Troubled Souls
I never fully understood the meaning of love. My mom always said that it’s the most wonderful thing that can ever happen to someone. She said that love is what brought me into this world, and that’s why she loves well, “love.” I still don’t understand of what my mother was trying to explain exactly, and call me clueless if you want but that’s how I feel.
10 years later
Monday, March 1, 2004
Beginning of School Term
Mosley House
7:00 A.M. bi-pipi-bi-pipi
“Good morning! Its 7:00 A.M. here at MO’S Rock Channel 6 double O! It’s a lovely Monday morning, and what a day it is. Huh? Do you here that? I think you do, and that goes for the guys out there. The sound of spring, and the laughter of the young and beautiful vibrant school girls! Yes everybody and you know what that means? School is in session, and mini-skirts! You guys are so lucky! >.< Wish I was in High School again. Those were great times. I remember when…”
??? : (Begins to wake up and a hand reaches out for the alarm clock) *Click* (Grabs the alarm clock and brings it towards the unknown face. Looks up to see the time) Hmmm (Eyes are droopy, and finally sees what time it is. It reads: 7:05 A.M.) Huh? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!!
The whole neighborhood is shown while the unknown figure screams out loud.
??? : *Hello. My name is Anna Mosley (15), and I was born on February 6, 1988. I’m a second year at Soul High, and my clubs are the Library Club, and the Cooking Club. I live with my younger brother Toma and our guardian Chase Peters.* (Rushing out of her room) Toma! Toma! Toma wake up! You’re going to be late! This can’t possibly happen. I never wake up this late, and just because I had to watch my show late last night. Jeez! Why can’t I say “no” to I Love Lucy? (Goes into Toma’s bedroom) Toma I said to wake up you little bug!
Toma: (Stirs in his bed, but continues to sleep) Slee...ep...py… (Starts to snore once again)
Anna: <Fine you going to play like that> (Looks around to see a pair of earmuffs on the floor. She puts them on, and fines her other object: A blow horn. Laughs evilly and begins to count softly) 1…2…3! (Blows the horn, and a loud noise was heard)
Toma: (Eyes widen up and screams) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Looks like his body jolted up, and slams back down to his bed, but immediately falls off his bed) Ah… oww…HEY! What the hell Anna! Can’t you wake me up like normal people?! Damn it! Owww… (Whines) my head…
Anna: *This is Toma (11), my younger brother and my only sibling. He’s eleven years old, and he was born on November 3, 1992. He’s a second year at Chichibu Junior High, and his hobbies are soccer and making sure he gets enough chances to embarrass the heck out of me.* (Smiles) I’ve tried that, but you’re so stubborn when you sleep. Maybe it’s time you bought yourself an alarm clock and start waking yourself up. I’m getting quite tired of always having to wake you up. You lazy bum!
*As you might have already notice I haven’t mention a thing about my parent’s. Well, you see they’re dead. It’s just Toma and me. Dad die not knowing that mother was pregnant of Toma. She was so excited that day. She was bouncing with joy, but when we got home my mom received a call from a police officer saying that my dad was in a car accident. They said that the driver was drunk, and was put in jail for 10 years. I don’t know what good that will do though. At that time I didn’t understand, but once my mom explained to me all I could do was cry. I wouldn’t be able to see his smile anymore. I wouldn’t be able to listen to his laughter, and I wouldn’t feel his warm arms around me when he hugged me. I was only four when it happened. After Toma was born Mom and I talked a lot of things about dad, and Toma he just listened. He was just only a baby still. Then mom began to feel sick. I knew she was hurting inside, but she always tried to hide it. Strong was the word that described my mom the most. She always looked alive and free, but that didn’t last. Even if it was just the three of us mom couldn’t continue on living. Two years had past since my dad’s incident, and then mom died. It really surprised a lot of people. It left them in shock. Mom’s family especially because they knew that she was strong, and that she wouldn’t get sick easily. She wasn’t weak, you know? However, the doctors at the hospital said it was from stress, but I believe that mom died because of heartbreak. I’m not mad at her for leaving us. I know she loved dad very much, and I’m happy that they’re together once again. Everyone came to her funeral, and surprisingly dad’s mom; who hated my mom, came to give her respects. It seems “Mama Mosley” as we like to call her did like my mom because all through the funeral she wouldn’t stop crying and saying, “I’m sorry.” They had to finally pull Mama Mosley away from the coffin that was holding mom. Toma kept asking for mom. I didn’t know what to do, and I started to cry, “Mommy… Mommy…she’s gone Toma.” He didn’t understand, and he ended crying too.
