On one sunny day Takamea and Akura were going to the park for a picnic.
“Akura I wonder where Kiba and Akamaru are, they said that they’d meet us.” Takamea said to Akura while lying down a light blue blanket and setting the basket down on it. Akura sat on the blanket and barked.
In a cloud of smoke Kiba and Akamaru appeared.
“Sorry we’re late Takamea.” Kiba said. Akamaru walked over and touched noses with Akura in greeting.
“No problem Kiba.” Takamea smiled as she sat on the blanket.
He sat beside her and she handed him a sandwich.
“Thanks Takamea,” He said taking a bite then remarked, “These are delicious.”
“Thanks Kiba I made them especially for this occasion.” Takamea said getting her one.
After the meal was over they lay on the grass and stared up at the fading light in the sky.
“Hey Takamea you know something?” Kiba asked
“What.” She said
“The night makes you look even more beautiful.” Kiba said looking at his love.
“Thank you Kiba.” Takamea said blushing a little.
They watched the moon rise into the black sky before getting up and packing the picnic.
“I’ll walk you home if you want.” Kiba offered.
“No thanks I can manage and besides my home isn’t that far.” Takamea said shyly.
“But you never know what could happen come on let me walk you home.” Kiba said.
“No I can manage thanks.” Takamea said running off before he could protest. Akura gave Kiba a confused look before following Takamea. Takamea stopped around the corner and waited for Akura. Akura barked silently at Takamea.
“No Akura I’m fine but thanks for being worried, come on let’s go home.” Takamea whispered and hint of redness showing on her face.
Takamea walked around the last corner before her home and a man bumped into her.
“Well well looky here a little girl. What are you doing out so late?” the man asked.
Takamea could smell the liquor on his breath. ‘Oh no he’s drunk.’ She thought. Akura growled baring her fang at the man.
Takamea tried to back up but the man caught her arm.
“I need me a pretty young lady like you around.” He said smiling.
“No let go of me.” Takamea said struggling to get her hand free. Akura’s muscles tensed as she got ready to jump.
Suddenly a kunai came out of no where landed on the ground next to the man’s feet. Kiba burst from the trees and punched the man knocking him into a sign.
“Takamea are you okay?” Kiba asked embracing her in his arms.
Takamea didn’t say anything instead tears ran down her face as she buried her head into his chest.
“Hey, It’s okay You’re safe.” Kiba said soothingly rubbing the back of her head.
Takamea looked up at him.
“Thank you for saving me.” She said.
“No problem but I’m not letting you stay around here by yourself. Why don’t you come home with me?” He asked nuzzling his face to hers.
“Okay.” She whispered.
He walked with her half the way then carried her the rest because she was asleep on her feet. He laid her into his bed and crawled in beside her. She snuggled up to him and he pulled the cover over their bodies and drifted to sleep.
The next morning when Takamea woke up Kiba was gone and Akura sat on the foot of the bed watching her.
“Good morning Akura, um where’s Kiba?” She said.
Akura barked turning her head toward the door.
Takamea came out of the room with Akura at her side, and almost walked into Kiba in the kitchen. He caught her in his arms.
“Oh Takamea good morning I was just coming to wake you up.” He grinned.
“Oh good morning Kiba.” She said a hint of redness on her cheeks.
“Oh Takamea we didn’t know you were here.” Tsume said as Hana looked up from the stove.
“I saved her from a drunk idiot on her way home and I told her she could stay here.” Kiba explained.
“Oh that’s fine, Takamea you’re always welcome here.” Hana said as Tsume nodded.
Akura whimpered.
“You’re hungry oh I’m sorry.” Takamea said, “Can she have some dog food?”
“Yes, I’ll get it.” Kiba said then went to a cabinet and pulled out a dish the went to another and poured some food in it and set it on the floor. Akura ate it hungrily.
Takamea sighed.
“What’s wrong?” Kiba asked concerned.
“Huh? Oh nothing.” Takamea said.
“Come and eat breakfast.” Tsume said.
