A scream of agony is heard from a distant ally as the sun makes its last look over the horizon vanishing until the next day. This scream falls on the deaf ears of New York, even though it was the city that never sleeps it was also the city that could care less. New York was a haven for a special select few, people like to call these few vampires. This city was perfect for the very reason that people employed the simplest way for them to hide on their own. The people simply looked past the disappearances and paid no attention to the distant scream in the night; everything was simply written off as somebody else’s problem. This scream however was even less noticeable than most, this scream came not from an innocent person, but from a seasoned killer who simply picked the wrong target for the night.
“W-what do you want?” the killer stammered as he stumbled backward tripping and falling on his back over a mound of waist that had been thrown out that very evening for pickup. “If you’re going to attack me like this at least you can do it like a man and show your face!” anger begins to spread across the killers tough face, but at the same time is dark eyes show fear to what he might be facing. Hi sank is hands into the pockets of his jeans and then into the leather jacket struggling at first because if it being unzipped. Finding nothing he pulled at his long shaggy hair in frustration reaching down grabbing a glass bottle and hurling it into the shadows.
From the darkness a voice replied as if a snake where speaking, “Now I find it hard to imagine that a person such as you would know anything about fighting like a man.” The voice laughed mocking the man stumbling around. “You’ve killed more innocent people than I care to count and we are simply ridding you filth from our streets.” The voice took on a different tone sounding gentler, without losing any of its force. “You are the scum of the street and we shall deal with you as such.”
The killer’s face drained of color at these words as he clumsily found his feet. “What do you know of what I do? Who are you?!” He demanded “And what do you mean by ‘we’?” The killers eyes darted from shadow to shadow trying to catch a glimpse at his attacker. Until finally out of the corner of his eye a face immerge from the shadows revealing a pail feminine figure with shoulder length crimson hair and brilliant blue eyes fixed on her pray with an expression of excitement on her face as slowly she walked out her slender body coming into view. Her long coat seemed to flow behind her even though there was no breeze under the coat a skull shown its tongue hanging out only adding more insult to the killer to be so afraid of such a person, and at her waist she was a belt which held a series of sheaths each with their own individual knife tucked neatly inside.
The woman’s eyes flashed over the killer shoulder as she exclaimed with excitement “There you are Erebus! Where did you go?!” Her attention turned from the killer to Erebus walking through the man to him knocking the killer into a pile of garbage with no more difficulty than one might have toppling a stack of empty boxes.
Erebus’s face seemed paler than normal as he spoke to her “Anstice, I saw some opportunity for fun and didn’t want to mess up your stalking so I slipped off.” His emerald eyes show a look of worry as she advanced on him, he scratched at his short spiked hair as his soft features show his worry all to clearly as she stopped in front of him grabbing his long pea coat Revealing the hilt of his sword which hung at his side as she stared him down.
“You where supposed to fallow me lead on the one.” She wined, “You always do this, every time I pick a target you always find a way to go off and do your own thing.
“No.”She cut him off, “I want to feel more important here. Why won’t you let me be the one to call the shot just once.” She said stomping at the ground.
“Anstice, can we do this some other time when we don’t have a known killer to deal with?” Erebus exclaimed leading Anstice a bit further back so they were out of earshot to the killer who trying to find his feet again.
She rolled her eyes and threw her hands into the air, “Oh I’m sure you’d like that just get my mind off of things with a bit of playful killing.” She said annoyed. “You can never talk these things out so You always have to be right.”
Pacing to the side throwing his arms out in exclamation, “Oh! So it’s my entire fault. Well maybe if you kept things interesting when we here out for a hunt I wouldn’t go off and prowl on my own.” He stated. “Maybe if you didn’t have to fallow a guy for a week before making a move it wouldn’t happen so much.” The killer was how on his feet looking around for a moment before jumping at a latter from a fire escape trying to pull himself up.
“Oh sure, make me out to be the ba-“
“Who are you people?!” The killer cut her off as he pulled himself up thinking his escape was well in reach as he pulled the latter up.
“Shut it!” Yelling unison, Erebus and Anstices’ attention being brought back on the killer.
Erebus runs his fingers through his hair as he asked “How have you managed to last so long anyway? You would have probably made it out if you didn’t run your mouth.” looking slightly frustrated Leaps onto the fire escape next to the killer.