Once the funeral was over my parent’s lawyer and good friend; Chase Peters, said they had left a will. This is what it said:
“Everyone, if you are reading this then it means we are no longer living. We apologize.
Are only concern is our child/children, and we beg you to look after them. We’ve decided that her/him/they will continue living in the same house, and that Chase Peters will be hers/his/they’re guardian. You have been with us since we we're young and you have been our besttest friend that any of us could ever have. We would appreciate if you moved in with our child/children, and be her/his/their guardian.
Everything else will be owned by our child/children when she/he/they have reached an age. Goodbye.
Ace & Page Mosley
It was really hard for both Toma and me. Toma couldn’t stop crying. He would ask for mom, and I just didn’t know how to explain it to him that mom had died. How can you tell a child of two that he won’t be able to see his mother again? Huh? Answer me that. I couldn’t, but it broke me to see him in so much pain.
One night he came to my room. I asked him what was wrong, but the only thing he did was just stare. Then he broke the silence by asking, “Is mom dead?” Then there was more silence. He surprised me. He then continued telling me about how he had asked his teacher about death, and that she explained to him when one dies they aren’t able to come back. They fall asleep and they stay a sleep. He had also ask her were that one person goes.
Toma is talking with his teacher. She reply’s, “If that person was bad then that person goes to the bad place which adults call it “hell” but if that person was good then that person goes to the good place which adults call it “heaven. (Gives him a warm smile) Understand?”
Toma: Is that true? Mommy can’t come back? Because she’s in heaven, right? (Starts to cry)
Anna: (Smiles, but begins to cry too) Yes, Toma. Mommy is in heaven just like daddy. They’re together, and they’re watching over us. They wouldn’t want us sad. They would want us to be strong and happy (Starts to cry even more. Hugs Toma) we have to be, ok? Promise me?
Toma: (Cries more, and hugs Anna tighter) Ok. *Sniff* I promise.
After that we talked about dad and mom a lot. We even called our parent’s families and friends, and asked about them. How they were, how they acted, and what did they mostly do when they were together. Stuff like that.
One of the things we learn is that they loved going to the park. My grandma Nola told me that the park was the very first place my parent’s ever took me to, so every Sunday we would go to the park. We usually go sometimes on our free time, but not so much now because of school. However, I will never skip out Sundays for nothing.
We have been living together now for ten years. I’ve been like a mother to Toma, but not all the time. Remember he is still my little brother, and sometimes he could just be a little devil. Thankfully, Chase Peters is with us right now, so he kind of puts us both in check when we’re getting out of hand. Except, other times he can’t help but join
Love, that’s what this story is really about. How to identify it and sense it, but similar to what I said in the beginning I don’t really understand. Worse thing is Toma isn’t familiar with it either. He never received love from father, and not enough from mother. Mom never had the chance to clarify about emotions like “love” to him. I know love is a reaction that you feel right away. You feel it in your guts. It’s so much that is just hard for me to make clear. Hopefully, Toma and I get the chance to experience, and find it on our own like mother did.*
Toma: Jeez! What ever happen to being nice to your “little” brother? Huh?! (Rubs his wounding ears) Who’s lazy!? Huh?! I’m not the one that always leaves your dirty “bras” hanging in the shower, so don’t be telling me that I’m lazy. Beside that’s why I got you to wake me up. Remember it’s your responsibility!
Anna: Hey! You leave my undergarments alone, and who do you think you are bossing me around?!
Toma: Chase gave you that job. Remember?