After breakfast Kiba and Takamea with the dogs went for a walk in the woods.
“Hey Kiba can I ask you something?” Takamea said.
“Sure what?” Kiba asked.
“I want to practice my fighting moves and I was wondering if you would help me train?” She asked not looking at him.
“Sure I’ll help, we can train this afternoon.” Kiba said as Takamea nodded.
Later in the afternoon Kiba and Takamea arrived at the training hollow alone.
“You ready?” Kiba asked.
“Yep.” Takamea smiled.
As they got ready Akura and Akamaru walked up and sat under a near by tree shade watching.
“Ninja Art of Beast mimicry All fourths jutsu.” Kiba said putting his hands together. His fingernails grew long and his fangs got slightly longer as he got on all fours.
“All fourths jutsu.” Takamea said her fingernails growing long like Kiba’s did, but she stayed on two legs.
Kiba lunged at her with lightening speed but she dodged it just in time jumping aside. She lunged clawing at his eyes but he shoved her off.
“Shadow Clone Jutsu.” She said as five shadow clones appeared.
“Heh I can smell the real you Takamea. Do you think I’m that stupid.” Kiba said appearing behind what he thought was the real Takamea. He grabbed her and growled in her ear,
“Come on you know you can’t beat me.”
She smiled and disappeared. Kiba looked surprised as Takamea appeared in front of him and jumped back with her hands together.
“Fang over fang.” she said as wind swirled around her.
“Ultimate Taijutsu Fang over fang.” Kiba said hastily putting his hands together.
The wind vortexes headed straight toward one another. There was a loud explosion and dust filled the air. When the dust cleared both Kiba and Takamea appeared.
“Okay now I’m tired of playing nice,” Takamea said putting her hands together, “Pedal chains of love jutsu.”
Chains made of pedals formed and headed straight for Kiba he clawed frantically but the pedals wrapped around his arms and legs holding him still. Takamea walked up to him smiling.
“How was that?” She asked.
“Good now can you let me go?” He said.
She released the jutsu and he fell to the ground.
“Takamea you are amazing you know.” Kiba said standing up.
“Yes I know Kiba.” Takamea said softly.
“How about I buy you supper tonight?” Kiba offered.
“Really I’d like that.” She said in her sweet soft voice.
Akamaru and Akura bounded over to them.
“Come on we can ride Akamaru home.” Kiba said.
“Do you mind Akamaru?” Takamea asked.
Akamaru shook his head and kneeled down for Takamea to climb on his back. Akura sat in Takamea’s lap while Kiba sat behind Takamea.
Akamaru darted of toward Kiba’s home. When they arrived Hana Kiba’s sister stepped out of the house.
“Hello Takamea are you gonna stay the night again?” Hana asked.
“Yes If that’s okay.” Takamea said getting off Akamaru’s back.
“Of course well how are you and Akura doing?” She said.
“Oh we’re fine it’s just Akura has a little flea problem.” Takamea said.
“I have just the thing.” Hana said as she went into the house. Takamea and Kiba followed her into the kitchen. She gave Takamea a little jar with a black label on it.
“Thank you.” Takamea said.
Kiba sat on the couch and Takamea sat beside him. The house was empty now. Hana had to run an erin for Tsunade, and Tsume was out on a mission.
When night fell, Kiba carried Takamea to eat at the Ichiraku Ramen Bar. When they arrived Naruto was there eating.
“Howdy would you two like anything?” Teuchi asked.
“Yes I’d like a bowl of beef ramen.” Takamea said.
“And I’d like a bowl of red bean soup.” Kiba said sitting down beside Naruto.
“Hey Kiba, Hey Takamea.” Naruto greeted slurping on ramen.
“Hey Naruto.” Kiba said while Takamea nodded her greeting.
After the meal they said good bye to Naruto and Teuchi and walked around the village for a while. Kiba walked Takamea home and she stood on her porch.
“Thank you Kiba I had a great time.” She said.
He smirk and walked up to her pressing his lips against hers.
