• Lost
    The sandy beach was full of tourists, vivant with little children playing and people swimming in the water. The sand was bright yellow and the crystal clear blue water was splashing on the shores. The air was filled with a salty water smell and that of cheep food. The sky was lined with very light white fluffy clouds. But what no one notices was a shadow of a humanoid with overly large rectangular shoulders, triangular head, and carrying a rectangular object but with nothing casting the shadow. The shadow was really being casted by a Crisen in armor. He was looking around studying everything and everybody. There seemed to be no traces of his home land just by sight. He turned and saw a man sleeping on the beach. He started to walk towards the man in such a way that he left no foot prints or made any sound. He slowly reached for the man as he got close enough trying to touch him. As soon as he touches the man he went into a spiritual form and started to search through the man’s memories. He saw many things; he saw when the man was born, when he learned how to ride a bike cycle, when he had his first date, when he learned about Pluto which was the 9th celestial object away from their sun, when he went to college, when he got married, and the most advance piece of technology he had ever operated which was a computer. He found no memories of anything that could trace back to the Crisen’s home world. When he got out he looked down at the man.
    (Simple beings) thought the Crisen
    Nod’jeim looked directly into the sun through his video feed trying to remember what had happened to put him on this world. This primitive, un-unified world both in government and in religion, this world that suffers from the hazardous effects of hurtful energy sources, this world that thinks so high and mighty about itself, this world that still suffers from terrorism, this world that will utterly destroy itself if not change in its way.
    Nod’jeim was inside a briefing room listening to instructions from the General of the Genesis army; the general was two meters tall and weighed 75kg. Yet for his weight he had a lot of muscle mass. Only the top authorities know if his Crisen or Genic. He had a history of harsh punishment for those who don’t follow the rules and has the most kills in his life than any other solider. A living retired solider averagely kills only 2,000 people. The General had already killed 4,000 people. The Genesis army was protectors of the Genics and the Crisen species who became allies since they first meet. They not only held military in high respect, they were very religious. The top three priorities in order are; protect, pray, and advance. Their combined government was called the Genesis Empire. Both were referred to as just the Genesis. The Genics and Crisen believe in Elemanstrology, the belief that in the beginning there was nothing, and then the Creator developed. The Creator was the original thinking being. The Creator started to use his powers and entertain himself with simple to complex tricks. He soon became bored with these tricks. He then wanted some company so he created the original Goddesses, and he gave them complete rule over the elements. But over time they became bored and wanted more entertainment. So the planed together and created a way for the big bang to happen. Over time they watched and enjoyed the universe. The Genics became the favorite species of the Goddesses and the Crisen became the favorite species of the Creator. They showed the two species their way, their religion. They also gave them religious abilities called the triads. The triads were divided into three separate groups; soul, life, and death, each containing three powers. They were living proof of their religion because these powers are true and used by all citizen daily. They had a theocracy government to a degree. Their leader wasn’t the religious leader but he did enforce religious laws. These laws were the driving force of the citizens to work harder and advance faster. The General was going over the defense strategy for defending Dup't'vepv Pohj'v a colony world of the Genesis. Dup’t’vepv Pohj’v was a very fertile world, fifty percent land and fifty percent water. It had not one content on it; it was entirely made up of island chains. There are no ice caps and it has even heating all around considering it is in the gravitational pull of four stars all ninety degrees from each others. The atmosphere is made up of a chemical mixture in such a way that it dims the light received from each star just enough for there to be constant night but not enough for the nutrients and heat to stop coming. This was the home world of Nod’jeim. Children join the military at the age of six. They are ether taken because their parents put them in though that is the rarest option, because of their mental mind set, or the most frequent were orphans. Then they were trained physically, mentally, and religiously.
    Nod’jeim was 1.6764 meters tall and weighed 57.5 kilograms. He was wearing the Genesis armor of a Soul Striper. He was a Crisen The Crisen are humanoid with beaks that don’t stick out, fewer thicker hair follicles, and three fingers and toes. It gave 0.1524 meters of armor protection and was completely gold with two white streaks stretching from the top of the head to the toes. The shoulder pads were overly large and were rectangular. The helmet was triangular at the face and round at the back. The top was curved outwards and the two other sides going down curved inwards. In the middle was a video camera to provide the feed for the screen inside the helmet. On both of the shoulder pads were the army’s symbol a tri circle Venn diagram with an eye in the middle section. In the middle of the chest was a black dial that allowed the armor to cloak itself or do many other functions. This was the morphblock the center core of the armor and the wearer. The armor could store itself inside the morphblock to be concealed. The morphblock was attached to the wearer at the age of ten replacing the heart and lungs. Nod’jeim had three hair follicles that was near brown blond and stretched down to his back. In the Crisen culture hair that long was still considered masculine. His skin was slightly tan and his beak was slightly green. His eyes were pure white and his nose slits were in the shape of a K. He was in the military because he was an orphan himself. There were two abnormalities about him; one he had four eyes and two he was a soul striper one of the elite troops of the Genesis army.