Anna: (Silence) Umm…yeah…he did (Feels a bit embarrassed) but your damn old enough to be waking yourself up! I’m going to talk to Chase about it after he gets back from work.
Toma: He’s been getting out of work pretty late these couple of weeks. Don’t you think?
Anna: Yeah, he has, but if I have to wait for him then I’ll wait. Anyways, get up you lazy a**, and get ready.
Toma: I’m not lazy! (Shouts out annoyed)
Anna: Yeah-yeah… Just hurry up and get ready, ‘k?
Toma: (He looks at Anna and rudely answers her) Yeah-yeah (Pauses for a moment and grins) Hey, sis?
Anna: Yeah (Now standing outside Toma’s bedroom door) what is it?
Toma: (Get’s up, and walks to the door and says) Next time when you come in my room make sure you’re wearing shorts. What would the neighbors think, and think about Chase too. Looking at your panties this early in the morning would make him sick to his stomach. What am I saying? It would make any guy gag (Quickly slams the door on her face, and then locks it as he laughs)
Anna: (Red in the face from embarrassment and anger) Why you little demon! (Begins to pound the door) You little s**t head! Get your a** out!
Toma: I love you too (Keeps laughing) [(Sighs happily) Now that was good. Got to note it down (Laughs again)]
Anna: (Pissed off) Toma! You better be down stairs in ten minutes! Got it?! Or I’ll personally break the door down! (She then heads downstairs)
Toma: Loud and clear “Ms. Nasty Panties!” [She would too. She did it last month, and Chase had to replace it. He ended up lecturing us. More Anna for breaking the door]
Anna: [He is so going to pay after school] (Heads towards the kitchen, and starts breakfast and lunch for Toma)
20 minutes later
Anna: Toma! Hurry up or you’ll miss the bus.
Toma: Jeez! I heard you the first ten times (Irritated)
Anna: So sorry for caring! (She says aggravated herself) and don’t think I forgot what you said to me upstairs. I'm getting you later. Also I don’t want any more notes from your teachers saying that you’re fighting with your classmates again. Understand?
Toma: Hey, it’s not my fault that they're the one’s always looking for a fight and especially Tojo. I’ve told you he has it in for me ever since what? Third grade!
Anna: Then tell your teachers when Tojo is bugging you, ‘k? (Hands him his lunch)
Toma: (Grabs his lunch, and says) what?! Are you kidding me! I never back out from a fight. How will my reputation look if they thought I was a wimp? Besides I just can’t stop being friends with Emi. It would make that b*****d to ******** happy, and that’s the last thing I want to do. Making that loser happy (Riled up)
Anna: (She looked at him shocked, and then sending him a death glare) Hey! Watch your mouth! Ah- Emi? (Smiles mischievously) hey Toma?
Toma: What? (Annoyed)
Anna: You haven’t talked about this girl before. Do I know her? (Gives him a questioning look)
Toma: (Feels unsure if he should answer) No…why?
Anna: Toma? Don’t tell me you…
Toma: I what? (Sounds bothered)
Anna: Don’t tell me you have a crush on this girl?! (Smile at Toma)
Toma: (Blushes and begins to stutter) w-what! Are you crazy or something?! Of course I don’t! She’s j-just a friend! You see she didn’t know any one last year, so we became friends. Tojo is the one who likes her! Not me! Got that! If he starts something with me I’m not backing out! (Huffing and puffing. Extremely red on the face)
Anna: (Smile, but becomes serious) Toma I’m warning you. If you misbehave one more time you’re in big trouble. I don’t want Chase going to the principal again. Got it!?