Stumbling over his words, “Well… Ummm… I was going to… I mean I had no intentions of…” He looked at the ground for a moment mumbling to himself, before he returned his attention to Erebus. “H-how did you do that?” He franticly looked around until his eye fell again on Erebus, Who grabbed him throwing him back into the alley. A look of confusion spread across the killers rough face as he crawled out of the garbage he landed in.
Looking around he stammered “W-where did that w-woman go?!”
“Honestly how are you a successful killer?” Erebus let out a short laugh clapping his hands together to applaud to the stupidity of their victim. “You really aren’t too bright are you?” Erebus jumped out of the fire escape landing in front of the killer causing him to stumble back being caught by Anstices’ arms.
The killer tried his hardest to scream but could not find his voice when he saw Anstices’ teeth closing in on him, draining his life away. His body going limp only being held up by Anstice herself as she drained if of every drop he had to offer, the light fading from the killers eyes. Finishing she released the body letting it fall to the ground, wiping her face clean of the crimson liquid.
Looking slightly appalled Erebus shouted, “Hey! What about me? Don’t you think that I might have wanted a bit too?!” he turned away in discus “No manners, no manners at all.”
“Well you said you went off to have some fun of your own, so I assumed.” She said smugly, “Maybe next time you won’t run off.”
Erebus kicked a can down the alley way exclaiming “Well I didn’t and now I’m hungry, and we need to find another prowler. I hate doing the boring old blood transfusion thing. I need the feel of the hunt.” He rubbed at his temples “And we still have to dispose of this body. You’re just lucky I’m only five-hundred-sixty-three. I couldn’t do without a meal as long if I wasn’t so young.” Anstice just watched with a smirk as he paced “Let’s get it done and over with,” He sighed, “Let’s get him to the sewers and let the gators finish what’s left of him.”
Anstice tossed the body at Erebus as if it were a rag doll “Well you can be a gentleman and carry my things for me.”She laughed at him. “Besides like you said you’re still young.”
Unwillingly Erebus tossed the corps over his shoulder “Ooooo… you’re a whole fifty years older than me. Your getting to be such an old woman.” He said sarcastically. As he jumped effortlessly to the fire escape catching the side with his free hand and leaping to the roof top of the opposite building with ease. “Well, what are you waiting for?”He shouted down to Anstice.
“I’m waiting for you.” She shouted from behind him
He turned around seeing her on the next roof top waiting, “Who are you showing off for?” he asked catching up to her in a single leap.
“I’m just having some fun.” She said mocking him “If you can, why can’t I?”
He rolled his eyes “Well next time you pick a target so far away from out dump site you can carry him.” He said as he adjusted the corps on his shoulder taking off into the night.
They finally reached their destination in yet another dark alley way, this one only slightly darker than the rest had single garbage bin at the far end. Landing silently both Erebus and Anstice make their way to the bin.
“Care to do the honors?” Erebus asked motioning to the garbage bin. “After all I did carry the body.”
Anstice move to the bin placing her hand on it and moving It to the side as it weighed nothing more than a feather, then picking up the sewer cover as if it were a dinner plate revealing a set of spiraled stairs, which is obviously not a normal thing to find under a sewer cover Erebus made his way down the stairs being closely followed by Anstice who replaced the sewer’s cover. They made their way down into the abyss that was a New York sewer. Reaching the bottom Anstice lit a torch that was conveniently place revealing this to be no ordinary sewer, if you could call it that anymore. The aria looked like a large cathedral with high ceilings, and gothic arches. Throughout the room there were couches and chairs different arias with small semi circles of furniture, all arranged it if might be a club of some sort.
Erebus let out a long sigh as he looked around “Home sweet home.” He exclaimed walking to the far end of the room where he opened a door and tossing the body in, a distant splash being heard. Turning his attention back to Anstice, “You know what?” he asked.
“We have been living in here for what… the last hundred years ago right? Why haven’t we ever run some electricity down here?” He looked around the room all the torches now lit. “I mean how hard could it be?”
Anstice looked slightly annoyed “You always want something don’t you? Why can’t you just be content with what we have?” He said as she walked further into the room plopping herself down on a couch.
“Well why shouldn’t I? I’m an immortal being and well I have needs, Like HBO and MTV. A person now a day’s can’t survive without that.” He exclaimed as he lay back in a chair.
Sitting up and looking truly annoyed now Anstice shouted “What are you talking about? You’ve lived over five hundred years without any of those things.”