    Soul stripers have a weapon called a Soul Rifle that could remove the soul from a living organism or in the case that it is usually used against artificial life. The weapon was rectangular and two meters long. The back end was curved and the handle was actually cut into the gun instead of sticking out. What appeared to be a scope was actually another video camera that linked to the screen inside the helmet. It was pitched black and powered by ¼ pound of carbon in the fifth state of matter.
    The fifth state of matter is highly deadly and powerful at the same time. It exists at least three times at any given moment and its deadly power comes from the way it gives off energy. It gives off energy in the form of an electrical storm equivalent to an atom bomb its size times fifty. It powers all of the Genics’ machines and gives the Soul Rifle its ability to remove souls.
    Nod’jeim was looking at his hand on it was a tattoo of his clan symbol. His clan was the Bicorpus clan and their symbol was a multi colored iris eye with an upside down comma pupil on the left side and a comma pupil on the right side. Their clan is famous for being spies, torturers, and deceivers. The Bicorpus clan were all doppelgangers; they could change into any form possible. They learned this ability from an ancient weapon artifact, Morpheus. A tradition in the clan that no one knows the reason for was that a new born baby was to be tattooed with the clan’s symbol, given the clan’s necklace, and tattooed with a riddle to lead them back to the clan’s temple. Then they were to be abandoned. Around Nod’jeim’s neck was a gold necklace with the same symbol but this one contained carbon in the fifth state of matter or CX inside.
    To Nod’jeim’s left was another Crisen, V’s’z’toez his lifelong friend since they were babies. They meet when Nod’jeim wandered through his home town. He was visiting his grandma and grandpa. He comes and visits his grandparents now and then and Nod’jeim stayed stationary in that town. V’s’z’toez was 1.73736 meters tall and weighed the same as Nod’jeim. All features were the same except he didn’t have two sets of eyes and his hair was shorter, curlier, and black. He was also in the Genesis armor except he was a Canus pilot the highest rank in piloting, which to mark that there was a blue spiral on the face mask. He was from the Gaudium clan. That clan is known for being very cheerful and great when dealing with other people in any situation. They own all the most successful transportation, consumer product, and communication businesses. Their symbol was a purple moon and he had painted that on his armor chest plate. V’s’z’toez leaned over
    (Worrying about failing your family?) Questioned V’s’z’toez.
    (You know it) Responded Nod’jeim
    (Come on man, you’re one of the best there is no way you can fail.) Complained V’s’z’toez
    (Yes there is. There is always a way.) Sarcastically stated Nod’jeim (Don’t get so tense about it. Just relax) Replied V’s’z’toez
    (But this time we are outnumbered.) Complained Nod’jeim
    (We have been out numbered before.) Reassured V’s’z’toez
    (We have but they haven’t.) Retorted Nod’jeim
    (Well if it looks like we are losing you know we can just fall back and prepare Ultimate Extinction.) Responded V’s’z’toez
    (This war has gone on way to long.) Wined Nod’jeim
    (But you know why and that it won’t end until they are extinct or all life is killed.) Explained V’s’z’toez
    (Why won’t the Goddess Impot make another Demigoddess or Demigod of life?) Reasoned Nod’jeim.
    (Because there are certain requirements to becoming the Demigoddess or Demigod of life.) Counter argued V’s’z’toez.
    (But when times are desperate things can change.) Retorted Nod’jeim.
    (But times aren’t desperate and besides in everybody I’ve seen in my life you are the most likely to become the Demigod of life.) Remarked V’s’z’toez.
    (I know. I know every illness, bodily function and culture of over two hundred species. I do everything to preserve life. I worship Impot. But I just need to convert my subconscious into a conscious.) Stated Nod’jeim.
    (But I find it coincidence that all of your life moves revolve around the Demigoddess or Demigod of life.) Remarked V’s’z’toez.