Toma: Fine. I’ll try not to fight, but it’s not going to be easy I can tell you that (Then runs to the bus stop his face still quite red) Bye! [Me? Like Emi? She’s got to be kidding!] ~Note: He gets to school on the bus. It only takes him about 20-30 minutes to get to school. There are three buses so he can’t be late
Anna: Bye! (Waves good-bye and heads back to the house. She then looks at the time. It reads: 7:30 A.M.) Ok. Now that gives me a little time to pick up the house before I head for school (First starts in her bedroom, then the kitchen, and goes to the living room. She then stops at a desk, and stares at a picture frame) [It’s all ready been ten years since mom died. It's sad really. I miss her so much, and so does Toma. It's even harder for him. I know that not having mom around upsets him a lot. If he only just learn to control his temper.] *After the will was given Mama Mosley didn’t agree about Toma and me living with Chase. However, she knew that Chase is a good person and that he wouldn’t hurt us, but I know she’d preferred it that we would of moved in with her. Ever since then Mama Mosley would call us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights just to check how everything was going at home or at school. Mama Mosley was one of the bitchiest old ladies that ever lived, and then her whole world turned up side down. She then becomes the sweetest person ever. Well, like some people say, “Death changes people.” It just happens* (Sighs and looks up at the clock) Huh? (Clock reads: 7:50 A.M.) Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! I’m going to be late! (Get’s her bag, locks the front door, and heads for school) ~Note: She gets to school in 20 minutes. Running
Outside the Neighboring Town
Anna: (Running toward school) * Soul High is not one of the best schools, and it doesn’t have the best of students either. Last year I heard that some guy pulled a knife on another kid. I heard from Keiko that both kids were in different gangs. The one gang is called the Cross and the other are called the Skulls. Both were similar. They were not to mess with. If you ever got yourself into trouble with these guys there’s no escape. There are also two more gangs here at school. The third is called the T.N.T’s and finally the Tears the only girl group in Soul High. Keiko by the way is my number one best friend from Junior High. We both went to Chichibu. Keiko (16) born on July 14, 1988, is in the Photography Club & Cooking Club. I also have three other close friends. There is Eres (16) born on August 12, 1987, is in the Cooking Club, Gymnastics Team, and has many other interesting hobbies, Gabriel aka “Gabe” (16) born on June 16, 1987, is in the Basketball Team & Photography Club, and last but not least Luna (16) born on January 3, 1988, is in the Library Club, Walking Club, Astronomy Club and I don’t know why, but I have a strange feeling that she may be keeping something from all of us.*
Arriving at Soul High
Anna: [I wonder if anyone has arrived yet. Hmm] (Looks around) [Keiko should have been here by now] Where could she… Huh? (Looks to her left) [Speak of the devil] Keiko!
Keiko: Hmm? (Turns around) An-Chan! Good Morning!
Anna: (Heads towards Keiko, and stops in front of her) Morning Keiko! How was you’re week with you’re grandparent’s?
Keiko: (Suddenly turns sour) Awful! Well, for the most part I guess.
Anna: Why? What happened? (Looking a bit worried for her friend)
Keiko: Guess who came to visit? (Says annoyingly)
Anna: (Looks confused, but then thinks about it) [Hmm? Who would make Keiko this riled up? Who…!] No.
Keiko: (Looks at Anna) If you guessed it all ready; yeah, she came (She shudders)
Anna and Keiko: Leila.
Keiko: DAMN IT! Why did she have to come exactly when I’m visiting the farm! I just can’t stand her! (In rage)
Anna: Hey, but didn’t you tell me that you made sure she wasn’t coming?
Keiko: Yeah. I kept on checking with my mom, and she said that they were going to be out of town, so they wouldn’t be able to visit Nana Chole and Grandpa Yuri. Unfortunately, they still ******** came! (Pissed off) and that’s not all. You know what else is worse? That little rodent is ******** blackmailing me! Do you believe THAT! Me?! The mistress of all evil!
Anna: What!? How? Why? What did you do to get her upset?
Keiko: Hey! Shouldn’t you worry more about me and not her! Remember I’m the victim here!
Anna: Of course I’m worried about you Keiko, but why is she blackmailing you for?
Keiko: Well, that last time you came with me to my grandparent’s remember I broke by accidently one of her vases?
Anna: (Nods) And?
Keiko: Then you remember that we told Grandpa Yuri about it right, and he told Nana Chole that he had broken it which, I might add got him in so much trouble because of me. Also remember Leila was visiting too, and that little twit saw everything!
Anna: What!? You’ve joking?