“Good night Takamea I’ll see you in the morning.” He whispered the walked off.
“Yeah see you tomorrow.” She repeated to herself and walked inside.
The next morning Kiba arrived at Takamea’s house before the sun came up. He used the spare key she had hidden in a plant to get in. He walked into her room and sat on the edge of her bed watching her sleep. When Takamea was awakened by the smell f eggs and bacon. She walked into the kitchen and gasped when she saw Kiba.
“Kiba you’re here why didn’t you wake me?” She asked.
“Oh you looked so peaceful I couldn’t have awoken you.” He smirked.
She blushed a little as he set a plate on the table.
“I cooked you breakfast.” he said.
After she finished eating they left her house and walked around the village. After the walk they headed to Kiba’s house.
“Mom and Hana are gone on a mission and won’t be back in three days.” Kiba said as the entered the empty house.
Later than day they were walking around when Hinata and Shino came up.
“Hey Shino hey Hinata.” Kiba greeted.
“Hello you two.” Takamea said.
“Hello.” Hinata said as Shino greeted.
“Kiba you promised to train with us today.” Hinata reminded him.
“Oh yeah I forgot,” He said then asked, “Takamea you wanna come watch?”
“Sure Kiba I’ll come.” She answered.
At the training hollow, and Shino and Kiba faced each other.
Bugs formed around Shino as his muscles tensed. Kiba took out a kunai glancing at Takamea before he leaped at Shino. The bugs blocked the kunai easily as Kiba jumped back quickly.
“Man Beast Ultimate Taijutsu Fang over Fang ” He said wind starting to swirl around him.
“Wall of Insects.” Shino said as bugs formed a wall between him and Kiba. Kiba jumped swirling toward Shino and hit the bug wall. He was thrown backwards and landed on his back getting the breath knocked out of him for a couple of minutes. When he got to his feet Shino stood beside him his arms crossed.
“You should pay more attention to you’re opponent rather than something else.” Shino scolded glancing at Takamea.
“Yeah yeah Shino I know.” Kiba growled embarrassed by his loss in front of his love.
Takamea looked down shamefully. Kiba noticed her and got to his feet facing Shino.
“You know you don’t have to bring Takamea into this. I lost so what it’s done.” He growled angered protection in his voice.
“But it is fact that you have won every match with her not here.” Shino stated.
“Shut up Shino It’s not Takamea’s fault that I wasn’t paying attention.” He said angrily.
“Shino may be right Kiba, you’ve always won without Takamea here” Hinata said coming to stand by Shino.
“Oh so you’re taking his side now?” Kiba growled at the girl.
“No Kiba I’m not on anyone’s side.” She studdered flinching.
Kiba looked at the tree Takamea was sitting at before the commotion. He gasped as the others turned to look. Takamea was gone. He shot a hostile glance at Shino then at Hinata before running off. He quickly picked up Takamea’s sweet scent heading toward her house. He picked up his pace arriving at her house as she slipped in. He caught the door as she went to shut it and pried it open to let himself in. She ran to her room and he followed shutting the door behind him. She sat on her bed tears streaming down her face. He sat next to her wiping the tears away with his sleeves, and getting the hair out of her face. She pressed up against him.
“Takamea I’m sorry they didn’t it.” He whispered in her ear softly.
“No I’m sorry for making you lose.” She sobbed.
“You didn’t make me lose Takamea.” He comforted.
“Yes I did, you heard what Shino said as well as I did.” She said sadly.
“Don’t worry about what Shino says, he’s trying to become team leader anyway he can.” Kiba said rubbing her hair.
She got up shaking her head disbelieving.
Kiba got up and pushed her gently against the wall looking deep into her ice blue eyes before slowly and gently placing his lips against hers. She closed her eyes taking in the kiss fully. After a few minutes they broke apart needing air.
Kiba smirked looking Takamea over with his eyes before looking her in the face. Takamea noticed the devilish smirk on his face and her heartbeat quickened rapidly. He walked toward her slowly. She backed up but the wall behind her stopped her escape. He edged closer until he was standing in front of her.
