blues great adventure part one
one dark cold night waterboyblue sat awake in his bed.
he looked around for something to sooth himself to sleep.
but the search was relentless his guinea pig started screaming at him.
you see it was very hungry for some lettuce.
then blue got up and went to the bedroom door.
he slowly creaked it open not to wake his parents.
he saw his regular kitchen but when he stepped in there...flash! a bright light blinded him for a few moments.
sudenly the temperature dropped to 57 degrees he was freezing his a** off.
thinking what the hell.
when he regained eyesite he looked around........
this wasn't his house this wasn't his town or even his world he had never seen plants like that before.
purple fruit at the end of a giant vine, green flowers with blue grass, orange trees but theres no way it was fall.
it was crazy how did he get there more importantly how will he get back.
none of these questions would be answered any time soon so he set off walking strait west.
he didn't know that though...after hours of walking blue looked up...the sun hadn't moved at all.
the temperature raised slightly and the trees were now red.
he reached a clearing in the forest with a small hut up a tree.
so he climbed up there and the door flung open pushing him over the edge.
he fell and cracked his toes with the hard landing.
the strange old man leaped from the tree and sliced blue with a sharp stick across the face.
blue rolled back and kicked it out of his hand.
the man yelled.
wo wo wo i don't think you should be here.
why did you attack me blue yelled!
your trespassing i could easily kill you. explained the man.
i don't care about that anymore whatever just tell me how to get out of here.
keep going in the direction you were the man said less than a mile to go now.
blue blasted though the woods at full speed darting ahead he jumped right at the end.
and looked nowhere but down... or up?
he was either falling or flying but there was nothing in site accept a big tree he was headed strait for!!!
crack smash his face slapped the tree full speed and holy s**t it hurt.
blood rushed all over floating in mid air.
he started falling sideways and landed on the grass a man came up to him and said.
i am sorry you startled me when you climbed my tree i hit you with my door.
what the hell exclaimed blue he was back in the clearing he ran west to the end of the woods again.
but this time he was at a beach damn there were a ton of hot chicks.
all over the place he felt like he was in paradise.
until a giant monster showed up and attacked the beach it had three giant eyes lots of fur and walked on two legs with the sharpest claws blue had ever seen!!!!!!!.....
he knew he was the one who had to kill it......................................................................
if you would like me to continue this tell me to in comments
blues great adventure part one
if you would like me to continue this tell me to in comments
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