Keiko: Note serious face (She pointed to her face) Do you think I would joke about something like this? Especially, if that exact person that we're all talking about is none other than my evil bratty Cousin Leila. Hell’s no! She says if I became her slave she wouldn’t tell Nana Chole about the incident, so I did what I wouldn’t dare myself do.
Anna: No. You didn’t, right? Keiko
Keiko: I agreed An-Chan (She began to cry ashamed of her decision)
Anna: Keiko (Feels sorry for Keiko) I’m sorry.
Keiko: Don’t worry An-Chan. (She stops crying and grins evilly) I have a plan!
Anna: What are you going to do? We’re talking about Leila here. Remember!?
Keiko: I know, and that’s why I decided to get a job to pay Nana Chole and tell her everything myself.
Anna: Hey, that’s a good idea. I wish you the best of luck!
Keiko: Jeez, An-Chan. (Smiles happily up to Anna) Thanks a lot.
All of a sudden a fast breeze suddenly appears behind them. What could it be? {I know!}
Anna and Keiko: Whoa!
? : Hello ladies miss me? (A guy’s voice was heard from behind the two girls)
Keiko and Anna: Huh? (They both look behind their shoulder)
? : Yo! (Smirks while lifting both skirts getting a good peek at their panties) {I’m evil. O yes! }
Soul Boys: (Whistles) “Cute panties girls!” “That made my day!” (The boys continue laughing and whistling at the now two beat red faced girls)
Keiko and Anna: (Turn crimson, and screamed at their top of their lungs. Then they quickly pull their skirts down) Hentai! (Both automatically raised their arms each making a tight fist. One to the left the other to the right) Bunch!
? : (Holding both his cheeks) Oww! Was it necessary for both of you to hit me? Jeez! One hit was enough don’t you think? (Acting all innocent)
Keiko and Anna: No it wasn’t you pervert!!!
Keiko: Next time you do that and I’ll CHOP OFF BOTH YOU’RE HANDS! UNDERSTAND!
? : (Scared out of his wits) yeah loud and clear, Keiko.
Anna: Gabe really what urge you to do this so early in the morning?
Gabe: I was bored and I saw you two. I’m sorry I couldn’t help it. Remember I’m a guy after all (He grinned proud of himself)
Anna: You better start controlling you’re self before Keiko kills you. You know I don’t like fighting with you, but I’ll let Keiko take my fights if I have to (She eyed him warningly)
Gabe: Yeah I know and… (He looked at Keiko’s direction)
Keiko: …I’d love to do it too (She finished his sentence while cracking her knuckles)
Gabe: Hey, Keiko?
Keiko: WHAT? (Left eye is twitching)
Gabe: You seem more edgy today. What’s up?
Keiko: O that. Well, it’s my cousin she’s causing me trouble again (Annoyed as hell just thinking of Leila)
Gabe: Yeah? So why not beat the crap out of her like you do to me? (He stood up putting his hands in his pockets as he looked at her curiously)
Keiko: Because she’s black mailing me, and THAT’S WHY I’M ******** PISSED. THEN YOU “MR. PERVERT” STARTS THE DAY BY LIFTING OUR SKIRTS! (Looks evil)
Gabe: Can’t you take a little innocent joke? (Smiles weakly)
Keiko: No! I can’t you leach! (Getting tired) Why do I even argue with you?
Anna: Keiko calm down you’re making a scene (Looks around her surroundings)
Keiko: (Looks too) Sorry An-Chan.
Gabe: (Mutters a laugh) so… where were you girls heading?
Anna: We were heading towards the auditorium. Actually, we just stopped to talk, but don’t tell me that you’re not going? (She asked him)
Gabe: Of course I am, but I need to talk to one of the guys from the basketball team.
Keiko: Well you better hurry up because the ceremony is about to begin. Come on An-Chan lets go (Still angry with Gabe)
Anna: ‘k. See you later Gabe (Starts to walk away with Keiko)
Gabe: I’ll see you guys later at the ceremony then [O before I leave…] (Smiles evilly) Keiko before you leave… I really like you’re silky white panties they look quite sexy today, but An-Chan you should really think about changing into something more attractive! Pink with teddies is out of style you know!