“Kiba what are you....” she started but was cut off by his lips rapidly and roughly meeting hers again. This time he let his hands travel her body stopping at the zipper to her jacket. He started to pull it down slowly.
“Kiba stop.” She struggled breaking his kiss and grabbing his wrist.
“Why?” He smirked.
“Were to young.” She breathed her voice shaking.
“To young I’m sixteen and you’re fifteen. Why are we too young?” he said in a slow tone that made Takamea shudder.
“Because I’m not ready.” Her voice shook worst.
“Okay.” he said zipping her jacket back up and turning away.
Takamea watched him relief washing over her. Kiba stopped at the door sniffing the air. With a glace at Takamea he opened the door and two shapes entered the room. Kiba flipped on the light.
Akamaru, Akura.” Takamea said surprised in her voice.
Akura looked at Takamea worriedly, she had never seen Takamea so surprised in her whole life.
“Hey Akamaru, you and Akura go outside for a second I wanna talk with Takamea privately.” Kiba said putting his hand on the large dogs head.
He nodded calling to Akura as he trotted out the door. Akura hesitated a little but with a nod from Takamea she followed glancing worried over her shoulders at Takamea.
Now that they were alone again.
“Takamea I’m sorry for the way I acted.” Kiba apologized shamefully.
“It’s okay Kiba I forgive you.” She said love showing in her ice blue gaze.
Kiba embraced his love.
“I love you Takamea.” He whispered in her ear.
“I love you too Kiba.” She said tears running down her face.
The next morning after breakfast Takamea accompanied Kiba to welcome his mom and sister back from their mission.
“Mom sis welcome home.” Kiba called as soon as the came into view.
“Hello Kiba Takamea, it’s good to be bad.” Hana said as they come closer.
“Hana you can go home and be starting supper while I report the mission to Lord Hokage.” Tsume said.
“Okay mom.” Hana said watching as Tsume ran off toward the Hokage’s mansion.
Hana walked home with Kiba and Takamea.
“Hey Takamea I gotta ask you how did you ever come to like Kiba?” Hana asked with a tensing gleam in her eye.
Kiba looked at Hana angrily.
“She don’t want to answer a question like that.” He growled a hint of red on his cheeks.
“I don’t mind,” Takamea sighed, “To be honest I really don’t remember when I started liking him I just did.”
“Really?” Hana asked surprised.
Kiba’s face got redder as he looked down.
Takamea nodded.
“It just happened, like a leaf falls out of a tree.” she said.
Hana glanced at Kiba and laughed.
“Kiba you should see your face.” She laughed.
His face was totally red as he twitched a little.
They arrived home and Hana started dinner with Takamea helping her. Tsume arrived about twenty minutes later and they sat down to eat. A knock came on the door and Kiba went to answer it.
“Hello Kiba.” Shikamaru greeted.
“Hey Shikamaru, how’s things been going?” Kiba asked.
“Good very good, um Takamea wouldn’t happen to be here cause I checked her house.” He asked.
“Yeah she’s here you wanna talk to her?” Kiba said.
“Actually it’s the both of you I want to talk to.” Shikamaru said.
Kiba called Takamea to the door and they listened closely to Shikamaru.
“So the Hokage needs someone with good senses to deliver this item to the Sand Village.” Shikamaru finished as kiba heaved a sigh.
“When do we deliver this ‘item’?” Takamea asked putting her hands on Kiba’s shoulders.
“Tomorrow morning at eight you should be on the way there with the item and if all goes well it should only take an hour.” Shikamaru said, “I’ll meet you at the village gate with the item in the morning.”
Kiba nodded and Shikamaru disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
That night in Kiba’s room they were packing their stuff.
“I wish we weren’t going ton the dumb mission.” Kiba complained.
“Why Kiba I’m looking forward to going.” Takamea said cheerfully.
“Because things were getting so enjoyable.” He said smirking as Takamea turned around.