He scratched his head thinking for a moment. “Well that may be true but, they didn’t exist back then so I had to do without. Now they do exist and I don’t have to do without.” A huge grin spread across his face knowing very well how much he was getting on Anstices nerves.
Anstice kick a couch sending it flying at Erebus who barely managed to jump out of the way, landing silently on his feet as the couch crashed into the wall. “Hay! “ He exclaimed as he looked at where the couch lay now in shambles. “That was a bit uncalled for.”
Anstice simply laughed saying “Well you’re annoying, and I had to get you up somehow. I thought you wanted to eat not complain.”
“Well I’m fully capable of doing both, thank you.” He explained.
She simply shook her head as she moved to the stairs. “Well let’s get going already, it’s getting early.” She started her way up the stairs.
“I guess so I hate those transfusions.” Erebus said in disgust as he followed her.
Covering their home again with the garbage bin both Anstice and Erebus sent off to find another victim, prowling the streets ducking in and out of alley ways hoping for another unsuspecting victim. Close to being only a few hours from dawn they finally spot a target in the act of a kill of his very own. There target was a tall taller than most people that you might find walking the streets these days, his hulking figure almost completely hiding his victim that he was brutally destroying. The Man wore a long coat and a large hat preventing any true any good view of what he truly looked like.
Erebus and Anstice could do nothing at first but watch the brutally of this figure in the alley. Cautiously they both made their way down to the side of the building until they were at street level hiding in the shadows. Neither of them could make out the face of the man yet, but Erebus now stepped out boldly thinking of the man as no more than a common killer.
“How’s it going?” Erebus said casually.
The figure simply dropped the corps that he had mutilated and nothing more, it didn’t speak or even give him a glace. All it did was stair forward ignoring what Erebus had said.
“Hello?” Erebus pushed in a slightly arrogant tone. “Is anybody home?” Growing slightly annoyed, and moving closer it. “Now didn’t your mother ever teach you any manors? When someone greats you you’re supposed to return the favor.” The thing did not reply it still stood and stared in the same direction. Erebus couldn’t take it any longer he move right up to the thing grabbing its shoulder. “Now you listen to me your going to… to…” Erebus’s voice trailed off as he got a glimpse of its face. This so called man if you could insult it by calling it that had deep empty eyes his face was neatly trimmed in to a go tee and his rough and leathery skin wrinkled as a smile spread across his face revealing rows of sharp serrated teeth looking down his hooked nose at Erebus.
As if Erebus weighed nothing at all the Man flicked him from his side with a single swift motion sending Erebus flying into a garbage bin severely crushing it in. Erebus sat in awe as the figure moved to him. “This is the end of days for your type.” It spoke in a booming voice, “I will eradicate all of your kind so that mine will have rule over the streets.” It paused for a second looking down at Erebus. “I am Deo, and I will be the end of you.”
Erebus’s eyes widened as the creature that called himself Deo spoke. Finding his words He finally managed to speak. “Wait a moment, did you say Deo? As in the Greek word for godlike?” Erebus got up wiping himself off saying in an annoyed tone, “What’s with people stealing my Greek name idea?! I mean one was bad enough but now you to? That’s supposed to be my thing and now everyone is taking the idea.” Erebus kicked at the ground. “Just because you think you’re a god because of how big, dark, and scary you are doesn’t mean you had to use a Greek name. Why not use Latin or anything else?” he exclaimed throwing his arms out in protest.
Deo sneered at him; no one had ever dared to speak this way to him in all his years. Deo’s eyes seemed to blaze with rage clenching his ready to strike; Erebus paying no attention as he continued to rant on about how appalling it was that there where now two people he knew that used Greek names. Erebus finally paced his way back comes into range where Deo swings at him full force. Erebus narrowly dodges the throw as Deo’s fist demolishes a good portion of brick wall behind him.
“Whoa! What was that fore?!”Erebus exclaimed. “Here I am opening up to you and you try to hit me?” Deo momentarily has his fist stuck in the piping on the other side of the wall giving Erebus just the right amount of time to get a safe distance before Deo rips his hand free letting out a loud roar.
“You know you should take some anger management. That may be why nobody likes you…” Erebus said smoothly as Deo rounded on him throwing more punches each barely missing Erebus. “You know what if you don’t chill out your going to hurt yourself, or another innocent wall.” He said glancing over for a moment seeing the damage.
“Hold still you insolent fool!”Deo roared at him, “Let me get a hold of you so I can end this quickly, that way I can carry on with my work.”
