• Preface: Birth

    Death, the unknown and indefinite reality to which man desperately tries to evade. It is the end of the long-standing road of life, to which the individual makes peace with the external world and wanders into the abyss. I am writing for this very reason, to make peace with this world and to reconcile my memories. As I remember my past – although hazy as it may be – I remember the days I would play with my siblings or enjoy nature through my family’s garden. However, when I finally saw the world for what it truly was, I realized that there would always be a negative in every positive action. In order to understand these actions, I had to experience what the opposite of my lifestyle was. However, in order for me to explore this, I had to cause the death of my former self and create a lifestyle to which I could be content with.

    Life, the exploration to which man embarks upon to discover their own personal philosophy. It is the journey to define the personal self and using it to define ones role in this vast world. In realizing my true destiny, my purpose for existence, I could finally promote myself to become what others would disapprove. I did not care though, for those very people who live their life in the same orderly manner, never once consider their true inner purpose. I was one who turned away from the road many would have wanted to walk, and from it learn more about myself than I ever would have.

    Lies, the deception man uses to disguise the truth. In striving to achieve the truth, man often loses sight of what his true intentions were. In my journey into becoming the mature individual I had hoped to become, I never once thought to explore what world I was born into. Never once did I consider that I was living in an illusion and that I was kept secret from reality. It was as if I was looking into a mirror, smudged and smeared with dirt, never once wondering what was wrong with my image. It was only after I cleared the grime away that I was finally able to see what my image truly was.

    Truth, the agreement that man makes with fact and reality. It can exemplify being loyal, sincere, or fair to those who will leave an impact on the character you become. The people with whom I am familiar to, have become the people whose ideas and actions shaped the person I am today. In turning away from the lies I once considered to be the truth, I have come to understand the truth in reality. In realizing this perception of reality, I made peace with not only myself, but to those who helped me attain this perception. To understand what message I am trying to convey, what possible truth I wish to convey, is that I am compelled to let my voice become heard. To let it resonate from my heart and my soul, the two items to which I can never part with. And by voicing it from my heart and my soul, I know that I am writing my perception of the truth, the essence of my existence.

    This first chapter is basically written in the format of a memoir. 3/4 of my novel is written in the perspective of a memoir and the other 1/4 is where I change point of view. Hope that clears everything up for those who might be confused.