The headstone read “Here lies Lilith Wilson, Age 18, 1701-1719”
I knelt down and traced the engraved lettering with the tips of my fingers, “It all happened so fast,” I whispered.
A bitter breeze arose from the North. The fall colored leaves flew up and circled around me. I sighed and looked around at the other grave stones. A few yards behind me, some kids wearing their Halloween costumes were standing by the iron gate, watching me. As soon as they saw me looking at them, they ran.
I chuckled lightly to myself and slowly stood up. I put the hood of my cloak over my dull black hair and pale face. I then walked to the gate. I looked both ways down the side walk through the iron bars. I wrapped my dark brown cloak tightly around my body. I pushed opened the rusty Iron Gate. It slowly creaked open. I walked through, heading right.
“Halloween is the only time that I seem to fit in”, I though to myself. I looked down at the leave covered sidewalk as I walked. A cold breeze filled the air. I herd foot steps running towards me. I looked up, the bright light from the setting sun shone in my eyes.
“Hey, Lily”, a voice shouted a figure from the distance. “Where have you been all day?”
“Around”, I said. I crossed my arms and waited for the figure to catch up.
“Blake has been looking for you,” said a girl with long wavy blond hair. She was wearing a black corset and black skirt.
“Katharine, I told him where I was. I swear, he’s so stupid”, I said forcefully.
Light foot steps came from behind me. I felt a gentle touch brush against my arm. Then I felt arms wrap around me. “Do you know what today is?”
I turned around and forced a smile. He pulled back my hood and kissed my cheek. “Our 215th anniversary, and the day you embraced me.”
Katharine sighed, “I can’t see how two people can stay together for that long.”
“Me neighed,” I said under my breath.
A car drove by filled with the local high school jocks, “Hey, look it’s the looser couple, and the third wheel,” one of them yelled through the window.
I glared at them as they passed.
“Can we please kill all the humans now?” Katharine asked.
“Not yet. It will all come in good time,” Blake said softly still holding me. As he smiled, his fangs showed a little.
“Careful there vamp boy, don’t wanna blow our secret,” I taunted stepping at backwards toward Katharine, smiling so that my fangs were showing as well.
Blake smiled slightly, “Yeah that would be bad.”
“Aw, come on you guys, it’s Halloween, no one will notice,” Katharine said.
“Ha, she’s right,” Blake said looking around at all the kids in costumes running around.
I chuckled silently to myself and gently shook my head. “Tonight would be a great time to do it, but since you are our sire, then I guess that makes you the boss,” I said sarcastically.
“Lily,” Blake sighed as he was hugging me.
I felt something stab me in the gut. I looked up behind Blake. Standing there was a man in a white hockey mask with a sword through both me and Blake.
Blake turned around, ripping the sword out of me. The man’s eyes widen, he then ran away. Blake smiled in amusement. “I’ll meet you guys back home.” He then continued walking, as if nothing had happened. As if he had not even seen me.
I put my hood back on and followed a few feet behind. As I was walking I was thinking, “I have always been afraid to die. Afraid of what lied after death, beyond the final resting place, but now after 215 years of living, you begin to get sick and tired of the mortal way of life. I am damned; damned to walk the Earth for eternity, damned to this planet, this planet in which we have found out to be is in fact Hell, damned to this world. This world in which you have to watch everyone you know around you suffer and eventually die, but now, I look foreword to death. The only problem with that is, I can’t die and it’s all because of Blake, all because I was foolish enough to fall in love with a vampire.” I stopped for a quick second. “He was foolish enough to fall in love with me. How can the damned care so much for another and not fall in love with someone else?” I shook my head and continued walking.
Blake looked back at me and smiled, he quickly looked forward again.
“He has his own unique way of expressing his feelings. I don’t think he knows how though.” I thought to myself. I looked back and saw Katharine skipping closely behind me, humming loudly, “Kat, remind me again why Blake turned you.”
Katharine giggled, “Because he thought we were going to be best friends and that he didn’t want me to die on you.”