“Oh right.” She said remembering, “But the Hokage think we’re the best, and I don’t want to disappoint her.”
Kiba looked at her sweetly for a moment before finishing packing his things.
The next morning Kiba awoke before Takamea. He placed his hand on her shoulder and shook her lightly.
“Takamea wake up, remember our mission.” He whispered in her ear as she snuggled closer to him.
She opened her eyes slightly yawning and sitting up.
He got up and slipped a shirt over his chest. She said up and put on her jacket and grabbed her pack. They were at the village gates at seven thirty. Shikamaru was waiting and as soon as Takamea and Kiba arrived he gave them the item and watched them leave. When they arrived at the Sand Village Temari greeted them.
“Hey you two I see you had no trouble getting here.” She observed.
“Yes everything was unusually quiet. Is there a villain meeting we don’t know about.” Kiba joked as Temari laughed a little.
“Follow me Gaara is expecting you.” She said walking off. Takamea and Kiba followed silently. Takamea took in her first sights of the Village Hidden in the Sand. She was amazed how anyone could live in a bare place like this. They walked up to a large structure that had the symbol Wind engraved in the walls. Temari lead the in the building climbing stairs until the reached the top floor and turned down a hall with two huge doors at the end of it. Temari knocked on the doors and they slowly opened to reveal a large room with a desk in the center and glass windows all around.
The chair behind the desk turn slowly to reveal Gaara.
“Welcome to the Sand Village.” He welcomed in a hard but friendly voice.
“Thank you Gaara.” Kiba said.
Takamea looked at the red hair teenager in the chair. Gaara looked her in the eyes and bowed his head slightly.
“Welcome Takamea, this is your first time here right?” He asked.
“Um Yes sir it is.” She said respectfully.
He chuckled a little.
“Gaara they brought the ‘item’ from the Leaf.” Temari spoke up.
Gaara’s expression changed to serious, “Excellent.”
Kiba handed over the ‘item’ and stood by Takamea.
“Okay Excellent, Thank you both for delivering this the Sand Village thanks you.” Gaara said dismissing them.
The set out to return to the Leaf Village and arrived back at dusk. They traveled to the Hokage’s to report the mission then went to Kiba’s house. They both were exhausted and went straight to bed. The next morning when Kiba awoke Takamea was cuddled up to him. He looked down at her sleeping form and moved the hair out of her face. He wished that moment would last forever but he knew it wouldn’t as she began to stir. She lifted her head sleepily hair falling on her face.
“Takamea are you hungry?” He asked softly in her ear.
“I’m starving.” She yawned.
“Okay I’ll go wake Hana up you go back to sleep I’ll wake you went breakfast is done.” He said kissing her forehead. She laid her head back on the pillow and soon was asleep again.
“Takamea wake up Breakfast is ready.” Kiba whispered into her ear. She sat up sleepily rubbing her eyes and followed him into the kitchen. After breakfast Kiba slipped out the house while Takamea was help Hana with the dishes. He was meeting with Sakura and Ino today and he hadn’t told Takamea.
Takamea finished up the dishes then noticed Kiba was gone. She walked into his bed room and found a note on the bed.
It read:
“Hey Takamea sorry for leaving with out telling you I’m supposed to train with Shino and HInata today and I didn’t want them to say anything about you. I’ll be in by nightfall.”
She put down the note thinking to herself. She decided to go looking for him.
She searched all over town but there was no sight of him, she rounded a corner and nearly collided with Hinata.
She stopped and spun around.
“Oh Takamea.” Hinata said looking down.
Takamea didn’t say and thing just turned to walk away.
“Takamea wait I’m sorry about what happen when Kiba fought Shino, I didn’t mean to make you upset, I’m sorry.” Hinata said running up to her.
“It’s okay don’t worry about it but I thought Kiba was supposed to train with you and Shino today.” Takamea said facing Hinata.
“Oh no he yelled at us for upsetting you and he said he wouldn’t train with us anymore.” She said sounding ashamed of herself.