“Well now that just sounds selfish.” Erebus mocked “You don’t care at all what I think in this matter. I’d really rather live.” He said as he dodged a few more punches from Deo. “But if you insist we fight I don’t think this will turn out well for you.” Erebus cracked a smile before bringing his fist up in full force into Deo’s chin causing him to do no more than stumble backwards.
Erebus shook his hand in a bit of pain. “Has anyone ever told you that you have a really hard head?” He asked.
Deo more furious than before charged Erebus full speed catching Erebus off guard only being deflected moment before he would have hit him by Anstice who had jumped in, in the nick of time landing a foot square on the side of his head landing softly on her feet after.
“That was a close one Erebus. You should watch what you’re doing next time.” She said casually walking to join his side.
“And what have you been doing this whole time when the hulk want to be was playing whack-a-mole with me?” Erebus exclaimed, “Much longer I might have really had to start fighting, for real”
Getting his bearings back Deo focused on the two of them “You should not have joined the fight Anstice,” He said, “But it sure makes my job a lot easier. Now I can take care of two of you at once.” He let out a low laugh that could send chills through the hardest and toughest of men.
“Well you’ve got another thing… Wait what did you say?” Erebus questioned as he turned to Anstice. “You know this freak?”
“Yes but I will explain latter.” She said quickly as Deo charged them again; both jumping to the side narrowly dodging his attack. “Now Denis, You should really calm down” She shouted at him.
Deo tuned faster than ever his eyes on fire as he shouted back at Anstice, “My name is Deo! Never call me by that again!” Grabbing a nearby garbage bin he sent it flying down the alley, Erebus ducking under it and Anstice jumping over it sending in crashing back to the ground with a flick of the wrist as she passed over so it didn’t reach the street.
“Well now we know not to call him Denis. Can’t say I blame him though that is a pretty retarded name of someone like him.” Erebus laughed “Boy your parents must have hated you.”
This time Deo came on swinging this time landing a hit right in Erebus’s chest sending him flying through a wall; Anstice managing to dodge and land another powerful kick into Deo’s back, Sending him stumbling forward. As if on cue the sky opened up and it started to rain as Deo rounded quickly on Anstice they begin to fight hand to hand Deo throwing his all at her, and Anstice blocking what she could from Deo. Trashcans and garbage flew as the two of them fought the stray punch here and there knocking new holes in the walls around the alley. Anstice reluctantly felt the need to use her knives pulling two from her side sending them flying into Deo which seemed to have no effect on him as he flew at her. She dodged to the side but Deo still caught her sending her stumbling into a trashcan. Deo paused for a moment pulling out the knives and dropping them to the ground the rain washing the dark blood from them. Anstice having regained herself charged emptying every one of her sheathes on Deo each and every one on her knives finding their mark. Still charging she jumped into the air landing both her feet into Deo’s chest grabbing two of her knives and ripping them across his body as she pulled them out. As she hit the ground she picked up the two that Deo and already pulled out placing all four back at her side. Panting Anstice stood watching Deo with his back still turned wondering if she had finished this fight. She didn’t wait long before hearing her answer as four distanced clanking noised sounded from the ground in front of Deo.
“Is that all you’ve got? A couple knives?” You’ll have to do better than that.” Deo let off another laugh as he turned, but this time it wasn’t the same, his laugh didn’t have the force it had before. All the wounds were clearly bleeding as the blood flowed over his body the gaping wounds seemingly having no effect on him. He stepped toward Anstice who was almost out of ideas. She managed to stand tall again for one final showdown with Deo when He suddenly stopped. A look of extreme confusion spread across his face. His body jerked for a moment as suddenly the end of a blade plunges out of his stomach causing him to fall to the ground.
“Okay”, Erebus panted, “I’ve had enough of this guy.” Letting his sword go Deo fell to the ground. “Not so tuff with a sword through you are ya.” He exclaimed kicking Deo’s body as be bent down picking up the rest of Anstices knives handing them to her.
“Thought you were gone for a moment there.” Anstice panted as she put the knives back into their sheathes. “Let’s get back home before anything worse happens” she said as she started down the alley way.
“Sounds like a great idea, don’t need to be here if another one of these guys show up.” Erebus agreed as he walked through the pool of blood that had now formed around Deo and retrieving his sword letting the rain wash away the crimson liquid before sliding it back into its sheathe, and Catching up to Anstice.