I forced a smile and looked at the ground. I didn’t see Blake stop, so I ran into him.
“Shh, don’t move.” Blake said continuing to looking straight ahead.
“What’s going on?” Katharine asked looking around.
“Shh,” Blake and I said at the same time.
“Tempus die eo Blake,” a deep voice said. It seemed as if it was coming from everywhere but nowhere.
Katharine hid behind me. “Who,” she began to shout.
I quickly covered her mouth so she couldn’t speak.
“You are scared, Lily, scared of what he’ll think what he’ll do to you, mentally, physically, and emotionally. You love him, but you are afraid. Afraid of him, afraid living your own life. Show him you are not afraid,” a voice echoed inside my head.
“I’m sure that the only one that will be dieing here is you,” I said stepping in front of Blake.
Laughter sounded from all around. “You, what could a girl like you do to me?” he said with a Scottish accent.
“I could rock your world,” I paused and looked around, “If you show yourself.”
“Lily, no,” Blake said trying to push me back.
“Blake, stop.” I said forcefully, “I can handle this myself, if I need help, I’ll ask for it.”
“Aw, looks like the little girl is finally standing up for herself,” the voice taunted.
“Well, I would defiantly be if someone wouldn’t be such a coward and show himself.
“Lily, this is suicide,” Blake said in an angry but worried tone.
I reached under my cloak and pulled out a dagger. “Now, now, don’t be scared, I will make your death quick and painless.” I said completely ignoring what Blake had said.
Laughter came from the voice again. A bitter gust of wind came from the North. Everything went silent, and pure as if a weight was lifted.
“Well, he’s gone,” Blake said in annoyance.
“Let’s go home,” Katharine said.
“Yeah, let’s,” Blake said glairing at me.
“He gets mad at you for everything you do, mo matter how hard you try to make him happy,” the same voice echoed through my head as before.
Our home was an old apartment building that should be abandon, but unfortunately its not. Most all the slums in this town lives here.
Blake grabbed my arm and threw my against the wall so hard that pictures fell to the ground. “What the Hell were you thinking?” Blake yelled. His face was only centimeters away from mine.
“I’ll… just be in my room,” Katharine said slowly backing up into her room.
“You can’t stop me from being who I am.” I said starring back without flinching.
“You could have gotten us killed,” he replayed.
I rolled my eyes, sighed heavily and smiled evilly, “Blake,” I said calmly, “I’m not your slave, I’m your girl friend, your love for all eternity.”
He gripped my arm tighter, digging his nails into my skin. Blood slowly dripped down my arm onto the floor. He opened his mouth, but words refused to come out. He slowly released his grip and sighed lightly. “It’s getting dark, the moment is right to hunt.” Blake looked out the tinted sitting room window. “Kat, time to go,” he shouted walking out the door.
“Time to take over the human race?” Katharine asked.
“The day will come soon. Come, my love,” Blake said with a smile holding his hand out for me.
I never fully understood him. The way he’s mad one minute and he’s happy the next, baffles me. I took his hand and smiled back, looking deep into his ice blue eyes.

- Title: The Vampire Story
- Artist: spellfire
- Description: I started writing this in a writing class... i decided to continue it....its still not 100% finished
- Date: 09/07/2008
- Tags: vampire story evil
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Comments (5 Comments)
- Fayne Darkness - 06/01/2009
- Awesomeness!!! Loved it! Omg Please Tell Me When The Next One Is Out This One Was Superfantasticawesomecooloutofthisworldsweetbeyondbelief!
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- Xxblack_emo_teddyxX - 01/08/2009
- nice vey detailish LOVE IT!
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- A fire on the snow - 12/30/2008
- ohh, more!!! It reminds me of Twilight lol
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- To Remember A Day - 09/07/2008
- I really loved it and you are a great writer...i do like vampre stories!
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- devine_preistess31 - 09/07/2008
- i really like it. i love vampires. i hope you will keep wrighting
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