    (True. I have pondered about that myself.) responded Nod’jeim.
    (Hey Sod’jes’f what do you think?)
    To the right of Nod’jeim was Sod’jes’f. Sod’jes’f was also a Crisen. He was a landing crew captain. His team consisted of himself, Nod’jeim, V’s’z’toez, Bed’l, Imobecivj, Xiif, Q’t’zd’ju, and S’zep. V’s’z’toez was the primary pilot for Dla Qaduv and Nod’jeim was the secondary. Sod’jes’f was also friends with Nod’jeim ever since elementary school. They meet during after school activities.
    Sod’jes’f was 1.524 meters tall and weighed forty five kilograms. His hair was brown and stretched to the back of his neck he had only ten hair follicles. His skin was slightly blue and his beak was a darker color. His nose slits were wider at the bottom and narrower at the top. His eyes were pale green and his head comes to a point as it comes to his chin. He was part of the Flamma clan. They were highly industrious people who know how to warp metal and flames. They believe that the flame Goddess’ Hmenne flames will burn all that sin to much even to their own Gods and don’t deserve to live. They also have their own temple.
    Sod’jes’f was wearing Crazonic armor. Crazonic armor is made up completely out of Crazon. Crazon is as powerful as the fifth state of matter but less lethal and rarer. Objects in contact with the substance decay at a rapid rate except for a few substances which is immune to it. If left alone it slowly deteriorates itself. People with Crazonic armor use their body as a ram in close combat and use Crazonic ammo which pierce anything. It looks exactly like normal Genesis armor but bright blue and no camouflage.
    (It does seem kind of coincidental. But just be glad that your one of the top soldiers.) Responded Sod’jes’f.
    (Sod’jes’f how’s your family business doing?) Asked V’s’z’toez.
    (It’s still a top seller in war products but production is slowing down because not too many of the working generation know how to use the flamma Hejzun. But Flames of Death is still number one.) Responded Sod’jes’f.
    (Hmmm… Shop of Joys is still going good because of our sails people. How about yours Nod’jeim?) Inquisitive V’s’z’toez.
    (Universal Hospital is all still number one. But it is still hard to control it if I’m constantly in battle. How about yours Bed’l?) Asked Nod’jeim.
    Bed’l was behind Nod’jeim. He was a Genics from the Rupes clan. Genics’ are humanoid with paler skin, slits for noses, and varying birth marks. The Rupes clan specializes in musical talents. He meet Nod’jeim in the military middle school during sixth grade. He was one meter and seventy-five centimeters tall and was a Genics. He had black Mohawk that stretched down to his neck. His skin was pale red and his eyes were pure blue. There were blue jagged lines starting at his forehead down to his mouth. Around both his wrists were a band of spikes five centimeters long. He was wearing a pair of jeans and with a leg strap pouch, spike vest, spikes leg straps, with skull knee caps that had horns. He was wearing a necklace with the symbol of the Energy Goddess Wohus which was a skull with energy coming out.
    (Devil’s Pick Guitar Shop is selling the top guitars at prices consumers want.) Responded Bed’l.
    (Oye! Do we have a gig after this? That last one felt really weird.) Asked Nod’jeim.
    (Heh. Yeah since one of the peps went berserk and punch you in the morphblock causing the circuits to break and electrocute you) said Sod’jes’f.
    (That wasn’t even the weirdest part. I saw me and the Goddess Impot in the same room. And Impot was dead.) Nod’jeim said solemnly. The group fell silent. The Gods were immortal to the mortals. But the Gods were mortals to other Gods.
    (Di…di…did you tell Impot about it?) Questioned Sod’jes’f.
    (Yeah I did but she thinks very lightly about it) responded Nod’jeim.
    Then all of a sudden the room started to pulse red and every screen displayed the same message (Enemies in proximity. Battle stations) over and over again. Everybody started to sprint to their ships. Nod’jeim headed towards the Sapphire Storm a modified version of the Barracuda Xan. The Barracuda is triangular in shape with a single plasma engine in the center back. On the bottom is anti planetarial core generators providing a lifting effect for levitation. It was equipped with two twin-barrel pulse shuns, long ranged repetitive but weak shuns, one at the tip of both wings.