Finally reaching their home both Anstice finding a comfortable couch to rest, while Erebus made his way over to another door opening it to reveal a room full of chilled blood ready for transfusion. With a sigh he pulled out a bag and an I.V.
“Well Looks like I was bound to have to take one of these things one way or another tonight.” Erebus said as he sat down hooking up the bag and sliding the needle into his arm with a slight wince. He sat in a chair next to Anstice laying back. “So… How do you know grumpy out there?” he asked looking over at her.
Anstice let off a long sigh before she spoke. “Well it was before I met you. I was living in Europe at the time, constantly on the move. The first time I met our friend Denis there he wasn’t as treble of a person as his is now. He was a Daemon, which is a very rare demon now more than ever. We had our run-ins but we never fought more than for a moment neither of us really getting hurt. He started out just doing the usual scaring people and destroying cattle, until one day a vampire attacked him. This vampire realized the potential to never have to hunt again, and get the freshest of blood any time he needed. Finding this, quickly he trapped Denis in a cave that no human could reach. The vampire kept Denis there for decades feeding him nothing more than old rotten beef and feeding off him as he pleased. This went until at long last the vampires guard started to drop. He became less and less cautious of Denis when he fed. This did not go unnoticed by Denis who took full advantage of it. He carefully watched the vampires’ patterns until the day he slipped up. After around a year of waiting the vampire one day turned his back on Denis, who took the opportunity to smash the back of his head with a huge rock that he had found laying in the cave. He then brutally ripped the vampire apart making his escape. Now as you know he has vowed to take apart any vampire he can find as vengeance for what that one did to him. I assume he’s gotten quite good at it now seeing he has a developed a big enough ego to call himself ‘godlike’.”She concluded.
Erebus sat in awe for a few moments before finally saying “Well I didn’t hold in captive in a cave, He shouldn’t have such a beef with me!”
“It’s not you its all vampires every ware.”Anstice stated. “He simply wants us all dead and will go through any means to accomplish his goal.”
Erebus quickly grew very smug as he spoke, “Well it’s a good thing I finished him off the.” Looking over at Anstice he quickly revised his word. “I-I mean we, yes we finished him off.”
“Not likely.” Anstice replied in a grim tone.
“Wait what do you mean ‘Not likely’?”He shot back startled. “We massacred that guy, you stuck him about ten times with all your knives. I saw, he was bleeding big time, and on top of it all I shoved my sword right through him! He looked pretty dead to me!”
Anstice shook her head “He survived decades being held in a cave with barely anything to eat, and his was constantly fed off of. Decades Erebus.” She let out a long sigh before continuing. “Besides I think you’re supposed to behead a Daemon, or rip out his heart to truly kill him. Something to that effect anyway.”
“What your saying is that freak is still out there roaming the streets?” he exclaimed.
“Right now no… He doesn’t heal quite as fast as we do as you may have noticed he was as you said ‘bleeding big time’. He is truly immortal so the presence of blood is just kind of a plus for him because like I said you have to ether behead him or take his heart.” She explained.
Erebus jumped up out of his seat, “We have to get out there now and finish him then!” He checked that his sword was still at his side moving fast to the stair.
“Erebus!”, Anstice shouted. “It’s only twenty minutes to dawn. Nether you or I will ever find him in time. It’s going to have to wait.” She finished with a sigh.
Frustrated Erebus sulks back into the room taking his sword from his side and throwing is down on a nearby couch as he lands himself back into his chair. “So we have no choice but to let him heal then. That really sucks!”
“Stop pouting and get some rest. You’re going to need it. I garneted Deo will be better prepared for us tomorrow night.” She said as she closed her eyes.
Mumbling under his breath Erebus closed his eyes making the best attempt possible to get some sleep. Throughout the night they both had dreams of the fight to come and how they might take down Deo and finish him for good. Both developed their own strategy but each had the same basic idea: teamwork. The day was long and neither of them where able to sleep perfectly through. Once or twice Erebus could be found pacing one of the corridors leading to the sewers. Anstice occasionally awakening and practicing with her knives slashing and throwing them as a target she had made from wood. At long last the sun began to fall on the horizon, street lights began to flicker on, and the towns’ night life began. Both Erebus and Anstice awoke immediately getting themselves together. Erebus fastening his Katana back at his side, Anstice gently sliding her knifes into their individual sheathes. Together they ascended the stairs into the alley way above, covering their home hiding it again in hopes of being able to return that night. They searched until they came to the last possible place in the city, Grand Central Park. This was a hot spot for criminal activity and a popular feeding ground for other vampires that roamed this city. As they walked side by side casually through the park a voice sounded from behind them.
