I was depressed as I stared out of the moving car window. I was in this gloomy state of mind because we were moving. Again. The sight outside of my window was very different than what I normally see though. Every other time it was night time. This time it is in the early morning. It was raining in this early morning so the sun wasn't out.
It's also different because as my car inched through town, I got strange looks from kids off to school and there parents off to work. Although the windows were tinted, I felt like I was on display for all to see.
The biggest difference of all was that not all of my family was here. This time it was just me, my sister, Alexis, and my parents. My brother is the one that is missing. His name is Alexander and he is Alexis' twin. Our parents are trusting him to live on his own.
We all look very similar but very different at the same time. The resemblance is in the eyes and face. We all have deathly pale skin and glowing green eyes. My part of the family traits end there because there is one thing that I didn't get in the change. My hair is as blakc as a starless night sky. This seems to make my skin paler and eyes greener. I have highlighted my hair with deep red, to try to give my charcol hair a less dead look but I don't think that it has worked. For generations my family has had sleek, blonde hair. I was different.
I was the only one in my family that doesn't like the fact that we are moving in the morning, or even, at all. We wouldn't be moving so soon if Alexis had just kept her mouth shut during dinner last night. Curse the night that she oh-so-inosenly suggested, "I think we should try moving in the morning."
"Why in heaven or hell would you want us to do that?" replied my father, "You know what happens to us in the sun."
"I know. But just think, we leave tonight and head north. We could be on Canada's border before midnight." I knew that she would have thought this through before confrunting us.
"That's loonisy!" I cried at her from across the table.
"Now Sammantha Anne, don't be so close minded," my mother scolded, "I actually think that you sister might be on to something increadable. If we could live in the day-time hours, the others won't be as suspisous as they usually are." So like momto side with her.
"They'll be suspisous either way. We aren't like normally people. Normal people don't usually want to bite into each other the first chance they get." I said haughtly. I wasn't going to let us leave again so soon.
"Their suspitions will be lessened if we are seen during the day and didn't keep to oursleves so much." snapped Alex.
"You know the reason we keep to ourselves is because of our skin problem!" I screamed, abruptly standing up. "Personally, I want to see the sun in something other than a picture!" There was silence as the room took in what I, Ms. Goth, had just screamed to the world.
"Honey, you know that we can't go out in the sun. But if we moved to a place with little or no sun at all, you can go out 24/7." My mother really did sound sorry for my plea as she said this.
"And you could get to know some really cute boys." Alex added enthusiastically.
"I don't care about boys," I said, exhausted, "and dad doesn't like you dating people like us. What would he say to you even liking someone from another species?"
"Actually," dad hesitated, "I wouldn't mind because I know it wouldn't be a long term relationship."
"Fine! Do what you want, I'm going to go hunt!" I ran out of the house in utter fury.
* * *
So now I'm going from a place I louved in Michigan, to a place I'm sure I will hate, where everyone smiles and says "Great weather, ey?", in the rainy town of Winnepeg.
We reached the new house's front gate. As I looked up to take in the horridness of it, might spirits were lifted, ever so slightly. It was the single most beautiful house I had ever seen, let alone lieved in.
It was a three story, black and grey mansion. It also had a small tower coming off the roof with either bats, ravens, or a mixture of the two circling it in the late moonlight. It was my perfect dream house.
Even though it was our arrivle day, dad was making us go to school to "make new friends", which I found highly unlikely. Now I have to walk to school with Alex by my side, yammering on and on about how wonderful the schoolday would be. What fun.
This is my image of Sammantha Anne
Chapter One: New Places
part of the pack 3033
This is about a vampire teen that is not like the rest of her family. Her family is all perfect and happy all the time and she feels like she doesn't belong. Little does she know, she doesn't belong. This is the first chapter in the book. Later on she isn't the new girl anymore as her sister arrives at the same school. The two start to get along, never knowing that they are so close.
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