Hello everyone my name is John Mcgrab I work for the New York New York Police Department..its year 2015 an im 22.I live alone.An heres my story..so one day i was off work an i was sitting in a dinner about 5 blocks from the work station..i was sipping on a roman coke an watching a baseball game at the corner of my eye.I was hearing chats on this new dises that was spread by rats in town.2 men where talking about it.one looked like a biker an the other was a dude in a black tux.They kept saying that these diseases made people blind an not able to talk or walk.I havent heard anything about this in the work place."Do you think they will find a cure"? the tux dude said. "i dont know anymore the mayor is thinking of going on air an telling the town but i dont have any clue!" the biker guy replied."well if this diease gets any worser im moving back to Texas with my cuzin" the tux guy said."i do think its best to leave out of town,well im on my way to Canada for Holiday an to get away from this madness..i shall see you later my friend."the biker said an walked away with his heavy boots hitting the wood floor an out the door.The tux guy sat at the bar 2 seats from me an i stood quiet looking at my drink."bartender can you get me some coffie with a lil vodka poured in?" the bartender replied "comign right up".I sat there sipping my drink an listening to the baseball game with the bat swinging an hitting the ball."here you go sir" the bartender put the coffie cup on the table."thank you kind sir" the man gave the bartender a 20 doller bill "keep the change"..he took a sip an breathed out relaxed "wow this realy refreshens me when im teanse" i could tell he was trying to start up a convo with me.i said in a quiet voice "i just like my plain black coffie when im tense".The man replied "wel somtimes i need a buz to keep me going,it helps alot somtimes".i kept quiet an the man started up again."so have you heard about the rats an this HUGE diease going thru town?",i replied "no i have not an im kinda surprised i havent heard about it",the tux guy says "i wonder not why not its been on the news quite a few times,the say one man went beserk an bit a officer in the neck an the officer bled to death".i suddenly got a flashback an the officers picture flashed before my eyes."did you catch the officers name?",the tux guy replied "i think it was officer stewart jaufree" my eyes went blank an i slamed my fist on the table,i relized that i couldent remeber what happend in the past week or two but i had suden flashes of the dead officer,the news,an those awful looking rats.I put 14 dollers on the table an burst out of the bar.i suddenly got more flashbacks of this virus an all the news channels,i got in my police car an headed back to the station,on my way i went thru a side street an heard 2 gun shots in a big black house.i parked my car an ran into the house with my gun drawn.i looked in the kitchen an then the front room,i headed upstairs an i heard a thump on the ground i waked faster to teh back of the upstiars an i saw someones shadow standing over a body.i looked down at the body an saw a man with his adam apple biten out.i looked up an saw a woman with grey an pale skin with pure white eyes ripped clothes an blood driping from her mouth,i pointed my gun "mam put ur hands up im from the police department downtown" the women looked up an stuck her hands out an waked slowly towards me making me step back "mam if you get any closer i have athority to shoot" the woman waked at the same pace like she did not hear me an i asid in a clear strong loud voice "MAM DONT WALK ANY CLOSER OR I WILL SHOOT" the woman kept walking like nothing!I shot 5 bullets the first 3 going in her chest one in her leg an one striaght in the head an she tumbled on her back.I waked closer holding me gun out still,i cheked the womans pulse an there was no heart beat.i thought to myself,what the hell is going on in this town,i suddenly heard somthing get up an wak about 2 steps so i looked back an there was the man with the eatin out throat walking towards me with white eyes.I took out my gun an shot 2 times until it cliked telling me it was out so i took out another clip an accidently droped it an it went inbetween the zombies leg.I looked up an took out my knife an tripped the man on his back after dodging his swinging arms.i quikly rushed an grabed the clip an put in my gun an cocked the gun an shat rapidly at the man shooting him once in the throat an once in the head an he layed theyr with no movement.i examined the rest of the house an took out my walkie talkie an heard screaming an gun shooting an i ehard a familar voice scream "THIS IS A CODE 4 WE NEED OFFICERS DOWN IN THE DEPARTMENT NOW!THERE ARE PEOPLE GOING CRAZY DOWN HERE WE NEED OFFICERS!"then i heard the voice scream to his death.i quikly ran downstairs an outside an i saw pale white eyed ppl attacking the normal citizens an getting bittin into.I quikly got in my police car an headed to the department an headed in,i saw 4 officers in the cells an those pale creatures trying to reach out to get a nibbel of there flesh.I saw a shotgun on the front desk an grabed it cocked it an yelled "stand back officers" they quikly backed up an i shot widely into those things backks an into there heads an all of them fell to the floor.I ran over to the cell an unlocked it. an i said "what the hell is going on around here!?" one of the officers said "its the virus it made them undead its like resident evil in real!i need to get out of here" the officer ran an shoved me runing out screaming an i heard him scream to his death once he got outside.i ran to the door an put some empty shotguns on the door handles an the other sane oficers helped me push desks to the door."now one of you tell me whats going on" the youngest looking officer said "its the work from them scientists an theyr dam rats,those things bit into one of us sane people an turned them into this.an it has spread widly" i stood in shock an said "well does any of you know where there so called scientists live? if so i need to know right NOW" the bald older officer told us "they live about a 5 mintue drive from here" i reply "well men get saddled up we need to find the maker of these beasts" all the officers said at once "YES SIR" an they ran off in diffrent directions grabing amo an protection."we dont have much time you need to move faster" i heard hard pounding on the main door.the men all came back in ammo.ok now i want 2 of u to get out shotguns an when the other 2 open taht door blow anything that wants to come in out an away!" they all said "yes sir" 2 of the officers got on each side of the desks an slowly moved them each away from the door an wehn they got to the last one that was put up on its side the 2 officers with the shotguns gulped an i noded yes an they moved it away an about 10 of those pale creatures barged in an the 2 officers an myself backed away.....to be continued....
- by wanabemoshey |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/23/2008 |
- Skip

Comments (5 Comments)
- demon strait outta_hell - 01/26/2009
to teh... to the?
MAM DONT... Its spelled Ma'am
horrible formatting.
Barely any use of imagery
To many misspelled words
Not a single capitalized 'I'
All in all, its an epic fail.
Next time try to PROOF READ before you enter it.
Its awful. It has potential to be a good story. But your writing sounds like you just puked it out, and didn't care where it landed.
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- demon strait outta_hell - 01/26/2009
'roman coke' Rum and Coke?
Please put spaces between paragraphs.
Please put spaces between periods and next words!
'realy refreshens' really refreshes?
somtimes".i kept... sometimes." I kept...?
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- DecannulateLizzy - 01/04/2009
- I agree with McFeegle, paragraphs would make this much more readable...
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- Mcfeegle - 01/03/2009
- Please, please, please use paragraphs. Nobody wants to read a huge block of text. People will be much more willing to read your story if you have paragraphs. Also, type out the full name of numbers instead of using the numbers themselves, and watch out for typos. You have a plethora of typos.
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- NostalgicAtBest - 08/23/2008
- crap dis is scary...
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