“So I see you two are out for round two.” it said in a deep tone.
Both Erebus and Anstice spun on their heels to see Deo, Standing proud and tall, But this time on his back he carried a huge sword, the massive blade barely missed the ground as he walked toward them his serrated teeth shining in the moonlight as he smiled at them.
“I thought I’d even things up this time” He spoke “You have your weapons I figured I would bring mine.” He said as he reached up pulling the sword from behind his back revealing a blade that must have been a foot wide sharpened only on one side looking more like a stretched out butchers knife than a sword. He held this gargantuan sword at his side with ease if it were no more than a stick. Erebus’s eyes widened at the site of this massive sword taking a glimpse at his own which was dwarfed by Deo’s.
“Now your clearly overcompensating Denis; do you even have a license for that?” Erebus mocked.
Deo‘s voice quivered with rage as he shouted “My name is Deo not Denis! And you will lean that before the night is through!” Deo swung is sword in rage taking out a large oak tree sending it crashing down the hill beside them.
“Now you’re just showing of Denis. You didn’t need to kill an innocent tree like that. Thought we were the ones you where after.” Erebus said with a smile seeing how much he was getting to Deo who did not share his amusement as he charged at Erebus swinging his sword and narrowly missing him and lodging it half way into another tree.
Erebus quickly drew his sword getting ready for another attack as Anstice prepared her knives. Deo pulled his sword from the tree with ease turning to focus on the both of them.
“You will regret your words foolish one!” Deo shouted
“Foolish one?” Erebus questioned. “Listen to this guy Anstice; he really does have a huge ego.”
“I hardly think this is the time to be poking fun at him” Anstice warned as Deo charged again Erebus using his sword to deflect Deo’s barely as he dodged away from it causing Deo’s sword to plunge into the ground causing a huge scar in the grass, as it sent soil flying. Anstice sent two of her knives flying into Deo’s back only causing him to wince momentarily allowing Erebus to jump out of the way.
Erebus landed in a nearby tree shouting down to Deo, “My name is Erebus by the way; nice to meet you.” Mockingly he held his hand out as if he wanted a shake as Deo sneered up at him.
Taking advantage of Deo’s distraction Anstice leapt onto his back sinking two more knives into his neck and dragging them down his back, Deo letting out a shout of pain as she did.“Never turn you back on someone you’re fighting” She said smoothly moments before kicking off him and landing at a safe distance behind him. “You of all people should know that.”
Deo spun around in rage his sword clumsily taking out the tree Erebus was standing in sending both Erebus and the tree crashing to the ground. Facing Anstice as he started to charge holding his sword low at his side as he dashed toward her the tip catching the ground sending up a shower of dirt and grass behind him. Miraculously as he brought the sword down on her with lightning speed she caught it between two on her knives. The force of Deo’s swing sent her skidding back on her heals through the grass as she held his sword.
“Now Erebus!” Anstice screamed
Deo looked around dumfound. He had forgotten about Erebus just long enough for him to get the edge on him. Erebus flew on top of Deo sinking his sward into his chest and pricing his heart. Deo’s eyes softening as he realized what had just happened his angered expression turning to one of deep sadness.
“Sorry chap, but your just too dangerous to have running around her.” Erebus said as he stood back.
Anstice let Deo’s sward fall to the ground its weight alone causing another gash through the grass. Both of them watches as Deo fell to his knees, watching as this monster died. For a few moment all time seems to stand still until the silence is broken by a deep and dark laugh. Anstice and Erebus both look at each other shock taking over here bodies as Deo rises to his feet.
“You didn’t think it would be that easy now did you?” Deo asked his voice even more frightening than it had ever been. “You’re going to have to try a bit harder to get rid of me” He took hold of Erebus’s sword pulling it from his body slowly and dropping it to the ground with little more than a wince, and picked up his own charging the two of them once again.
Anstice pushed Erebus out of the way having only a moment to try deflecting Deo’s attack. This time she wasn’t as successful as Deo’s sward came across her knives it slipped through causing a gash down her leg. Anstice cried out in pain, Erebus finding his nerve again and dashing to his sword.