Keiko and Anna: (Freezes on the spot)
Soul Boys: (They look towards the girls and laugh) Good one Adams!
Gabe: Thanks! (He bows to the guy’s with a grinned, and the looks towards the girls) [3…2…1…]
Keiko: (Red with anger and embarrassment) Gabe! (Turns around to find that Gabe had already left) You coward! Come back here! (Runs after Gabe) When I get my hands on you your dead! Do you here me Gabriel Adams? DEAD!
Anna: (Extremely embarrassed) …out of style? (Still frozen like a rock) [I can’t believe this is the second time someone has made fun of my underwear TODAY! Gabe is so going to get it!] I just hope nobody else saw them (Looks around and sees guys starring at her. She blushes) [Gabe you’re SO dead!] (Runs towards the screaming Keiko) I want a piece of him too!
Keiko: Uhg! Where the hell did he go? He just disappeared [Come out, come out, where ever you are!] Where the hell did he get to? Huh? (She sees someone who just turned the corner of the building) I got you (She whispers softly as she smiles evilly. Sneaks quietly and pounces on her victim) I got you worthless excuse for a man!
? : Oww! HEY! Get off me! (The trampled victim shouts out)
Keiko: Like hell I will you pervert! I’m going to kill you for looking and talking about my underwear! You nasty JERK!
? : Who you calling a pervert!
Anna: Keiko! Where are you? (She calls out to Keiko since she lost track of her)
Keiko: Over here! I got him! I caught the filthy little rat! (She called out as she shook him violently)
Anna: Huh? (Runs towards the screaming Keiko) Gabe you’re so going to get it (Looks down at him) Huh? Keiko?
Keiko: What? (She looked back at Anna)
Anna: Hey Keiko, that’s not Gabe (Still staring down)
Keiko: (Blinks her eye repeatedly) Huh? (Looks down and sees in front of her a totally different guy) O my God! I’m so sorry (Helps him up) I thought you were someone we knew.
? : It’s all right, but next time that you’re ready to jump someone make sure it’s the right person? (He says a little annoyed, but simply smiles up to Keiko as he cleans off his dusty suit)
Keiko: (Blushes) Deal (Smiles nervously) [Hey, he’s not all that bad looking. How come I haven’t seen him before?]
Anna: Well since we didn’t find Gabe we should be going Keiko, or we’re going to be late for the opening ceremony.
Keiko: (She nodded in agreement, and turned back her attention to the cute victim) Well, I’m sorry again for pouncing on you, and thank you for not suing me (She laughed embarrassed)
??? : No problem (Gives a quick glance at Anna. Then turns back to Keiko) any one as cute as you I don’t think I’ll mind it (He chuckles)
Anna: [Huh? Did he just look at me?]
Keiko: (She blushed, and giggles) Thanks. I’ll remember that next time I see you. Well, I guess we’ll see you around then. Come on An-Chan the girls are probably looking for us.
Anna: Coming (She stops to look at the guy cautiously) We’re sorry again for the mishap. Bye (She runs to Keiko)
? : (Looks towards the direction the girls had just left) Anna…
[Chapter one is OVER! So who could this guy be? And what is he up to? Will Anna change panties? Will Keiko get revenge? We’ll soon fine out on the next CHAPTER].

- Title: Troubled Souls
- Artist: Toarnaa
- Description: It's about a girl of 16 yrs. old who had gone through a lot when she was younger, but now starting her first year of high school she's confronted by her long lost past. Old friends & new!! Love triangles, black mail, laughter, tears, and a whole lot of flash backs. @.@ --- Enjoy ^^!
- Date: 07/17/2008
- Tags: troubledsouls
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Comments (3 Comments)
- asukakitty22 - 01/15/2009
I hope you didn't write Gabe's part from experience... o.O
*begs on hands and knees* Please post more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Report As Spam
- Toarnaa - 07/17/2008
- I have 5 other chapters but I'll be putting those up another time. ^^
- Report As Spam
- Wowo_kin - 07/17/2008
- loved the story, read it to the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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