    The Sapphire Storm had two tri plasma military engines made for fast acceleration and deceleration and one V500 Marker engine made for extreme thrust and then just drifting. At the tip of each wing and the nose of the ship was tri barrel plasma zecs, long ranged and highly damaging in a millimeter diameter hole but only when aim accurately. These were linked to the ships main weapons holder computer so that they always hit the target. The weapons holder computer is a very advanced matter storage. Using it any member of the Genesis army of a TRIK rank or higher can request certain weapons which the computer would manifest. On the bottom in a hexagon shaped patterned are six brigade missile zecs, very powerful missiles accurate to 1.609344 trillion kilometers. These are also linked to the main weapons holder computer. By linking weapons to the computer it gives enemies the illusion of infinite ammunition when really the computer is manifesting more ammunition inside the weapons. In the middle of the zecs is one anti-atomic generator which can provide lift in any environment. The ship was completely sapphire blue.
    V’s’z’toez was heading for the Ruby Rouge wave was a modified Gamma Rifter. The body was a T with all ends bent down. It had two tri plasma stunt engines similar to a military but has more control and a father speed range. It also had a gamma rifter drive which allowed it to create wormholes in space and up to a minute in time. The body was armored in red Crazon. The vehicle had no levitation devise at all. Nod’jeim and V’s’z’toez used their ships on their off time to do stunt shows.
    The ships were as famous as their pilots. V’s’z’toez was famous for being the best pilot on any moving object and his emotions. His ship for a close range and fast melee combat ship. Nod’jeim is famous for a field doctor, ultimate scout, and being loyal to very few. His ship was famous for a drive by shooter and a long range sniper. The ship that houses these ships isn’t just famous for these two ships. It was also famous for housing the Devil’s Trident and the Hurricane. The Devil’s Trident was a ship that was made from scratch. The only classification about this ship in the Genesis Country’s records is that it is a class xan ship. The ship itself literally looks like a red rigged trident. In the crevasse of the spikes were two tri plasma military engines. The bridge was in the middle of the body. The surface of the ship is covered in reloadable harpoon guns that can stretch and fire up to in an instance 80.5 kilometers. Devil’s Trident is designed to pull other ship into it splitting the other ship in two with the spiked nose. The Hurricane was also built from scratch. It was in the shape of a hurricane it had the same engines as the Devil’s Trident positioned next to the bridge which is in the center of the ship. The ship is covered with brigade missiles; they have shorter range than brigade missile zecs.
    The Houser of these ships was the Dla Qaduv a Hammer Head Gunship pxbv. It literally looked like a hammer. The shaft was a EMP cannon infused with plasma. On the other side of the head lined with the shaft was a six chamber plasma military engine. On the left of the head was a platform of military zecs of every kind, if you aim one at a target you aim them all at that target. On the other side was a platform of military missiles with the same situation. The ship was famous for a heavy bombardment, field hospital, heavy transport, torture house, and a storage unit.
    The whole fleet took off in a piercing pattern meant to cut through the middle of any army. Nod’jeim’s ship was near the back of the army. Nod’jeim recalibrated the Sapphire Storm’s targeting system.
    “How many are there this time?” thought Nod’jeim.
    V’s’z’toez’s ship phased out of existence to go ahead to scout. Over the dicon the whole army started to sing the army’s war song.
    “Miv ov ci, miv ov ci miv ov ci, oh Miv ov ci. X’jotqis xus’f ug xot’fun, miv ov ci.” Just then over the dicon V’s’z’toez announced to Nod’jeim and the rest of the platoon
    (Uh… uh guys… yo...you will Nev…never beli...beli...believe this. *loud swallow* it’s not a strike force. It is a… a… a…) Nod’jeim started to stress out.
    (I don’t know how to put it to you guys it is a… a… a… um… its… a… a…)
    (WHAT!? WHAT IS IT!? FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS WHAT IS IT!?) yelled Nod’jeim. V’s’z’toez swallowed loudly again (It is a colonization force.)
    (No, oh Goddess no.)
    As far as the eye can see were just Death Cores. Ships built by the Cresanre to take the dead and the living and turn them into more Cresanre. No one knows what it looks like because it is large and black making it blend with the rest of space. The Cresanre were an undead race of beings. Only one weapon exists to fully kill them and that is the Soul Rifle. They have started the Eradication War, a three way war between the demon worshipers Marake which doesn’t have a précis following species, the undead Cresanre which is any species, and the rest of the universe. The Cresanre was a terrible mistake by the Demi-God of death, Fiev’j. Fiev’j was given the task to take care of the dead, but he became jealous of the rest of the Demi-Gods. So he made the first Cresanre out of a mixture of dead animals. He had the original intention of coming back from the dead himself and leading his army of the undead, but his plans failed for when he died the Cresanre brought him back as one of them.