“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?!” Erebus shouted. As he charged Deo managing a slash across the back before Deo turned bearing his own sward down on Erebus. Deo and Erebus fought sword to sword Erebus unbelievably being able to deflect most of Deo’s attacks with little struggle, and dodging the rest. Dirt Flew as Deo’s swings grew more erratic his oversized sward catching the ground and slashing through trees. Deo grew angrier with every swing until they locked blades Deo pushing Erebus back through the park as Erebus attempted to dig his heals in. Deo pushed him until his back was against a tree his strength much greater than Erebus’s pressing his sword harder into him Deo’s blade meeting Erebus’s face as it slowly sank into him causing blood to start flowing. Erebus yelled out in pain as he feared this might be his end his strength quickly vanishing as Deo pressed into him.
“Not so cocky now when you’re at your end are you?” Deo laughed as he pressed harder.
“Maybe you shouldn’t be so cocky yourself!” A voice shouted moments before Deo was sent flying by a kick. Anstice landed next to Erebus who collapsed to the ground panting. “You forget there are two of us here, and we heal much faster than you.” She said as he walked forward the gash that went across her leg now gone with no more than torn clothing to show that it had ever been there. She charged Deo sending her knives into him Erebus finding his own bearings and closely fallowing. Deo’s expression turned to complete shock as Erebus Dashed ahead deflecting Deo’s sword to the side with ease as Anstice took the opening and sank more knives into Deo using the others already stuck into his body to hold on as she stabbed. A roar of pain and shock rang out from Deo as the two of them attacked mercilessly in unison.
Deo fought back with all his might only managing to deflect a small number of their attacks, gashes appearing all over his body as he fought back with all his might. The dirt flying again Deo’s attack becoming more erratic this time not because of his rage but because of his fear. He fended of the attacks as long as he could before a kick from Anstice sent him flying back into a huge oak tree bark flying as he hit. Deo slowly slid down the tree his wounds covering him in his own blood his chest quickly rising and falling as he panted.
Anstice and Erebus slowly waked to Deo their weapons ready as the dripped with his blood. Deo made one final attempt to attack dashing up but quickly being slammed back down by Erebus causing him to drop his sword. Deo’s eyes pleaded with them both as they stood over him. Erebus picked up the sward with a slight flash of shock passing though his eyes when he realized it’s immense weight, placing it on against his shoulder as he held it.
“It’s over Deo,” Anstice said, “Your time as a vampire killer is up.” Anstice looked over to Erebus giving him a nod. Erebus brought back Deo’s sward in a powerful swing bringing the sward around as hard as he could in full force at Deo landing it just above his head into the tree. Confusion spread across Deo's face a he looked up at them.
“We’re not all like that vampire who trapped you.” Erebus explained. “I recommend you go back to the country, because I wouldn’t want to have to finish you for good next time.” Erebus said with a smirk.
“Lighten up too; you might enjoy life a bit.” Anstice added as the both set off.
Anstice and Erebus moved quickly through the alleys as the sun started to show over the horizon there only protection where the shadows of the buildings that tower over the city. They reached their home with little time to spare covering the manhole just as the sun broke over the roof tops onto their alley way.
The next that day on the news shocked spectators watched as their prized park lay destroyed Tree’s cut down and ripped from the ground and the grass torn to shreds. The once beautiful Grand Central Park now looked like a battle field. “The police have yet to give an explanation for this horrific sight. “The reporter said as the camera panned over the park. “Early thoughts where that there might have been some kind of gang war that took place over the night but no one is absolutely sure at this moment.” The weeks passed and as everything else in New York city the park disaster was pushed to the back of the people’s minds they went on with their own lives pushing everything off as somebody else’s problem. Life continues in the city and the, and it will always be a haven for those who are different and wish to hide.
- by The Atrum unus |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/08/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Once upon a time in NYC
- Artist: The Atrum unus
- Description: This is obviously a vampire story. It needs a bit of work but I've been told it's pretty decent so far. Hope you enjoy.
- Date: 08/08/2008
- Tags: once upon timemnewyork
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Comments (4 Comments)
- heatdestroyer - 06/17/2009
- this is realy good
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- Vampire Red Rose - 03/24/2009
- I love it.
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- Xx Danni Red xX - 12/23/2008
- not bad man not to impressed with your avi but the story is cool
- Report As Spam
- The Atrum unus - 08/23/2008
If anyone honestly takes the time to read this they should comment please.
You spent 15 min reading I'm sure you could spare another 30 seconds commenting.
Thank you. - Report As Spam