Writing Arena SpotLight
- a pen by orangechanel
- have you ever wondered how a pen should be treted, if it has any use beyond writting?
- love by 1996black_roses
- should LGBT be able to get married o and if you don't know i will explain what LGBT means
- Reading for Dear Life by Williams J Grayce
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- when you see by Ninja bluemonkey
- my first time
- The Stone by xXxKnightAngelxXx
- The Stone is A magical object that allows The Chosen to leave the dream world and enter the real. When first in affect, only the Dreamer of the chosen can see them. It is said to be the most powerful object in the universe. An...
- My Birthday Story by gavinrivera
- A bad day can turn into a good day in a matter of seconds.
- The best dream. . . by rylenosha
- I had this dream in fourth grade(I'm in 8th now). Even though it's been so long I remember clearly.
- Claude Descartes (2) by JohnLeprechaun
- Chapter 2 of my fanfiction of Harry Potter. It takes place in the generation of Harry's children. Some concepts, characters, settings, and phrases are property of J.K. Rowling, but since I'm not making any money off of this thi...
- stolen fake by Akorn23
- this girl is taken her name is Evra shes 14 and they only want her too gey to him... or thats what she thinks. Comment plz and tell me if its a good story and if i should keep writing or abandon the story all together
- From whom will the picture? by Akagi Peart
- Guess who is the image
- description of the sun by Aoife24601
- the title ses it all so ya
- A Haunting in KY by floweryouko1
- Now you have a choice, you can believe or you can deny it, that is your choice via free will. But don't call me a nut job or crazy because what is one persons belief is anothers myth.
- The Story of Moon by vampire_star_night
- this is like a love/scary story and yea i know some of u will say its not scary but i told this to my 6 year old sister and she was scared 4 days my dad was really mad at me and so yea hope you like it and plez comment and rate
- autumn dream by happy_days222
- mmy dream i had of my ex... this is the letter i wrote to him
- Psychology: the Lost Art by Nakamura Stark
- This is for Wrestling Fans mostly. Comments are appreciated.
- A BROKEN HEART OF STEEL by Xxhinata_loves_youxX
- PART 1 this is my experience. when u r reading, just think "I" instead of mary. i changed it to mary so my parents wouldn't be able to tell it was me. enjoy! plz comment
- The Broken Butterfly by Kashloggi Jones
- This is dedicated to some dear friends of mine The Demares in particular. Thanks, guys. This is a true story of my life, please don't comment crudely.
- The day i keep reliving by XxRaWr_HuGGleZxX
- a personal narrative on the day my parents split up