Takamea stared at the girl for a minute.
“Takamea what’s wrong.” Hinata asked.
“Oh nothing but I have to go Hinata. And really I forgive you.” She said running off.
‘Kiba Inuzuka how dare you lie to me.’ She screamed in her mind.
She rounded a corner and stopped dead in her track staring a head of her. Kiba was sitting in between Ino and Sakura. Kiba looked up as his eyes locked with Takamea’s for a brief second.
“Oh no.” He said to himself and Ino and Sakura looked in Takamea’s direction confused.
Takamea broke eye contact with Kiba and disappeared into a crowd, leaving Kiba to stare after her.
“Kiba what was all that?” Sakura asked confused.
“Um I didn’t tell Takamea I was meeting with you two she thought I was with Shino and Hinata training.” Kiba said getting up.
“What ” Both of the girls screamed at him.
“Go after her and explain yourself,” Ino ordered, “and hurry ”
Kiba ran after Takamea easily following her sweet scent. He stopped at her house and knocked on the door.
“GO away ” She said her voice muffled in tears.”
“Come on Takamea it’s not what you think.” Kiba pleaded.
“I said go away Kiba I don’t want to talk to you ever.” She screamed before breaking down in tears.
He went around to her window and open it and slipped inside. He hide as she entered the room and jumped on her bed. He walked out from his hiding place.
“Takamea.” He breathed.
She looked up at him anger and pain glistening in her ice blue eyes. He came up to her bed slowly.
“Takamea let me explain myself.” He said.
She sat up on her bed staring at him.
“The only reason I was with Sakura and Ino was to get some help with something.” He finished looking at the floor hoping she believed him. Takamea’s expression lighted to embarrassment.
“Oh Kiba I’m so sorry.” She said jumping up and embracing his neck. He wrapped her in his strong arms locking his lips with hers.
“Takamea I’m sorry for lying to you. I love you. You know that.” He said breaking the kiss.
“I love you too Kiba and yes I know.” She said with what seemed like all the love in the world in her voice.
Takamea returned with Kiba to his house.
The next morning Kiba was awoken by something walking on him. He opened his eyes slightly and Akura licked his face.
She barked three or four times.
“Okay okay I’m up I’m up.” He said getting out of bed and following the small dog out of his room. After breakfast Takamea decided to go shopping with Akura, while Kiba and Akamaru practiced they combo attacks.
Later that day Kiba left out on a mission with Shino and Hinata heading toward the Mist Village helping out with a cargo shipment.
Takamea decided to go to her house and straighten up and check on the food. The rest of the day she went around visiting every one in the village. Helping out with small jobs and visiting the hot springs. She and Akura went for a walk in the forest and practiced they’re combination attacks.
It was nearly midnight when Kiba and his squad returned to the Leaf. He said quick good byes to his teammates then rushed home to see Takamea. She looked like she was asleep, but as he entered the room she lifted her head.
“Kiba welcome home.” She said sleepily.
He crawled into bed next to her and they both instantly fell asleep.
The next day around noon Kiba was with Takamea in the park with the dogs. He’d taken her everywhere and they had a good time.
“Kiba I had a real fun day today.” She smiled as the sat on the grass.
“You did that’s great Takamea I had a fun day too, but.” He said looking down at the ground.
Takamea looked at him worriedly.
“Kiba is something wrong?” She asked alarmed.
“Oh I just wanted to know something,” he said digging in his jacket pocket and pulling out a box with pink lace and opening it, “Takamea when we get old enough, Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” She breathed looking at the diamond ring inside the pink laced box.

- Title: Takamea's story
- Artist: Kitty Mae
- Description: This is a story i wrote on my free time. I know it's long but It is good believe me. Please enjoy.
- Date: 08/03/2008
- Tags: takameasstory
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Comments (2 Comments)
- leo_iz_mii_name - 02/06/2009
- its great! i love it !its really long but totally worth it
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- patman122997 - 08/03/2008
- very good excellent ! great ending! 1000/10 lol! 10/10
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