    All of the commands that were coming from the main dicon halted. All around the ship drifted in shock. Nod’jeim felt faint, as if another force was entering his body. Nod’jeim’s vision became narrowed and everything became a monotony of red. (They came to cause you harm, agony, pain. They came to destroy all that you love, your family, your friends, those you lov… loved. Sorry about that. They should pay, they should be killed!) A demonic voice said to Nod’jeim. Nod’jeim started to recover from this state. Nod’jeim looked at each individual ship. He used the dicon.
    (Can I request that I go to the front of the Army?) requested Nod’jeim
    (Sure go ahead but why?) responded the General.
    (I may be able to take those ships down.) Nod’jeim headed to the head of the army, as he passed the Dla Qaduv he felt for some reason that he will not see it again for a long time. Nod’jeim eyes turned bright blue, and he stretched his arm towards one of the Death Cores and a bright blue flash of light was shot out. The main dicon turned on
    (What did that do?) questioned the commander.
    (Wait for it.)
    (But that did noth…) as the commander said this one of the Death Cores imploded into a black hole.
    (Take care of that black hole! All Soul Stripers open fire on the ships!) Commanded Nod’jeim. All the ships scattered and fired randomly at the enemy ships.
    The battle raged on for a while. The Cresanre manage to advance a little. More Death Cores imploded but many more of the Genesis army was lost. The Sapphire Storm suddenly flashed a bright blue and started to spiral out of control. V’s’z’toez saw this and almost lost control of the Ruby Rouge Wave.
    (Nod’jeim! Arc5 cover me I’m going to perform a Cansisto!) Commanded V’s’z’toez. The Ruby Rouge Wave materialized out of space next to the Sapphire Storm. The boarding pass way extended from the Ruby Rouge Wave and attached to the Sapphire Storm’s bridge.
    (Please don’t die, please don’t die, please don’t die) V’s’z’toez said as he boarded the Sapphire Storm. When V’s’z’toez entered the bridge Nod’jeim was passed out on the dash board, eyes glowing bright blue.
    (s**t he had over dosed his life ability’s.) V’s’z’toez took out a cattle prod and electrocuted Nod’jeim. Nod’jeim was startled and lost control.
    (Nod’jeim get it together and drive this ship.) Over the dicon Arc5 reported.
    (sirs fifty Death Hunters closing in.) V’s’z’toez looked out the window, became bewildered, and headed back to his ship.
    (Were ok Arc5, you get out of here.) The Arc5 flew away will the Ruby Rouge Wave and Sapphire Storm open fire on the swarm on Death Hunters. The fighting group of ships started to fly in a different direction and out of sight. Three hours into the fight the Ruby Rouge Wave was shot down. The ship burnt down into a crumple mess.
    (V’S’Z’TOEZ!) Nod’jeim shouted over the dicon. Nothing came back. (Unit down! Unit down!) Still nothing came back. The swarm passed a deep red world. A whole squad of Demon Space Destroyers came out and followed the swarm. Nod’jeim started to panic. (No this can’t be happening. No. No! NO! NO! NO!) The Sapphire Storm suddenly turned pure black; the surface was cracking with red light. All the weapons seemed to become more demonic stronger and faster. All of the weapons open fire on the Demon Space Destroyer and destroyed all of them. The Death Hunters became scared and increased in agility. The fight went on for five days. By then only five Death Hunters were left. They were orbiting a lush blue planet. The Sapphire Storm let out a wailing cry that obliterated four of the five Death Hunters, while the fifth one dodge the pulse. The fifth Death Hunter shoot out the Sapphire Storms engines. The Sapphire Storms controlled panel displayed that all three engines were compromised and how to fix them. Nod’jeim ground (That doesn’t help right know) Nod’jeim’s voice add a deeper resignation to it. Nod’jeim shot another flash of blue light at the last Death Hunter. The driver was killed and the Death Hunter started to fall with the Sapphire Storm towards the lush blue planet.
