an hour left.
I walked into a jewelry store. She was a girl right? All girls love jewelry.
I was growing desperate. I settled for a ring. It was two bands of silver laced together. One was twice as thick as the other, nearly dwarfing the other. But there was a diamond settled in the delicate thin one. It was a small jewel, but sparkled.
By the time I left the store, I was feeling better about what I got her. It was growing on me.
An hour later, I met her at the café. I bought us two vanilla mochas and we sipped them, savoring the sweet, taste on our tongues in the cold weather. Finally, we left. On the ride home, she cradled her coffee in her hands and hummed a song under her breath. I laughed to myself. She was happier. It was obvious. Even the way she moved seemed to be flowing and graceful, like her old self.
Except for the fact that we were now together. Life was perfect.
As soon as we got home, she rushed in, leaving me to park the car. I watched her disappear into the building and sighed. If I knew her at all, she was planning something. I took my time. How do I give it to her?
In the end, I stuffed it in my back pocket. I’m brilliant. I know.
The house was too quiet. When I walked in, it was absolutely, dead silent. I flinched. My music was usually playing even when I wasn’t home.
I caught a glimpse of color. Jami was in the living room. She was standing in the middle of the room, glaring at the wall. I laughed as I came closer and wrapped my arms around her.
“What were you doing in here, James?”
She smiled and turned around in my arms. “Try look.” There was a Christmas tree sitting in the corner. It was plain, almost undecorated, except for the white star sitting at the top. It was made out of paper.
I pulled myself out of Jami’s grasp and moved closer. I grinned when I saw exactly what was on it. It was a random design of pencil drawings. Most of them were random, simple things that Jami and I both liked. But in the very center, even and beautiful was a heart. Our two names were written inside the heart. It was plain, but had simple meaningful pictures drawn. I laughed as I turned around to look at Jami.
“Do you like it?” She was blushing.
I just laughed and nodded, sweeping her up in my arms. I kissed her on her nose and then set her down.
“You know, I really do love you,” I looked at her carefully, seeing her reaction.
“If you love me so much, why don’t you marry me?” She laughed and ran a hand through her hair.
“I might, James. I’ve loved you for more than three years. I’m pretty sure.”
She grinned and fell back against the couch, her arms splayed out, leaving no space for me. I sat on the single and looked at her. She was falling asleep. Her face had registered that dreamy, semi-conscious look that I loved.
Once she was fully asleep, I realized something. She didn’t say the same thing back.
Jami’s POV
When I woke he was gone. I just sighed and stuffed his present in his stocking hanging on the wall. It fell to the bottom, but I didn’t bother making it more obvious.
Tomorrow was Christmas. Two months to the day of our anniversary.
Christmas was no big deal. In fact, it was the least exciting Christmas I had ever had. The entire day was just laid-back. Finally, at dinner, he looked at our sparse tree and then at me, leaning against the doorframe.
“Are we really this cheap?”
I laughed. “Well, what did you expect?”
“Something more. Eggnog, mistletoe, and presents galore.” I smiled and then kissed him lightly.
“Eggnog…I have no idea how to make that. I can kiss you. And presents…there is one.”
He looked up expectantly and I grinned before saying, “Fine. It’s in your stocking.” He hugged me and jumped up, before taking his stocking off and digging inside. When he pulled out the box, he looked at me oddly. I just shrugged and leaned back against the couch, watching him tear through the thin wrapping paper.
He got to the box and held his breath as he opened it. I was holding my breath too. From my point of view, all I could see was his face. He had his hands on either clasp, about to pull it open…when he stopped, and put the box on the coffee table. He stood and with one glance at me, left the room.
What the…hell?
Just as I was about to look for him, he came back into the room. He had a bag in his hand, and he handed it to me, a blush appearing on his cheeks. I laughed and he seemed to relax.
He picked up the box he had dropped earlier and then sat down next to me, it in his hands.
He whispered, “Merry Christmas, James.”
I smiled and leaned into him, my fingers pulling away the gift wrap. “Merry Christmas to you too.”
We opened them at the same time. And at the same time, we gasped. And looked at each other. And spoke, “Same thing?”
They were definitely similar. Although hers was a silver ring and mine a gold chain, it was the same rough and delicate mix of twining bands.
I put it on my neck, and looked over to her to see that her ring was already on her finger. She was twisting it, around and around. Finally, she noticed me looking at her, she looked up, her eyes wet.
“Thank you, Jake,” her voice cracked from emotion, “I love you.”
That settles it.
Jami’s POV
I never wanted to say before that I loved Jake. But everyday I spent with him, I learned something.
The most important?
That I could be in love, and it didn’t need to stay that way. There are two kinds of love. One lasts for such a long time. It’s the one that says “I-want-to-spend-my-entire-life-with-you”. Then there’s another. It’s the one that doesn’t need to last forever. It’s a new experience so that in the end, we’re all ready for the real one.
- by second day sea |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/23/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Broken Promises: Part 3
- Artist: second day sea
- Description: Third part is now here. Don't I write ridiculously fast?
- Date: 10/23/2008
- Tags: broken promises part
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Comments (1 Comments)
- winterwolf212 - 10/23/2008
- wohooo, so this is the ending biggrin
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