    As the Sapphire Storm fell Nod’jeim noticed that the atmosphere had high traces of carbon dioxide. He also noticed that the planet glowed with artificial light. The Sapphire Storm started to skip across the water, then over a beach and crashed deep into the forest nearby. The Sapphire Storm reverted back to normal. Nod’jeim climbed out of the Sapphire Storm. He started to look around him and then bawled. Sobbingly he said
    (I’ve damned this planet. I’ve damned it, I’ve damned it, I’ve damned it. I may have killed the pilot, I may have, I… I… may have killed the pilot but the gunner is still alive and can send… send… send out signals.) After a while of sobbing Nod’jeim activated the armor’s camouflage and started to walk towards the water. The forest had a lot of tropical plants. It made Nod’jeim feel a little bit at home. The beach was barren but left tracts of life. The water was crystal clear and very calm. Nod’jeim started to sing one of the religious songs of the military.
    “Epf xisi v’ji kuaspz nez mief ni miv zuas q’sezist ci n’z haofi. O dep puv t’vez jisi n’z genomz cav O xomm sinincis n’z q’sofi. Q’sofi mepf, n’z mepf, vies t’veopif, f'soif mepf.”
    Nod’jeim started to look around again. The civilians were very lay back.
    (Playing safe and hidden will not cut it now. I got to let them know I’m here right here right now.) decided Nod’jeim. Nod’jeim turned off his armor’s camouflage; the surrounding residence had mixed emotions. Some were scared and ran instantly, some were impressed and intrigued by the appearance, some were not affected at all. Nod’jeim looked around but said nothing. Eventually one small child walked up to Nod’jeim. She was small only up to Nod’jeim’s waist with a teddy bear, one piece swim suit, and short brown hair.
    “Hello gold man what’s your name?” asked the child.
    “Jimmux t’nemm d’jomf, n’z peno ot Nod’jeim. Fu zua l’pux epz’v’joph ecuav v’jo Hipod't?” responded Nod’jeim.
    “Gold man speak funny.” Nod’jeim shrugged and grab the child by the arm and held her in the air. The oceans water came up and formed a wall around Nod’jeim and the small child.
    “Mommy! Mommy! Help! Mommy!” screamed the child. As the child started to sob the local inhabitants were calling on their phones or trying to break through the water wall.
    “My baby! Some one save my baby!” shouted one woman.
    “Hey you give her back! You hear me!? Let her go!” the civilians continued to shout their cries of displeasure. Nod’jeim just stared back at them and let go of the girl. The water wall droped and the girl went back to her mother.
    “I am sorry for doing that to the child but I had to learn your language immediately and that is how I learn languages. I will do anything to redeem myself.” The surrounding civilians were shocked that he could have responded in their language.
    “How about dying?” said a feminine voice but before Nod’jeim could have turn around a plant blade was rammed through his stomach. Nod’jeim winced.
    “Why are you here scum?” asked the voice again shoving the sword deeper.
    “Shot down. Cresanre here.” Stated Nod’jeim. Nod’jeim then turned his head completely around. Behind him was a teenage girl. She had medium length pink hair, and she was wearing a mechanics suit. Growing from here arm was the blade that was currently in Nod’jeim.
    “Well now I don’t care because I’m going to kill you right here right now.” Then the girl began moving the blade towards Nod’jeim’s morphblock. The movement was abruptly stopped five inches from the morphblock. “What?” the girl repetivly tried to move the blade father up but was not successful. Nod’jeim’s limbs turned around and he grabed the girl by her right shoulder. Nod’jeim held her in the air.
    “Were is your father?”
    “I’ll never…”
    “Were is your father!?”
    “I said I’ll nev…”
    Then an elderly man came panting down the beach.
    “Elisa! Elisa please don’t… oh no!”
    “Are you this child’s father?”
    “Yes I am and yes I know she has breached GCMC17. Please can we talk about what you want some were else?”
    “No. What I want is simple. One teach your daughter respect. Two what is the currency, and how do I obtain it?”
    “That simple?”
    “My answer?”
    “Oh yeah. Um… our currency is the dollar and it is attained through services or selling goods.”
    “And in my condition?”
    “Uh… Uh… the army…”
    “The FBI, CIA, local police.”
    “Mmm…” in the distance cars with sirens were coming. “If they take me I’m bringing you two with me.” The sirens drew closer.
    “What!? Why!?”
    “I still need to question you two.” The cars surrounded the three of them and a couple of officers came out.
    “Under direct orders from the US FBI we are ordered to bring you with us for questioning.”
    “About what?”
    “Your people.”
    “Then you might want to bring them two too. They seem to know something about my people.”